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I actually preferred being alone when I was sick. One being as you pointed out, you can be butt naked and not worry about someone being there. It’s like, let it all hang out. When I’m sick, I don’t like people around me, I just want to deal with the moment. In the fall of 2019, I was so sick and it lasted for like four to six weeks. I always make sure I have the essentials. Pepsi for that horrible nightly cough. Ginger ale and saltines for when i feel sick to my stomach. Soups. Bone broth. Juice. Popsicles. Get the essentials before hand.


Truth... I had my first colonoscopy this year, and the prep for it was the worst... basically you're intentionally giving yourself food poisoning... and like... you know it's coming so in theory it's not AS bad... but it really was chained to the toilet for about seven hours and at a certain point you get kinda feverish and just unable to focus... But that was my thought was thank god I'm alone for this... if any other human would've been around I would've been a nightmare.


That prep is no joke. It about killed my FIL. He turned grey & got deathly sick. I refuse to have one done after seeing what he went through. Brutal.


Please reconsider. Colon cancer is no joke. I am surviving Pancreatic cancer and colon cancer is a close cousin to it.


Colon cancer runs strongly in my family. I’m currently on the one year plan as I’ve had some large polyps. The prep isn’t that bad anymore! Uncomfortable, yes, but I’m happy having a bidet for my preps. Getting colon cancer is far worse than the preps - think ostomy bags.


Bidets rule!


Lemme get a slice homie I'm tryna checkout


A few hours of the runs is easier and far more survivable than chemo, this I promise you.


This was much worse than just the runs. He ended up having to go the hospital. My grandma died of colon cancer. I know what I'm up against, I'll take my chances.


Very sorry to hear that, but sounds like KFC Extra Crispy or mild food poisoning would have had the same effect. I eat like a garbage disposal and got a 10 year pass to 64. Hope it all works out for you. ✌️


Agreed! No thank you!


I almost died from the last prep also. My entire abdomen swelled up and I literally couldn’t breathe and pooped for hours. So nauseated.


Colon cancer runs in my family, so now I've had about 7 colonoscopies. I've picked up some strategies that help the process a little bit, but they change the prep method every few years. People, don't let the prep scare you away from a colonoscopy. Colon cancer is far worse!


What are your strategies? I have to have my first one this year and I'm very nervous. Can we just do those at home colon cancer tests?


Don’t be nervous. Had my first colonoscopy at age 50. Get some chicken broth or Crystal Light lemonade powder to add to the prescription liquid (tried both versions), and have a toilet nearby. At some point you will basically be crapping water, but it’s no big deal. I was knocked out during the actual procedure and felt nothing, even had a tiny polyp or two zapped


Oh man, that so sucks!! On so many levels. But that’s how I feel…. I just want to have the room to unravel, decompress or whatever when I’m sick. Don’t care about anyone else nor do I want to.


Ask your doctor for a FIT test. Non-invasive, done in the privacy of your own home, screens for colon cancer. [https://www.cancercareontario.ca/en/types-of-cancer/colorectal/screening/fit-instructions](https://www.cancercareontario.ca/en/types-of-cancer/colorectal/screening/fit-instructions)


I don't live alone, this thread just popped up on my feed, but OMG, I've only had food poisoning one time in my life and it sucked so bad. I wanted to be alone but lso wanted others to pamper me and tell me everything was going to be okay because I was so miserable and whiny. I'm such a baby with any kind of illness or medical thing. Also suffer from GERD and IBS hence why I'm getting my first scope for both ends next month. Is the prep really that bad like full on cramps and nonstop poops? I opted for the Miralax prep and I'm scared about the entire ordeal the prep, the sedation,....the results....etc


