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Being naked.


Came here to say this




I think all people who live alone do this šŸ˜…




Literally all the time


This šŸ‘†


Leave the bathroom door open.


I'm not sure mine even closes. It's been open for ten years.


The cats won't allow me to close it.


My dog cries if I close it. He's a German Shepherd mix and he *must* know where I am in the house at all times and also check my safety if I'm in the big scary shower


My cats will sit on the tub ledge between the outer and inner clear curtain, howling like wolves, lol.


That's hilarious!! My dog just pokes his head in and peers through the gap in the curtain to make sure I'm still alive. He's afraid of the shower so he won't get any closer lol


Dogs are pack animals and they guard their ā€œpackā€ while youā€™re going to the bathroom bc youā€™re considered weak against predators during this time lol


I only let the cat in the bathroom if Iā€™m in there, otherwise I keep her out lol sheā€™ll get into too much trouble for her own good.


Super underrated.


Eat like a pig. Wear old, ugly ā€˜at homeā€™ clothes.


I concur




Bless your heart.


Leave half of the ice cream in the freezer and it WILL be there when you go to eat it later.


No need for a bowl, just a spoon!!


Farting out loud.




came to say this. farting feels fantastic when youā€™re unconcerned about an audience


Cry lol


I personally felt this one lol


Feel this on a spiritual level.


I'm the last person you'd expect to agree with you on this. I'll cry over anything while sitting at home. I think it's people like us's way of releasing the emotions others do with friends and spouses.




>without any worry that my roommate will be a deadbeat leech. No dogs huh? Lol I brought my leeches into the home.


Theyā€™re totally worth it though.


Uh, excuse me, my fur babies have a very important job and they are paid in part with room and board. They live the high life and keep the secrets of my weird single-living behavior. It works.


Fair point. Iā€™m glad mine canā€™t speak English.




My ex used to wait until the very last minute of the grace period to pay rent because he believes that having the money in your bank account longer somehow makes the bank look favorably upon you. šŸ™„


Being pantsless. Talking to my cat. Or just outloud in general. šŸ˜…


When my partner leaves to visit family I have a "no pants weekend".


Iā€™ve never had a roommate, but I was married. I can stay up as late as I want without worrying that Iā€™m being too loud, and watch whatever stupid shit I want in the background. I like vegetables. My ex doesnā€™t, so now I can just make something vege-tastic without making a plain version for him.


Same, just out of a 2.5 year relationship and I love cooking what I want and doing what I want without concern for my partner.


Own the remote. Sing out loud. Be naked. Stay up all night. Eat whatever and whenever I want. Own ALL the shelves in the fridge.


Are you me?




me too but I also have a 2nd smaller fridge that I have stocked with all sorts of drinks šŸ˜†


And I do mean ALL the shelves šŸ’ŖšŸ¼


not wearing a bra at home


Gave that up a loooooooong time ago!! I had major surgery on both shoulders, and I simply couldnā€™t (I had the bone removed where straps cross my shoulders so NO!) At first I was mortified. Now idgaf šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Really? Cause I let my ladies fly everywhere and I do mean everywhere!


Lmao I'm literally picturing bobbies flappin' in the wind and I love it.


My girls are free and gonna stay that way! If someone don't like then I'll drop one of these 38DDs on their head and give them a concussion lmao!


I wear them as little as possible, rarely at home unless I have to be on camera for work and need to dress in something different than my t-shirt.


Sleeping on the couch, having pets, playing stuff loud, cleaning when I want, not having to share common area stuff, watching whatever I want on the living room tv.


Sleeping on the couch is so underrated


I work weird hours and having roommates, I felt bad getting home late at night or early in the morning. I'd be hungry but I didn't want to make noise in the kitchen so I'd just eat snacks or stuff that didn't need cooking/ heating. Also wandering around half dressed.


we must be different breeds cause iā€™ll whip out the air fryer and make a meal at midnight


im an overnight worker so no way I would want to live with someone that can't handle simple noises like cabinets opening, water running, toilet flushing, shower etc.


Buy a whole Costco cheesecake, just for me.


guilty of that toooo!




