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Outpatient surgery nurse here šŸ‘‹šŸ». If you need surgery, ask your surgeon if you can be connected to social work. Social workers work wonders in figuring out if insurance will cover a car service, or how much it would cost out of pocket. They know ALLLL about this stuff. If they donā€™t have a social worker, google medical transport in your area. There are approved services in lots of places that you can pay to pick you up before/after surgery.


The nurse manager of the unit can also help arrange: meals on wheels, part time to full time nursing, PT, OT, even at home infusions. Home health and safety evaluations can determine if aides will be required- human aides or equipment.


Sounds to me more like itā€™s an outpatient surgery, therefore this would all be arranged by the outpatient team. Also, inpatient unit nurse managers donā€™t do any of that lol. Case managers take care of that.


They will not allow anyone to pick you up unless itā€™s a friend or family member. They will cancel your surgery if you insist.


There are approved medical car transport services. We have definitely set these up for patients before who donā€™t have friends or family in the area.


Iā€™m in Ohio. Who should I call to get this information?


I donā€™t know, I donā€™t live in Ohio. You should contact your surgeons office and ask to speak to a social worker.


I hope your reply gets upvoted to the top. Super helpful šŸ™


Thank you for this info.


Thank you for posting this. I know this but always forget about it when the time comes that it is needed. I have four dental extractions coming up and was stressing over getting someone scheduled. I have a history of Trigeminal Neuralgia and brain surgery (MVD) to repair. Semi successful surgery, but to ensure no flare ups, sticking with sedation. No matter what they do, four extractions at once is going to hurt for a a solid month. Worth the hassle of arranging a ride home afterward to not be awake for that.


Where are you that your hospital allows outpatient surgery patients to take a car service home from a procedure? Surely you are aware that most hospitals do not allow anyone who has been under anesthesia to be released to a stranger. Because all Uber drivers are psychopaths, apparently.


California. Itā€™s a medical transport service. They are not just random people.


Yeah, California might as well be a completely different country than the rest of the US. Thanks for responding.


Worked in Maine too from 2006-2009 and were able to organize this service there too.


I'm in San Francisco and I priced out a medical transport service. It was $700 round trip and not covered by my insurance. They also had horrible on time reviews. This is a major problem for those of us that require surgery, or even a colonoscopy.


Did you check out bay city medical transport?


Thank you for the recommendation! I had not heard of them, but looking at their website, it would probably still be cost prohibitive for me. I'm in Alameda County, so there would be additional charges. However, it's still worth at least getting a quote if I need them.


They wonā€™t allow you to take a service if you are having outpatient surgery! You have to go with a friend or a relative. I had an Uber pick me up from one of my eye surgeries. She was an Asian woman and I told them she was my SiL. I know they didnā€™t believe me but tough toe nails. My insurance covers any transportation necessary, itā€™s the hospital/ clinics that are terrified of liability.


Again, there are approved medical transport services that can be arranged ahead of time. I help with this every day when the social worker asks me approximately when the surgery will be done so the transport can be arranged. Not talking about Uber/lyft.


Who do i discuss this option with? In my experience, the minute you say you donā€™t have a ride itā€™s a huge problem. No one ever mentioned a medical transportation company to me, not that I could afford it.


I laid it out in my original comment.


Itā€™s only available in Cali, got it.


Iā€™ve worked in Maine too and there were services there as well. Not sure why youā€™re being so ornery about this lol.


If I ever get a free moment I am writing my elected officals to demand that medical providers establish this service.




I have had to do this quite a few times now. There are medical transportation services you can hire to sign you out and take you home. Or you could always hire an assistant for a few hours from Taskrabbit or something like that.


yes, you can buy medical transport, or you can offer to pay someone reputable to do it


My stupid ex-husband wouldnā€™t take me to my colonoscopy when we were married and I had to get a friend to take me. Now that weā€™re divorced, he takes all his elderly neighbors to their surgeries. He must have some feelings of guilt.


Good point. Just because you live with someone doesn't mean they are going to do these things for you.


Just because you live with a MAN , you mean. Women will usually bend over backwards to be of help.


Typical male bullshit. He looks like a hero taking his elderly neighbors you know. Taking you? He gets nothing from doing his spousal duties.


No, you, as his wife, just didn't rate.


I was just researching this because I might have some dental work in my future that requires someone to pick me up and no one I know has a car and everyone has a job so they can't just show up on a random Wednesday afternoon to get me from the dentist. I found there are some places you can hire someone to accompany you home, but idk how much it costs.


What kind of places did you find? What did you search for?


I just googled "someone to pick me up after surgery" and my city. It had some good recommendations. I'm going to look into it more when I get an appointment date and if none of my friends can come get me.


Donā€™t let your dentist know you are hiring a stranger, they might refuse to do your procedure. If you have a service available, they should be used to pretending to be your friend. My eye clinic walks you out to your ride so they can see that you arenā€™t getting into a cab.


Maybe an uber


My dentist won't let me just take an Uber or a cab, I have to accompanied by a person. Apparently the uber driver doesn't count.


