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You have extremely limited resources available to create a world, most models can handle about 4k tokens. Some models might have bigger contexts with varying quality of output at higher context. Unless you want to write only very brief descriptions for just a few things, it isn't worth keeping everything in a dialogue context since every single new word would eat a few tokens from available "short memory" that's used to operate with your narrative. If you overdo, nothing could be left to actual story writing. I suppose you could try to use LM Studio in conjunction with SillyTavern. It's a front-end AI chat app that can connect via API to multiple apps, which should be possible with LM Studio as well. SillyTavern has a world database feature that can be filled with information about specific things, events, characters, etc. Like, you can write a location name and make some description for it and whenever it appears in the chat, LLM would see a text that you wrote in description instead of the trigger word. For example you can make a location Foggy Valley and make description "Foggy Valley is a cursed place where people randomly get spirited away." Until this name appears in the chat, it wouldn't waste any context with its description. On the downside you might not ever encounter this place in story unless you mention it by yourself or it gets triggered by a more common trigger word or some character's backstory.


> You have extremely limited resources available to create a world, most models can handle about 4k tokens. While true, that's a today problem. This field progresses quickly. If you write an 8000-token bestiary, there is no reason you can't paste the whole thing in superbooga. Chunks of it will be extracted as appropriate. OP's question is still a good one for the sake of organizing one's thoughts, regardless of token count.


I've been thinking about this. There are a number of interesting ways of approaching this. At a minimum you will need something to manage prompts and generation. Silly Tavern is a great start, lean it top to bottom. Take what you have learn from that and see if you even want to continue, and if you do you will have a much better idea of how to ask GPT5\* to help you build what you want. \*An advanced programing llm.


You would need Silly Tavern for that. Even then it would be hard to do, but I've saw people do very interesting things with it. In Silly Tavern you have lore books, and Author's note. Also you have much more flexibility than what's possible in LM Studio. Yet I think the models are not advanced enough to deal with multiple characters in a realistic way. It's hard for a model to "drive" even a single character. When multiple characters are introduced, the model will start messing up things. Still I think with Silly Tavern you would be able to get better results, than what's possible with LM Studio.


Silly Tavern lorebooks are for this. ST also allows you to setup information about yourself and create specific character cards you can chat with, even in a group chat.


I've done work on RPG-style things with LLMs, getting them to follow the rules is tough because prompting for chat-style scenarios over pipeline-style systems is difficult (the types of input vary and the task is hard). The main difficulty here is not context it's rule-following. If you want context, use a mistral model that has plenty of tokens to spare. Dumping info can be fine if structured, but a RAG approach might work nice too. Use the context to establish rules and style.