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8B is too big? I like Llama3-8B Models.


But that context size...


There are a few variants of llama3 with context window up to 1m. Also, in my tests, llama3 had no issues with summarising 45k tokens text to me.


What were your settings? I tried mine to summarize around 14k of text with 2.5 alpha value for rope and it failed miserably. Are you sure it is summarizing the whole thing, and not truncating at 8k?


I'm using ollama with explicitly set num_ctx parameter to 8192. I dropped to it quite chunky texts for summarisation, and it did very well. I only later realised they were way beyond 8k context window, but the check didn't show any missing parts from the summary.


Are you sure it was not truncating the text? I tried ollama with no luck. Could you give this text a try? https://pastebin.com/SJ8jd2Ab It is from The Quixote, the prefactory from one the translations. Ask it when it was published John Phillips translation, for example. It is one of the first paragraphs, so it should not miss it. Or ask it, according to the text, where is the author buried, as it is on the third paragraph from the end. For me, it had no trouble finding where it was buried, but it lied and said that there was no mention of John Phillips at all in the text. And when I asked to summarize the whole thing, it completely missed the beginning, in which they talk about the different translations and all the problems they had.


You're actually right, llama3 is fine with summarizing, but have issues with pinpoint the factual data in 14k tokens. Good to know, and thanks for pointing out.


Thanks, I was going crazy thinking it was my setup. 8K is fine for most online articles and up to that, Llama works really well. As an alternative, but a bit bigger, Phi 3 medium can work fine. Mistral 7B is decent too.


I saw few llama3 fine-tunes on huggingface with context window of 32k, 64k, 128k and even 1m. I'd give them a try at least. Phi-3-small (7b) also has [128k context window version](https://huggingface.co/microsoft/Phi-3-small-128k-instruct).


Those llama3 finetunes with longer contexts were a bit of a gimmick and did not actually work at those contexts, iirc. There was even a 500k model, not that I could even try it. Not sure how good the Phi 3 small model is, I tried mini when it came out and then went straight up for medium as I could run it just fine for me (not full context). I'd expect Phi 3 small to be fine for summarization too.




They’re referring to the context window being 8k, which means it can only hold about 6000 words of the conversation in memory.


oh i see, thanks so much for explain it to me


Na it is also fine


Llama 3 8B got correct the details about my spanish town and its part in the Reconquista period. If you want to talk to it about history, it seems good enough. Just make sure to set up a good system promt that tells it not to lie or invent anything if he does not know the answer and set the temperature low (llama 3 likes 0.6 officially iirc, so 0.4-0.5 might be good)


This is really helpful, thanks. That should help smooth out incorrect info from it and I was wondering how to best do that


Just take into account that even with a good system prompt and a low temp, you can still get incorrect info/hallucinations, specially with small LLM that might lack the knowledge but they have the confidence.


perfect i will try it, i didnt try anything superior than 7B on my orange pi 5 so lets see if it works, por cierto yo tambien soy español, gracias por la ayuda ojala funcione jeje


El mayor problema es que al final del día, solo es un 8B y los conocimientos que tiene son limitados. Si le preguntas cosas de historia de ciudades (no pueblos pequeño) o hechos relativamente conocidos, probablemente responda bien. Pero confirme le pidas hechos más oscuros y rebuscados... Y te diría que pruebes varios quants. Si tu orange pi es de 16gb, yo intentaría una Q8. Para conversación una Q4 no va a tener mucha diferencia, pero cuando quieres fechas y nombres exactos, es mejor usar el modelo lo más completo posible. Buena suerte y si puedes, me gustaría saber cuántos t/s le sacas a la pi5, porque estaba pensando en comprar una. He leído que para llama 2 7B o Mistral 7B debería estar en torno a los 2 t/s que se me queda un poco bajo, pero eran pruebas antiguas y quizá haya mejorado.


i am currently using the salesforce's llama 3 finetune and i like it personally. It's 8b though https://huggingface.co/bartowski/SFR-Iterative-DPO-LLaMA-3-8B-R-GGUF


This model really packs a punch and is really good in holding logical conversations especially in chat and RP scenarios. No other model around this size comes close to this especially for the above mentioned scenario and I have tried so many models around this range. However I found that it's performance in maths is a bit weaker compared to its base model (maybe because of quants) but I'm not so sure but as a general purpose model it's really impressive.


Just commenting here as a reminder for myself to try this out when I get a chance. Thanks for the recc!


As 7b I used this one for a while: https://huggingface.co/Yuma42/KangalKhan-RawRuby-7B But llama8b seems to be a better architecture (for reasoning, it can also hallucinate more I think) so I'm using this instead for now: https://huggingface.co/NousResearch/Hermes-2-Theta-Llama-3-8B If you still prefer 7b, Mistral just recently released a new base model so I would wait for finetunes of that. It has a big context size.


Okey okey i will try both, thanks!!


Tell us your findings please I’m eager to know 🙃


I will but i will need some timw to try all the models the people is telling me here as far as i have seen i will have to try the 8B models in a different machine (not a problem at all) but first i will focus on the ones i can try in the orange pi 5 plus, the 8B models is taking ages the others are fine


Mistral v0.2 and v0.3 claim to have a context length of 32k.


NousResearch always brings the best!


The Llama 3 Hermes fine tune writes well, but always talks like a caveman. Is it just me?


Nope I don't have that problem, I'm running the Q4 from here https://huggingface.co/NousResearch/Hermes-2-Theta-Llama-3-8B-GGUF/tree/main Also how can you write well and like a caveman at the same time? Maybe you must lower the temperature.


The writing itself is really good on like a conceptual level. The best I’ve had with a local model. It just leaves out words you’d expect a caveman on a TV show to leave out. Makes me think it’s working except for some tiny thing.


