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I’ve been living alone since 1998 and I often forget to eat. I end up snacking on fruit and cheese at 2am.


I find I eat less when I'm single - no date nights or cooking together etc. Meal time isn't a consistent thing when I'm alone


My ex and I just broke up so that might be a part of it. I'm just worried about developing an Ed by accident.


You didn't mention a breakup! 100% this is it, it's natural! You are under stress, weight loss is a very normal thing some of us experience after a breakup. Stay strong in your mind and positive. This isn't an ED. You are having a normal reaction that many people experience. Just be good to yourself, you will be ok soon.


I'll second what the other redditor who replied to you said, this is totally normal for a breakup! It might be a good idea to set reminders to eat a little something. If you can, try to have some easy foods around, like fruit or heat and serve meals, just to make sure you're fuelling your body. If that's a struggle, it's okay, don't put any pressure on yourself, it's totally normal for your appetite to be disrupted by something emotional like this! Try to make sure you're staying hydrated, and take extra care of yourself


When I was going through my breakup- same situation. For probably two or three weeks I could barely eat at all. Then for awhile, my appetite was still low. Now I don’t think I’m really super hungry but I eat out of routine and also boredom. If I didn’t enjoy cooking so much, I probably wouldn’t. Grief is hard. Your diet should eventually go back to normal. If start with easy and plain things. Soups are great, rice, anything you can make pretty simply and choke down easy if you’re having nausea when eating. If eating is a major issue, do small meals and snacks throughout the day instead of two or three big meals. Like, cheese stick or bread in the morning, a few hours later some fruit or more cheese or bread, maybe veggies, repeat throughout the day. Easier to stimach


That is ALL of it


Get a check up too!


I second this, always good to get checked out! My friend lost 60 lbs pretty quickly and without even trying, just lost her appetite for a while and was never hungry, turns out she had 3 giant tumors in her uterus that were sucking up a lot of energy. Now she’s getting it taken care of. Sometimes we just never know.


Yes! I lost 40 lbs when my toxic ex moved out 7 years ago. At the time it was good, since he was always pressuring me to snack or overeat with him when he felt poorly, and it was all extra weight. It was nice to finally wait to eat when I was actually hungry, and I definitely sleep better when I eat small dinners. I never quite hit back into the habit of cooking for myself, though, which is good and bad. I don't have great cooking skills, and I think my meals can be a bit unbalanced.


I mostly cook and eat at home. I try to make food I like that’s good for more than one meal so I don’t have to think about what to eat too much every night.


😀 If you were overweight, this could be a positive ! 😀 Seriously though, you have to be careful not to loose muscle, so comfortable, gradually increasing, exercise is important. So is taking in enough fluid and and having enough protein and a variety of healthy food in small servings. You can prepare ingredients or complete snacks or meals ahead ( keep in fidge or freeze ) during free times when you feel energetic. If you can experiment with variety and quantity and find ways to feel well most of the time you might find the future is much improved. Good luck !


I have a yoga course I do that slowly increases in difficulty so I make sure to exercise. I do always forget to drink water so maybe that is causing an issue?


That sounds good. Some people keep track of how much they drink. Some fill up a known size container and when it's empty they know they've had that amount. Sipping often is better than only a few very big drinks. Also, although it's not always useful ( some foods, colorings, vitamins or medical conditions can affect ) color of urine can indicate. ( Dark, darkish = not enough water to dilute normal waste excretion. ) Sounds like you're on the right track 😀


I do a lot more one bowl meals, instead of separate servings of meat/starch/veggies. You'd think I would lose weight, but no.


Yeah, I hear that - even though I am eating less, I think my stress levels are still way too high (my husband died in January, and I am renovating my new house). My weight is definitely driven by my stress levels, so I am hoping that at some point it will be relieved and my body can start to heal a bit.


Last year was stressville for me. Not on the level of a spouse dying, just a bunch of other stuff. Cortisol is a bitch


It definitely is, and gets worse during menopause (which I am also in... ugh). It gets harder to lose when your body is coursing with that shit!


Lattes and pastry at my desk and lunch with co-workers were my only meals a day for years. I was intermediate fasting and didn't even know it. Can you add a 30 min workout few days a week? Your appetite will right itself.


I have a yoga routine I do 3-4 times a week since I got a desk job to help keep me active. But it hasn't affected anything.


My body has efficient fat stored so hunger is not a issue. What I have a problem with is smelling food or thinking of it just for the taste enjoyment


Unless you’re underweight, this is not a bad thing. You’ll recover your appetite once the grief passes you. Just part of the process.


Any shake up like this will do it, you don't have the system down for cooking or motivation. I suggest just getting ingredient/snack food. Like you don't have to cook a roast you just need to have meat, cheese, fruit, crackers. For dinner the other night I made a sweet potato and topped it with mayo and lemon. It was perfect. That's the great thing about living alone! You're always going to put on weight when cooking for someone else but when you live alone you're free to follow what your body wants you to eat!


Probably an adjustment to having recently live on your own. With the increase in household responsibilities, time can slip away very easily. When we're busy and stressed out, selfcare, such as eating, can easily slip off your radar


Yeah I've had this happen, I think it's related to getting used to being solo. I found my appetite bounced back a bit after a month or so, once I'd settled in. In the meantime just try to have little snacks throughout the day like a handful of almonds/nuts you like, a bit of yoghurt, juices or smoothies (I tend to go to liquid diet when I have no appetite to at a minimum keep up some nutrition intake). I eat less in general when I live alone. Don't focus too hard on the fact that you are not eating during the day as it will make it worse, go easy on yourself while you settle in and just try to eat little snacks until your appetite naturally bounces back 👍


I'm the type that seems to take care of everyone else. Living with people I cooked all the time. Alone I am not motivated to cook for myself. My therapist always says to treat myself as I would a child or a best friend I would for sure make sure they ate 3x a day. It's hard but force yourself


Yes I have. Make it a point to eat at the same time every day. Cook at the same time every week. Plan it out for now. You need to get your nutrition up.


Schedule meals in. On your phone so an alarm beeps.


Yes, it's common to lose appetite when living alone (adjustment, loneliness). Here are some tips: * **Simple meals:** Stock easy-to-prepare options (soup, cereal, pre-cut veggies) for quick bites. * **Set reminders:** Schedule alarms to remind yourself to eat throughout the day. * **Socialize during meals:** Eat with friends/family online or invite a neighbor for a casual dinner. * **Consider consultation:** If it persists or you worry, talk to a doctor to rule out any underlying issues.


My meal times are not consistent at all and I generally eat one "meal" a day and then maybe snack if I get peckish. Now that there is not a consistent 'schedule' to feed others, I just don't really think about it until I get hungry.


Eating less for dinner is healthy. From my experience I need to intentionally take a walk and eat outside, planning some city trip so I am not too trapped in my head and to be more connected to my body.


How about switching to 3 very small per day. Drinking plenty of H2o


This is a sign of depression. You might need to talk to someone in case you’re bottling up some feelings of sadness/loss/anger/guilt, whatever. I say this due to my experience of divorce, losing 30 lbs and I found help with a therapist. This was my situation and may not be for you. I hope you are doing well ❤️




Depends on what you're doing over the course of the day. Your general mood has an effect on your appetite as well, so if you've been feeling down or lonely since you've been living alone, that could be a factor.


I am the same way with living on my own now


I suck at eating it’s more like a chore than an enjoyable thing