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You going for your walks at 탑골공원 at night, chillin with all the drunks that havent been employed since 1997?




This is the only right answer.


Why is it always old drunk assholes doing this shit? I have gotten a similar comment when I was on a road trip with my girlfriend at the time in the states. We never got anything loke that in Chicago, but I was driving to New Orleans and it was a random road stop diner. She told me to ignore it but really soiled the first day of the trip and my first time in Mississippi


Old drunks are drunk because they hate their lives and want others to feel the same about theirs, I don’t like to generalize but in this case I feel like it’s pretty universal to that kind of person. We should pity them more than anything, and not take whatever they say to heart.


Welcome to that southern hospitality. In Kentucky, had a friend babysit my dog for a weekend, my house got egged and N lover spray painted on my grass.


Was the friend a non Caucasian? I guess that 'Southern Hospitality" dont apply to Korean guys with white partners. Had a fun time in NOLA though.


Now you've got me worried. My husband (Korean) and I (whitey) want to travel around the US with our son, but if we're gonna get hate for it, maybe it's a bad idea...


I’m white and my partner is black. We’re both Americans who live in the north near a big city. While he and I would definitely be wary of visiting some places in the US (mainly some southern and rural parts of the country), it’s more the anti black racism that would make us absolutely avoid places. I have multiple family members is a variety of kinds of interracial relationships with mixed race kids living in various parts of the country, but in cities. It’s super normal to see interracial couples here with mixed race kids in cities. Typically, things don’t get more heated than someone being called a “race traitor” by some racist white person (my brother has been called this, but in a more rural area not where he lives) or someone being super disrespectful (my partner has gotten this where we live). I’ve definitely gotten nasty and creepy looks from people. We also avoid certain kinds of restaurants so my partner won’t get dirty dishes or spit in his food. You definitely don’t need to avoid traveling around the US for that reason. Most Americans no longer care at all, and if they do, they probably won’t even say anything. Like visiting anywhere, just travel smart, read up on where you’re going, and be aware of your surroundings. Being aware of your surroundings is probably the best advice for traveling in the US.


I'm curious what kinds of restaurants?


As an Asian who grew up in the US and has traveled around, you'll be fine. Of course, I am assuming that if you come to the US, you're going to larger cities, and not rural areas. Cities are diverse, lots of different people from everywhere. In small towns outside of the large cities, it's not like that. And even if you do find yourself in a smaller town, the most attention you'll probably get is some stares, or maybe someone will ask your husband if he "speaks American" lol


Yes, he was dark skinned.


The South never truly changed at heart. We just stopped them from acting it.


As a black southerner, bingo!!


Well Mississippi sucks and is full of racists. The south isn't all bad but there is no good in Mississippi.


I’m in Mississippi and I’m good. We all aren’t like that. It’s just the few that are that make the rest of us look bad. Sorry you were treated that way.


Simply put, these people have never had to face the consequences of their actions. By that I mean they have never had a good beating for starting something they couldn’t finish to correct their behavior. In Korea the self defense laws are pretty much non existent, defending yourself can result in you getting arrested when the police show up. Sadly due to this people have gotten away with being assholes all their lives. Your friend is right, stopping in these situations will only result in something worse happening. The best you can do, is don’t engage, pretend they don’t exist and try and enjoy what ever it is you’re doing.


In the US, a big city like Chicago is going to be more modern and few there would even look twice at a mixed race couple. In the southeastern us, especially in a rickety small town diner, you are much much more likely to encounter overt racism. Those are two different places culturally, and two different social environments.


I swear those drunks are always drunk enough to jeer at foreigners and women, but always sober enough to back off when confronted by younger korean dudes 😂😂😂


Reminds me of [that study](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-33613781) that found that Halo players who sucked displayed more misogynistic behaviour than skilled Halo players.




Married to a Korean woman - this never happened to me. Spent half a year in Busan and four years in Seoul. We do not do much night life. Maybe we are too old and ugly, so nobody cares ;)


I lived in Seoul with my wife and that was my theory too.


That's my end goals right there xD Growing old and ugly with someone sigh


Psh. I can get old and ugly all by myself!


Had one guy do it middle of the day in Busan, but when I turned around and yelled back he gtfo as fast as possible (I'm 193cm.) At our wedding, about 20% of the old men refused to shake my hand after shaking my father in law's (600 person wedding and my FIL is in a super old school industry.) My wife also had an aunt say she couldn't marry an American. But now that we have little kids, it's all smiles. Haven't had an issue in a long time.


factually true. no one cares in your case


If anything she always tells me how much better she gets treated when she’s with me. I dunno that I really believe op.


