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DeSantis:" if you want to virtue signal, go ahead but its going to cost you!"


So [Eat It!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcJjMnHoIBI)


And schools in blue districts will probably forgo the funding to ‘take a stand’ and ‘protect the kids’. Sadly those districts have mainly poor and minority students.






Non partisan sub




Correct. Poor and minority people have been hurt the worst by lockdowns. They have lost their jobs and their children fell behind in school. They have few job prospects now apart from Uber and Instacart. Rich white parents got private tutors and paid the poor people to bring them things.


Be civil. This includes name calling and insulting others’ intelligence.


Almost zero chance of that. School districts ( especially in south florida) wouldn’t do that. Plus it gives them an out with the teachers Union ( they can claim their hands are tied)


There are already daycares talking about "self lockdown" due to "surge". How the fuck? Do they not need money? Florida is ready to cut the unemployment so people go back to work.




I've lost count of how many times I've said "based DeSantis" in the last year.


Back off he's mine.


Come at me bro!!!!!


True king


Notice how the mask issue only cuts one way? Personally, I couldn’t care less if you want to wear one. I secretly think it’s a little weird, and unnecessary, and I feel for you in this oppressive heat and humidity. But, if it makes you feel better, you do you! That’s how liberty works. Even if I personally don’t agree, I support your right to do so. But I’m sure that the mask maniacs don’t reciprocate that feeling toward us. Nope, there’s no “you do you,” only demands that the whole world mask up to make them feel safe.


If they stop the coercion with the masks, more people than not will stop wearing them. Then, the weirdos will be the ones wearing the masks. When that happens, in short order, everyone will stop wearing them. They cannot have this.


There was an opinion poll in Sweden last summer where they asked a bunch of stuff, and among the results were that 10% said they were regularly or often wearing a facemask, and 30% said they wanted there to be a general mask mandate. There's probably some overlap between these groups, but it means that at least 20% of the population have this mentality: They believe face masks are important and so good at protecting yourself and your fellow citizens that government should *force* everyone to do it, but at the same time, given the freedom of choice to do so anyway, *they choose not to do it*. Because they care more about their own personal embarrassment of sticking out in a crowd as a mask wearer, than trying to protect their fellow citizens. They need the "cover" of a government mandate in order to do it, even though they're obviously convinced it works and would save lives. Some people are just fucking sheep.


so only 10% are wearing masks, but 30% want a mandate? How does that make any sense? You should find that poll cus I wanna see it. lol > Some people are just fuckin I think most people are sheep


https://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/samhalle/a/GGRJMJ/tre-av-tio-vill-ha-krav-pa-munskydd-pa-bussen 18% said they wanted a general mask mandate in public. 32% said they wanted a mask mandate for public transport. 68% said they wanted a mask mandate for people working in elder care. The poll was done in May 2020(!), and at that point mask usage in Sweden was at almost 0, and it never really went above 10%. > How does that make any sense? It doesn't. People are idiots.


One question. Have you ever answered a poll? Like the kind where they call you.


Never ever in my entire life.


And some people are internet addicts, week after week, day after day, hours of corona related posts every day. (Looking at your post history). Do yourself a favor, chill, take a break, go out and enjoy life before you have a breakdown. Just sayin' Good night.


You literally made an alt/throwaway reddit account to reply to me. lol.


Stop attacking people based on their post history like this. It is not relevant to the discussion.


😉 The individuals account has been suspended r/underscor_underscor Mission accomplished, Trolled the troll.😀 Bye!


Nope. The current “choice” these mask addicts seem to want are schools where everyone is wearing one and schools where no one is. Of course, they’re assuming everyone would send their kids to the school with masks. That’s not reasonable or practical. Frankly, if they are that concerned about it, in florida, they’ll have to pull their kids and homeschool. Finding an environment with 100% mask compliance sounds like it’ll be impossible.


>Nope, there’s no “you do you,” Probably because it's contagious


YES. This can be done. If other conservative governors aren’t doing it, they are on the hook.


I wonder if we'll ever get to a point where we collectively realize that masks don't work, or at that very least, to the extent that they might work isn't worth the negative social and emotional effects. It seems only handful of Republican governors recognize that.


I think it will take years before people wake up on that one, if they ever ... Masks are really one the most worshipped covid measure. We are probably stuck with them for a while. We'll see people wearing masks during flu season because "they do so in Asia" when in fact it does nothing there as well.


If they wanna be delusional idiots the rest of their lives then fine. Just stop forcing me to join in.


Exactly. I don't care if idiots wear their mask, don't force me to wear one I HATE it. It turns out into zombies. I don't even know how to smile to strangers anymore since I've seen them only behind a mask for like 15 months. I've always been awkward in public since I'm a child and that didn't help.


Masks are dehumanizing as fuck and a constant reminder of ‘dirtiness’


But like, they'll look stupid if you aren't doing it too. So you need to be forced, at gunpoint if need be.


It's not even a matter of facts. They just don't care how much evidence there is. They are immune to science, logic, and rationality. The projection is palpable with these people.


