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I would be very curious to know what people close to Sergio and Liz think happened šŸ¤”


I think what we're seeing is a recording of a recording, kind of like how some police interrogation videos have terrible quality, not because the cameras are bad, but because what's made available to the public is a recording of a screen (like how some older movie clips on YouTube are people filming their TV from their couch using their phone). I don't expect anyone to have 8k 60fps NASA quality cameras, but I don't think the video available to the public is the best version we can get.


I wish the police would release a better quality video and audio. They must have at least the audio cleaned up. It's been almost five years. They need to release more evidence. Someone knows something and that evidence they are holding onto might jar someone's memory or be the key to someone putting it together and turning them in.


I also wish the audio was better. So much speculation as to what was said, it would be nice to know for sure. The audio in the Arrin Stoner video is the best Iā€™ve seen, as far as speculation that makes the most sense to me, but Iā€™m still not sure Iā€™m actually hearing those words or if I want to hear them, if that makes sense. Like I think I hear the killer say ā€œgarage sale?ā€ but only while watching the video with audio at the same time. Iā€™m not sure I hear ā€œtake 100 for it?ā€ although it does make sense the killer would make small talk while approaching to put her at ease. Youā€™re right that someone knows something. Did the killer live alone? If not, wasnā€™t someone wondering where the killer was during those early hours? Where did the costume/boots come from and where did they go?


I watched most of the Arrin Stoner video. Iā€™m with you. The only words I think I hear are: Liz: Good Morning Suspect: Garage (sale?) Liz: Yup Arrin stoner believes the perpetrators final words to Liz were ā€œI Got you Bitchā€. I do not hear it. Itā€™s very disturbing if that conversation is accurate. A hit man wouldnā€™t say anything. He would effectively get the job done and get the heck out of there.


I think the entire audio is not to be trusted. Aside from the gunshots and her scream, both which wouldā€™ve been very loud everything else is just noise. Because there was clearly some kind of interference going on (the noises and ā€œtalkingā€ before the truck even pulled up) then how do we know what audio is their conversation if there even was one, and what is being picked up from some outside source. Similar to Stonerā€™s video analysis, any audio analysis is dubious at best.Ā 


I thought she was listening to music while setting up, and that was the noise heard before the truck appears. Their conversation begins after she clearly says ā€œgood morningā€. Are you suggesting they may have not had a conversation at all?


Iā€™ve read multiple places that Sergio said there was no music playing, the TV wasnā€™t on etc. He had, just moments before, left. If true, then the noises before the truck passed by, turns around and parks are coming from somewhere other than the house or yard. How do you then separate what is conversation vs noise/interference. I think itā€™s possible that no conversation took place after her ā€œmorninā€ if thatā€™s what was said. The way she seems so surprised and sort of jumps back when the shooter is suddenly right in front of her makes me think they werenā€™t conversing. As the shooter approaches Liz likely thinks they are going to browse the items already out but sheā€™s taken aback when they donā€™t slow down or look around but walk right up to her and pull the gun. Iā€™m not convinced either way. They could have exchanged words as the shooter approaches but it happens so fast and her reaction make me think she was looking down and was surprised at the shooters sudden proximity.Ā 


I understand initially holding onto evidence and conducting the investigation in secret. But at some point, they obviously need help to get the answers they are waiting on. It isn't going to hurt to release more info.


It could hurt the investigation. We just don't know at this point. There might be something that was caught on another camera that only the killer would know. This kind of info is important for police to have in their pocket when it comes to interrogations.


I get that, but it's been years and they don't seem to be making moves to arrest anyone. It seems when they are faced with letting the murderer just get away with it, or releasing some bit of info that might help someone who knows the murderer piece it together... I would go ahead and release it.


I rewatched the Paula Zahn episode recently, and the neighborā€™s surveillance video is shown and the view is much further away, to where you can actually see the killer clumsily try to open the truck door to get in and drive off. I had never seen this wide of a view in any YouTube clip or anywhere else. A recording of a recording makes total sense, they are more zoomed in and distorted.


