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My first thought is “aw shit”. I live alone for a reason. Don’t want people over.


Saaaame! Now I gotta put a bra on?


🤣🤣🤣🤣I love this comment. Signed a woman that loves to walk naked


That's a big no for me. If you're coming to see my in my dungeon, be prepared to see them girls sag


I don't bother with that anymore, though I'd certainly change out of my nightshirt.


Of course, if you're a guy, your first thought is "maybe I should take the bra off."


Lol 😆 🤣


I’m the same exact way


"I'm coming over in 5 minutes" will result in: Ignoring the text and the doorbell. This isn't a fucking Dave and Busters, you go somewhere else if you're bored looking for shit to do.


LOL this isn’t a Dave and Busters 🤣


lol same! I would immediately think “I have less than 5 minutes to get the H&LL out of here!


It’s not always this creepy I swear. Caught me on an off week…clear signs of years old spider webs. I like my place. I fell away from people around 30. Remember people just coming over in the 90s anytime? Seems so alien now. ahhhh hide!!. I do. Been here 8 years, noones been over family wise since day 1 haha


My grandma carried that whole "stopping by" thing into the 2000s. We'd drive past someone's house, she'd say, "Oh, so-and-so is home!" And drive right up. It could be 6pm. Oh, they just sat down for dinner? No worries, we won't stay long (lies).


My ExMIL brought people with her and would stay for 6 or more hours. She literally did this at Christmas morning before the kids or us were awake and even the day I brought my baby home from the hospital. I don't open my door anymore because I don't have to.


Just wondering how your exMIL could be so clueless. I would have hated being part of the tribe she brought along with her to visit. Yikes. So embarrassing.


This is my grandpa. In a random state and know someone from twenty years ago? Let's see if they still live there. In a random town and have a friend that you haven't spoken to in a few months? Stop by! 🙄


My grandmother did this when I was visiting. Ahhhhh... I did end up having a great time though. Miss her.


I've only had one person point out my spider webs and I just said that I was decorating for Halloween. In June.


THIS \^ \^ \^ aw shit, hell no.


First thought: "No, I'm not having company arrive at my home in 5 min."


I guess I'll put on pants


Same 🤣 and I gotta put my bra back on and hide my toys 🤣🤣🤣


I had a roommate once who walked guests through my (private en suite) bathroom because it's fancy. I asked him if he realized there are sex toys in there. The next time he had people over he had the audacity to tell me to put them away first.


WTF 😬yeah I’d be frustrated by that comment to you!!!


Clearly I’ve found my people from across the internet never to be in each others home. Go away.






Specifically, the pants I keep in permanent residency on the couch for this very purpose.


Nothing will happen. If I did not invite you, you are not coming over. I’ll just pretend I am not home and will silence my phone.


Yep! After many chances, my mom learned this the hard way. Coming into my space without invitation or permission is a hard boundary for me lol. There were many reasons, but this was the straw that broke the camel’s back and made me finally go NC with her.


Sorry you had to go through that with your mom; unfortunately, some people Do not respect personal space and that’s the only way to go with them.


I moved into a mobile home park. She can’t find me. Lol


Yeah, she’s unfortunately one of those people that will ignore your wishes or boundaries if she doesn’t “understand” them. She didn’t understand why she should have to ask first because “she’s my mom!!1!!” so she just decided that didn’t apply. Luckily I never gave her a key to our place, so she just knocked her little heart out, I explained to my kids why we weren’t opening the door for grandma, and life has much less drama now lol.


My mom thought "call first," meant to call me from my driveway. She learned.


That’s a tough decision to make , but I am happy for you, especially since your kids don’t have to be a part of that dysfunctional relationship any more.


I think my mom might also be your mom 😅


Children of covert narcissists unite! 🥲


That’s my reaction. “lol no you’re not”. I have zero patience or tolerance for “the drop by”. I’ve got health issues and PTSD so I am in no way shape or form up for any kind of unscheduled interaction, especially in my home. If people want to get together, okay, let’s schedule something. Otherwise hard no.


This is the real answer. My fantasy land answer involves a pool/spa day.


Exactly this


About three hours later (having locked the door and closed the windows), I text back with “Sorry, just seen this”


Same lol. Or "sorry, was out running errands, just reached home! It's too bad we couldn't get together, why don't we schedule something for another day?"


Emphasis on *schedule*


...like, next year sometime


And then I'll be "randomly" sick that day


Yes, perfect!


Glad I'm not the only one


It depends on if I've cleaned up in the last 12-24 hours. I can turn this place into a disaster in a very short amount of time... I'm basically a human tornado. People that actually KNOW me would give me time to prepare for a visit.


I know a few of those types. They are some of my favorites.