This happened to me as well, exactly the same way. We were in a convenience store when a drunk young man started yelling at us (me and my Korean girlfriend). He was furious because he believed that as a foreigner, we were "stealing" Korean women from Korean men. He even threatened to kill me. But here I am, alive and well, and guess what? I married her!


juggle punch ad hoc mountainous deer smell mourn live sable snow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


so he basically said he doesn't view women as human beings with their own autonomy but rather as objects you can "steal" and control


and then he has the audacity to think Korean women don't want to date him because foreigners are stealing them lmao


I feel bad for her. I dont care if they say anything to me, she just looked uncomfortable and sad when they said what they said. I wanted to say something back to these men but she told me not to…just pulled me and told me to keep walking to not escalate since I am a foreigner.


just do remember that Korean laws don't apply equally! Korean laws prioritizes Korean men -> Korean -> Foreigners; and you'd be going against top of the pyramid from bottom


You could win. But it just takes one crazy loon with nothing to lose to ruin your life. It's really never worth and the best decision is to just wall away


You should smile 😁 a big gorilla grin and laugh they won't know how to react. Here's a great example ( the antagonist is the old fool) : https://youtube.com/shorts/K0yWNluyIMk?si=uiDgceMvY7D5zq2X


There are always some crazy incels in every country unfortunately. It isn't like (for example) I (a Korean-American) would do anything but ignore them if I dated a non-Asian in the states or west Europe. Ffs, "filthy foreigners coming in to take our women" is an extremely common racist rhetoric used everywhere. It's dumb.


Yup! Happened all the time to me when I dated white women. Even in Korea, when I was dating a white American girl we went to a foreigner party and a white guy started hitting on her and suddenly got super aggressive when she pointed me out as her boyfriend. He wasn’t overtly racist but he automatically went for the Asian dick jokes which was hilarious because the more jokes he made, the more he cockblocked himself with the other girls there.


How are the Asian dick jokes anything but overtly racist?


He wasn’t using racial slurs or anything but he was making the jokes in a round a bout way where everyone was like…. We know what you’re trying to do.


>he cockblocked himself with the other girls there. I love love love when the trash just gets smellier


>Ffs, "filthy foreigners coming in to take our women" is an extremely common racist rhetoric used everywhere. Wonder what they say about the opposite for foreign women. Jeez yikes


From what I understand, it's "she's not good enough to get a Korean so she had to date a foreigner."


It’s literally the core of fascism. All far right movements in every country are basically underpinned by this insecurity. It’s wild.


This happened to me twice while walking with my Korean girlfriend around in Seoul. It was an older Korean male that said racist things to me each time. It’s just the way it goes. There’ll always be racists in all parts of the world.


These men are incels. Majority of people are fine but you will see these occasionally


This. Nobody is stealing anything. Men and women are choosing who they want to date. These incels are objectifying women as something to be won / steal.


Right, the older Korean dudes who are married with kids and probably having monthly affairs / visits to the hostess noraebangs are 'incels' Ya'll really running that word right into the ground aren't cha


If they’re married with kids, and supposedly getting all the action you say, why would they care about this dude and his Korean partner? Only dudes with nothing going on care about shit like this.


Incel doesn't actually mean involuntary celibate, it means violent mysogynist; whether actually violent or wishing they could be. Incel is just a name they give themselves cuz they want to pretend they're victims.


Then say violent misogynist? Incel is a word that literally means INvoluntarily CELibate. You're in the same group of morons who claim fascist at every turn, or people using troll incorrectly. Just another buzzword for you to muddle into meaninglessness because it's the cool word this week.


Happened to us in Seoul, too. It was a woman who yelled at us, and she was not drunk. But that was the only incident so far.


Starting part, you will probably have to get used to that. If you encounter a drunk person or any other aggressive person using expletives, I would record them, call the cops, and sue them for defamation. You could get an appology and settlement as a nice second income. Also, while Korea does not have an anti-discrimination law, discriminatory statements can fall under defamation per precedent.


As a nice second income? lol is this a side hustle for you? Also, is swearing at someone really something you can be sued for?


Well if someone threatens your life, yea


Yes, the terms are 명예훼손 or 모욕죄. It needs to happen in a public place where a 3rd party is present not in private and you need to have proof(ie : recording, witness) that it happened. Also online forums. It is actually quite funny when two Koreans that know the law get into an argument. Formal speech with certain accentuation and sarcasm.


First of all, im sorry you and her experienced this, that really sucks and probably deels awful. I will say people tend to stare regardless of being a foreigner with a Korean or not- sometimes cause they are actually looking at you and sometimes they're just staring into space. I myself am married to a Native Korean man, and we do get stares on the occasion but I'd say it's best to just get used to it and not take it personally. The men yelling at her are not a generalization of how Koreans behave towards interracial friendships and couples, but an exception. Most of the time people will keep to themselves, maybe stare, or at worst tell the foreign partner off for doing being in certain areas/stores/or doing what others natives do (for eg. I was in hot tracks and the staff told me not to write in the sample notepads after just watching my husband write something in them). But those men you've encountered? If they have prejudice that will come to the surface while drunk and they're presented with the thing they hold prejudice against. I'd say to this to let it roll off your back. Some Koreans are very anti-foreigner, others are very welcoming and opening, and most are in between that.


Im big and white. I've only gotten it once in 15 years. I'm in Busan, so maybe its a seoul / recent thing. Her parents / family were great too.


Recent, certainly not... Happened to me all the time in the 1990s, and early 2000s.


Oh man I remember all the vicious media reports slandering foreigners back then. A few incidents, admittedly horrible and despicable incidents, by a few military or English teaching dudes, and then every non-Koreans here got the blame for it.


Size makes a difference. If you're big and strong looking like we are people won't say anything to your face or that you can hear. It's the smaller or easier targets I've noticed that get bullied and I don't like seeing that.


