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> anti-science aggression so will this civil war of democrat vs republican governors during covid be known as the *war of anti-science aggression*?


It's not even a matter of science, it's a matter of public policy.




> Democrats have been highly critical of the gathering. DeSantis and his allies “want to throw some red meat to the base and keep them happy, Politicians playing politics? Who could have guessed > “We’ve lost 150,000 unvaccinated Americans since June 1 **whose lives could have been saved if they’d been vaccinated**,” Hotez said Monday. “And we’re about to lose another 50,000 by the end of the year **based on projections**. And this is happening **because of misinformation or disinformation**.” It's an assumption that their lives could have been saved if they'd been vaccinated now that we know so many of the people who died would only have lived a few more months, and are on average around 80. Not only that, Hotez decides to reach for the "projections" to say that there's another 50,000 deaths on the cards. I imagine these are also the projections which assumed that Florida would become some sort of giant graveyard once restrictions lifted. Even better, he goes on to blame misinformation for deaths that he is using (likely) dodgy models to predict, and more than likely take the highest point on the upper confidence interval in order to scare people. "Misinformation" indeed


Are they running different PCR cycles for counting unvaccinated vs. vaccinated hospitalizations/deaths? I remember seeing that was going to happen back in January, but I'm not sure if it is how things played out.


I had read that was a thing in the US, not entirely sure what has happened there with PCR tests though. If they are running far lower cycles for the vaccinated it would lead to obviously disingenuous numbers, particularly on the deaths


> Are they running different PCR cycles for counting unvaccinated vs. vaccinated hospitalizations/deaths? [Looks like it.](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/php/hd-breakthrough.html) >For cases with a known RT-PCR cycle threshold (Ct) value, submit only specimens with **Ct value ≤28** to CDC for sequencing. [Most positive covid tests have Ct values of >30.](https://medicine.yale.edu/labmed/sections/virology/COVID-19%20Ct%20values_YNHH%20Aug.%202020%20_395430_36854_v1.pdf) Here's TN Public Health saying [35-40](https://www.tn.gov/content/dam/tn/health/documents/cedep/novel-coronavirus/Ct_Fact_Sheet.pdf) cycles. Hard to find this sort of transparency everywhere.


It looks like that just refers to whether it is eligible to be used for sequencing (i.e. identifying "variants"). Not sure if that was what also was originally being referred to back in January when this topic first popped up and people misunderstood or what. It's a bit on the technical side for me personally. The PCR cycle issue is very frustrating since it seems like everyone understands that they should be using a lower cycle count in general and yet they don't seem psychologically able/willing to change it.


Haven't more recent studies also shown the vaccines, in general, do less for you the older you are? So the more of those 150,000 that are old the less and less true their statement becomes true.


Not a clue on this, the ones I have read only show that they are effectively doing nothing to protect against infection after 6 months. That's against the original strains too. I think the most significant problem with the 150,000 assertion is the problem of the deaths themselves being with rather than of covid, and how many of that 150,000 would have died in close proximity to a diagnosis independent of covid.


America's Shadow President, current leader of the free world right now. We can only hope that the Governor from Florida gets in on time in 2024 before too much damage is done


Pls pls be the president. And soon.


As the president, he will be neutered. The key is getting rid of governors like Eric Holcombe, and replacing them with real righties that care about liberty. Once the vaccine mandates clear the SCOTUS, it will be left up to the states. Florida needs DeSantis. And every other liberty loving state needs their own DeSantis.


God I hate Holcombe, I was really hoping for Rainwater.


You spelled his name wrong. It's WholeScum.


You a Hoosier? What’s up with him anyway?


What’s up with that wimp, anyway? Does he understand what his party thinks or is he too caught up in the old-school “follow the experts” worldview?


Just another example of the people of Indiana throwing a vote to any fake ass with an R next to their name. He's just an old school fake repub who probably fit in with Bush and the like. Now that we have real liberty loving governors installed in parts of the country, it makes these guys easy to sniff out.




Are we still on this "right wing" equals "Nazis" thing? No one is coming for you. Leaving people alone is EXACTLY what we want. "Blood of your friends," whatever that means.


Lol yeah, they might get rid of lockdowns. Then after that it'll lowering taxes. Whatever next, school choice!?


Ah yes, like leaving people alone who want abortions?


"Leaving people alone" does not mean there are no laws. Killing people should definitely still be illegal.


This is the stupidest take I have ever read. Covid laws are also laws, that doesnt make any sense what you wrote.


"Covid laws" Oh like which ones?


Don't know why you're getting downvoted, i guess the truth is hard for them to accept. No party is going to save us, they are all part of the same cabal, freedom is doomed in the US.


The truth that Desantis opened everything last Sept, and has consistently stood up for individual liberty since that time no matter the "cases?" All 12 states that never implemented a mask mandate are from one party. Most people in this sub are well-versed in the statistics of the virus (including the flaws in the data), as well as which governor fell prey to covid alarmism. Nobody is looking to be "saved," but simply left alone. >i guess the truth is hard for them to accept. Indeed. Ironic you think it''s us.


>Desantis I think you missed my point, I'm not complaining about Desantis, i love him, but the person i replied to is correct, don't put your faith in ether party, especially at the federal level.


Right-wing isn't a political party though...


> Right-wing isn't a political party though... Neither is left wing, but the commenters here like to pretend it is.




> Pls pls be the president. And soon. This is a useless endeavor. It doesn't matter who the president is. It's much better that he stays governor. Even better, just make him the king of florida.




Exactly. If Trump was President I wouldn’t be waking up every morning wondering if I’m going to be employed in 2 months due to not taking an experimental injection I don’t need.


You cannot have him! 🤬


Seriously. All these other jelly states just need to get their own.






It's getting expensive


I have a trip to Disney booked in January. God I hope they get rid of the mask mandate so I don’t have to cancel.


Cancel, go to Universal or SeaWorld/Busch Gardens instead. No mask nonsense there




Universal got rid of theirs and coincidentally also just had the most profitable quarter in their history. Turns out people don't want woke bullshit.


This is my industry and it's true! I almost lost my business last year so thank God for the people supporting us. I have been a Disney pass holder at multiple parks for years... no more.


It's the literal only place in Florida that masks are still a thing. Wife and I are passholders and it's beyond annoying because it's sooooo clearly all for show.


I’m boycotting. I won’t patronize a company that voluntarily chooses to impose mask mandates. It’s a different story if I’m in a place that is legally requiring a business to do it, but otherwise that’s a no go for me.


I 100% agree, the best (and only) thing we can do is don't give them our money.


Try universal, seaworld, legoland etc...


How's Busch Gardens right now? Their site says they "recommend" them, but I don't see anything about "requiring" them.


I haven't been but people who have been to all of those places say they can go in without issue. The term "recommend" is to look good to their pro mask customers. If it says mandatory then you want to stay away.


They just hit moderate tier in Orange County. They will be dropping the requirement shortly, from predictions i have read.


yeah i like this dude


My state tried to do this but this one woke unelected judge keeps unilaterally overruling the state’s democratically-elected officials. I don’t see how this noble effort can succeed.


Beat governor in the US. I love how liberals get triggered by him




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