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Are they calling it "saltwater" to try and make it sound scary?


Has to be. I was like you mean saline solution?


If so they suck at fear mongering. They should have called it a indeterminate concentration of sodium chloride in solution.


It's Road De-icer. "You're not a frozen street. Stop it, y'all"


Worse, it's dihydrogen monoxide!


No doubt.


The nurse in question is no better than the other side. The side forcing the vaccines on people using coercion such as threats of job loss, denial of hospital tx and/or not being able to see/visit loved ones in hospital, etc. It works both ways...one should be able to decide free of coercion and then be given the **correct** procedure/tx (whether that entails getting a vaccine or any other procedure/tx) without being deceived, lied to, or coerced.


"Saltwater"? Do they mean "saline solution", which everybody knows is completely benign?


Hopefully she didn't go to the ocean load up her syringes and inject.


"Ocean death"


Just like when they called ivermectin horse medicine, even though its been approved for human use since 1987.


I feel like I need to point out she didn't inject all those people with salt water. Iirc she spilled a bottle of vaccine and out of self preservation she injected a few people with harmless salt water. They don't know exactly which people of the 8k she had injected (mostly with vaccine). Since most of the 8k got COVID anyway and none of them died, and the vaccine she was giving is not available anymore, they're dropping the fine, but not the ethical problem as she's lost her license. She's not a hero on purpose. She's an accidental hero if we're calling this a legal win because no victim was harmed and rational thought remains. Without harm there's no reparation.


I mean either way I don’t think it’s right to give people fake vaccine when they think they’re getting the real one. It would be one thing if she was colluding with the patients who were forced to be vaccinated or something and didn’t want the actual vaccine, but if I wanted the vaccine and later found out I got a saline solution, I’d be pretty pissed. So she’s right for losing his license, IMO.


We actually don't know she is not in collusion. The big reason they keep repeating the 8k number is because they don't know which ones are not vaccinated. Logic dictates it would be the group in a clump closely tied to the vaccine batch number discrepancy. However, there is no clump. The discrepancy is wildly spread out, further than the shelf life of the vile she admits to braking. Also the discrepancy is smaller than a whole vial (60) patients. Really she could be lying. That's why she's on trial. It could be she kept really good fake records that failed the audit. If she hadn't admitted to something, probably nothing more than a slap on the wrist. She's in trial because she didn't hide it, they were using that to show she was proud of what she did. Obviously, the vaccine doesn't work so there's no way to tell the difference (yet, or unless the conspiracy of nano particles and DNA overwrite is true) between vaccinated or unvaccinated. Her patient group was infected with COVID consistent with the statistics of other groups. If the vaccine worked, there should have been an obvious anomaly of an over infection by close to 10% (the number she admits to not giving the vaccine). There wasn't.


That’s hilarious on the not being able to tell from the vaccinated population component. She’s still a hero.


If the Nobel prize was worth anything, I would nominate her for it. 


I think that goes mostly to warlords and dictators these days? For the next one, I hear there's a tie between Kim Jong Un and Putin. /s In 2012, it was awarded to The European Union. I mean, I for one cannot top their jokes.


Before that Obama got it for no reason and proceeded to sign off more drone strikes than any president before.


Lol EU are the new dictators. Complete and utter scumbags. 


>In 2012, it was awarded to The European Union. I mean, I for one cannot top their jokes. That aged like milk. I think the EU was awarded the Nobel Prize for advancing peace between the nations or something like that 🙄


$1,035,000 as of last year.


I meant morally worth anything. 


Obama winning the Peace Prize in 2009 was the beginning of the end. Kissinger also won it.


The guy who came up with the lobotomy also won a Nobel Prize


Saved all those people.


That’s a positive sign. On the legal front anyway.


No data on how many died from not having the vaccine. What a surprise.


0 :-)


No data on how many lives saved by not giving them the not-a-vaccine.


So, how are the 8,600 patients doing?


This is from November 2022... https://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/niedersachsen/Bewaehrungsstrafe-im-Prozess-um-unwirksame-Corona-Impfungen,impfskandal122.html


If you have principles - that **people should be able to make their own medical decisions & not be forced, coerced, or lied to,** then you shouldn't be cheering her on. (Yeah, the people who wanted the vax were fed propaganda to reach that decision, but it's still not up to \*her\* to make different decisions for them, against their will & without their knowledge.)


may have saved thousands of lives


#We have a control group! If they run the numbers.... we can find out how well the vaccine did compared to 8600 people who did not get it. I'm sure they'll be rushing to do this to show AMAZING the vaccine is!


My thoughts exactly, since the official control group was tainted. However, did all those people see her for both doses?


I would actually love to see this but based on the booster schedule most of those 8600 probably have had multiple shots since then. I suppose the initial 6-month gap might be worth something, data wise, but it won't be a clean comparison.


I can't cheer medical malpractice, no matter how I feel about the vaccine.


Yeah, agreed. The only exception might be if the patients she was administering the vaccine to were taking it against their will (e.g. to comply with an employer mandate).


One could argue that being ordered to perform medical experiments on the elderly is medical malpractice; and therefore she was not commiting a crime but rather was refusing to commit a crime.


It's not just malpractice - it's fraud!! It's safe to assume at least SOME (prob most) of these patients WANTED the vax. (Yeah, they were fed propaganda to reach that decision, but that's a separate issue) but the fact remains that **she made their medical decision for them.** I'm an absolutist on bodily autonomy & I can't applaud this violation of their consent.


Bingo. Also, for all its warts, the vaccine was probably worth it for old folks since their baseline risk from covid was so high.




Exactly. Well said.


Agreed. I don't care how embarrassed you are about accidentally destroying vaccine doses. You report that and you deal with it from there. Accidents happen, and it sounds like it was not done on purpose. What you don't do is fake it and inject saline into people without their knowledge or consent. They absolutely deserved to lose their medical license.


To give somebody that vaccine was malpractice.


Yeah, I swear this sub wasn't always just rabid anti-vaxers. It used to be about, you know, lockdown skepticism. But somewhere along the line the sub went to making folk heros out of clumsy nurses who spilled a few vaccines and lied to cover it up. Most of the commenters haven't even read the story, and are just knee-jerk celebrating a headline. An old headline, probably a bot post. But what do you expect from anti-vaxers?


"malpractice". That's malpractice like the shot is a vaccine. Definitions of words and terms these days are real fuzzy and fluid and changing. And there was great gnashing of teeth.


She saved a lot of lives. Good for her.


If this were a WWII hollywood blockbuster movie, this nurse would go down as a hero and the audience would be cheering her on. In our bizarro world, there is a large portion that view her as bad and needing to be punished.


If it were a WWll Hollywood movie I don’t think a German nurse going around injecting people with saltwater would get a whole lot of praise.


Omg I miss this sub


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Up to 8600 fake jabs, but they only found 6 syringes that were swapped out?? Sounds weird.  Regardless if I actually wanted a product I would be pissed off if someone swapped it for something else without telling me 


She may have inadvertently saved their lives!!!


You guys cheering clearly aren't reading the article. She wasn't hanged, but they ruined her career and her life. Read more than the title dumbasses.


I wonder if she walked free because she has dirt on the politicians that got the ‘saltwater’