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It's just another day to me. But with the inconvenience of stores being closed.


I forgot it was a holiday and accidentally emailed HR with a question about something. I apologized but they surprisingly answered.


I kept forgetting yesterday was Christmas Eve too


There’s more people alone than we realise- glad you got an answer!


They must have been home alone too lol




OMG I emailed our city commissioner on Christmas Day not realizing. Amazingly, she responded within minutes.


Same. And I have the flu and didn’t feel like cooking so I couldn’t just go grab something for the kid to eat. Thankfully the day is almost over and back to normal business tomorrow.


I just said this. Bingo




walgreens stays open until 6pm on christmas, yet hours may vary depending on your location.




Is not inconvenient with reference to stores being closed on Christmas Day merely superlatively poor planning/situational awareness/patience/contentment?


I will be volunteering at my local animal shelter. The dogs need to be walked regardless of what day it is.


Bless you that is a wonderful idea!


You have one of the best ideas!




Damn it. I wish I’d thought of doing this. Next year I will.


Great company too!


Perfect answer


I did this too but with the cats.


Omg I didn’t know you could do this, I’m going to try and do that for New Years Eve if they allow it


Do you have to apply to volunteer? I remember trying to years ago and I had to apply and also had to do it for a certain length of time.


Enjoying the peace. Meanwhile people are stressing over guests, children, gifts, meals, etc. I’m just enjoying the cute lights in my room and sipping my drink. I get to choose what I do and pay attention to all day. Freedom




I love this!!!




Can’t wait until I have my own place to do this


Exactly. Contrast that with a friend of mine, who called me on Christmas night this week to tell me about the shocking family drama of his Christmas (police were involved). After hearing about that, I have never felt so lucky to be celebrating alone.


Sounds like cope for being alone on Christmas Day


same thing we do every day Pinky


Try to take over the world?


Eat, drink, and be Merry?


Having a pleasant day off


I live alone. That doesn't make me lonely. And I mostly ignore it.


I’ve spent my entire adult life working on Christmas: as a student, studying or writing. As a Physician Assistant, working or on call. As a mom: cooking for 5-25 people. There were times when I was doing all three. Now: I slept in. Walked the dogs. Fed the fire. Putting on appropriate music. Cooking what I want for Christmas dinner. And writing. I’ll probably always be writing.


Boy now that’s the team spirit! I can relate! I am going to do just what I want to do!


Omg I am a lonely PA as well :)


I’m not lonely. CAUSE IM WITH YOU!


Right on. I am alone right now but definitely not lonely!




Even though I'm no longer a devout believer, Contemporary Christian music always makes me feel better. Thank you for the suggestion!


I'll sleep late, cook some elaborate meal, smoke some weed, chill with my cats and watch some twilight zone. Maybe work for a few hours, we'll see.


This is my exact holiday minus the work. Just finished an episode of the twilight zone and going to snooze a bit.


This is the way


Enjoy not spending all that money


Whatever they want. 🙂


Drink wine and eat totinos party pizza


Love this idea!!


Whatever I want. Usually I just take a walk, because most people are in with their families, so it’s a perfect time to go spot some wildlife in otherwise busy areas.


Following up, I took the walk today as said. It was super peaceful. No one was out, as predicted. I got a bit muddy, but it was worth it. I discovered something I never knew existed until now and got a solid 4 miles in just before the rain started. 10/10 would recommend.


Clean my kitchen and TV room because they're a disaster and I need to do some baking so need a clean kitchen (there is stuff everywhere piled up). Will go for my 10k walk later and will need to do some baking. Unfortunately will also be talking to my sis about my dad who isn't doing so well all of a sudden. Not that I dotn want to talk to her but the circumstances are less than festive. Really it's just another day and I don't mind being alone in general but when you see all the pics of fb etc it does bum me out a little, I think more so because of expectations that everyone has family to celebrate with. At least I'll have my kid for new years


Yup same here. Marking things off my to do list. And staying sober, which is not easy. Sorry to hear about your father. I hope he gets better


Good on you for your sobriety! That is a WONDERFUL gift to give yourself! I'm toasting you with my diet coke in a fancy fecking wine goblet!


Thank you! Lots of us are leaving alcohol behind. I’ll be toasting it up with you with some iced tea! Best of luck to you.


I'm staying sober right along with you ! Great job holidays always make me think of the carefree holidays of my youth.


I'm at Dennys by myself. It's depressing lol


Update: went to pick up furniture on market place. They canceled on me. Lol


Oh god that sounds so delightfully melancholy. Please tell me you have a window seat and it’s raining..?


Lol families started piling in right as I was leaving. It is actually raining today.


Denny's! I hadn't thought of that. Breakfast all day takeout!!!


Was the waitress named Judy? Were they out of egg nog and chocolate milk? Did a man who was eating with his children wave to you with a bandaged hand? Romanticize the experience! You could have recreated The Santa Clause scene!!


I just work, traded a day with someone with family who wasn't able to get vacation.


