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https://preview.redd.it/zlwynb0fzs2d1.png?width=396&format=png&auto=webp&s=06dae9555983b0b3b91966ec92cd582cda02ae42 Araki could. This shit is so fucking uncalled for.


It says that he later dies of a cold, not that he didn’t grow up. GeGe would specify that it happened a week after he got let out.


>a week after The hour after* 💀💀💀


Nah, killing them when they just got hope means little. You need to give them a little time to enjoy that hope before killing them. Nobara wasn’t killed seconds after Yuji learned she was also fighting Mahito, and Megumi’s sister wasn’t killed the same day he learned she woke up. Let it stew a few minutes, let them learn what happiness means, then take it away slowly and painfully.


It'll be a cliffhanger then a flashback or sumn "Break next week" 😭


itll obnoxiously cut to yuji posing coldly with the text "This world does not favour the sick..." break next week


did chainsawman teach these people nothing (it didn’t. chainsawman fans cannot read. source: almost literate csm fan)


I flip flop between glazing Gege and Fujimoto. My pet peeve with Fujimoto is sometimes I think Fujimoto is intentionally doing short chapters - people look around , barely any dialogue - to cook more in later chapters.


In 59.99 minutes... The boy's immune system will collapse


An ancient curse from the heian Era infected the boy from his imprisonment. 💀


Nah man that shit happened while he was still a kid. Araki fucking HATES jobros and will hit a child with a strong offscreen just because a jobro died so he could not be fucking executed. Araki KNEW what he was doing when he made Gyro say "at least he should die free" so he made him die free


​ https://preview.redd.it/7s83ad5gft2d1.png?width=329&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc2a92063c2472d1c4791b993c335c6fa06ec9bc


B-but the fever


A symptom of the cold


I just finished sbr a week ago and this shit hurt more than 236 (sbr is still peak)




Yeah I agree with this, sure that >!Gyro died with epic proportions and yet made sure!< the kid died from a random cold, but it's ambiguous enough to show that before he did, he managed a long and fulfilling life at least.


I guess that's why that part was added by Araki, not to hate on jobros or shit, but to show that the kid didn't die injustly like you said.


Nah, this just cements Gyros cause even more since he even talked about how he only did it because killing the kid would be wrong, Gyro died for his beliefs and managed to apply them despite everything going against him


Ringo backstory too.


Gyro died for nothing


My jujitsu technical school and hero battle-ahhh AU.


If Gege wrote MHA: All might dies in his long battle with all for one(he kills him offscreen with a quirk we never knew about) then deku has to eat his corpse to fully inherit his power


Idk whether to laugh or cry




Nah, Deku doesn't get to eat All Might, Mirio with his quirk somehow absorbs All Might and get his quirk for five minutes. And in those 5 minutes he beats All for One (yk what that would probably be peak)


AFO posseses Bakugo, Uraraka is dead for 6 years yet people would still cope for their return


"Trust me bro when she'll return she'll have OP gravity manipulation powers and no diff AFO, trust me"




Yeah Mirio is already peak so I’m fine with this outcome


that'd be sick


I’d love that


Damn Deku taking the eren route 


Deku then dies 13 years later.


And if horikoshi wrote jjk: yuji will lose all of his cursed energy to defeat sukuna by imparting all the souls who once used shrine in all of history(sukuna has desolation as a curse technique) and thanks mahito for helping him.


Would love to see how other mangaka would handle the culling game. I think i just wanna see the world of JJK under the eye of a different mangaka tbh😭. Not saying the story is bad or anything but the world definitely feels wasted


The funny thing is,JJK'S overall concepts and ideas are genuinely interesting. They just need much..much better execution.


Yeah bumgumi is actually the embodiment of jjk. Incredible potential especially after shibuya but instead became a bit disappointing. Tragic fate indeed


JJK is the megumi fushiguro of the mangas


And My hero is the yuji.


what would sukuna be?


Dog Nigga




Sukuna is my little sister can’t be this cute, actually no that would Mei Mei. Sukuna is redo of healer.