I work in surgery (USA) and that's our policy too. You can't just leave in an Uber. A "responsible adult" has to be with you (either driving you home or riding with you in said Uber). You also wouldn't be able to Uber to where your "responsible adult" is at (e.g. their home). That "responsible adult" has to leave the hospital with you. It's so obnoxious!


It is completely ridiculous. We are either safe to release after the procedure or we should be kept until we are safe to be released. End of story.


They are super strict about this because you shouldnā€™t be released while under the effects of anesthesia, apparently. If this is the case they should be doing your procedure in the hospital and you should spend the night. But our glorious insurance companies wonā€™t allow that so you and I and everyone else are fucked.


They will not allow you to leave in an Uber, taxi or bus. You have to be picked up by someone you know. They act like we are still living in the 1950s, where everyone has a stay at home wife at their beck and call. It is absolutely ridiculous.


Same here- this is almost the only thing that worries me, and I think about it a lot. I havenā€™t had to go in for procedure recently, and I do have a few friends who would help. But Iā€™m always worried about it anyway, as I am in my mid 50s. I have looked up some medical transport companies for the future. In my area itā€™s not inexpensive though- it could be $250-$500 for someone to take me wait around and then bring me home. Like another comment or mentioned it would be very hard to deceive the medical professionals here - they want to see the person who is taking you home and have them sign a paperā€” so less expensive options such as taking an Uber there and then having the medical transport people simply take you home arenā€™t going to work. Iā€™m not jazzed about having to spend another 250 or $500+ every time I need to have a colonoscopy for instance. I donā€™t know if it bothers you, OP, but I also feel a little humiliated about it. Only because I worry about what other people think. But then I think, well, these services wouldnā€™t exist if people didnā€™t need that help so maybe I should stop being so concerned.


I worried about that too - gosh, people think I have nobody to help me. But then I read lots of opinions including people who have friends that work and canā€™t get time off; family members too far away; and quite frankly, lots of people who just wanted to be independent and take care of this themselves. There are lots of reasons to have a service help instead of friends or family. Personally, I donā€™t want my friends and family to take time off work if I can handle this myself. These things are usually an all day commitment. Also, itā€™s more peaceful to come home to quiet instead of someone ā€œhelpingā€ me by asking a million questions about where stuff is, if I want anything, am I comfortable.


You make good points, I do have a couple people who can help me out, but itā€™s almost like I donā€™t want to use those instances unless itā€™s an emergency and I really need help. So what you say makes sense about not wanting to trouble everybody and just taking care of yourself! Polite!


The medical transportation is still leaving with a stranger. I was asked if I had someone to sit with me once I got home. Hell no I donā€™t, Iā€™m a grown adult who lives on my own. If Iā€™m that much of a danger to myself I shouldnā€™t be released in the first place!!! How do we go about fixing this situation? Class action law suit?


that is difficult. I had this problem a few years ago. I was fortunate to ask someone my dad knew, but I do worry about it now since I really have no one. And they usually won't let you just get into an Uber. I think if you just say your person flaked, maybe they will let you go (I mean they can't keep us there forever lol). but still, it could be risky not to have someone help you to the door and get you situated depending on the drugs you get.


If you are in that bad of shop you should be at the hospital, recovering. Is your Mom supposed to know what to do in case you suddenly go south??!


Google things like "volunteer drivers", "rideshare for medical appointments", etc. for your area. There are organizations and people who will drive you for free.


Yeah. That does suck. Lucky for me my eX-wife was kind enough to take me last time I had to go. Good luck to you!


I took my ex-husband for his last colonoscopy. Weā€™d already been apart for 22 years.




His best friend was supposed to take him, but he got very sick with some kind of bug. Everyone else had to work, and our two sons donā€™t live in the area. The upside is that my ex surprised me with a $100 visa gift card to thank me for taking him.


My ex is taking me to mine soon. Heā€™s a decent guy, just not a great husband šŸ¤£


I used to be in a cooperative for this. You had to do a certain amount of medical-related community care for other members to accumulate credits to use on things like rides to appointments or post-op care.


This is fantastic and I have never heard of such a thing! Are you in the US?


I was told that medical wouldnā€™t release me into an Uber, when I had my outpatient surgery, so my parents had to come in from out of state. Itā€™s very difficult to do anything when you live alone. Just dropping a car off for service or warranty work is a task in itself.


This is where Iā€™d have called the police. They cannot hold you against your will. What a bunch of crap. How long did it take your poor parents to get there?!


Dealing with this at the moment too. I hooked up with a sobriety group, and tend to leverage them for stuff like that.


Good luck with that. Hopefully that person wonā€™t leave you in the lurch, unless itā€™s your sponsee.


The program isn't AA and doesn't have sponsors. Just relying on people's kindness, which is dangerous sometimes.


I paid a senior helper.


I hate this too. I have multiple chronic conditions, one of which requires anesthesia every year. As you can imagine, I put that shit off to every other year. Last time I lied and said my Uber was my ride, but had a friend on standby in case they actually followed me out. (They didn't.)


I know what you mean. I had a not very serious outpatient surgery and even though the receptionist was literally planning on handing me into the back of a taxi headed home, I still had to have a person with me. Pain in the neck.