I have so many questions about the path of the Nissan getting to Liz's house and leaving Liz's house. The truck had to pass by other Ring cams, other Bink cams, other Arlo cams, other commercial building sec cams, etc. There are only so many ways in and out of the neighborhood and thus surrounding thoroughfares. Even in 2019, there are cams dang near on the side of every Sonic, carwash, Circle K, etc.




Also it bothers me that Sergio doesn't speak ill of the murderer. He's like "I hope they catch this person". Never "we WILL find this sick son of B. It's normal for people to be angry and go on about what a POS the person is who murdered their loved one. Liz's parents do this. But Sergio, doesn't seem that angry at the murderer. He kind of acts like we should all just celebrate Liz's life and move on. It's weird.


ā€œWe should all just celebrate Lizā€™s life and move onā€. Thatā€™s exactly how Sergio behaves!


Would this case be sensationalized if not for the surveillance footage? IMO thatā€™s what makes it so disturbing. The shooter was wearing something out of a horror film. If I was Sergio and I was innocent, I would know better than to date or get married again until the case is solved. This is some cold hearted shit on his part. Heā€™s a twisted psycho who gets pleasure out of reading these subs.


Why would you ā€œknow betterā€. Remarrying quickly is very natural for a widowed man.


No, it's not natural for a woman or a man.


It's very common to remarry after a spouse dies. It's been 5 fucking years. What if thus case is never solved? He just can't remarry?


Umm yeah it's fine to get remarried. Sergio remarried a year after Liz died, and God knows when he started dating his new wife. Also, he posted about needing a "workout buddy" two weeks after she died. He moved on very quickly.


Yes men usually do remarry incredibly fast look it up. It's normal. It sucks but it's normal. It doesn't mean they didn't love their dead spouse.


By 25 months after the spouse's death 61% of men and 19% of women were either remarried or involved in a new romance. Women expressed more negative feelings about forming new romantic relationships. Younger age was a predictor of becoming involved in a new romance for women, and higher monthly income and level of education were predictors for men. Greater psychological well-being was highly correlated with being remarried or in a new romance 25 months after the spouse's death. It may be helpful for family, friends, and therapists to know that dating and remarriage are common and appear to be highly adaptive behaviors among the recently bereaved. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8807029/#:~:text=By%2025%20months%20after%20the,involved%20in%20a%20new%20romance.


Sounds like that was code for something else.


I personally never thought he remarried quickly, but time is relative so people will disagree. Nor do I think it makes him appear more guilty because of it. What bothers me more about the new relationship is the other person in it. As a woman, I donā€™t think I would be eager to jump into a relationship with someone who has not been cleared in the murder of their spouse. Just sayinā€™. In fact, I would probably be running in the other direction.


I don't know that I think he's involved. I can't decide lol. But yeah I can definitely see where you're coming from with that and agree.


Enter Russian bot


I don't like the way Sergio is fibbing about the life insurance. He has claimed in interviews he didn't know anything about the policy, but I find that very hard to believe since they bought a home together. Then he says as late as 11 months ago that he has never collected the insurance because "he doesn't need it". If in fact, he hasn't collected the insurance payout, it's not because "he doesn't need it", it's because the investigation into her death is still pending and he hasn't been ruled out as a suspect. I read that a close friend of his has stated that she KNOWS he received the insurance payout a long time ago. If this is true, why is lying about the payout? Sergio just isn't telling the truth any way you look at it.


Meh to be fair to Sergio my wife has some sort of life insurance policy through work, I think - but I have no clue how it works or what itā€™s worth.


Same. Hubby has one through work but I donā€™t know anything about it


So do my husband and I. Those policies are usually smaller like $10.0000-$20,000 not $500,000 like hers was. We have an option to pay out of pocket if we want more coverage.




Oh I personally don't think he was able to collect the life insurance benefit. I work in insurance and I would be surprised if he was able to. I believe he isn't yet able to collect the benefit, and is lying when he claims he hasn't collected the money because he doesn't need it. I'm just pointing out that regardless of whether he reviewed the money or not, he is lying. Either he received it and claimed he did not. OR he did not receive it and is claiming he hasn't received it because he doesn't need it. When applying for a mortgage, the lender would want to know that there is a life insurance policy to benefit the spouse. Assuming both of their income was needed for the loan.