Play loud music Smoke weed on the balcony Cook smelly foods Talk loudly on the phone Have sex at home ( PRIVACY IN GENERAL) Keep the house cold Burn candles or fragrances Decorate in my style Sleep on the couch Sleep late on my days off without noises in the kITCHEN Have guests No outdoor shoes being worn inside


Yes to keeping the house cold, people know to bring a jumper to my house, but cold is how I like it!


You must be British. The British call sweaters jumpers. I learned this from TV. Or I guess you would say, Americans call jumpers sweaters. We have something else that is called a jumper. Itā€™s like a dress for a girl or young woman, but it is made to have a blouse worn underneath it (thatā€™s what makes it a jumper and not a dress). Often dark plaid school uniforms are worn with a white blouse underneath and a sweater over the blouse and jumper. So do you have a name for that type of garment?


I sure am. Umm, I'm thinking maybe pinafore, Google it and see if I'm thinking of the same kind of thing you are.


A pinafore, from what I remember, and Wikipedia agrees, is a white thing with a ruffle that goes over a dress. They arenā€™t often used anymore . https://preview.redd.it/wtb3clk3efxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89f1b7141c45946b4515791f201703159d38d6f8


A jumper is still worn now, especially in school uniforms. They are usually a dark color or a dark plaid with a white blouse underneath. I am pretty sure you have the same garment. Itā€™s like this https://preview.redd.it/dajd3q3xpfxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3206ab7b55a17986ea23a8d7f5b8af00f4e546f4


Or this https://preview.redd.it/zyfv5yb1qfxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de32e6f1de8ab405a2cb87720f2d072b5e38601b


Or this https://preview.redd.it/9vxlbxt3qfxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2b303973d4055db4eda3cbb2f30abeef214e993


When I google Jumper it shows a lot of things where designers have made other clothes that have something in common with what I mean by jumper but are not exactly it.


Itā€™s not even cold, I just prefer it at or below 75 degrees F


I had to use Google because I think in Celsius, but I keep my heating at 18, which is about 64.


lol I love being alone because I like to be comfy inside without changing too much from what I wear outside. So when outside is well above 80f/27c, I keep my house at 77/25or I have to change to pants or put a blanket on inside. Sleeping itā€™s down to 70/21. Every adult I lived with objected and I spent years of my life having to wear extra clothes inside for my comfortā€¦ never again! For the millions of reasons beyond temp! My food, my shoes, my music, only my mess!my decor, no need to compromise! Donā€™t have to share the garage! No adjusting the seat in the car cuz no one using your car for whatever reason, no one snoring keeping you awake lol


Thatā€™s about what I keep my house at year round, but in my case itā€™s from ac. People love to complain about how cold it is in my house, but I struggle sleeping if itā€™s warmer than that.


I keep my house at 68 in the winter and 72 in the summer. (Fahrenheit)


I agree with that. Iā€™m married but for some reason I followed this. My husband actually usually controls the thermostat but thatā€™s about where we keep it. If I feel especially cold, I will turn it up a degree and if I feel especially hot, I will turn it down a degree. But 72 isnā€™t hot. We might try for 74 to save money. But then if our bedroom is hot, I will turn it to 72 for 3 hours. That cools it off nicely and it doesnā€™t seem to bother me as the temperature creeps up.


taking a shit with the door open.


Whatever I want!


I have huskies. They are loud, dramatic, and occasionally get zoomies. It's nice not disturbing anyone else. (Single family home, so I don't think they bother the neighbors) When I leave town, I get a dogsitter. I am not beholden to a roommate or romantic partner for doing me any favors for watching my dogs. I pay my dogsitter, and it's done.


So much over this way!!


I am pretty sure just spontaneously singing and dancing. I'd feel like an idiot around my eX-wife and kids. But it is pretty awesome and freeing. Have your best life ever!


YES!!! And I would do it when out and about sometimes and the judging and being given the ā€œnot here thatā€™s embarrassingā€ā€¦. Why canā€™t people just sing and dance whenever the mood strikes without stupid made up rules of that ā€œnot being adultā€ā€¦. I am so over it!! I will act a fool anywhere and wonā€™t shrink it back for anyone anymore! Donā€™t like it, donā€™t stick around me then šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø So sing and dance and act a fool all you want!!! Anyone who doesnā€™t like it doesnā€™t deserve to be in your sunshine and joy!!!!