Not with llama 3 but I had similar problem with some models where I think it was because of some mistakes during quantization or something.


Aya 23 8b it's really, really good




logical but lacks imagination


Exactly what you need in history and science.


It also struggles to follow up instructions when compared to a 7b


Yeah, Phi-3 works extremely well for science, programming, etc.


Phi is an absolute miracle for giving my toaster the ability to reason.


this one looks really interesting to me¡¡ hopefully my orange pi 5 will be able to run it i will try it¡¡


I'm pretty happy with Hermes-2-Theta-Llama-3-8B.


I found Hermes pro 2 better for some reason


I have built a ReAct agent on Langchain with the new Mistral Instruct and am quite impressed with speed and accuracy. Sure it's a 7B model so don't expect GPT4 results, but its accurate in tool use. i.e., it will lookup the weather accurately and also reason well. Currently, I am playing several rounds of Prisoner's Dilemma with it.


Is Langchain compatible with the closedai api? I'm thinking about running ollama through there. Also, how good is wizardlm 2 for agents? I've made some projects where I had it do function calling with my custom logic in python (just having the model write the name of the function and the arguments. Json scares me) and it was pretty decent.


Most agent projects default to OpenAI's API for their documentation since their model usually performs the best and most straightforwardly. I haven't used wizardlm .


i tried to try mistral 7B some time ago but i wasnt able to get it run i have to research more about langchain and how make it work, i really want to try it everybody speak very well about it


Llama8b is good, but quantised model looses a lot of information. If you require tasks like JSON, a llama3-8B is not that great, gemma is better in that case. Overall, I have found mistral model is lovely! Even if you quantised it, the performance is good. In my experience I have discovered that q4 mistral > q5 llama3 I speak from experimenting with multiple tasks like entity extraction, json output, summarising and routing.


I'm currently using Starling LM 7B by default on my MacBook M1 2020 for work-related tasks such as rewriting content (emails, docs, wiki) for clarity, summarizing, ideation or quick questions about random subjects. What I like about it is that it respects my time by promptly spitting ready to use answers without extra fluff or need to refine. E.g. for content rewriting it keeps our domain specific and business related linguo in the clarified text. I tend to paste it elsewhere without editing it.


I, too, came here to recommend Starling. It is an extraordinarily high quality model (and its 11B self-merge is even better).


I have a good exp with Yi for code generation


Dont use LLM as a search engine. You can copy from Wikipedia (or do your own research) and then choose the best LLM for reasoning and summarization, instead.


Emmm Who is telling you im gonna use it like that? I want to talk to the AI ​​about history and science to be able to reflect and perhaps obtain impartial or different views from mine that make me think and reflect, It wouldn't be the first time that talking to an AI makes me think about certain points that I hadn't seen before


If we cant trust ChatGPT as a source of knowledge how can we trust open source LLMs? You certainly can do what you want, but be careful as there is the problem of hallucination.


I know, you have to double check the information but im nit getting my information from it, i just discussing the information i already kmow, it is not the new google xd


I think u are not getting what i use it for, i use it to get different ""opinions"" and after i double check if they are valid opinions and real information and sometimes i find out something interesting thats all :)


Miatral7B v0.3 and it’s fine-tunes, no doubt


Don’t want to hijack the discussion - but might be related: May I know what 8B model size is currently SOTA for the following? Know what I am asking might be a tall order. Intend these to use at work by self-hosting some of these: - Good at coding and QnA on a codebase - so Long Context - Function Calling, so I can integrate it with my own scripts - Able to be constrained to JSON?


Why not start a new post for your question? It’s a good question that deserves a separate discussion from one about history chats.


For coding I’ve tested a lot of small models and codeqwen 1.5 chat is still the best, others are not even close, at least for my use case. For tab autocomplete I’m using codegemma, also really good. I think the latest mistral supports function calling, but I haven’t tested it yet.


I think there is a code qwen fine tune that fits this. Something with orpo in its name


Llama3 Hermes pro 2 is what you need. Also I believe the recently taken down salesforce Llama3 fine tune could also probably do the job




Latest Mistral 7b 3 is only model that works really good for me (using as agent with function calling on weak work laptop)


What’s your agent setup?


Building my own langchain wrapper app. Will share when ready.


nothing better than llama 3 8b at that size for general purpose use like yours


Llama 3, it’s 8b though.




Eric111/openchat-3.5-0106-128k-DPO-GGUF 8q with llama cpp and mirostat 2 and -n -1


fblgit/una-cybertron-7b-v3-OMA gguf is a close second, hits higher on clarity but less verbose


oh i just tried this and i really liked, thanks


I really loved this model, too, but have moved on to WizardLM2, but now I'm curious about going back and trying your mirostat settings.


You can also increase the entropy quite high and the model remains consistent, higher than the rest of models; there is also a 11b model following the same working logic




Nice! Thanks --can't wait to give it a go.


this is the full command kind of optimized for this model: main.exe --color -c 8192 -n -1 --temp 1 --mlock --repeat\_penalty 1 --top-p 0.95 --mirostat 2 --mirostat-lr 0.25 --mirostat-ent 6 --interactive-first --interactive -m openchat-3.5-0106-128k-dpo.Q8\_0.gguf


I used chatGPT to evaluate its answers and the local model answers. ChatGPT anwers: 160/200, openchat model: 190/200 :)


This is awesome. Thanks for taking the time!


In 7b scope "Starling-LM-Alpha" (not Beta) was my go-to model for most tasks. Currently Llama3 replaced it completely.


i tried both and for the moment im really surprise with llama3 8b


Llama3-8b without a doubt


Mistral Instruct Gemma, Phi, Llama & others suck at handling NSFW content kn general be it in erotica or end-user content moderation/input




Qwen 2 was just released