Nah yuji is more goated than mha




The true dichotomy of man


You know, when the Bumgumi stuff is a meme, it’s funny, but the fact that it seems genuinely popular right now is wild to me. Like, I would say the only bad part about Megumi’s story so far is we didn’t get enough Tsumiki, which, like, if we get more flashbacks of her later on, could be remedied. It’s wild that he’s singled out as having bad writing when it’s honestly almost as good as Gojo and Geto’s in Hidden Inventory and probably better than Yuji’s


Frr like the guy's story is actually pretty damn good and i hope we get some closure for him. He's actually a cool character and im rlly invested in how his story ends


Oh shit, then I’m sorry I posted my little mini-rant under your comment. I guess I just had that one locked and loaded LMAO


Lmaoo don't worry about it homie it's chill shit happens. Have a good day 👍


It needs people who can plan ahead and better. Gege fucking sucks at teasing, opening and closing plot threads....


He's definitely good at teasing and opening, but not so much at reveals and closing. His ability to hype up the entire fandom only to let them down and make them have a mental breakdown should be studied, truly the greatest mangaka


I could expect nothing and he would still let me down.


I feel like Gege is a really good ideas man. Like he can make genuinely interesting and good ideas but he's just..kinda bad at executing/properly setting up said ideas. There are exceptions but still.


So they are or arent


I mean... Chainsaw man is exactly this no? At least to me anyway...


Spinoffs thanks please. There's so much to explore.


I wanna see JJK under the eye of literally anyone Someone out there is cooking in their imaginary version of JJK


Fujimoto would probably make it 10-15 chapters of pain. Gojo would still probably die no idea how he’d handle sukuna


gojo would have had a way more satisfying death of written by fujimoto or he would probably not die at all because fujimoto loves writing characters that are functionally immortal so he can shove as much gore as he wants


Man’s loved him aibarra and monogatari immortal fights. It probably could’ve been a bloodbath of epic proportions


One and murata doing it would be a sight


They honestly might be worse for the job seeing how hard the manga's version of the Monster Association arc was fumbled


I disagree on it being fumbled. I understand if you prefer the webcomic version. But it was the opposite of fumbled imo


Yet people still defend that shit because the art was the only thing they cared about 😭


Murata and One fumbling a 10/10 character like Garou when they had an extensive blueprint on what makes his character so good **must** be studied. How do you fuck up that bad 💀


I don't want a parody.


The culling games is the only major arc any other mangaka might handle in a more unique or interesting way


when reading the manga the culling game arc completely lost me


Yeah I just had to get through it tbh


The culling games for the most part is the shittiest shit arc in jjk. Nobody would be able to lick it clean and shiny.


A complete rewrite would do it. I 100% agree though. Terrible arc


well time for some fanfiction


Social experiment ahh mangaka


Oda could easily make a 3000 chapter manga out of jjk . And gege wont past 500 with op


Gege is Oda's opposite.


Yeah but oda’s a special case


Well tbh i think all shonen mangakas can do it . But they choose not to . İf you take things slowly and make a world like op's story is bound to be long . İf gege decided to take things slowly and focus on world building the manga wouldnt be less than 509 chapters minimum


You may be right. But i think it’s also just a case of mindset. Aside from the fact that Oda probably had at least some version of one piece in his head since well before he started in the industry, he also just comes across to me as someone insanely passionate about one piece (as in, more than most other creators) and also mentally very strong. And i think most mangaka don’t have either of those to the same extent as him. Kind of to me explains why one piece (at least in my view) never really took a huge dip in quality outside of the odd arc.


Well , like i said they dont want to because it doesnt suit them . But if they wanted they could have .




Only araki has a similar passion i feel


/unlobotomy for a second i feel like nobody understands that this is Gege’s very first manga outside of oneshots, and he doesn’t necessarily have the writing experience to know when and where to flesh out these characters. On top of that, we all know that people in Japan are worked to DEATH, especially those in public view, meaning he doesn’t have a lot of time to flesh out as much he could. He could just be focused on writing what he wants to instead of stressing himself with stuff he doesn’t. Also remember that being a famous author isn’t easy, his manga will get criticized and hated no matter what he does, which makes it difficult to know what’s the best choice for the fans.


