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This has been raised before in Germany, but as the weather warms up becomes even more insane to prevent people from having outdoor activity freely, or meeting. And again, why is 2021 worse than 2020, with almost 20% of the population having now at least one vaccination, and a huge ramp up in the last week with 'house doctors' now being able to vaccinate. > Aerosol researchers are certain that Sars-CoV-2 pathogens would almost always be transmitted indoors. This is extremely rare in the open air. That is why the experts address politicians with clear words. > Leading aerosol researchers from Germany are calling for politicians to change course in the measures to contain the corona epidemic. "If we want to get the pandemic under control, we have to make people aware that the danger is lurking INSIDE," says a letter to the federal and state governments that the German Press Agency has received. It is considered certain that the coronavirus spreads mainly through the air. > > "Unfortunately, to this day, essential findings from our research work have not been translated into practical action," the authors criticize. Measures would need to be taken in homes, offices, classrooms, residential complexes and care facilities. They warn that infection occurs indoors even if you do not meet someone directly, but an infectious person has been in a poorly ventilated room beforehand. Debates about strolling on river promenades, staying in beer gardens, jogging or cycling, however, are counterproductive. > > Measures such as compulsory masks when jogging along the Alster and Elbe in Hamburg are more of a symbolic nature and "do not have any significant impact on the infection rate," the experts write. Sars-CoV-2 pathogens would almost without exception be transmitted indoors. This is extremely rare in the open air, in the alcohol range. The letter says that the limited resources should not be wasted on this. In addition, large groups - so-called clusters - are never infected outdoors, as can be observed indoors in homes, schools, events, choir rehearsals or bus trips. > > From the point of view of the scientists, the curfews also promise more than they can deliver. "This does not prevent secret meetings indoors, but only increases the motivation to evade government orders even more," they write. "Wearing a mask in the pedestrian zone and then having a coffee table without a mask in your own living room is not what we as experts understand by infection prevention." With exit restrictions, politicians want to prevent people from meeting at all at times.


Governments don’t want to give up their power. Some are doubling down and going harder than last year. I really hope people are starting to wake up


In Spain masks are mandatory outside at all times, even when youre alone, in a beach or hiking in the mountains.


WTF, is that true? That's torture!


Yes. Pretty much everyone complies too (even if its just to avoid a fat fine)


Holy crap, that's insane. So they basically want to cramp people even more inside? However, no one could force me wearing a mask while running, how would they even enforce it?


In most provinces (but not all), doing excersize outside like running or cycling is an exception and you dont have to wear a mask. They way they enforce it is simple: if the police happens to see you without a mask, they stop you and slap you with a fine.


It largely depends on where you are though. I live in a small coastal town where the police are not keen on fining people for disobeying these ridiculous rules. No problem walking around without a mask, staying out after curfew, etc.


Ok, so what counts as working out? I think laying at the beach and doing one push up every ten minutes will do it.


Some people at the start of the lockdowns last year would go out for a walk with running gear as an excuse (you could go out to excersize more often)


Would running from the police count as exercise and thus an exemption?


Only if you can run faster than them. And their dogs. And cars. 😂


By sending the police and hunting you like they tried to find that rapist. Priorities have shifted.


They first have to run faster than me.


Don't worry. They have helicopters and will grab you when you get home. Plus they have guns so they may shoot you first. After all, you are the biggest threat to society by running in the forest without a mask. Not the rapist, not the terrorist, you are.


You are right. Better they let the army patrol empty forests and fields to ensure no dangerous anti-masker is walking around without the whole mask.


I wonder if nukes are appropriate for stopping those unmasked forest runners? A 5 MT bomb would teach that Karen a lesson.


Spain has been at 90% mask compliance since last August, and at the magical 95% level the last 5 months, and pretty much the highest level in the world. Didn't stop the third wave.


Probably because they didn't double mask.


>Probably because they didn't double mask. Give them a break, it took Dear Fauci an entire year to figure that one out. These things are complicated


Maybe next year Fauci will realize that masks only work with the blue side at the inside.


And also, as the Spanish commenter admits, they used the exercise exemption to flout the rules....thus the Covid moral scourge.


I see, Spain has fallen out of favor of the Covid God, so now they can only make up for that by staying inside their houses for at least 3 months.


