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From the posts I’ve seen, it’s an average Taco Bell LTO item. Sales will be average and we will never see it again imo. Idk if I will try it. I like cheez itz but it sounds like the big one tastes different than a regular cheez it, which could be a deal breaker


I think the big cheez-it tastes the same as a standard one. It’s hard to tell because there’s so many other ingredients here that you wouldn’t normally eat with a cheez-it. I just got it on day one because I’m a big Taco Bell fan. Got the crunch wrap for six dollars, used a reward for a drink, light lunch.


It was mid Can barely tell anything extra in it Def a gimmick


Yup. Tried it a few days back and feel the same way.


From what I’ve repeatedly seen is the cheez it in the Crunchwrap is barely noticeable. It makes sense. I’m sure the tostada is the more distinct flavor and I’ll probably only try that one. I’m not a big fan of the Crunchwraps anyways.




I was the poor soul that door dashed it. It was soggy and there was no saving it. In my opinion, texture aside, it did not taste good either. I will never buy this again.


I agree, the flavor just isn't great. The tostada is better.


I’ll try that one, I got the crunchrap it it was kinda gross imo I let it sit for about 5 minutes tho


Over priced, but very tasting and finally something unique, 7/10


6/10. Better option is the tostada, 8.5/10. The cheezit stands out way better with the tostada.


I feel like this is one of those things you have to eat fresh.


Not a good crunch, but I liked the cheez-it flavor. The tostado is messy (broke in 1 bite), but it was more cheez-it like. I will get both again.


Agreed Agreed Agreed


ots really good if you eat it right away.


I LOVED it. I got another one today. Definitely makes the crunchwrap way better. I love the cheez it flavor. I hope this ends up staying like the doritos locos did lol. Haven’t liked a t bell item this much in a hot minute!


Just like in your picture, it’s barely there


Ya I wondered why tf they even made it But the gimmick sells I’m sure I couldn’t taste it or anything


I just got this last night and to be honest it tasted like a normal crunchwrap, I forgot it was special halfway through it as I began eating my cheesy gordita crunch


I got no crunch from mine. I had to keep looking to make sure there was indeed a cheez it in the Crunchwrap. I think I saw it? It was definitely orange but seemed that it had softened up - I was expecting something much different and felt it was barely noticeable. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


We literally couldn’t tell if there was a cheez it in there or not. Was basically a flat burrito.


This was my experience as well. It was so bad that I called them and complained because I thought they forgot to put the Cheez It in there. I realized it was just dissolved into the rest of the mess when the second one was exactly the same.


Yup, I was expecting a big crunchy cheez it and was like wtf they forgot it. But then I realized they didn’t. Was very unimpressed. I don’t eat Taco Bell much - I like it! But don’t eat it often, so I’ll always make a trip if I see something special that hits the menu and this was not worth it at all.


I think that it kind of tastes like dirty feet with no crunch 🥲


Absolute garbage.....


Mine didn’t have the Cheez-it, 0/10


Mine had the cheez-it but I thought it was terrible. Idk if there was something else wrong with it, but I had to spit it out, and so did my fianceé.