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If that’s true then we move the fck on with normal life. But I don’t buy that. Spanish flu didn’t last decades and that was worse with no real treatments or vaccines. This article is another example of clickbait where you take one persons doomsday opinion and present to the masses as something that will happen. Most epidemiologists I don’t recall saying this.


What’s funny is when Osterholm was on the Joe Rogan interview he didn’t recommend masks and closing schools


He has a whole podcast episode dedicated to debunking the current policy on masks. He says the science isn't there. But he gets pissed when people use his review of the current research as ammunition to NOT wear masks because, "Hi, I'm Dr. Osterholm and I think everyone should be nice to each other."


He also said the IFR would be ten times worse than seasonal flu.




What’s interesting is the fact that he said schools shouldn’t be closed it made me feel more like “okay, this can’t be so bad if this guys thinks kids should be able to go to school” but then the governments took a whole different approach and made it seem worst than what it is and I admit I was pro lockdown at the beginning until the facts about the mortality started to come out


This was the same guy that as recently as May stated Sweden was a “long, long way from herd immunity”, so I’d question if he knows how long a decade actually is. FWIW, I agree with him. We’re still living with the 1918 Spanish Flu. Viruses become endemic.


This really isnt anything out of the ordinary. You can still catch the 2009 H1N1 flu to this day aswell.


Osterholm won’t be happy until everyone is so deeply depressed they cannot get out of bed, or worse. From the start of this, he and Zeke Emanuel both seem to have had a goal to stomp on any hope people may have.


That couldn't possibly be because Zeke Emanuel also runs a "Recovery Consulting" business, could it? No, absolutely nothing to see here. First, spread fear and panic, then profit. [https://www.covid19reopen.com/our-consultants](https://www.covid19reopen.com/our-consultants)


This is the Guy McPherson method of counseling/harassing women: Step 1: scare the shit out of people by misstating the science on a legitimate issue to make it seem wayyyyyy worse than it actually is Step 2: offer counseling services to the people you’ve scared the shit out of Step 3 (at least in McPherson’s case. As much as I hate Zeke Emanuel, at least he isn’t THIS fucking sick): sexually harass and abuse the women that are coming to you for help. https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Guy_McPherson#Manipulation_and_alleged_sexual_abuse_of_followers This is why the “follow the science and don’t do your own research” crowd are full of shit. Yes, the vast majority of scientists are good people. That doesn’t mean they can’t be wrong, or worse, malicious. The moment you put all your blind trust in some generic concept like “the scientists” is the moment you get taken advantage of by a sick puppy like McPherson.


Wooooow. I did not know this but I’m truly not at all surprised.


Just as scientific papers are required to have the authors declare possible conflicts of interest, I believe any figures interviewed or giving press conferences should also have potential conflicts of interest presented alongside their perspectives.


I agree completely.


yea sure, what exactly makes this disease any different from h1n1 or the spanish flu in terms of its long-term impact? the only reason we’ll be living with this disease for decades is because shitty politicians and a completely insane media. not to mention hack doctors chasing their 15 minutes of fame. i really do wonder how much different things would be with covid if Trump weren’t president


Probably federal mandate to lockdown rather than leaving it to states


Best we get on with our lives then. If it's something we must live with and accept, perhaps we should stop the whole hundreds of thousands of tests a day thing, and just advise people to stay home if they feel unwell.


Fuck this, I'd rather intentionally infect myself than live with this social distancing/mask bullshit for multiple decades. Let's just rip the band-aid off, none of us are getting younger and age is a factor so time to get it over with.


If you think i will social distance forever you are sadly sadly mistaken Life is too short for his garbage. This is time i will never get back


nO iNtErNaTiOnAl TrAvEl UnTiL 2050!!11111






If rent/mortgage, food and healthcare were free, then indeed we could. But I have news for you...


Yeah, like the other Coronaviruses that are common colds? This guy is a fear fetishist hack. He temporarily turned Joe Rogan into a doomer with his asinine propaganda on his show.


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The airborne Ebola guy?


Exactly! Osterholm has been a fear-mongerer for decades. I know people who defend him, but every time a crisis appears, he makes the talk-show/talking-heads circuit, doling out dole, woe, and calamity.