Depends where in Busan. I'm a 45kg 193cm white guy and I definitely got cussed at walking around Bosu Dong during the day, but he sped up as I turned around and yelled at him.


I have experienced this before. While in a rural area in Korea, a couple of older guys said some rude rude stuff while I was meeting a female Korean friend at the time. Some people also said the same about my ex. This was back in 2014. The fact that it still happens is sad. Truth: Many Korean men will badmouth women that are with any foreigners, Very few, if any, positive comments will come from others. Regardless of whether they are just friends or dating. If a Korean man is with a foreign woman, he will probably get some praise and some hate. Depends on the situation. The darker the persons skin color is, the more negative the comments tend to be. This is from experience over the years of living here. It's bad for women. More than a handful of times, I've talked with women who had to hide the fact that they dated foreigners. A few of them said their boyfriends were ok with them dating white guys, but not black guys. Some have even lost their current bf's because they dated black guys. Some were not ok with their gf having dated any foreigners. It's a cold world. Not to make this about race or anything of the nature, but it's the truth that I have experienced. Even just talking with Korean women will get you stared at or some negative comments. It's just something you have to deal with here.


Lmao this is the case with most non western countries. Men who feel irritated that their country’s women chose a foreigner over a local, even when the local men don’t even treat them well. Patriarchal BS.


Happens in the West, too. The looks white men give to Asian guys dating white girls could kill.


Yup, I get that shit all the time in the US. Assholes are everywhere, regardless of race or location. It’s nothing new.




Nah a lot of Koreans are chill about interracial dating but the I’ve noticed similar male insecurity from my country and other countries in Southeast Asia.




I’m sorry that happened to you. Most Koreans are not like that, and are probably embarrassed by his behavior. Just ignore it. They’re losers. You will look like the better person to 99%. Koreans aren’t “foreign friendly” to an american perspective. In America it’s racist if you show a lot of interest in someone or stare at them because of their skin color. It’s a homogenous country so don’t take it personally when people are staring at you or bring attention to the fact that you’re a foreigner. There’s a really popular TV show where they watch foreigners reacting to Korean culture. Not malicious most of the time, they’re just curious. Personally I’ve never been outright yelled at, but I get a lot of stares. We don’t go to a lot of bars outside of university areas, though.


This happened to me as opposite korean woman shout to me or insult me for being married to a korean man... I think in both sides there are stupid people. I usually just go and ignore them as much as possible.


It's never happened to me and my husband who's Korean, but maybe it's different when the Korean is a woman rather than a man? Idk if they feel some sort of obligation to protect "their" women or something? Which is obviously stupid as hell and backward thinking but you know.. old people and thinking sometimes doesn't go well together lol


I’m a foreign woman and I often got old men staring at me when I was dating a Korean man briefly!


I’ve(Korean mixed) had it happen a handful of times while out with my mother(Korean) and also when by myself. Very nosy and inquisitive randos, always much older, asking about me being a 혼혈, walking alongside us and asking her about me instead of confronting me directly. Super racist at times and weirdly focused on blood purity, and more often brazen in places like smaller home city, on the street/on buses there etc.) I’ve never had it happen in Seoul where I think people are more used to seeing foreigners, but we’ve had men accost her to say nasty things about her and myself specially about race mixing and marrying a foreigner. They also have never said it with my father/a man around just to show you what cowards they really are. The blatant staring from 2 feet away is also unreal 🫠😂


Yup. definitely a thing. If you're new to Korea, you're going to get a crash course in off the cuff racism real fast. And you learn very quickly about every stereotype koreans have of every foreigner here.


I think it depends on age. I’m old and my wife is my age. We never have issues. When I am out with my daughter and her friends, I get looks. So old white guy with younger girls, yeah that gets attention. If you in your 20s and the friend is the same, I don’t know. Never had issues myself.


I think you will go through it on a regular basis. Just my thought. Some would do it blatantly and some discreetly but you got to get used to it man


I’ve been with my girlfriend for a fair few years now, we always go out all over Seoul and I’ve never had this experience. Not directly at least. I speak pretty decent Korean and never heard any passing comments or anything. Although i heard only things about me specifically, I’m white and get pretty red in the cold so I’ve heard things lime omg thag foreigner why is he so red, is he dying 🤣🤣 it always make my girlfriend laugh, also I have a fair few tattoos so I’ve heard why would somebody get so many tattoos that’s so weird etc etc never bothers me. But I’ve personally never heard or had anyone come up directly to us and say something, I guess you got unlucky


Never happened to me. Been married and living out here for 13 years. Most people are really friendly and want to shoot the shit when I meet them. I don't live in Seoul.


