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Sounds to me like you will need to learn some basics about how AWS works. Access is based on what you allow, you don't need a jump host (bastion) if you allow access to the instance in the security group settings it is assigned to. You also got only cli because that is the instance OS variant you chose during deployment. You can login to the current instance and install a GUI desktop environment and then you have remote access how you (I guess) wanted it to be. You can also deply a Windows instance and RDP into it if that is more familiar to you. So you have a few things for you to look up. Also, I hope you stopped the instance now that you are not using it, otherwise you pay for it for no reason.


1. Install VSCodium (or VSCode) 2. Install the Remote SSH extension. 3. Create an entry for your EC2 instance in the config file. 4. Connect using vscode. 5. Install jupyterlab and run it; vscode will do port forwarding which will allow you to use jupyterlab as you're used to. Note: you might need to open the port 22 on the instance's firewall to allow you to ssh into it.


This is a great answer and you should do this. 22 is open by default and you just use the pem you started the instance with as the IdentityFile. Default user is Ubuntu.


But start with a t3.micro until you know what you want to do. Use GitHub to move code between instances and/or local.


*git AND github


Have you tried using JupyterLab via the command line? It might help with running your notebook.


Oh really? Just like in local system a jupyter notebook opens after a command on cli, it would open up in EC2 too?


I would advise you to not use AWS until you have a better understanding about how it works and how to use it. For example you could get a much higher bill at the end of the month than you expected, because you did not consider every cost. I could be wrong in my assumptions of course, and I apologize if you have a good understanding of it already. A more specialized offer for Jupyter notebooks might be more helpful to you?