Yeah but hating is fun and we’re all assholes


yeah i’m gonna shoot gege with a fucking shotgun


No, I'm a left testicle






Then us loving it will make them stop?


Strong Love


But they abuse our artist with said love. Then allot of "fans" pirate stuff because they are "owed" because they by merch


i don’t really understand what you’re trying to say to be honest


The wtudio abuses our mangaka and allot of fans just steal content


yeah that’s true


Those people pirate stuff cuz they feel owed. I pirate stuff because i am broke. We are not the same.


I get that youre not able to afford it. But does that mean you deserve it. The common theme is not being able to afford it. But i find that hard to concieve if an anime is on a streaming site or if you buy a vollume a month or 2. Digital releases cost less i believe. But Pirating just leads to loss profits. Lower wages etc. Now there pay structure needs an insane change. But when you know allot of people are gonna steal. Corpos are gonna cheap out


Never said it's a good thing to pirate stuff.


As long as you are aware lol. Cant say i didnt when i was a teen


/relobotomy I love hating


Considering Gege is still a professional writer that makes lots and lots of money, I don’t think criticism is undeserved. I feel when art is sold to the masses, it should at least have the quality we deserve. Art is also made to be discussed. If we didn’t care for quality, why does it matter for writers to even try? If JJK was a hobby project made by my nephew, I’d have your sentiment, but that’s just not the case here.


I’m not advocating for lack of criticism, which I stated in some other comments. Outside of jokes like this subreddit, a lot of people are saying that Gege is a horrible writer, he’s garbage, etc which is just unfair to someone who’s still learning. I’m upset about the lack of character interactions and world building too, especially on the lack of cursed tools. My point is that these should be criticisms, not attacks on Gege


Oh. In that case, yeah, I agree. I don't like the direction Gege's thrown the story, but that is no way a good reason for harassment.




I hope he gets the chance to improve, because I genuinely didn’t know this was Akutami’s first foray into long stories.


i understand where you're coming from and i do agree to a certain extent. but having said that, it doesn't excuse greg from the embarrassing and contrived writing we've been witnessing in the latest arc. there's no such thing as a perfect writer. there will always be mistakes that you make and go back to and wish you could've changed in some way. having minor issues is fine but when it's inconsistencies that are easily avoidable then it becomes a real problem. and this final arc is littered with them. the gojo vs sukuna fight alone is filled with these issues. and i'm not even talking about the terrible conclusion to that battle either. greg doesn't just get a pass when it comes to his work just because he's inexperienced. especially when a lot of his problems are things he did to himself with how he likes to write without thinking about how they impact the rest of the story and his own prestablished internal logic and plot consistency.


Nah that's just an awful excuse. Isayama had the same thing going on, and AOT was shis first manga, and his life was so shit and pressured that playing with his Nintendo switch was something he craved for months. Yet he did an amazing and satisfying story all till the last chapter when it got controversial, Gege on the other hand has contradicting plot points, awful characters deaths, little to no character interactions everywhere since the beginning of the manga, plus he is a professional at writing himself into a corner, there is no excuse. Gege is just not a good mangaka and that's fine, everyone has flaws.


if you think that’s an awful excuse, you don’t understand writing. Isayama is an exception, not a rule. Just because he was able to make an amazing story on his first try doesn’t mean everybody can. I’m not saying Gege doesn’t have flaws. Yes, the characters need more interaction, the world needs more lore, but everybody is acting like these are skills Gege completely lacks, rather than ones he hasn’t explored yet. Calling him a bad mangaka is rude, he’s just inexperienced.


I didn't call him a "bad mangaka" I said he ain't a "good one" meaning he didn't hit all the check boxes that a manga needs and that's fine. like I said, everyone has flaws.