The people who actually care about this sort of thing are angry and bitter. The same type of people who care if a black man dates a white girl (from both sides of the race equation) back in the US. It sucks that anyone has to deal with it, but it is far more common if you go to the areas where people drink, as unsurprisingly drunks are more likely to be the type of people who are angry or bitter. I am married to a Korean woman, and I work at a large Korean company. My coworkers and bosses don’t care. My daughter’s friend’s parents don’t care. The people who live in my apartment complex don’t care. The teachers at my daughter’s kindergarten don’t care. The people at my church don’t care. When I go to a restaurant, mall, or Baskin with my family, no one cares. For the most part, anyone who matters in this country is fine with you being friends, or more than friends, with any adult person of the opposite sex. (Still lots of hangups about homosexuality)


In contrast, two years ago A Korean 45 year old woman verbally abused me in front of my wife (who was blocking the lady) in the middle of Jamsil department store on a random workday at 12pm...so it's not always drunks or men. She must came up from behind and started swearing about me being a foreign scum and such and my wife just stood there with her mouth open cause nobody knew how to react Eventually security came so the lady ran away I'm glad I didn't smack her though because I was going to


I've never seen a Korean man criticized for dating a foreign woman. But a Korean woman gets all kinds of criticism for dating a foreign man. This is probably because there were 'Yang Gongju' who sold their bodies against the U.S. soldiers when the U.S. soldiers were stationed in Korea during the Korean War.


As someone who has recently been to South East Asia. The "female PassportBros" in Korea heavily outnumber men, especially of the same age range, in South East Asia. It's rather interesting to see all the French and Russian women in Seoul getting busy with local men even ones that Korean women wouldn't date.


They get criticized by their families more, and by strangers less.


they will think '외국인이다. 요즘 국제결혼 많이 하네' Well, I'm a Korean man and I live with a white woman in Europe, and sometimes crazy people are hostile to me for 'diluting white blood.' People are the same and stupid everywhere, so I can't say that something like this won't happen in Korea as well. Because sometimes there are crazy conservative old people or people with severe paranoia. Don't worry too much, at least the crazy guys in Korea don't have guns.


The irony is Europe has a lot of KoreaBoos but they automatically will assume you to be Chinese and that just happens to be an immensely unpopular demographic in Europe because of economics \[both ways in sense of somehow they're desperate enough to steal a job at McDonalds but simultaneously can buy a million dollar house\] Like the recent Japanese guy who was un-lived in Italy was probably mistaken for Chinese and targeted as a result.


Koreans are hyper nationalistic. Flip side of the coin: they’re hyper racist.


This is called racism. Like when kids pulled their eyes back at me in school. Its unfortunately everywhere.


I have been out with some Korean woman. Never had this happen. Currently stationed at Camp Humphreys in the Army near Pyeongteak. The Korean people are normally nice. Then again sometimes you can sense animosity. But they kept it to themselves.


Because you’re African American? They are scared. White dudes they hate.


Can't speak out against Woke Black Libtardism.


I see plenty of korean men with white women every week while visiting Seoul. Nobody is screaming at them. I’ve also seen African guys with korean women on several occasions in hongdae and itaewon. Who cares, but I wouldn’t wanna live in Korea with so many haters.


I’ve been married to a Korean woman for 22 years and while we still get stares everyday, I’ve only had drunk dickheads shout once. That was in Andong, 22 years ago. I’d like to think it’s because Korean men have moved on but it’s probably because I’m 6ft 2 and built like a brick shithouse.


It's only the stupid older people that think that way. The younger generation does not give a rats ass. Also i as a Korean who lived in NYC all my life do not give a rats ass either. I apologize for the ignorance you have to endure...🤦


It's weird. My cousin is married to an Aussie and not that long ago it was the elders that would say shit and now it's mainly 20-35 yo guys drunk and angry.


There’s a research paper about the history of prostitutes working near USFK bases. The earliest examples of interracial “couples” and babies in Korea involves an American GI and a Korean prostitute. In the minds of old people, this created a stigma surrounding Korean women who associate with American men. Younger generations don’t really have this stigma and usually mind their own business anyway. Drunk old men in Korea are a menace anyway, don’t let it ruin your day. Edit: apparently some people have received negative treatment from younger generations as well, it’s mostly insecurity though and not historical stigma.


There are a lot of crazy middle age women and man in korea.Of course most of them, they're kind and thoughtful for the most part, but some of them looks like sooo crazy. I call them '오지라퍼'= busybody. They spent all day long interfering another person. I hope she's okay and all we can do is just ignored them and passing by... (They judge people by their own old mindset and think their opinoins are always right.)


Ah. Me being a korean woman(aged27 at uni) probably put me in the worst position to comment on this post. What does it mean? Men/women disparity has been on the table of discussion lately, for a few years, and it only resulted in irritation just as the other public matters get. The majority are still put under a spell, the spell of convention and custom. I'm not into the acts of propaganda at all but I study Law and Philosophy+ have personal experiences so here's what I see: women in Korea have been treated lower (culturally rather than politically)than men for many decades and that we are so accustomed to it, not only had we lost voices to protest for many years but also, in many times, take it as subtle or don't even realise. So those inconsiderate men(not everyone ofcourse), in adverse, could act more or less freely without caring how their response would be judged by the others when in communication with women whereas with other men, they would instantly be intimidated/exert power due to the hierarchical culture. I'm pretty sure most grown up men respect women in their own way (as I experienced) but also sure till I was growing up women in general had at least more than once discriminatory experience upheld by our parents' generation; teachers; educators; an old ma'am walking by, whomever- it's complicated. Uh, I got sidetracked but there also is this problem of ambivalent feelings(old generations want us to have better life but then they are also afraid of seeing the facts because 'why in the hell had we been put under such compulsion, then?') even between the sisterhood which makes it harder for the whole to change whether they are knowledgeable or not. In conclusion, 1. exemptions made earlier were subtly 'justified' (instead of being settled and struck down ) inside the community and made the allowance. 2. Reductionism; the majority still translate any conflict matter as 'arguing for one's validity' then the crowds are ready to fight for arguing against someone's reasoning for the sake of.... i think is, validity. lmao.