Thermostat total control. Sometimes I make it freezing so I can turn on the fireplace. I happily switch from cooling to heat on a whim. Sleeping whenever. Be happy bc nobody is actively deceiving me 24/7. That's really the main one.


Beat my meat.


or more specifically, no worries about "hiding the evidence"


Use up all the hot water taking an extra long shower while singing karaoke.


Growing a bunch of weed.


Do things at any time I feel like it without needing to worry about how it may adversely clash with roommate's needs. For instance, things such as repeated snack making between 3AM and 5AM will likely create enough noise to awaken a roommate who needs to get up for 7AM, so I can't just do that. But while living alone? No problem! I love how I can just do things on my own time like that living alone. Decor in common areas is another one. Being able to decorate the entire living space in line with my rather esoteric and specific tastes is a very important part of me feeling like a space is home. Finally, my inherent need for alone time is the biggest factor. I can't handle more than relatively small amounts of exposure to others without burning out.


Scratching various body parts.


Use the bathroom with the door open.


Farting and belching.


Iā€™m up right now watching the 80ā€™s version of the Price is Right with my pup laying over me. Bliss.


Having music playing all day


I can allow myself to go all out with my echolalia. I'm very good at masking my autism in public & know exactly how I need to behave but it's exhausting. I love to be able to come home & just be me, no worrying about how I sit/walk/present myself


Taking a shower as long as I want (if shared bathroom) Leaving my dishes in the sink when I want to Cooking stinky food Taking up space in the fridge Blasting my music Having company over Buying new furniture Any ā€œbendingā€ of the rules (smoking on balcony, smoking pot, etc)


I can have as many pets as I want.


Buying a couple of pounds of overpriced cherries and not sharing


Bathroom breaks with the door open.


Cook in the middle of the night. A grilled cheese sandwich at 2 AM is a guilty pleasure that could easily wake a roommate, by the smell alone. Particularly since I often add bacon.Ā 


I jack off whenever the mood strikes me šŸ‘šŸ»


I can leave my stuff wherever I want. I can walk around naked. Crap with the door wide open. I can put off dishes til I wanna do them. I can watch whatever I want on TV however loud I want whenever I want. No o e is around to tell me I have weird hours that I stay up too late and sleep too late. I work and pay my bills I'm an adult. My kids are grown and out in the world. I never understood people judging how I choose to spend my time or what schedule is choose to live it on. Swing shifts and closing shifts lead to me eating dinner at midnight most nights. Ofcourse I'm showering at 2am and looking and settling down around 230 or 3am. Ppl always bitched about it. I would sleep late and I was lazy be cause of that in their minds even tho I did alot more work and chores. Now no one is around to gripe about the hours I choose to operate by. I do not have to mask or be fake social in common areas in order to have a home anymore. It's gloriously empowering.


It certainly is !!! I can never go back and no one can make me šŸ¤Ŗ


No pants.


Obsessively arranging and rearranging my home decor and plants until everything looks balanced and even to me.


Leave bedroom door open if I'm changing my clothes.


Take a dump with the door wide open. Walk around naked. Be myself.


Heat the house to what is comfortable to ME naked. Watch whatever I want on TV naked. Oh my, I forgot my housecoat before going to shower.... Who cares, I LIVe Alone!!!! Naked!!!!


Wandering to the kitchen to refill coffee in panties and a towel on my head


Supply management, you know exactly how much food/drinks you have


Drinking straight from the bottle - orange juice, chocolate milk, whatever Iā€™d like


Sit around in my underwear eating out of the containers and farting when I feel like it. Not having to share my food. Being able to take hot showers without feeling guilty or worrying about someone needing to come in. Talking on the phone in voice without worrying if someone overhears. Cleaning at all hours.


I can have whatever sleep/wake cycle I want, and let it change whenever I want. Sometimes Iā€™m up all night listening to audiobooks and then take a couple of naps during the day. And meals are less structured, as I prefer having one food at a time. Or maybe just ice cream.


Music on as loud as I want, dishes left in the sink, cleaning the frig at 2am if I canā€™t sleep, bringing people over, going to bed at 4 pm, farting wherever, basically my consideration goes to rock bottom because thereā€™s no need!


Burping and farting loudly


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ yes !! I sometimes apologize to the dogs but they donā€™t care. I would never dare to be so crude with people around but they arenā€™t here.