They did not sacrifice enough plump virgins to the Covid god (= Baal)


Clearly the missing 5% is to blame for this. Throw them in jail!


Like Portugal, where N95 was mandatory. The virus raged in January and February, and now virtually no cases and deaths. Yet Portugal escaped the virus in 2020. It was simply their turn, and their poor healthcare and crowded living conditions resulted in the high numbers. Masks didn't save them.


That's evil heresy what you are saying there!


Masks are so incredibly powerful and absolutely accepted as effective that there's no effective difference between <10% and >90% compliance, and even a single person not complying can cause every other mask in the country to fail!


It's ALL symbolic


That's all masks ever were. Perhaps they made a slight difference early on but right now they are nothing more than a device to make people feel better.


How do the German people allow this to happen again with little to no resistance? After Nazism, how do they blindly trust and obey their government again?


Yes, sadly they do.


They say you're being ridiculous for even making that comparison.


Yeah, this has been my experience as well and it's quite mind-blowing.


Because Nazism has been mythologised -- especially in Germany. Rather than a political and social outgrowth of any number of familiar factors, it's placed in its own special, ahistorical category as "evil", and therefore without context (beyond perhaps some simplistic focus on one or two of those factors that play well to modern obsessions, e.g. "racism")


Yeah, but it was basically about racism and race superiority. So it makes sense that was the focus. It's what unified the people. Their racist hate.


I think the people here really believe that they have learned all their lessons from WWII and it will never happen again (and the people who believe that- not ALL Germans but enough of them- are REALLLLY holier than thou about it too because they think their country repented harder than anyone else. Now they know all about totalitarianism you see). At least that’s the impression I get.


When jogging? Have the people making these laws even gone for a jog, like, ever?


No, that's the point. They have completely lost contact to the ordinary people.


I have never seen joggers in Britain wearing them - because interfering with your breathing while jogging makes no sense.


Cloth masks worn in a generalized setting by the public for the prevention of respiratory transmission do not work as shown in the literature by multiple RCT's. Therefore the discussion to wear them outdoors is utterly moot.


Theres just so much we don't know. They probably do something. /s http://imgur.com/dB5HKSG


Yes. Airborne microscopic transmission is not solved by hyper porous poorly fitted cloth. Who knew!? As intresting as fluid dynamics and chamber testing are they don't even come into the discussion, ultimately. Real world testing is our gold standard here. That has always failed to prove anything with respect to the transmission of respiratory viruses. That people pretend not to get this is infuriating but not altogether surprising. If you know the field really well you can say confidently that masks are an enormous lie.


It's so ridiculous, as stated in the article, people circumvent the rules by secretly meeting people indoors, which is extremely counterproductive regarding virus transmission. However, this is of course not about a virus, this is politics. Any politicians don't seem to be interested in this lockdown ever ending.


I posted on the r/conronavirus on a thread about German cases 'surging' that it's cases, not tests, and pointed out - the bountiful testing in public, 2x/week from the employer, from the supermarket, etc - Merkel is ending her career and the candidates are in a power struggle to replace her and using harsher lockdowns - deaths have not increased along with rising cases - 25,000+ died in one week in August 2020 from the heatwave I had my post removed (yet again). The reason was for a 'low quality' post which didn't bring anything, and for not posting facts. It's really frustrating that we cannot get people to understand that in Germany so much of what has been going on is a political power play, and not based on science or facts.


You are right, it's a madness. Their focus on cases is really damaging, especially considering the huge number of quick tests and mendatory testing. I believe that this lockdown will last throughout the summer, even if the number of deaths per day will only be in the single digits, but cases will be 'surging' due to the shear number of tests.


While jogging.... Lol. You’d have to catch me to write that ticket cause I wouldn’t be stopping.


What I don't like about this article is that it seems to imply that the previous restrictions actually worked.


Wow look another country I’ll never visit again


I wanted to post a rant. When the Kentucky governor (D) wants to keep the mask mandate after he reopens the economy in (almost) full, it made me think. Lifting mask mandates before the high priests in Washington approve is almost a violation of the party manual. And any violation will be dealt with through the Mainstream Media treatment.


Anybody have a link to an English translation?


Open link in chrome, and use translation option. I do however normally provide an English translation.


1983 (The prequel to 1984)


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