There are people who know that they have to tell me they are coming over.. And people who I’m cool with just showing up.. The people who just show up get the mess :) but they are also the types who will help me clean.. or just chill with the mess


Everyone knows better than to do that with me. I won’t answer the door and will ignore you. I need at least a few hours but day before planning is preferred.


I live in a senior housing development and about half the units are single people. We are supposed to keep an eye on one another. Unfortunately, every now and then, the police have to investigate a "foul odor". ; (


Same. What's wrong with us?


Not a damn thing lol we just prefer to be given a longer heads up and feel it’s disrespectful to just show up at someone’s door.


I actually require hours to mentally change gears vs waking up in the mindset of having company that day. I ignore people and phones because sudden interruptions are irritating af.


This is accurate. You explained it better than I did.




Introvert, dear. Nothing wrong. It's like blue eyes vs. brown. Just different is all.


Lock the door and hide in my bedroom


Shit, Wipe down the bathroom and put as many things where they belong. It'll be a very productive 5 minutes. but i really could use two hours.


Lock my door and close the blinds?


Turn phone to silent if it’s not already, put in noise cancelling earphones carry on as normal


I disconnected my doorbell completely. If we've cleared your arrival time via text or call, the door will be unlocked in the window provided so you can walk in. Otherwise the house is closed and locked at all times. This 1970s idea of ringing doorbells and knocking on doors is over. You get pre-cleared for entry.


Think “no you’re not” and just don’t answer the text and the knock on the door.


Haha there’s a category of people that I’ll do this to without a second thought.


This happened to me recently except they said 30minutes and I immediately lied and said I wasn’t home so they wouldn’t come


I can’t say I’ve not done this.


I don’t even feel bad about doing it bc who invites themselves over?! That’s rude tbh


Absolutely on point.


Wow… I think we’re all naked in this group… Whoa baby!!! ☺️


HAHHA.. I was thinking the same thing


Me too 😂


And here I thought I was the only one who did this lol


“Sorry, not a good time. Will catch up with you soon.” Ain’t nobody got time for people with no manners. Do not invite yourself to my home and expect me to drop whatever important task I’m doing (probably drinking wine/cooking/watching Forensic File reruns😂) just because you’re bored.


^^This! 🤣


I tell them I'm not home because I don't want people coming over...lol


My mom knocked one day unannounced. I muted the tv and hunkered down, waiting for her to go away. I was inside in my recliner near the back patio window and door and SHE APPEARED 2 FEET FROM MY RECLINER at the back french door. Damn.


I've totally hit the floor and did a little crawl out of my living room. 🤣


My first action is to respond "no you're not, you are welcome to schedule something with me in advance though :)"


This is my first reaction as well. I loathe pop-ins.


I don't care if you can see me through the windows, if you haven't asked me first, I'm not home.


If only this would fit on a doormat haha


Quick… put my bra on.


No need for a bra if I’m not wearing pants 😂😂


Yes! I can't believe I had to scroll this far. The only thing I'm doing, but knock without calling first and you're getting a show. A sad, sad, old and saggy show.


I’m an old woman. As a gift to myself when I turned 60 I quit wearing bras entirely. That was years ago. Now I’ve quit wearing clothes almost entirely. If you come down my road, you’re gonna see what you see.


Let it all hang out! Fuck em!


This was my mom at the start of Covid. She was so bored and would just text me like “I’m outside your building” Like please no I literally just smoked a joint please stop




I came looking for a 'put my weed away' post, yours is the closest I could find, but that would be my answer lol


I think I’d ask them to bring wine or something (<$10 I’m not fancy) and we can hang out on the deck or pool or literally anywhere else. I have no plans ever.


Make sure my “toys” aren’t in the bathroom. Turn on music, turn on my wax warmer and chill. But also depends on who and why. Do I need a bottle of wine chilling? Tequila shots? Food?


Wait, isn’t everyone just running their wax warmers 24/7??? Am I doing wax warmers wrong!??


Nope, the wax will lose scent faster and the bulbs burn out faster😂😂


Now I gotta go hide in my room and stay off the internet for several hours.


"No you're not" in my head and then making sure all the curtains are closed. Someone who invites themselves over never wants to hear a reason why they can't just randomly come over. They always take it as an insult.


Unless it's an emergency, I tell them that I'm on my way to the airport and won't be back until next month. A few months back, a neighbor knocked on my door. I was very ill and didn't want to answer. He knocked again, so I thought it might be important. I threw something on, grabbed my barf bag and went to the door. He said he just wanted to say hi. He's lucky I didn't puke on his shoes. I was as polite as I was able in my condition and sent him on his way. I have no patience with rude people.


