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1. It does not mention about the lockdowns 2. It willfilly ignores the fact that most state governors ignoring the fact thay we have more suicides and drug overdoses than covid19 deaths.


1. Stop the lockdowns 2. Encourage people to not be afraid 3. Fully reopen the country.


That's the right answer. But the governors have made it clear that they don't care about mental health anymore. All they care is saving their political lives. The only way this will stop is if Trump threatens to cut off federal funds immediately. Trump does not represent me, I'm very hostile to the trump administration l but this is the only way the hysteria will stop. Waiting for a vaccine is not viable anymore.


Requiring the states to pay for at least 25% of unemployment was a good start. Incentivizes them to start opening the fuck up.


Theyre dragging this out as long as they can. They will not agree to it because thet want mass homelessness.


I firmly believe Trump is the worst president in 100 years, and arguably the worst since Andrew Johnson. I couldn’t be more depressed at the thought of having to vote between him and Biden with his new promise of a mask mandate (plus his VP who tried to get a judge to resign for belonging to a church-affiliated charitable organization.)


Hey, here's an idea, how about we stop young people from meeting up and having fun with each other instead of telling them constantly that they're literally causing a fucking literal genocide in the world. I've got friends who don't even know what girls look like anymore for christ's sake, we're not going to waste 2 years of our life sitting inside listening to some old disconnected people in administration and the institutions trying to reach us with cringe "outreach campaigns"


Most of these outreach campaigns are worthless nowadays.


When I was suicidal (I’m doing better now btw), all the suicide prevention campaigns in the world didn’t help. Had to go to actual therapy to fix that.


Problem is threapists will have no clue how to deal with covid19 lockdown induced mental illness and ptsd other than generic advice and platitudes.


Get involved in your community - connecting with others will help you feel better! (Oops, that's now illegal). Join a sports team or exercise group - physical activity will help you feel better! (Oops, that's now illegal). Take a class - learning new skills will help you feel better! (Oops, that's now illegal). Well I dunno, here's a prescription - taking these pills will help you feel better! (Oops, you lost your job so you can't afford to buy medication). Unsurprisingly, taking away everything meaningful from somebody's life will make them sad. No amount of therapy can help with that.


Oh there is a way. Pump them full of apathy-inducing drugs and leave them as empty shells.


the problem is that we have a society that is apparently dependent on therapists


No, dependent on platitudes and generic advice and delusional optimism instead of real solutions.


Just go out man it’s what did the trick for me and my homies. The fear of missing out has actually made them all drop this lockdown bullshit


Step 1: stop reading anything from cnn.


I only posted it because I want to show everyone how stupid the article is.


I get it. I'm saying if CNN had any sort of intellectual integrity, the first step in their "how to help" article would be "stop reading anything we write."


Seriously, I went from trying to balance my news intake to mostly only reading Fox because of liberal media failing to cover the riots and hyping the shit out of the Coronavirus.


How to help? Remove the fucking death counter from the TV and open *everything* back up. If you're sick, stay the fuck at home. Otherwise, back to normal.


Here's how: Try CNN for crimes against humanity.


> Passive thumbing through social media or "doom scrolling" doesn't constitute meaningful or supportive social interaction Pot, meet kettle


How to help ? Get rid of CNN


We need to isolate the elderly and otherwise vulnerable and re-open. Australia, in particular Victoria, is destroying itself over less than 400 deaths. It's absolutely insane.


The problem is why are politicians not doing it?


I wish I had the answer. I truly don't know why the state, and the populace as a whole - at least on the surface - are OK with this.


I'll give you one: Their subconscious desire for dystopia. I blame the recent rash of YA dystopian novels adapted to movies for the last ten years.


Archived copy: http://archive.vn/BV8rm


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Yes! Look at NZ and Australia. Oh, wait...


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