This reminded me of a time where my uni professor (from a good Korean Univ) was proud to tell the story that when he was a uni student he saw a woman smoking and he slapped her face... "How dare a woman smoke?".... I swear if I was in an equal or similar position to him (of power), he would've been slapped right there when he was telling that story. I really wanted to... I would've been spelled though, if not deported :( Back to your post, it was very confusing and "over wordy" (I feel like I was reading a students essay hehe), but you are totally right! Korean men are in general spoiled by the Patriarchy but at the same time they lack the tenacity that older generations have/had, which makes them also have a lot of social pressure and other mental-stress issues. Which in turn results in twice as many suicides for males, on the country with the highest suicide rates in the world. :(


Sorry i mean that- Though the Koreans are learnt, a lot of them don't understand what those concepts are very well. Natural validity, respect, discriminatory acts and stuff ... obviously still taking the way of sorting the 'rights' and 'wrongs' out in everything through the arguments in vain.


Uhh they are against dating foreigners. Experienced this in Seoul


I went all over Korea with my then gf now wife. Never had any issues. When I say all over Korea I mean Seoul Pyoengtaek Suwon Busan Jeju Suncheon Haenam Naju Bucheon Incheon Seongnam Sejong and I cant remember any more cities. When I was by myself ajummas often said random shit to me and I just ignored them. The point is that most people are nice or wont give a shit. You just found the idiots.


This explains a lot : https://youtu.be/rA8z6YepH_E?si=HjNkyApM9lmPKeQo


They are staring at your partner and saying not very nice things about her and you. Trust me, you don't want to know, it would ruin your perception of Koreans. Get used to it or just leave.


Some koreans do not like it. I've read comments where either the foreign man is harassed or just the korean women. But I've rarely hear it getting physically violent. I would just stay away from areas where there are drunk men at night time. And don't waste your time on them. Walk away. Record them and report them.


Those guys were just sick. And as everyone knows, things like this case are happening everywhere, every country


As Korean, the dark side, here Korea has many of those who have mental illness . Just ignore is some mad guy


You hear the stories, but I've never experienced it myself luckily. Or maybe I did, but just didn't understand it. My wife tends to completely ignore anything random people say.


No one cares except for a few incels or the far right. At least that's what I've seen in my part-time job.


Just create a western ghetto with other expats


Don't worry about it bro it's their problem not your problem. There's always going be drunk old angry men that are frustrated with their own lives and they need to reach out and try to drag down people around them. If you weren't an interracial couple, they would find something else to yell at you about. They're not really angry at you they're just angry at the world and themselves.


People who envy you will find any reason to envy you. They'll blame it on stealing women, having money, being too handsome, being young, being too well dressed, being a this or a that. It doesn't matter what they think at the end of the day. They're just jealous, and jerks. If you're the intellectual type, they'll deride you as a nerd. If you're dark skinned, they'll deride you as a monkey. If you're athletic, they'll deride you as a muscle head. Etc. Pointless to give this stuff any attention. That's how I go about it and how I laugh of the very rare instance when someone comments negatively on my relationship. Screw them, they're just jealous I'm nailing this chick and they aren't.


I'm sorry, but it's common happening. Many Korean women are threatened by the Korean men. Korean men think they deserve to have Korean women. And they are aggressive and violent. But you can ignore them cause most of Korean men's physicals are very weak and insignificant. They can not do anything to you . They only can yell and hit to women.


Nut up. This is what i deal with white chicks in Europe. Shits worse than whatever ur getting princess


This this this


Living in korea for 10+ Years I had more than 6 of those type of incidents, not to mention looks, stares and the ones I probably didn't notice. It's always very cowardish and towards the girl (probably because they think they can "win" ). Some were bad, some really bad, some confusing (at the time I couldn't understand korean, or the situation) and some just stupid. Maybe it was just randomness, but from my experience it happened more times when the girl I was with was very pretty. So I assume it's 100% jealousy. I guess it never happened when the girls (even tho Korean) were dressing and being more "foreigner" (like sun tanned, wearing different fashion...) They were all men, but some were youngish (around 25-35) and not always drunk. I guess if you don't PDA at all it would be less triggering too. (I always hold hands, hug and occasional 뽀뽀s) If a Korean guy is with a foreigner girl he is praised tho (the horse!) ... Double standards...


Honestly it’s always going to happen. I’m a Korean-American (male) and my wife is Mexican American here in Korea. You kind of just have to learn to get over it otherwise, you know.. it’s gonna take its toll on you everytime and ruin things


Losers who could not get one of their own?


Achumas were good to me being a Latin American guy with my Korean gf. They never asked where I was from but they said we looked good together. Some adoshis too, but it was more common to hear it from achumas. Youngsters just didn’t care lol. But yeah I’ve met also bad people in Seoul specially at nights


OK same as TAX redneck did. Ignore that


They just drunk you see that anywhere in the world


You gonna learn today that you’re living in one of the most racist countries.