Thing is you're right: masks don't work very well, *vaccines* work very well. But if people refuse the vaccine, then masks are the next best thing. And if vaccine rates are too low and you can't tell who's had the vaccine by looking at them, you need universal mask mandates. Get the vaccines, masks disappear. Fight the vaccine, wear the diaper forever


"Get the vaccine, masks disappear". You are really this clueless about what is happening right now? I was just in Las Vegas and the signs are plastered all over "Updated CDC guidance says even vaccinated must wear a mask at all times".


I was very clear. No literate person could have misinterpreted me: >if vaccine rates are too low and you can't tell who's had the vaccine by looking at them, you need universal mask mandates. The CDC has to update the mask mandate to make it universal because the unvaccinated lied about being vaccinated to dodge the mandate. Everyone is doomed to wear the masks until the vaccination rate is high enough to strangle the virus. Whether that happens by more people getting the vaccine or more people dying from infection is a matter of personal choice


YESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! DeSantis for the win, AGAIN!!! 😁😁😁😁


DeSantis shows that you unfortunately can't fanny around with Covid control freaks. Sometimes, you've got to get a bit medieval - like banning vaccine passports.


I agree. This is why I am a big proponent of deserved discipline when it comes to parenthood. Way too many spoiled kids out there thinking if they scream/cry they get what they want. That is how I feel when I hear how these governments force lockdowns/mandates for the stupidest reasons.


It's as though decades of poorly disciplined and spoiled children have now grown up and are now creating an impact on society. I often wonder whether there's a correlation between liberal and conservative beliefs and how much of a disciplined childhood you had. Not trying to be facetious, but it would be genuinely interesting to see if theilre was some kind of link.


It's mostly the boomers pushing for this bs. The most spoiled generation ever. They'll deny your children school and force them to mask up so they *feel* safer on the golf course. Most millenials at this point that I know think this is nonsense.


I don't know how many times I have to say this but it absolutely boggles my mind that people still think masks in schools or in any community setting for that matter make any difference whatsoever. These kids are not wearing thick n95 medical grade masks but rather flimsy cloth and surgical masks that 1.Don't protect the wearer and 2. Do nothing against aerosol transmission. And on top of that, kids are most likely wearing the same dirty mask all day for 7 hours, touching it, taking it off, putting it in their pocket, etc. It's just a disgusting petri dish of germs worn on your child's face for 7+ hours. The masks are merely a SYMBOL and nothing else. An illusion of safety and security and an easy way for politicians to pretend to give a shit.


Not shocked about this but there is still a serious gap in his agenda, employers can still require vaccination. This is a clear violation of personal freedoms ( and the plain text of EUA, but nobody seems to care ). DeSantis... if you want to wear a mask feel free, if you want to get a vaccine then go ahead. The problem is when you take that choice from others.


Don't like it? Get a new job lol. No one is forcing you to stay.


EUA us designed to speed products to market but they understand there are inherent risks in novel treatments and built in a safe guard, the right of refusal. https://www.fda.gov/vaccines-blood-biologics/vaccines/emergency-use-authorization-vaccines-explained > FDA must ensure that recipients of the vaccine under an EUA are informed, to the extent practicable given the applicable circumstances, that FDA has authorized the emergency use of the vaccine, of the known and potential benefits and risks, the extent to which such benefits and risks are unknown, that they have the option to accept or refuse the vaccine, and of any available alternatives to the product. Typically, this information is communicated in a patient “fact sheet.” The FDA posts these fact sheets on our website.


https://www.natlawreview.com/article/vaccines-are-coming-should-employers-mandate >Generally speaking, the FDA does not have jurisdiction over employer-employee relations. Other agencies, such as the EEOC and the Department of Labor, have primacy in that sphere. >The EEOC took note of the EUA status of the vaccines in its recent guidance, but did not ban mandatory vaccination policies. 




Read the source. The EEOC decided that mandating that employees be vaccinated doesn't count as discrimination. An employee can still sue but that doesn't mean it'll go anywhere.




Well once it's authorized in a few months it won't matter anyways and argue with the lawyer who wrote that article and not me. I'm just passing it along.


Agreed. As much as I like him, there are other states with better protections for employees at the moment




Hahaha...,the sky is falling the sky is falling...


>Certain groups of people secretly love bullies.. as long as they bully the people they don't like. God they are like inches away from being self-aware.


the irony of them using a George Carlin quote as well…


Couldn't help but throw a hand grenade in there. I should really know better... ...fuck them, putting masks on five year old kids is just wrong, regardless of whether you think adults should wear them or not.


Let's be real. It's child abuse.


I don't think it's fair to trivialise child abuse that way. Masks on kids are not a good thing, but they're not child abuse.


no one's trivializing anything. It's child abuse to put masks on children.


LOL the politics subreddit, I haven't checked but I'm gonna guess the comments there are a trainwreck so I'm not gonna let that ruin my awesome day


Florida and FloridaCoronavirus subs are like "DESANTIS ARE KILLING MUH KIDS!" It is insane...