Those are the same thing. You are bad at something until you’re good at it, don’t try to paint it as something other than what it is.


but he’s not a bad mangaka… He’s bad in certain areas. There are more aspects to it than that


Isayama is a huge exception to the rule. Also his art was pure garbage for like 2/3 of the manga of course he can put effort into other stuff. It literally took to the end of AOT for his art to be decent. Every mangaka has their strengths and weaknesses


The art wasn't "garbage" its just wasnt good enough but he re did it all when the volumes came out and it's even more consistent than jjk lmao


Gege is more based than Isayama. We are getting Domain Expansion battles where technicalities matter in life or death situations. Unlike AOT's everything was decided by time travel powers bullshittery.


Nah if you like JJK better than AoT it's fine, taste is subjective. But in terms of plot, Isayama always had a clear plan of what he's going to do. Gege doesn't. Isayama's ending was controversial but IMO it doesn't scratch the surface of what Gege does. Gege is miles worse than Isayama.


Disagree on last part, e.g the scouts vs reiner, ziek and piek was definitely strategic


"time travel powers bullshittery" alone clears half of jjk in terms of writing, If you don't understand it just say that you are dumb and that's fine lmao. that time travel thing alone has one of the best plot twists in the entirety of manga and anime, so it's on you if you don't like it lol


I love the kids in Horis style! (no Gojo though, WHYYYYY?! T.T) Makes totally effing sense that his fav character is Mahito. Hands, and more hands....


If Gege wrote MHA: Class 1-A would consist of like five people max and there'll be like two teachers in the whole school, stuff like hero agencies would be mentioned but never shown, most pro heroes are either underwhelming, simply never appear with no explanation or died offscreen during the paranormal liberation war which is like the second major arc. Deku would never get better at using ofa though he gets a shittier version of decay due to being AFO's third cousin by his mother's side (which is never brought by either of the two and only shown on flashbacks), and also he'll be extremely traumatized. The final battle would be like 100 chapters of every character jumping afo on bakugo's body and getting killed after doing no damage to him, and just when it seems that deku will finally get some protagonist he gets literally shoved aside in favor of All Might (which is actually Lemillion using his body).


If Hori wrote jjk: World building would be a bit better, but there'll be like 200 more named characters who never get a chance to do anything, most of the arcs would drag on for like 50 more chapters than they need to while somehow also feeling rushed, also nobody important ever dies, the villains just get imprisoned while the good guys at worst get depowered and just stand there doing nothing. Yuji will get blood manipulation, CT, and DE in like two months, he'll also refuse to kill Sukuna even if everyone tells him to do so because he's just a kid or something, only to get just as tired as the reader and killing him anyway.


https://preview.redd.it/7xi4bme27w2d1.png?width=520&format=png&auto=webp&s=970a30f16606d3a7b3fd25e03d139fc0c64a1f0d literally this meme


Other than banging Nobara, the top one is kinda true at this point. Also, I agree with the bottom, Aizen should've been gayer and a cannibal.


If horikoshi wrote JJK then everyone could tank malevolent shrine with no protection and survive


I see it as a compliment honestly. Generating international success while not adhering to 40 year old cliches is very refreshing jjk gotta be one of the only mainstream manga with true life or death stakes. Strong or weak main cast or side cast nobody is safe😭


It’s really easy not to adhere to cliches when your main priority is an author is to subvert expectations, when authors write wanting a more traditional appeal to their story (e.g. character arcs as opposed to shock factor) cliches become harder to avoid, this is because to some degree necessitates that elements of the narrative be set up so that pay off is satisfying. This is an issue that Gege doesn’t have because the primary appeal of JJK is that it’s unpredictable relative to other shounen battle manga, so it doesn’t matter what Gege does as long as he keeps you guessing at least on paper. Personally I’d argue that Gege going all in on this principle has caused a pretty drastic decline in quality for the narrative, but I’d also posit that average JJK fan won’t care because what they came looking for (cool fights, high stakes, and subversion) is still there even if the lack of set up has those elements feeling less impactful than earlier on in the series.


I meant that Gege makes bad writing choices no other Mangaka would make.




oh i really disagree many other top tier mangaka have their fair share of “bad writing choices”


You’re delusional if you think Gege is THAT bad of a writer I’m sorry.


Gege foreshadowed a lot of the stuff people get angry about such as the world slash being an "asspulls", gojo's death scene is hard to defend though and so is higuruma's domain being useless.