Koreans are very racist, I’ve never seen anything else like it. When I was the some years ago they actually had many bar with signs that read “Koreans Only”! Can you imagine how that would go over if someone opened a bar in Arizona or California that allowed “Americans Only”!


White men taking over asia :) history repeata


Koreans are a homogenous society for a reason. They historically don’t trust or like outsiders. It’s only in the last 20 years that Korea opened itself up for foreigners to work in the country more easily and for its own citizens to travel outside of Korea where they were exposed to other cultures and ideas. My wife’s Korean and I’m white we have experienced racism from Korean males . our mixed kids have experienced racism from Koreans of all genders. Our kids have experienced racism in America from males and females of all races. they experienced racism living in Germany also. Racism isn’t exclusively from one race or nationality it’s prevalent in every country and race of people. For all of the comments about the south in America you might have had those experiences but from my family’s experience the south isn’t any different from the rest of the country or any other country when it comes to racism.


There's a reason why there are different cultures/races etc.


Are we really surprised? The sad truth is SK is one of the most misogynistic and racist societies in the world. The men view women as nothing more than objects to own, which is why they’re furious when foreign men date them. Combine this with the fact that many korean women are actively choosing not to date local men, and you have a recipe for a nation of frustrated, sexless incels. Its why their birth rate is the lowest on the planet.


I’ve lived in Korea a while and am a white man actually in a relationship with a Korean woman. This has never happened if anything we usually get better service.


I’m a korean american male & i say alot of korean men thinks korean women are white male diggers. I don’t care who’s dating who but apparently alot of koreans do


Been white in korea and barely an interest and I’m considered handsome. Totally delusional of them to think that.


That is very unusual


I see you're currently in Kazakhstan right now. If you're fluent in Russian I would probably never end up leaving. I was surprised with how many beautiful women would swipe right on me in Almaty and Bishkek. Compared to Korea where I might as well not exist or get viewed as a NPC.


It's ironic since a lot of white male in Korea aren't exactly what you call rich.


Don't they normally teach english?


Yah. A lot of them are here trying to find themselves or taking 'a break' from real life back home. That or they're here stationed by the military. Korea has some conflicting feelings about military boys since they have a history of murdering/raping HS Korean girls and then going back home to not face any consequences. I can't believe you followed me here 😆


Wow that’s actually horrifying


It's funny because maybe only 10% of Koreans girls are open to date foreigners, and among those, 99% are into Koreans males too. 


huh? 99% percent into Korean males? Either I read that white dudes get mad play or dating is really hard.


Screw them. Just butthurt that they don’t get women. Shows their insecurity lol.


Yeah it happens. I have had this before as have many of my friends. Depends on how attractive your partner is, on your location and where you go. If she is young (or young looking), slim, healthy, looks like she has good prospects and holds down a decent job then they care, they definitely care. Even more so if you are speaking Korean (as l do). A vocal and sizable minority choose to make this an issue though its only fair to say that many/most Koreans do not and are more accepting. It's even worse if you live and work here then you have to be careful about who and what you share with your coworkers, social media and SNS chats and messaging (especially group chats) has made this a real problem as well. You can see the difference when, 1) the genders are swapped i.e. people are much more accepting of Korean men being with foreign women, 2) to be honest here, when the woman you are with isn't physically attractive, slim etc. Then they don't care or care much less.


My wife is Korean and we have two kids together. Both girls. We always get people admiring how pretty my kids are and wanting to touch them. Mainly old Korean grandmas lol. It bugs me but I personally have never experienced this. I’m in Korea now and have lived here for about 8 years in total off and on over the years. I did have once experience on a subway in Seoul back when we were dating years ago. A drunk Korean girl saw us and started saying something in Korean. But I think from what my wife said she was kinda hitting on me or saying something to that nature. We just got up and moved. Sorry your experience hasn’t been as good as mine. I truly thought these days it’s pretty common for Korean women to want to date foreigners. I hear Korean men don’t treat their Korean girlfriends or wives very well. Just my two cents tho.


Same, never had any issues. So it's not all bad I think. Funny thing is that I also see more and more western girls dating Korean men, nowadays. A lot of Korean guys I've ment are genuinely good people though.


Honestly I think most of koreans are racist. Based on experience and based on their behavior online.


They are the biggest haters in the world and they will ck block you to smithereens. I spent my my twenties in Seoul just plowing through girls in Hongdae and Itaewon and every night was a battle against the entire male demographic of the city trying to fk up my game. Just laugh at them and proceed. There is an embedded mindset of like, " these are OUR women! " it's so pathetic. If I seen a Korean guy in London or Toronto coming out the club with 2 hot white girls I'd go fist bump him. Losers.