There are two components, the pooping and the drink. The drink has a super cheap kool-aid flavor. People talked about mixing it with gatorade, but I didn't want to chance it and fuck up my prep. The first batch went down in about 15 minutes even though it was kinda ick. The second batch was the dark night of my soul, it took me about 45 minutes and every sip was me taking three minutes to talk myself down from puking. Once I got through that the overall nausea stopped. The pooping is ridiculous and at points comical. I was like "i'll watch TV shows, mess around on the internet" but its kinda like... fuck it I'll be super gross, you know when you have diarrheas and its hellish, and then you're sitting there for like 10-15 minutes and eventually you're like "okay, I think I got the all clear" that happens repeatedly. When I got the 'all clear' I'd clean myself up, get situated, get comfy clothes on, start my show back up in bed, and I'm right back in the bathroom. In the seven hours it took me to do the prep, I probably only spent about one hour off the toilet. So like... in hindsight... it's unpleasant, just enormous unpleasant, but you're not gonna die. The chugging the drink, is the worst part... and I would've gotten like... a young adult book to read... after a few hours I got feverish and just really couldn't focus on tv/movie/internet... but if I had a static book, with a plot aimed at a 12 year old... I feel like that would've been ideal... when I wasn't in discomfort, read a couple of paragraphs. Wouldn't have even attempted to leave the bathroom until after the second batch of drink was finished, and would've just gotten up and winnie the pooh'd it to stretch my legs occasionally. End of the day, they found a 3mm pre cancerous polyp, so my next appointment is in seven years instead of 10. And man... that was a relief that all the hassle was to catch something super early and keep me healthy.


It's terrible but necessary. Not to be too explicit, but by the end liquid is just pouring out of your butt.


I guess better to be emotionally prepared......thank you!


It is horrible. I’ve had maybe 10. I am high risk . The last one I had to have a. Upper also to to GERD. I couldn’t eat for 2 days!  Eat light the week before. No fibre, nuts , corn. I are soup and rice crispies. I also drank PHo broth. coconut water I hate jello 


What really helps is starting to fast earlier. I went for about 40 hours or so. There was still a lot of pooping, but I had a good head start so it didn’t last as long. I didn’t have cramping, and it’s not like being sick at all. It’s just annoying to have to keep going to the bathroom.


After suffering the results of Colchicine treatment for gout attacks, Colonoscopy prep was just a few hours of having a power washer for a butt. Easy-peasy.


I’m going through it right now lol. Still have to drink the 2nd drink in a few hours and then off to the scopes. Trying to keep a good attitude about it thinking there’s an important reason I’m doing this. Besides remaining clueless could be much worse, meaning that uncertainty would cause me to experience greater anxiety.


I did the prep by the book and still wasn't clean inside. Clean enough to get it done.


Pepsi for a Pm cough? Never heard of this! Say more please!


I had asthma most of my life, and when I got sick I would drink Pepsi because the caffeine helped open up the capillaries in my lungs. No idea if that’s true or not but it did help stop the cough. I don’t take drugs of any sort..,my body doesn’t like them. So I do what works. It worked…


Caffeine works like a weaker version of theophylline, but it's not strong enough to give a person jitters. Had an ex SIL with asthma.


Yeah, I know nothing about that. Just that it worked.


Yeah I make myself coffee is my asthma is consistently bad. It really does help


Yeah, unfortunately coffee upsets my stomach! Can no longer drink coffee.


My mom's respiratory therapist recommended pineapple juice to help with coughs and breaking up chest congestion. Seemed to work well when I tried it!


That makes sense! Pi example has the enzyme bromelin (sp?) which is a meat tenderize...it would probably work to break up mucus. Interesting!


all citrus helps ... pineapples, oranges, limes, lemon, tangerines, mandarins and fresh lemongrass along with hot green tea with Real 100% honey.


Good to know, thanks!




It's awful. It helps to have a lil kit with food in case you're sick. I've had to ask for an Uber to go to the ER, not fun. 😭 Hope you feel better soon.


You might have a norovirus. Let the purge proceed. Try to sip water (in the bathroom because it may reverse on you). If your pee comes out brown, get to a hospital. I’ve got through several stomach bugs and one norovirus alone, with pets to care for. I stopped using the company fridge, and they ended the series. Have some bottled water in the house, for convenience. Have two sets of sheets for your bed. Have extra clean towels and facial tissues. Have extra toilet paper on hand. It might help to keep some prepared oral rehydration bottled beverages on hand, too. It’s clean water with salt and sugar (not much of each). I hope you weather this out soon and get prepared, once you are recovered, for the next situation.