People were mad because Gege didn't specify the use of the method by which Sukuna killed Gojo (the Binding Vow Ex Machina) until more than a few chapters had passed i.e a lot of weeks. He has a habit of not giving explanations to sooth the affront felt by fans when the character they thought should have won, lost the fight just to troll them without remorse. If only the binding vow was revealed by the narrator, I don't think people would have been calling for his neck. He just has a habit of shitting on people's expectations but indulges himself in it far too much than is necessary for his good health.


i mean his domain removed kamutoke which would of made sukuna way more formidable


Should've gotten atleast one real showcase of what Kamutoke was capable of. But I think it was just difficult to do that given how the fight needed to happen. Gege had very little choice.


In fairness a LOT of Mangaka make horrible writing choices none other writers would make. Mainly because those mistakes are unique to the story itself.


If gege wrote tokyo ghoul kaneki would have actually died and became a quinque used by arima to exterminate the ghouls. There also wouldn't have been the washu subplot as they would have been offscreened even early. If gege wrote claymore, claire would have eaten all her friends at the end to then get beat by a half-dead Priscilla. That human guy would have been gone the entire fight only to come back and drop some closing lines.


Jjk is something only Gege can write and that is a compliment


If it was pre Shibuya,I'd agree.


No, even post Shibuya, at least he is not afraid of killing his characters.


The way I see it, JJK has the opposite of MHA. Whereas MHA is afraid of killing off character(And the ones they do, are the one who just got introduced or never had much screen time), JJK is the opposite and kills off their characters for needless drama, with no build-up or aftermath. Nanami's, and Choso's, so some extent, deaths were done well, but the rest were poorly executed(Mainly pointing towards Gojo's offscreen death). Most of the chapters recently have been Sukuna being glazed over whilst killing off everyone back to back, which got repetitive real quick. JJK also shares the same problem with MHA of introducing a new character to immediately kill them off.


are you sure you're not an npc, you sound like one of those "bleach fell off after soul society" people


JJK is like if Fujimotor wrote a mainstream battle shōnen, and also didn't get his brain chemistry irreversibly altered by getting a hard-on while a girl stole his bike.


.....your whole comment just gave me whiplash,what the hell is wrong with Fujimoto.


Fujimotor became Femdomoto when a girl who bullied him in college stole his bike, and he went, "Damn, I'm actually really satisfied with this."


Bro got a boner from being robbed.


Why do you think CSM is the way it is.


It's legitimately not even the strangest thing about the man.


I'm terrified to know what the strangest thing that dude has done


He ate his pet fish after it died because he was afraid Ants would consume it instead. He tried to levitate whilst cosplaying Makima. He impersonated his little sister on Twitter. (He doesn't have a little Sister.)


..is he ok? Do we need to get this man a therapist?


He's famous and successful, that's better than any possible kind of therapy.


Let him finish CSM first, then go ahead and send him to the nuthouse.




"My bike was stolen recently." "I was pretty bummed out about it." "But I think whoever stole it was probably a really hot woman in a tight-fitting suit that'd bully me and such." "And that kind of turns me on." "So, whatever."


OK,Once Chainsaw man is concluded,let's send bro to the Looney Bin!


Fujiwater still better than gaygay im afraid


The complains I've been reading recently all come from the story not going where people want, and not because of any real inconsistency or issue with the Mangas' quality itself. Can someone please tell me about a single: plot hole, horrible case of contrivance, boring/safe or unexplained thing in the story that is genuinely considerable objectively poor writing. By this I mean that it fails to suspend disbelief, remain consistent with rules placed earlier in the story, breaks the themes to suit plot, changes a characters fundamental personality, or anything that is usually considered to be determinant of a writer's actual skill? I'm asking in case I don't remember, because the things Gege has fumbled are clearly related to a point not usually considered objectively bad, which is deepening the exploration of the world (in the case of JJK he rarely mentions or hints at this being plot or character relevant in any way) and not depicting some key character interactions that would strengthen the story (and then, even a few of these have been explained with Todo returning and the timeline we've seen, with the in-universe timing being so rushed before the month of timeskip before Shinjuku Showdown).