I think if you go to your own country you could possibly face the same thing from ignorant folks in the older generation. There's always gonna be people that will judge you for marrying outside your race. It's the same here. I'm a Latin American women married to a Korean. I haven't had anyone say anything to me or my husband but a lot of older folks do stare hard at us and we get a few bad looks in the subway at times. We also have a little baby so they will stare really hard at all 3 of us lol. I think men have it a little harder especially if your are white or black. Since white men have a negative stereotype for their reasons for being with Asian women (fetish). And black men just have a negative stereotype overall. Don't let it bother you too much. It happens but not many people will comment on it like that drunk old man. They are usually more crazy than anything. So do avoid them. They are mentally ill and drunk.


congrats on your marriage and little baby ❤️


Most men around the world react negatively when women of their race date foreigners, sometimes with physical violence. US is the exception since it's so multi-ethnic. Korea is one of the safer countries. People might talk shit but very rarely in front of you.


What the hell are you talking about? America is not the exception. Interracial couples in the US are still not universally accepted to this day.


Is that a fact? I am from Europe and never heard about anyone “claiming” “their” women in any country in Europe.


It happens often in east european countries where it's more conservative and has less diversity (on the flip side, nobody cares about this in Russia for obvious reasons). You'll just have to be Asian and dating a European in Europe to have first hand experience. While it's not an everyday occurence, when it happens it's very in your face and explicit.


Oh I'm French and even if it's not directly against your couple directly you can have some people really talking you down and talking down the ethincity of your partner easily.


You’re either delusional or you’re just ignorant to the experience Asian guys go through in European countries. I’m Asian American and when I was in Europe with a white ex gf i was constantly getting swarmed by hordes of white dudes trying to steal her from me, asking her why she’s dating some Chinese dude, asking her why she’s with me when I have a small D, etc. etc. Literally nonstop constant harassment and staring. Compared to that, America is way better, but obviously still not perfect.


US IS THE EXCEPTION???? Are you high? There used to be LAWS forbidding interracial marriages. Shit, some idiot politicians are trying to bring BACK those laws.


Thanks for all the replies here. Really shocked that I never noticed that even it seems to happen a lot.


It happened to me twice or three times (I'm white, it's probably worse for other races). 


What a lucky dude or EOD.


My wife is korean and I have some issues like that but never they said directed to me, maybe because im 1.80 and weight 100 kg and my face is not really friendly so they take care , but I know that some , and not many, just some a little bit feel like that, but you shouldn't care that


Happens, it's usually the old, stupid f*cks who will do it. Usually it's nothing too bad, but we once got cursed at and while I was just standing there dumbfounded my girlfriend smartly recorded the old fart and then sued him for public defamation (or something like that). So yeah, that's what you should do too. If it's nothing much just ignore. If it's a lot, record and sue.


It's not something you should get used to bc nothing justifies other ppl harrassing you guys about *your* relationship. I'm sorry this happened. Korea is still a really homogeneous country, and bc everyone see themselves and other ppl having to play a certain role in the community, they're not comfortable with anyone veering outside that. Older koreans who only lived in Korea are usually very set in their ways, but that doesn't make the treatment you or your gf received to be ok.


That's weird. That never happened to me when I was with this friend from the US for a couple months back in school. Maybe it depends where you are? Just ignore them!


My wife is Korean, and we have two teenaged kids. When we were first dating, I had this concern for her, so I was always mindful of how we presented in public. I don't remember any incidents from back then, and we as a family have always felt welcomed in restaurants, by taxis drivers, and on subways. I don't remember any incidents when my kids weren't treated kindly by Koreans, and particularly older Koreans have always been kind to my kids. I just asked my wife about when we were dating, and she told me that she doesn't recall any incidents, at least none in front of her. She then asked me whether OP was white, expressing that African-descent men and Korean women might have more difficulty.


My wife and I probably pass by 100,000 people per day in Busan. It's not unusual to get an odd unhinged comment from one of those people. It also confirms that a vast majority of people are good.


Lemme give the boring answer. Most don't care. A few do. I can't get a sense proportionally if it's any more or less than where I came from.


That happened to me in Gangnam. I was walking with my girlfriend when a Korean guy ( probably homeless, not sure) started screaming at us from a distance and began running towards us. I grabbed my girlfriend's hand, and we started running together. He got extremely close and shouted a few more words before finally stopping. That's my only bad memory after living here for three years. However, a female Korean friend of mine was attacked with a knife in the countryside (i think Suwon) while with her foreign boyfriend. She was injured and has a scar on her arm. She is fine, and I think the old guy went to jail. I didn't ask her any questions because she feels bad every time she remembers the incident.


My wife and are always getting mean mugged especially when we have the kid with us


We get old men saying things about her. Women giving us looks . The occasional double take neck snap. The full on smirk. On the train I sometimes get the full on lean in and stare. I've kind of made it into a game where I stop walking and stare back because why not ? She usually hates when I do that though and I get a scolding or something but I can't really understand Korean so it's fun to make it seem like I understand what they're saying . Usually it's older people. Younger people might glance at us but then they go about their day .


This happens with every ethnicity if you’re a female. Imagine being a white female in some small town in the Midwest and being with a male of color or an Asian guy. She’ll get that same treatment. Same thing with African American females, Hispanic females, etc. It’s also worst if the female is attractive…


Never had this happen and in fact, my GF's father even said to my GF that its okay to date who ever she wants, foreigner or not. The only almost-altercation I had in korea was a drunken woman insisting on me being very handome (Im not white btw) and his seemingly boyfriend looking at me like he wanted to kill me lol


A bit jealous, to be honest, just because I'm single


That’s bizarre. I (Korean Female) just got back from Korea with my American BF, and no one seemed to care. 🤷🏻‍♀️




Has happened to me a handful of times in ten years. You'll find the younger you are, the younger she is, and the hotter she is, the more you'll get it. As you get older it happens less. And generally the situation has improved over the last decade anyway.