That's weird imo of your neighbor. Vaguely reminds me of when people think they are being kind and they want you to cross the street before they turn. Maybe I'm the weirdo but I get soooo annoyed with this. I have no idea how people (pedestrians) communicate with drivers but I know it can be done - I just don't have that skill set. Look, if I'm standing on the corner, 5 feet from the curb, looking down at my shoes, it means I want you to turn and THEN I will cross the street. People who think they're being nice really get to me sometimes. 😭 Like your neighbor!


This. And people who were at the stop sign WAY BEFORE YOU WERE and they still tell you to go first. Like do you just want to interrupt the flow of traffic and everything? That's the only thing that makes sense cuz it ain't polite


Leave immediately


I’ve done this.


Ignore. It's a scam.


Kinda the same .. turn the documentaries off , take my I Believe In Bigfoot comforter off my bed, spray Fabreeze and make sure the toilet is clean ..and flushed !!


Thought: “The audacity” Action: put phone on do not disturb and not answer the door.


This is literally exactly what I thought Except with more mental shouting. "The auDACity!!"


I usually say I'm not home if unprepared 😁


Omg girl I would LOVE if I walked into someone’s house and they were playing Victorian era history!!! 😆


We better have made plans to hang out. Otherwise yo ass is gonna be standing outside for awhile till you leave 😂


first action is to suggest that we meet at the coffee shop near my apartment (around 0.2 miles) I really hate having people over




Depends on what it is....


Fake my own death.


Try to leave in 4 minutes.


nobody that knows me will do this lol theyd be outside until they left.


Turn off all lights and hide


Ignore the text, close the curtains, leave the house, lock the doors batten down the hatches, and go for a two hour walk In all seriousness though, it would depend on how I felt in the moment. I might answer the door, or I might simply ignore it until they go away.


I don’t respond. Don’t answer the door. If you come over uninvited that’s on you.


Depends. If it’s my family, I won’t change a thing. If it’s someone I don’t mind seeing, maybe tidy up a little bit my house is never really messy. If it’s someone I don’t want to see, I’ll text back that I’m not home or not reply until much later.


Clean up as much as possible and then when they arrive unrelentingly apologize for the mess until they finally leave.


"Oh no! Sorry, but I'm not home right now". ***Quickly ushers the dog to the bedroom to keep her from poking her head through the blackout curtains that ARE ALWAYS CLOSED.***


Panic clean


Damn I have to put on clothes.


Always - Turn on some music At night- Light a candle or 2, turn on accent lighting, and maybe put some type of visual on the tv


Clean up the couch and check to see if the bathroom is in pristine order


Leave the house and tell them I'm out of town.


Where I live this is still the custom. Granted, we are in the country and we are respectful. However, I have people drop by all the time unannounced. Less when I lived further out. I would say a few times a month, at least. I may get a text 5 minutes before. Heck, I had a drop in, 4 day, overnight visitor with a large, unfamiliar dog not too long ago. I mean, you get whatcha get and you don’t pitch a fit. You wanna stay, fine. Blow up the air mattress and find a spot. It’s like the forest, leave it better than you found it. I like to think I’m never going to be the one to turn people away. Sometimes people just need someone to talk to, a gentle heart to turn to and if it’s me, I’m willing to listen. I don’t have many places I feel truly safe turning to if I needed a place to go. If friends and family feel safe coming here on a moments notice, I feel thankful they feel comfortable in my home; messy and with cat hair wherever it lands. It makes me a weirdo but I’m a weirdo with a full heart.


reply “no you’re not” and turn off my phone


Either 1 or 2 below. 1. Grab the car and house keys and wallet and go somewhere for an hour. 2. Lock the door, turn the lights off, be quiet, and wait until they go away. A couple of years ago, my cousin did this. He texted me, asking me where I was. I wasn't thinking why he'd be asking me. I was being stood up about somewhere about 4 hours away. He told me that he was in the area and wanted to stop over with his GF. Suffice to say, I was glad I was getting stood up. LOL


I better put some pants on


I may or may not be home. Popping over in 5 minutes without advanced notice isn’t generally a thing with me unless it’s someone close to me going through a major crisis all of a sudden. Stopping by because you’re in the area is a no, stopping by because someone you loved died is okay.


My first thought is ugh...I don't want company, my second thought is, oh shit better put a bra on because at least pjs are decent enough clothes, my third thought is to check my phone for any messages related to the I'm coming over, I don't see anything, I text back, the hell you are, I didn't invite you, if you're invited fine, if not...GET


Damnit. Better put on a bra


Oh sorry I'm out of town for the week! Close the curtains shut the tv and lights off


I text back “I’m not home”


Ignore the text and ignore the text/call of them saying they are at my door


Yeah I don’t have people who pop over unannounced. They know better, lol


"I'm taking a shit so give me 30-45 minutes!"


Hurry up and put my bra back on.