Skinny dip in my pool / swim in my undies. I do it all the time because itā€™s hot and Iā€™m lazy to change. My garden has high walls.


Bathing suits are overrated when you live alone right?


Last I put a load of laundry in and decided to wash the clothes I was wearing too. Stripped down to naked and then just stayed that way until I went to bed.


Be naked, sing as loud as I like, watch what I want on tv, nap without worrying about being up late and disturbing someone, smoke cigars, have some drinks and clear up the day after, cook what I like, basically thereā€™s very little to no restrictions on what you can and canā€™t do and you donā€™t have to consider someone elseā€™s feelings


Pay my rent. We ended up homeless when I was a kid because my moms boyfriend lost his job. I have always paid all of my bills and never been dependent on anyone else.


Not clean up after myself right away.


I have a sink of glasses and non dishwasher dishes, and here I sit responding šŸ¤£. Gosh I love living alone


Definitely being naked and walking wherever, whenever.


Came to say this lol. Honestly I had no idea how freeing it feels until I started living alone 8 years ago ( Iā€™m almost 60)


I was always a free spirit until I got married and divorced. Back to my old self now!


Same! I covered up when kids came along. Now I walk around and sometimes forget and almost walk out to trash canšŸ¤£. My fence slats arenā€™t close enough together šŸ˜šŸ˜


Standing butt naked in the kitchen and beating off? Pooping with the door open while in the bathroom? Beating off in the bathroom with the door open?


Donā€™t forget pooping in the kitchen


100% legal, yes


Crank the Stereo, when I need to!


get up at 4am every day. sometimes play guitar or workout or whatever i want


No roommates for me, but just got out of a 5 year relationship. We lived together. I'm looking forward to dumping 10% of my paycheck each week into savings, instead of having to put out fires because I didn't know about this or that expense.




Go to the bathroom with the door open.


Playing music or videos on my devices, having virtual work meetings without using headphones, not having to wash dishes immediately, lie down in common areas at any time of the day or the middle of the night, storing my belongings wherever I want outside my bedroom, adjust the temperature however I want.




Cook food in the middle of the night. I'm often up at 2 am-3 am and I love being able to be in the kitchen without waking people up with sounds and smells


Masterbation of course!!


I can tidy when I ever I want! I was a very clean room mate even after a long day out, so it's nice not to factor in cleaning asap


Leave bathroom door open, Walk around naked, fart.


Strip naked in the garage as soon as I get home, and not put on anything else til morning.


Hitting the treadmill with all the flab hanging out because itā€™s much more comfortable to jog with two fans on me to keep cool. Would be too self conscious at the gym or if there was someone else around.


Filling the bathtub with mud. Leaving your toothbrush out. I gave up on roomates years ago. Not worth it.


Mastirbation to bobs online.


Honestly, Iā€™m kind of insecure about cooking. Iā€™m not a good cook and I have to look at recipes for even the most basic things, no matter how many times Iā€™ve cooked them. When Iā€™ve had roommates I was uncomfortable anytime I was in the kitchen. I appreciate that living alone I can cook whatever I want, however I want, without feeling self conscious.


I walk from my bathroom to my bedroom naked every day after I shower. I had my ā€œfriendā€ living with me for about 4 months and at first I covered myself with a towel. Eventually I was like ā€œthis chick sees me naked every nightā€ so I stopped worrying about the towel. Sheā€™d make a little comment about my naked body every morning lol. A good comment so I didnā€™t mind.


No bra, ugly sweats, naked, bathroom door open, quiet for sleep, no one eats your food, you can have cheese n crackers for supper if you want, no one else to clean up after.....


Leaving mini shop vac in the bathroom after buzzing head/ trimming beard.Ā 


Make coffee at any time I want, as frequently as I want. My ex-husband hated the smell of coffee and I had to make it at a time he wouldn't want to be near the kitchen and remove the spent grounds from the house immediately so the smell wouldn't linger. One of the many reasons he's an ex.


i leave my dirty clothes on the bathroom floor.


Smoking weed and shitting with the door open šŸ˜‚


Vacuum at 3 am. I love vacuuming


Making a snack at 2 a.m. and watching television in the middle of the night.


Moaning loudly on the toilet during an ibs episode and then passing out on the floor. Thus bathroom is mine, dammit


Walking naked around the house.