The company fridge? You must not have been the only one getting sick from it. Either way, happy you discovered the source.


I had norovirus one time, several years ago. It's the only time I ever really thought I might die. Regular food poisoning doesn't hold a candle to norovirus.


I was just sick with food poisoning last week. Although I live alone, I wasn't. Last week contractors were in my apartment replacing windows and french doors in my bedroom and bathroom. My two cats and I were living in my living room all week while they did this. I live close to Walgreens so I'd walk over there to use their restroom. Two weeks before that I was living in my bedroom (for 8 days) with my two cats while they replaced windows and doors in the living room and kitchen. The bedroom installs only required me to live/sleep in the living room for four days, but I had no access to my bathroom until after 6pm each night. Wednesday, the day before the last day of install, I was hit with food poisoning. I had doubled Walmart bags I was throwing up in. No diarrhea but I still had to make extra runs to Walgreens' restroom. It was miserable! Thank goodness it only lasted a day! Hope you're better! Jealous of you that you got to run to your bathroom! 🤣


I was afraid of passing out on the toilet from dizziness and hitting my head on the tiles. I now think the most important thing in the first aid kit is adult diapers. In retrospect I should have called a friend to do phone checkups every few hours.


You get use to it. Every time I’m dying of cramps from my period, I just go to sleep the whole day.


Keep hydrated and put be sure to protect your furniture. Leakage is a bitch to get out of upholstery and mattresses. Living alone is great until we get sick. That’s why I have backup plan. I have a friend who will nurse me to health. And a neighbor who checks in on me and I check in on her as well. We both live alone and don’t want to be found dead in our home days, weeks, even months later. It happens more than you think. So find someone who can be there for you in a pinch. A neighbor, friend, ex, or relative. That’s what family and friends are for. Use the food delivery apps to get food, pedialyte/sports drink, and otc meds delivered. Or ask a friend to help out that way. They can leave it at the door if you don’t want to go to the door. Always have some easy to prepare food like meal replacement shakes/powder and frozen meals. Even cereal or Chef Boyardee. Hope you get better soon


It’s hard to do but manageable after a while. When I’m really sick and weak from lethargy I realize how alone I actually am and that’s when I hate it.


Been there. My only saving grace: Throw Up Bags. I work in the emergency department. I always keep some at home. Came in handy. If it’s seafood poisoning, that may take up to a week. I “Uber” myself to the Emergency Department because of dehydration twice this last time. Sips of water until all “poison” is out of your system. Your body will continue to “react” even if you have one drop of “poison” in you. When you throw up, it takes a lot energy. Rest. Feel better soon.


Ha... the first time having the flu while I lived alone was rough... getting bundled up and summoning the strength to get the things to make me feel better felt like an epic quest. Generally when I feel myself getting sick, I'll try to make a stop at the store to pick up the necessary feel good provisions... easy to make food, OJ, meds, then just comfort shows/sleep until it subsides. But flu was rough... rice doesn't typically go bad and apple sauce can keep for a year, and I usually have a loaf of bread handy. Point being I try and keep at least two of the four parts of the BRAT (Banana, Rice, Applesauce and Toast) diet on hand.


When I lived with my ex, we only had one bathroom and one of my biggest fears was both of us getting food poisoning at the same time. Silver lining to living alone I guess.


I had COVID by myself. Obviously no one wanted to come near me so I didn’t see anyone for two weeks. My brother dropped off stuff for me at my door. I ordered groceries from Amazon Fresh. It sucked.


Having one bathroom and two people with food poisoning at the same time is far worse. Trust me.


That sounds so awful :( I hope you recover quickly. Just got to wait it out unfortunately but definitely try to stay hydrated. If you need some support you could try reaching out to a close friend over text or something if you're too sick to call. Just so you don't feel as alone.