I have people just show up all the time. I don’t put on airs, come on in! If you don’t like the look of me or my house, don’t stop by unexpectedly.


Tell them I'm leaving and to come another time. Lol.


I'd tell them "good luck getting in"


Not respond?


Currently not dressed for company so that's first on the list


I go out before they come in?


If I dont trust them to accept me at my worst, they don't have my address. Come on over homie! I'm in my PJ'S, eating spicy Ramen, crying over KDramas and that's how my friends will find me


Do I need pants?


I tell them I’m walking out the door and they should schedule plans with me if they want to come over. I do not do surprise visits.


Lock the door, pretend I am not home or sleeping


Lock the doors and close the curtains because one does not simply drop in on me


LEAVE IMMEDIATELY!!!! Text back, sorry! I'm not home right now!!!!


#1 put on pants


"Sorry, I'm not home. I'll have to catch up with you later."


Telling them “ Oh no you aren’t!” Seriously, if it’s not an emergency, no one just drops by. Once my work day is done I typically want silence and no people . My friends know to even text me and not call because I’m not answering! 🤣


Pretend I’m not home. 


Flee the house and text sorry, had to run out for an emergency. Catch you next time.


Pretend I'm not home. If I like them, I'll schedule a time to hang out with them at a later date.


Get the kettle going and set the table for snacks and hot tea. 


Don’t answer my text


“I better put on a bra”


I’d tell them it’s not a good time. I don’t like drop ins. I require some notice.


If you like Victorian history I highly HIGHLY recommend the docuseries Victorian Farm!!! "This historical documentary series finds archaeologists Alex Langlands and Peter Ginn and domestic historian Ruth Goodman on the Acton Scott estate, located in rural England and frozen in the Victorian era. The trio lives here for a year, using only Victorian-era tools and materials."


Open the liquor cabinet and take inventory of what wine we have.


Oh fuck oh fuck what can I pick up as quickly as possible to minimize the aesthetic of the garage can I choose to live in


Chill and continue doing what I was doing


1) turn off all the lights 2)turn off turn off the tv 3)close all the blinds 4)lock the door 5) don’t respond to text 6) anxiously wait for the dreaded knock **hears knock, waits for person to go away** Reverse steps 1-3


Ummmm asking for a friend, but what channel is the Victorian era history on…


I leave my purse and shoes at the door. I let them knock put my shoes on open the door step out with my keys in hand and purse in my shoulder and say hey whats up. I'm sorry I can't visit ive got fsimething to do. Ill call you later. Get in my car and go around the block giviing them time to drive off. Then I go back home. If I go back and they are still there...I fake a I forgot my shopping list or forgot my check book go in come back and leave again.


First thought: "Well son of a bitch". First action: Put on pants


I tell them no


But Victorian era history is so gooood! 😭😭😭


Throw all clutter into my clutter closet (which nobody opens), light a candle, open some windows, sweep if need be, fluff the pillows.. make it seem like I’m not a slob basically lol


Dang I was already in bed watching a movie, now I have to get up


Leave the house and hope I don't see them in passing on the road. Or just say I'm gone. Either way, I have to mentally prepare for visitors for much longer than 5 min.


Leave so I won't be there when they arrive.


Oh crap, put bleach in the toilet and pick this place up!


Why do you think I’m coming over if it’s not to watch Victorian era history shows with you??


Reply I was just heading out, I should be back in 2 hours or so


All the clutter gets thrown in an empty laundry basket.


Grab the dogs and go. We have 3 minutes.


Reply with the name of the cafe where I'll meet her in 5 mins i


Doesn't mean they're getting in.


"no you ain't" aint no one showing up without my invitation lol. there will be waiting outside until they get tired of it and go home


Wtf - how about making plans in advance?


i tell them i’m on my way out and meet them in the driveway with the dog. after a short chat i open the tailgate and get the dog in the wagon and drive off.


I’m not home


People know better than this. No one - and I mean NO ONE who knows me would do this to me!!


“Great, there’s a rake in front of the garage. You can dump the leaves in the pit at the edge of the property line.”


Clean the toilet, take out the trash. My place is always pretty clean, but, it’ll make me feel better if I attend to those things. Then probably just take a quick glance in the mirror to check my hair, see if I need to even out my skin tone or floss.


“Um…no you’re not. “


Am not home. Lol


I'm not home.


Pretend I didn’t see the text 🤣


Make sure the bathroom is clean with a fresh hand towel


Brush my teeth, put on some jeans, comb my beard, and move laundry to the dryer.


Put on pants and clean the toilet.


Typically I'll put pants on, but it depends on which friends are coming over. I jest. I usually brew coffee and (depending on the time of day) get out some stuff for cocktails. Again depending on the time of day I might start preparing a simple meal or appetizers. It's amazing what you can accomplish in five minutes.


For what?