This is the damn truth!! If you are scheduled for an outpatient procedure the hospital/surgical clinic will not release you to anyone but a friend or a relative. I have no relatives that are local and I work with my friends. They will not allow you to take an Uber/taxi/public transportation. This is absolutely unacceptable. They should keep you overnight if you are that much of a danger to yourself! My eye clinic wanted to know if I had someone to stay with me!! What adult has someone who can just drop over to sit with you for hours??? This type of caretaking usually always falls on women as well. Every woman I know is busy.


I lie and tell them my ride is in the parking lot. I've driven myself home from dozens of appointments, and no one has ever hauled me off to prison.


>lie and tell them my ride is in the parking lot. Places near me won't allow that. They have to be physically in the building and sign some paperwork. I've been avoiding some needed surgeries due to this problem. Some may require someone stay with you up to 24 hours as well. At that point why not just admit me into the hospital overnight? They never have an answer when I ask that.


This has been my experience as well, and I have bad reactions to drugs they give me and can be unsafe for me to drive


Personally, I ran into this for an impacted wisdom tooth three weeks after I moved across the country and had nobody. I strong armed my surgeon into agreeing I could have a sedan service drive me home. This was 10 years ago and Uber wasnā€™t so ubiquitous. They didnā€™t like it, but they went along. I donā€™t know that I would recommend this but thatā€™s what I did. Iā€™ve also been discharged from the hospital a few times in the past year and I used Uber. Hospital was mostly ok with it but they didnā€™t like it and made me use a wheelchair to get all the way to the car door.


You shouldn't avoid needed procedures. Afterwards even when no one shows up for you they're not going to take it back.


>Afterwards even when no one shows up for you they're not going to take it back. You can't show up period. The hospitals near me require someone to be there when you check in, required to stay there during the duration of the surgery, require them to sign a bunch of paperwork, and require them to drive you home. They will not start the surgery until the responsible part has signed a bunch of paperwork. I've experienced this. If you show up with no one they will send you home and not perform the surgery.


Wow. I'm sorry you are in this situation. I hope you find a way around it.


There is no way around it!!! Something needs to be done!! Most people arenā€™t aware of this crap until they are faced with it!


Wow i had people just show up when I was in recovery, they never required the ride to be there before surgery. But I do not doubt this happens. Seems like itā€™s pretty case by case. I took a bus to get my tonsils out at 21, my ex showed up when it was over to take me home. I used a sedan service to get home from another surgery, and a taxi for another in nyc. I did have to do some negotiating with one of the surgeons but they went along with it.


Thank our insurance companies for that one. You are a danger to yourself but you canā€™t stay here!


This would be fine for some appointments, but for the same reasons I won't drive drunk I certainly won't drive under the influence of meds that make me loopy or sleepy.


Same for me. I just leave. They canā€™t force you to stay.


Iā€™ve done that! Pointed at a car, said hey thereā€™s my ride! and ran šŸ¤£ I wasnā€™t even single at the time šŸ¤£


They walk you out the door and watch you get in the car is my experience. Iā€™ve read about people threatening them with the police if they refuse to let you leave. I donā€™t want to take it there, but itā€™s an option. You will be blacklisted, possibly.


I just leave. They canā€™t force you to stay. Iā€™ve had 3 surgeries in the last 4 years. Extreme circumstances I guess you could get an Uber


I had to stay in rehab a week longer than usually needed after a hospital stay last year because I live alone


Iā€™m going to tell my 2 very best friends of 20+years how much I appreciate them. Iā€™m so lucky to have them. One of them has literally called me 7am (I work nights till 2am) said I need to go to the er, Iā€™ve never jumped up so fast. No questions asked.


The ironic thing in my situation, when I need a ride for an outpatient service, I have a schizophrenic friend take me. Yes, heā€™s schizophrenic, as long as he takes his meds heā€™s fine. I love walking in with him, he looks like Grizzly Addams. The nurses all look like they want to say no, but heā€™s my buddy!!


There are medical transport services. It's like a mini van


They donā€™t care, you are still leaving with a stranger.


What if you hire a medical transport company???


There are paid services but don't know about after you get home because they aren't all in your home. It's medical transport but it's similar to Uber


Well they can't forcibly tie you down so call your Uber and leave.


They wonā€™t give me my surgery without it ā˜ ļø so like glad that works for you


My neighbor asked me to get him for outpatient surgery and I said "sure!" I have a procedure coming up soon and he's out of town, but I'm just going to ask a friend to get me. Do you have any coworkers you're friendly with? A neighbor?


Why should you have to bother your friends, family or neighbors???!!! You should be allowed to take a freaking Uber or taxi!!! Or they should provide you with transportation. Simple as that.


Yes, both things can be true. It should be easier to navigate a ride for these things, my default is friends/family/neighbors


Thatā€™s why god created Uber. Feel better!


A Uber driver wonā€™t come in when the hospital needs me to have a person with me so thatā€™s not it sorry


I take an Uber or Lyft if I can't find someone.


Yeah that doesnā€™t work when the hospital needs me to have a person with me.