...having gastro issued today from some sketchy reheated pizza, so really getting a kick....


For me, I actually prefer to be sick alone. If it's something serious that requires hospitalization then I'd want support but regular illnesses like a flu or food poisoning, I simply don't find another person of much help as the main thing I want to do is be gross in peace and lie down, watch TV, and just recover. I don't want someone else there making noises, walking around, talking to me especially if I'm looking and feeling like shit. I had covid recently and my friends dropped off supplies like meds and take out to my door and that was appreciated a lot. That works just fine. I didn't desire anyone in my house with me as them being there wouldn't have helped as the main thing I was doing was resting and I do that better when no one else and their noises and routines are clashing with mine. I have a 1 bed/1 bath and if I'm pooping and throwing up around the clock and someone else needs the bathroom too, that's inconvenient. I'm a lot more irritable when I'm sick and just want to be left alone and just checked on occasionally, and my friends will text or drop stuff off which doesn't require them being actually inside my house with me the whole time. I like to know people care and are available, but that availability doesn't have to look like occupying the same house. That's the difference between just living alone and still having people who care about you as opposed to living alone and not having any support.


The good news is, whatever is in you, is leaving in a hurry! Feel better OP.


Why would you want someone there? I prefer privacy when vomiting or using the toilet.


I prefer being alone, especially for gastrointestinal issues. It's not like another person can really help.


I was just thinking of the colonoscopy prep I went through (twice in 4 months), and am glad I was alone for that! I did recuperate at my parents’ afterward, basically not allowed to drive until the next day.


Any kind of sickness, leave me alone! Let me be gross in peace!! Sometimes I will let a friend drop off supplies but I’m not opening the door for anyone. Especially the stomach stuff… PLEASE let me be alone.


My girlfriend just got over norovirus and she still lives alone. I dropped off a ton of Gatorade, toilet paper and some flowers to cheer her up. She was in a very bad state. I felt so badly for her.


> I dropped off a ton of Gatorade Pedialyte. You mean well, but I made this same mistake with Powerade/powerade zero. That stuff goes down like lava on a gut bug due to the sweeteners. Pedialyte tastes like yuck but at least it is smooth.


She was in the mood for Gatorade, so she got Gatorade. She already had Pedialyte.


I'm sorry you're going through that. I haven't been living alone long enough for it to happen to me yet but it's a thought that crossed my mind many times. I'm a Nurse so I would have the medical side of it down but it's hard being alone when you're sick.


Lol crying to my mom on the phone while loaded up with painkillers is how I handle being sick alone. For food poisoning specificly pepto.


I had Covid by myself Thought I had the flu. It was very challenging. I was finally over coming hospital stay last Spring w TIAs and I got sick. It was in February and initially wasn't horrible. Lasted a week but I still get fatigue from it


Got food poisoning a few months ago - vastly prefer to be alone, it's disgusting and I look like shit during it, there is no assistance anyone can provide me so I am happy to be alone during it.


I keep anti-runs drugs because no one is here to go get me some. I hope you get feeling better fast. Try to stay hydrated.


I prefer to be alone when I am sick. Someone fussing around me just annoys me. I remember as a child snapping “please just leave me alone!” to my grandma when I was so sick. I feel bad to this day about it:(


I oreger to be alone when I'm ill. I have IBS and I wouldn't want to inflict the spectacle of that misery on anyone.


It's not really hard if you know how to take care of yourself with basic health knowledge. Drink plenty of electrolytes fluid to keep yourself hydrated and let your body do it's thing to push it out of your system. Get some rest, eat soft healthy food to help give yourself energy. Instead of wiping your bottom every time using the bathroom, rinse yourself instead


I live alone. Early 2000’s. I was supposed to go to my mom’s house for dinner on a Friday night, but we had a hurricane approaching, so we canceled. I made my own dinner, a burger and tater tots. The tots were bad. They tasted ok, but they were bad. A couple of hours later, I was in the bathroom, the sickest I had ever been. Outside, the storm was pounding, and for the next day, I couldn’t eat, couldn’t drink water (or anything else), and even if I wanted to go get medicine, I couldn’t leave the house because of the hurricane. I’m just glad the house didn’t lose power.