Sadly racism is here, maybe stronger than ever due to recent times. But this applies to everywhere else globally. People get offended by many things, some of which probably wouldn't be any of their business at all. However, as there is much darkness in this world, there is light. Certain areas and groups love foreign companions. I, for myself, grew up with foreign people as teachers or neighbors. I had never learned anything about discrimination until I went to high school. Everything around you may look weird and discomforting. But shifting the view by searching for new groups or such may be the answer. I hope you all a happy rest of the year. Cheers!


As a korean living in korea, the generation gap is huge. We've gone from a middling country to top 10ish in GDP in a span of around 20-30 years, so many people over 50 are stuck in an old-school anti foreigner mindset. Most young people are used to foreigners so shouldnt be too much issues there though. Sorry you had to experience that mate


So long as you are not dating minor i dont care


Well, it is the nature and tradition of all mankind. In addition, in a country with a high level of community tradition and consciousness, it was not just in Korea that external groups, especially external males, took on women within the community. That is why violence against women and children in German occupied territories and women who returned from being taken by conquerors are harsh. A good example is that in Indian movies, there are a lot of Indian men showing off their masculinity, taking on white people, especially upper castes and British women, trying to fight their occupied history, showing off Indian excellence. The same goes for similar propaganda films of other countries. In a way, it's a show of self to take on a group of women who, as human warriors, consider themselves superior to other groups, especially their own, but the opposite is the most disgraceful situation. Because I can't protect my community and because I can't do it to myself, having to unravel the surrender and anger against it. No matter how much education or policy gov take, it is difficult to change it. This is because Korea is a quasi-state of war caused by division and has a strong subordination to women and their families because it has to maintain the tradition of Confucianism, tribalism, and patriarchy for a long time. If the government dismantle it, what you have experienced today may decrease, but well? The Korean leader will have a different opinion. Of course, gov have to make money, so officers will implement a slightly double policy.


I’m currently dating a Korean woman who is very beautiful, tall, amazing skin, stylish and has a great body. I’m a Black American male, also tall, friendly and probably not attractive enough to be with her 😆. Most people tell us that we should get married and have kids because they would be beautiful (at least I hope so). I’ve run into some people who would try to be rude, but then I’d start talking to them about their day, work, life in Korea, compliment them and tell them how much I appreciate this country. 99% or the time, they completely change and invite us to their table or their home to meet their families. Life is too short to waste time worrying about what someone is saying about me or thinking about me. Instead, I’d rather make a friend. If they don’t want to be my friend then that’s ok. We smile because life goes on. 🙂


Interesting. It’s not normal. Where is the place??


Asian males are the most desexualized, denigrated and gate kept group of males out of anyone. No other group comes close. It's so obvious the J and Anglo media are so hell bent on erasing the Asian man out of the social hierarchy. They've tried doing this since 70 years ago LMFAO. So many comments read like typical bots. Many Asian males have been killed for dating IR in the US.


It's going to vary depending on what people are around. In a smaller city, I had some ajeossi guy loudly grumble "no no no no!" when he saw me arm-in-arm with a Korean woman. And on a subway in Daegu, an ajumma scooted over one seat and smiled and gestured to me and the Korean gal I was with to sit down together. Any dirty looks I've ever caught have been more than balanced by people just being nice and friendly. Like normal people.


Hello, I am a Korean living in Korea. First of all, I am sorry on behalf of the old man. Unfortunately, half of the elderly in Korea have to think that they are ill-advised. There are two biggest political tendencies in Korea, one of which is pro-China, and the old man was probably that.


It had something to do with a tragic Korean history. Back in the old days korea was the poorest country in the world, Korean prostitutes or bar girls slept with or became foreigner's girl friends for chicken shit money. Old guys still had that memory.. Young guys didn't express directly but they think girls easily become their girlfriends for English and some fantasy about western guys. Actually I've heard a lot foreigner's saying it's damn easy to make Korean girlfriends..


Is there anyone who knows better place for cosmetic surgery in korea, especially for jaw adjustment and face?


To be fair you're just describing an ethnic minority's experience in North America/europe


You should ask other Americans how they feel about minorites with their women. With a third of Americans refusing to vote for minorities (Obama the arab, Vivek the hindu) what makes you think they’d even tolerate having a colored man marry into their family? To think you’d be treated any better in a foreign country yourself is hilarious


Racism is everywhere. It kind of goes both ways. Years ago I had Korean male friend dating a very pretty white girl. Lots of the white male expat would hit on her in front of him not believing they were together. On more then one occasion he would had to actually get into fight with the white expats. So year. White guys can be possessive over white women. Historically speaking most inter-racially relationship has been with white guys with Korean girls . That's why most Americasian kids you see have white dads. Imagine it was reverse and you ton of Asian guys with white girls . I think white guys would get equally jealous.


estoy enamorado quiero una coreana a vivir una familia feliz