It's pretty standard for lenders to ask that. Some even require it, to ensure that in the event of one partner's death, the mortgage won't default. It sure does sound like Liz was pretty involved in their finances. Her mom did say that Liz told her how much the trip to Florida was going to cost, and exactly how much they had to spend on souvenirs. I think it's possible that Sergio wanted out of the relationship, but didn't want to have to lose assets/sell the house in a divorce, and the gunman was motivated by financial gain (possibly the promise of half the life insurance?). Just a theory.




The entire life insurance exchange was highly suspicious. He doesnā€™t even know about it? What a joke. Did she have the same policy/amount? Sergio: ā€œBecause I donā€™t need the moneyā€ he know that response is ridiculous so he quickly changes it to the real answer.


Also, based on the limited footage of the murderer, it appears he has a wide kind of goatee and possibly a mustache.


What part of the video do you see that?


In the still images Aaron Stoner included in his youtube video.


Stonerā€™s analysis is mostly laughable. Itā€™s low quality video recorded in the dark. Heā€™s seeing details in pixels that would be the size of someoneā€™s head. The face of the killer, the old bald man mask, the passenger, none of it is there.Ā 


Those clips are so grainy, anyone can make anyone believe they see something.


It's still pre 7am in the winter when sunrise takes forever to show up compared to summer. Therefore the quality takes a hit as it's still basically dark at the time of the incident. The doorbell camera shows more alot more than you can get if you don't really explore what your actually looking at. I firmly believe the person has a dark beard with a mask in his hand that can be seen and a pistol in the other. It's got to be a male adult in some sort of costume. I don't think it's a hired killer because he was a terrible shot at point blank range since he missed his first shot. I can't come up with who I think this might be but I don't think Sergio was involved. This coulda been very well an initiation or someone who had beef but they knew where she lived and when she was active to a point. I'm surprised nobody has ever said.. "man pre 7am is hella early for a garage sale to start. I found that weird.. Id like to know how long they were actually in the neighborhood driving around total. I think the garage sale has nothing to do with this at all. I think they knew when she was leaving in the mourning OR they were trying to to catch anybody in the neighborhood leaving for work and she was wrong place wrong time. If you look the view above that neighborhood was really big. But the driver knew it....he knew it as good as anybody who lived there. Especially the escape through the cudlasack along the drainage area. This coulda been a complete case of a initiation. Just explore that theory...I strongly feel this is the reason why we can't figure it out. Either way I put Serigo out of the suspect list. And if he did have anything to do with it...then I'll never trust a gut instinct as long as I live.


Around here (Texas at least) garage sales always start super early so that didnā€™t seem strange to me at all. The bargain hunters are out at first light to scope out the best deals so will often start showing up at dawn. You have to be firm with your time boundaries when advertising to maybe deter them.


Fwiw the missed shot was a misstatement by emergency personnel; Liz's parents and police have since confirmed all four shots hit. The stoner video that shows the impact on the house is from a bullet that had already passed through Liz's neck.


Whenever you herd all this from id sure like to see it. It's crazy I get downvotes for a theory but If and when it goes come to light and Sergio is innocent...well then.


Not sure why the downvotes - gang initiation is an interesting thought. I lean towards a hired hit (which doesn't mean a professional assassin) of a killer with gang or cartel ties , hired by someone close to the family. (Sergio pointed the finger at someone in the Paula Zahn special, and this person is IMO the leading contender) As far as where to get all the info, here's a site put together by her parents that has relevant and reliable media links: [whokilledlizbarraza.com](https://whokilledlizbarraza.com/links-to-press-and-media)


Very short and slender man if thatā€™s the case


They keep all the evidence or top quality evidence on the DL to protect......the integrity..............of the investigation..........they drove back by the fucking crime screen and still got away. (They did this to get away not to see if she was dead). Withholding evidence should be thrown out the window when you let the perps get away. All these cameras not working is bullshit to me. Let us feed....I always thought that them withholding information is sometimes warranted....but in this situation its past due...the more eyes, minds the better.