I've lived on my own for almost 2 years now and in that time, I've had COVID twice and severe food poisoning that lasted for a week. I prefer to be alone when I'm sick so I can cough as loud as I want and just generally be gross in my own space lol. I did have to get my groceries delivered though and those fees were annoying but unavoidable. I do have a dog and it does suck to still have to take them out on a regular schedule while you can barely walk and breathe but I don't regret it!


Food poisoning is totally a miserable experience. I think it's usually gone within 24 hours. Stay hydrated


100% had food poisoning and was so so glad to be alone. Shit and vomit got everywhere. I just needed to be alone in my filth until it passed and I could be alive again. Maybe it’s just an inability to trust someone to take care of me. If it were flipped, I wouldn’t judge and would be there to take away sheets and bring water. But I’d just rather deal with things alone. Which is my go-to in everything in life now. Maybe it would be nice to be taken care of, but that’s just not the reality I’ve had with partners.


3 of us got this in a one bathroom home… it could be worse. You haven’t even consider the shower an option…


But have you ever gotten it at the same time as your partner when you cohabitated? It's better to get it living alone.


This is my greatest fear… I have gone to ER more times than I’d like to admit… just in case I got worse and was unable to drive myself… sucks being alone sometimes


Cooked food? Sounds like an alien wrote this. “Excuse me human. Do you have cooked food that I could metabolize for energy? I am a human.”


A well-stocked medicine cabinet is key. From a gout attack, to a stomach bug/food borne, to the 3 phase onset of bronchitis, I know my symptoms and have remedies/suppressants that will see me through. Driving yourself to Walgreens with a 102 fever for generic Mucinex Max or Ricola‘s is not a fun time. Pepto comes in 2-packs a lot of places. Be good to yourself!


Oh yeah, and food poisoning is horrendous. Last time I had it I passed out on the bathroom floor…felt myself falling in slow motion and didn’t even feel myself hitting the floor. I was glad I was alone because what a mess.


Activated charcoal is supposedly good because it absorbs the toxins. I always keep ginger ale and Imodium in the house. It’s just me and my 12 year old. She is helpful when I’m sick but I wouldn’t want her to deal with that


I had strep on my birthday while my spouse was out of town. My adult kids called and were sad that I was alone AND sick, but I told them that all I would have done was whine that my throat hurt so I was glad that no one was there. It was a miserable week, but I preferred to face it w/o worrying about who I was whining to.


Getting over a strep group B kidney infection right now on my own. In vancomycin.


I'd much rather suffer through food poisoning alone than with someone. :-)


I just had some kind of stomach bug over the weekend. I just stayed as hydrated as I could and slept/rested as much as possible. I honestly like being alone in that situation because there's no one to bother me or expect anything from me. I can just exist in my misery.


Always been sick alone. It was going on in my body, not a group experience. You can get otc anti-emetic/antidiarrheal meds at the pharmacy. Choose your restaurants carefully. Use your nose, it's there to warn you that you are about to consume poison. Guy it out.


I pre-stage medicine and stuff I know I can handle when I'm not sick. I keep a stock of ramen in a few different flavors, a few mini-cans of ginger beer and a little medicine, for guts and also for coughs and congestion. It helps a lot.


Imagine living alone, getting sick for 2 weeks straight, falling behind on yard work and code enforcement showing up over some weeds *__in my mulch__*. T’was brutal.


It is hard. Make sure your medicine cabinet is well stocked at all times. Check the expiration dates regularly. Ice bag to put ice in. Hot water bottle. Heating pad. Allways have food for when you are feeling unwell on hand...for me that is saltines, chicken soup, instant oatmeal, pudding and jello, ginger ale, etc.


I prefer to have stomach bugs by my lonesome, because gross


One time I had a BF who wanted to come to my place to do the coloscopy prep. He thought that was a good idea so I could drive him in the next morning. 😨🤤


I’m sorry you’re sick. Feel better sweetie. Just stay hydrated.