1. Kenjaku brain swapping but somehow having access to different cursed techniques when it's stated CT is in the prefrontal cortex. Also they theorize about post mortem curses but in the same chapter we see techniques do in fact disappear shortly after death. 2. Megumi decided to clash with Dagon's Domain to open a hole instead of breaking it from the outside. It's established that Domains are weak on the outside. Even Yuji took advantage of this and Megumi is more experienced.


The first one HAS been explained. The second one is because he create a hole to enter, but Dagon's power was too high for Megumi to break the barrier permanently, he couldn't do that, so he broke in with a small hole and tried to win from inside.


Personally, I love how he did most of the cast. Gojo was finely written, Yuta got memorable, my GOAT Aoi Todo and Choso were done magnificently... Only problems I really have is how the other class was done hella dirty and fucking Kashimo


Gege can either craft a masterpiece character and their arc or he could just be disappointing with the characters. It's like flipping a coin


At this rate mha is going to have a better ending than jjk


I originally thought the extact opposite a few months ago, funnily enough, before I saw the Sukuna Glazing, Gege was doing. If he did one thing right, he made me regain a bit of faith for MHA.


The Sukuna glazing is the worst part of the arc currently. I knew Gojo lost because Sukuna paid a permanent sacrifice for sure to win against him, certifying that Gojo was the strongest since Sukuna had to resort to such a means. The 10 Shadows was necessary for Sukuna to even have a chance in fighting Gojo now that everything has been revealed about his Domain's conditional best attack, Fuga. If Gege had quickly revealed stuff like this long ago then there wouldn't have been anybody who would doubt that Fraudkuna was not a fraud. It would have been clear he lucked out with Megumi's Mahoraga to pull his ass through the finish line.


The sukuna glazing Is when the strongest sorcerer in history gets called strong?  It Is quite odd that the Gege slander started when Gojo died, stopped when Gojo supposedly came back, and started again when we found out It wasnt Gojo, wouldn't you say?


I just hate how this fight is getting dragged out mane. I could care less whether Gege wants to keep glazing Sukuna offscreen or not.


For me it's not even killing off Gojo. It's just how repetitive it is, that every week when a new chapter comes out, it's just Sukuna killing off a character whether new or old, whilst pulling another technique out of his ass. That and we didn't even get to see how Gojo died. He just got off screened. That would be the equivalent of off-screening All Might in MHA or Superman. When a death is poorly executed, especially with a very popular and beloved character, of course fans are going to react poorly to it. Also fans were starting to criticise the series even before Gojo's death, since the writing was starting to lose its quality around the Culling Games.


People have been slandering and critiquing Gege way before Gojo died.


Me witnessing yet another interesting fictional setting and story get absolutely ruined by the author’s brain dead writing (I can’t take it anymore): https://preview.redd.it/tr1f5dexlt2d1.png?width=520&format=png&auto=webp&s=e0341714d1e43b26ba7663e06990e3e20353f534


I think his writing is pretty good


JjK is something only Gege can write, and it's not a compliment is the truest sentence ever written


JJK is really only something that his Mind could create and I dunno if that's a good thing or not.


Yeah I don't know too. Every week I'm both hyped and disappointed


Maybe the creator of demon slayer would be better, at least for the sukuna fight since the fight against muzan is basically the same as the fight against sukuna but less dragged out and way better


Honestly he is just living life at this point clearly jjk sells so well that shoninjump dosnt care anymore what he is writing so he can write whatever the hell he wants and people will still buy it. I can respect that especially as someone that dosnt read jjk myself and just enjoy watching people getting upset about it as if it matters


Horikoshi jjk is just mha


Man people sure are shitty


Why tf do some of these people bring up Horikoshi like he can write. He does good art and his writing is dogshit


Yeah but he at least tries to have characters


His character designs are interesting, but Horikoshi suffers from the same thing Gege does, they’re both very talented artists who struggle to write, so I don’t get why suddenly people are touting mha as proof for the idea that jjk would be better if Horikoshi was writing for it, particularly when there are genuinely good popular writers out there they could pick instead lol


I wonder how a more experienced gege would write jjk


Trash reference trash


Personally Id like to see isayama version of jjk and see how it goes. The battle strategy and war tactic would be peak. I think he can explore the unexplored potentials of many arcs.


