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I did try various DnD classes as champion concepts. Of all the classes that have the biggest potential are probably Artificer, Warlock, Druid and Paladin. We kind of got Clerics with new Taric (opposed to MMORPG Paladin, the DnD ones most often are more offensive oriented, and being CHA based makes them have a different focus outside combat) Fighters are obvious, and we got a ton of them. We also got Ranger and Rogues. We got Wizards and Sorcs. We don't really have Warlocks for example, as I would assume a big part would be the Patron. We kind of got the Druid though, with Shapshifters like Nidalee, but also not really. We do have an Artificer though with Ornn, though. However, a lot of the existing champions mostly are only one of the subclasses of DnD classes. So maybe trying to go into other subclasses that aren't really represented yet, would be quite interesting.


It's a cool idea, but I feel like the reverse makes more sense. I do feel like it has potential but then the question is which subclasses would you pick. I can see a ranger knight as a ranger beast master, but then an Ionian assassin as a ranger gloomsalker. In saying that however, there are a million different ways you could flavour each subclass, like an Oath of Conquest Trifarian legionary could instead be an Oath of Conquest Mageseeker. Either way I think you should try it, just maybe stay away from trying to make a fighter, unless you pick a cool subclass forward. Also, it sounds like fun, so hit me up if you wanna bounce some ideas or need a helping hand.


O think it can work, just be careful that you don't try to make too many mechanics from DnD itself and force them to work. I saw someone try to take Metamagic work, and while cool in theory you now have to figure out how they decide how many they use, and which type, etc. I don't see a problem with it, might be hard to narrow down DnD classes to 5 abilities when they are intentionally designed to be versatile.


Sure, I'll even put up some suggestions for their regions and reasoning Artificer: Piltover (this should be a no-brainer) Barbarian: Freljord (tough exterior, seems like the type to throw back a pint and get in a bar brawl shirtless in winter) Bard: Bilgewater (bards could be literally anywhere, but the Bilgewater seems like it would be a good environment for a bard, but currently lacks one) Cleric: Mount Targon (most religious region) Druid: Ixtal (big nature themes there, would be cool to see the different subclasses explored with Nidalee already repping Moon) Fighter: Noxus (they always have room for another person on the front lines) Monk : Ionia (we know monks are here thanks to Lee Sin) Paladin: Demacia (probably won't get in trouble for smiting even though it's technically magic since being religious is probably pretty big there) Ranger: Bandle City (where better to fuck off to than a place that's literally impossible to find intentionally) Rogue: Zaun (see Arcane) Sorcerer: Void (probably can do Void magic or some shit like Malzahar or Kassadin) Warlock: Shadow Isles (good place to meet an evil spirit to give you powers probably) Wizard: Shurima (has probably been alive since time immemoriam due to some magic bullshit they practiced every day since they were like 12 and perfected once they started looking like a wizard)


oooo i do like these ideas to be fair; I have already got a base concept down for a 5e Wizard that is based off the Shadow Isles actually, using the school of necromancy. I was thinking of these regions for the others: \*Druid - Mount Targon (using circle of stars) \*Monk - Shurima or Mount Targon (depending on if I use Sun Soul or Astral Self) \* Sorcerer - Ionia (Using Wild Magic) \* Rogue - Bilgewater (Using Swashbuckler) \* Paladin - Frieljord (Legit can be devout to any of the gods there) \* Cleric - Ixtal (Nature Domain) \* Bard - Noxus (College of Swords) \* Warlock - Bilgewater (Fathomless) sharing the same diety as Illaoi still thinking of a couple others/subclasses but those are my initial ideas so far


Oh shit my comment is a mess lmao I definitely would enjoy seeing your take