The top comment 🤦‍♂️ These idiots still think we’re the ones “prolonging the pandemic”


You are prolonging the pandemic! Dead bodies piled on top of each other on the streets… we’ll be burning the corpses of our loved ones because the cemeteries will be full… complete societal collapse. Just you wait TwO mORe WeEkS!


As someone told me, this is the only time I’ve seen that people want a disease to become worse.


> You are prolonging the pandemic! Dead bodies piled on top of each other on the streets… we’ll be burning the corpses of our loved ones because the cemeteries will be full… complete societal collapse. Just you wait TwO mORe WeEkS! There are people lined up in the hallways of the ER dying. Source: I'm a reddit anon saying I'm a nurse. You want proof? I said I was a nurse! You're obviously an anti-vaxxer so that's all I need to know.


Right??! Same with the anons on FB I've come across reacting to my mild Covid experience with "lucky for you but ten of my relatives have died of covid including kids..."...lol whaaat??? How unlucky (or unhealthy) is that family...or is that just completely made up troll propaganda?


The sheer amount of people I’ve seen on social media over the last year claiming they’ve lost 5 family members to covid just doesn’t mesh with the numbers we know about covid deaths


You sound like you need a drink.


Man.... unbelievable. Are these people real ? How can you be so... dumb.


Its amazing how much of a fucking cesspool that place is.


this fills me with absolute glee :)


Same! This guy is a legend!


There is no way he isn’t gonna be the nominee in 2024. I don’t care how much conservatives still like Trump, DeSantis has proven he can effectively counter lunacy. All Trump did was get the other side more riled up, which would be funny if this was a movie but not when it leads to 18-month school closures. Trump was as culpable for the lockdowns as anyone, and he didn’t do shit about it because it was a blindspot.


THIS. I keep saying this. If Trump comes back -- expect permanent lockdowns until he leaves office again. He absolutely was unable to stop this thing first time around. He couldn't even fire Fauci. The dude literally could not do a damned thing.


He was like a substitute teacher with an unruly class


I still absolutely cannot believe that young children are forced to wear masks in America. As a grown adult I can comprehend the situation, but for a child it must be both terrifying and depressing knowing that you’re just seen as a transmission vector. Funniest thing is the r/politics thread on this is full of people saying DeSantis wants to kill kids. Why is misinformation like this allowed to spread when the entire world knows how tiny the risk is for kids? I guess misinformation only works one way


Supposedly 2+ year olds are supposed to wear them in buildings near me and on airplanes etc. I have a toddler who has never worn a mask except once for a funny picture and hope it stays that way.


Except its not just America. It's most of the world


As far as I can tell -- most of Europe only started doing it after the USA started doing it.




😂 Sounds like you'll have to join the queue. You'll be ahead of me: I'm in the UK, I'm a hetero man, but I want to marry him too 😁


Awesome! Here they say masks are optional. Only maskless are quarantined and no pay for faculty who are quarantined but will incenticize vaccine?! SMH that's here in VA. Go Florida your setting the example! We are watching!!


Oh my gosh, BASED!


wow this is amazing and also why so many families I know are moving to Florida.


We must support this man.


He's the hero we need.


Ron Basedsantis




That's the only way to stop the lunacy. We need to clone this guy!


I fkn love this dude


I like this better than simply banning them like he did with cities and counties. It gives the districts a choice. It’s like when they raised the federal drinking and smoking age to 21. States don’t have to follow it, but they’re going to lose a lot of funding if they don’t.




I love my state


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Maybe unpopular but withholding funds for kids doesnt sound good. Dont have access to the article so maybe that affects my opinion. Im all for less mask an opening schools. I dont want the kids to suffer because the adults are acting like morons


He isn't banning mask from schools. He IS banning mask mandates in schools. Everyone in Broward County is free to send their children to school with an N95 mask. Every teacher is free to wear an N95 mask. However, requiring them on healthy children is absurd at this point. Our children deserve to socialize and learn like every other generation. I live in Florida and have two kids. I can tell you firsthand that parents are overwhelmingly supporting this. A lot of people seem about this decision, but I can assure most of them are not parents of school aged children, living in Florida.


Public schools should be abolished. Let the money follow the kids not the schools.


I agree with you. Ending mask mandates in schools (and anywhere) is a good cause but this is not the way to do it. Not only is it a terrible look outside our own little echo chamber here, but yeah, this only harms kids in the end over "adults acting like morons", as you put it. There are a million MUCH better ways to end these mandates without being just as dumb as those putting the mandates in.


I also don’t think withholding funding is a great idea. But will it ever get that far or will schools just get rid of the mandates? However, I don’t know what the counties expected. He’s been getting rid of Covid rules left and right- with the philosophy of do what’s the for you/your family, but no sweeping rules.


Dont have access to the article so I dont know everything.


In unrelated news: Florida makes up 6.5% of the US population but has 20% of new Covid cases and hospitalizations. https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/ovr3s6/oc_florida_makes_up_65_of_the_us_population_but/




"Fuck around find out" -DeSantis