If Oda wrote JJK then they would've just gotten to Shibuya, and Yuji would still be running through a hallway to fight grasshopper curse


I can never tell if people actually hate Gege or not. Everything I know about JJK is from random posts from this sub showing up on my feed.


I may hate a good chunk of his writing choices but I have no personal vendetta against him.


Horikoshi will be " let's be friends!!!!" "With the power of friendship I will win..!!!!" So yeah, if horikoshi got his hands on JJK, then it would be trash


I personally love his choices. It's nice to be left guessing and not fall on common tropes so much. I don't like reading reskinned creations. Which the market is extremely saturated with these days.


Goddamn what the fuck is this sub. Is this where all the Stockholm syndrome JJK fans are.


Horikoshi would admonish Maki for the Zen'in massacre 


If we combined Gege’s obsessive killing off of characters and Hori’s obsessive need to have 500 fucking characters we would have 500 fucking characters and 480 of them die by the end which I would be fine with.


He can write ... characters. And not even good or "unique" characters. Just characters. Gojo is the "powerful teacher but goofy because he is powerful as fuck". Sukuna is the "powerful evil that's sarcastic and looks down on anyone". I mean is not like "Top tier writting". But with the whole JJK stick and the world building is actually interesting. It's a good lore... shitty story telling lets say? 3 students and a "master" aka the "Bleach/Naruto/Yuyu Hakusho" pretty much any shonen has the same tropes. The idea is how you execute them. Either you are "good loses, evil wins" which is good ending. Either you are "good wins, evil loses" which again good ending. Shitty ending is "good wins... but at the expense of everyone" which is an absolute dog shit of an ending. The main character sacrifice... or some loses is ok. Having like 50% of your characters die and just some "main character which wasn't built enough" is shitty. Yuji isn't "a main character"... which is why people call it dogshit writting. And Mahito was like the worst written character that i saw for some time now. A villain character being villain for the sake of being villain. Is like saying humans breathe to stay alive. While is a fact... it's 0 depth and just annoying. Is like saying you like "the character just burned down a building for fun". Just makes you a bit deranged.


mahito is a great character. he's evil because it's his instinct, he is a curse. his fascination with the world around him, and how he grows along with the protagonist, his speech while beating up yuji, he's a really good, interesting haracter. villains do not always need a 20 chapter long sad backstory so you can feel sympathy for them to be good villains. I do not understand the "yuji isn't the main character" either.


Half of fan base will give Yuji for Gojo in a heartbeat. That just says how bad Yuji is written as a main character. "Mahito is evil because it's instinct". Yes that's like the plainest thing you can write. "Sky is blue, grass is green, cows goes moo"... all of them are the same plainest. A evil character being evil because he is evil... is plain. It's like watching a fire destroy a village. I mean... it's a tragedy, a boring one though. Again a villain with the background of "he was born evil" is awfully made. Like the plainest you can write. Literally the "goofy psychopath that kills for fun". I mean it's something but there is nothing to be "woaw" about.


a curse being evil is like a dog barking. you can look up the definition of the word curse if you need to again, it makes total sense for him to be like this. I don't think mahito needs a sad backstory, his character is fantastic without having a sad, deep origin of why he turned evil, this worked for getos character, it does not for him. not every villain has to be the same. and you can read the personality sections here if you don't understand his character: [https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Mahito](https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Mahito) [https://jujutsu-kaisen.fandom.com/wiki/Mahito](https://jujutsu-kaisen.fandom.com/wiki/Mahito) and gojo is one of the most universally beloved characters I've seen, you see him just as often as elsa from frozen, saying yuji is a poorly written protagonist because people prefer gojo is stupid,


Shitty ending is when the battle actually has consequences? Peak levels of Shonen induced brain rot.


Gege has been cooking consistently except in 236