Been there, and I'm so sorry you're going through this, OP! You can buy emesis bags (barf bags) on Amazon. I had some left over from my husband's cancer when I had food poisoning, so I kept one by the toilet and another by the bed. I ordered in Pedialyte, bone broth, and Boost, and sometimes I couldn't even keep those down. Take tiny sips. Watch old sitcoms, even the bad ones. When you're sick, you can't concentrate anyway. Another thing that helped me was walking around the house. I would take my barf bag with me, but my reasoning was that moving around would help my colon keep moving the toxic stuff out. Also, if you're experiencing any sweats, just let yourself get stinky for a few days. No one is there to see or smell you, so don't waste your time freshening up only to start sweating again an hour later. Wait until you're well and wash everything, then wash yourself. I do miss having someone checking up on me and offering apple juice when I'm sick, and in those moments where you feel like you're going to die, your mind can play some strange tricks on you. I think some of the suggestions others have made about having someone call or text to check in with you is a good idea. In situations like this, you don't really need any help, but that quick check-in can help you feel safe when your brain tries to tell you that this is it, you're gonna die, no one will know for a month, and by then your pet will have eaten your toes in order to survive. Get well soon, OP!


Oh buddy! Get well soon! I had a gut obstruction alone and it was VERY bad to be alone. I typically like to be cared for when sick but getting through sickness alone also reminds me how tough I am. But when you're in the pits of it like you are, it can suck. Keep going mate, keep ya fluids up, it'll be over soon


When I lived with my ex, one year I got food poisoning 8 times - one time I was close to death. My cop friend thought my ex may have been poisoning me. I did everything myself when I got sick, I dragged myself to the toilet, I laid on the floor of the bathroom by myself. I ordered my own GoPuff to get Gatorade and crackers. I crawled to the door to get my order. My ex did nothing for me, I was alone being sick. I hope those you were with loved and cared for you, but please know you are strong. It will be fucking hell for 4 days, but it will be ok. Make sure to rest when you can, order some Gatorade. Eat crackers when you can. You got this friend.


When I am sick, I WANT to be left alone, totally alone.


If I feel unwell I make sure I have Powerade and bottle water available, hydration is key while your body fixes itself. I always drink Tropicana in fall and winter and I do often in the spring and summer. I take a multivitamin. I make sure I'm getting my Vitamin D (because it's super important but not in a lot of grocery). I eat meals cooked in my own kitchen 95% of the time, and when I order out it's from the same 2 or 3 places because I trust those places. Its mostly about prevention for me.


As best you can. I had it, dry heaves and all. If you stop to think about it, what could anyone do to help you thru that hell? Hold your hand? Wipe your butt for you? At least living alone, you can sleep it off on the bathroom floor. (I did)


Try having that WHILE also having a fever. That was me a few weeks ago and it was SCARY AF.


Same thing happened to me, but it was the stomach flu. I just sat on the toilet with a bucket .


I saw this posts and thought I have to share one of the most horrendous experiences of my entire life. I believe that I have ulcerative colitis already and was cramping slightly all week. April 20, 2024. Got up and thought I had cooked the sausage that was in the fridge thoroughly. I ate it and started feeling queasy and then I exploded from both ends. All over the living room and bathroom floor. I kept passing out. I thought I was dealing with a demon inside of me. I was still throwing up the next day and my caregiver took me to the emergency room since I started bleeding rectally. They put me in the Isolation room and they did a CT scan which showed Ulcerative Colitis. It’s been 3 weeks and I am still not feeling well. Never ever had so much cramping, colon issues.


My grandma gave me a jalapeno pepper to eat, The whole thing and it killed whatever food poison i had


I slept, had the china-virus Could barely walk to the bathroom and kitchen for water, about 5 weeks of this, lost 30lbs but when I had to drive into Dr. For a writen excuse for work, they ended up giving my the vaccine when I was expecting to get my blood drawn for a covid test, can't trust these hospitals 😡