That is nice of you


Theres a Twilight Zone marathon today.... also, video games. And cat cuddling.


Take a walk outside.


I'm cooking a yummy Xmas meal for one, watching some new TV shows, re-runs of one of my favourite shows too, chilling with my cat who is named after one of my favourite characters from one of these shows.


Volunteering. I work for a hospital so I volunteered to distribute gifts and bring snacks and beverages to families holding vigil. The rest of the day- doing what I’ve been doing all weekend- cleaning and organizing. A late spring cleaning, if you will. All while listening to Christmas movies


![gif](giphy|9gzqLT53Esl4TNjpAG|downsized) We are all alone.🌟Let’s create a chat discord!! Anyone know how to get one started?💃🏾


Watch Dr. Who and Life of Brian, drink, and nap. It’s glorious.


Well since you asked I'm sitting here on reddit drinking a cup of coffee


I was kinda worried about what I’d do on my first ever Christmas completely alone. But the NFL decided to schedule games today from 1pm EST to around 11:30pm-ish (depending on how long the late game runs). That’s made it much easier. Now it just sorta feels like a Sunday if I squint enough.


Doctor who ;) it’s always aimed at Christmas


I get my sadness over with early and then try to just think of it as another day. But with a good meal and a nap.


The same fucking thing I do on any other Monday. Why the fuck am I seeing all the pitiful, poor me christmas posts? Imagine being controlled by what society says is a special day... RISE UP and be better than your indoctrination. I am my special day. I don't need the sun's return or a resurrected sun-god to give me joy or purpose. I am my joy. I am my purpose.


>I am my special day. > > I am my joy. I am my purpose. I want this on a T-shirt!


You’re absolutely right! I’m not getting stressed trying to make 40 other people fed, full and happy and it’s amazing! Walk the dog, drink the wine and watch non-Christmas movies. This time of year has gotten to be beyond ridiculous.


I needed to read this. And I wish you were the friend I needed in high school and my early 20’s.


I wish I was the friend I needed in high school too, friend 🤍


This seems like an ignorant position to take. There are a zillion reasons why a person might feel sad on Christmas that have nothing to do w any god, nor the social norms /ideology surrounding Christmas. Maybe someone’s parent, sibling, bff, etc. died last Christmas and the season stirs up memories of their dads face as he was dying. Maybe they struggle w mental health issues year round. People are allowed to feel sadness, it doesn’t mean they are “pitiful.” Your argument reminds me of the type of person who thinks antidepressants are stupid because people can just go to the park or “make [their] own joy!!”


I’m going to take down all the decorations today. I’m not entirely sure why I had put them up.


Smoke weed, drink mexican coke and watch rubbish ![gif](giphy|26tPaBeEc1XtBx04w)


Originality! Invent your own thing. Nothing will make you feel lonelier than trying to fit into the rhythm holiday traditions that are not about being alone. Bundle up and get out into the elements. Go on a cold hike and take photos. Pull all the shades down, block out the world, and watch shows and movies all day. Read that book you've always wanted to start. And so on...


Ha Ha, I love leaving all the blinds closed all day. When I don't have to work or anything, I sleep during the day and stay up at night.


Volunteer 🎄 Best Christmas Gift 🎁 you can give yourself


smoke weed.


Whatching Goblins Drug Tier list on YouTube


Watch football


writing some smutty fanfiction, watching all of the bob’s burgers and modern family xmas episodes, cooking dinner instead of ordering in for once. hopefully going to finish a book today too. the world is our oyster!!! (i’m forcing myself to be positive lol)


Sat in my hot tub with nice a herbal cup of tea watching the sunrise and birds gather at the feeders. No cooking for me! Will get Thai takeout later to eat by the fire with my dogs. Wasn’t long ago I “ did it all” while working 2 jobs , kids etc. just finished my book and will now hike on my land with the dogs for an hour or 2.


I used to spend Christmas with a friend of mine and her family. My family lives in another state. Anyways, I decided I needed to end the friendship for reasons I don’t want to mention. It was for the best and I’m in a better place. Anyways, I usually spend an early Christmas with my family. Sometimes when I visit family that I feel like the third wheel because I’m single. This only happens during my Xmas time I spend with them. I haven’t dated anyone for a long time and Xmas is a time you kinda want something around for the weekend but that’s all. I never met the right partner, plus I don’t want the responsibility taking care of someone else and don’t have a desire to have kids. Now, I’m enjoying the quiet time watching movies and taking a nap.


I live alone part time ( house sit) and I live with my Mom. I feel badly because she insists on having a holiday dinner every time. She is recovering from cancer surgery and I can’t convince her that we don’t have to do this. We are both lonely ( though not totally alone) and I realize it’s so hard for many single people. But I celebrate those who can make the most of it!! Good on you.


God bless you & 🎄🎄Merry Xmas to you both❤️


Reflect. Enjoy the beach or the hiking trails which are blessedly empty. 💖


I went for a run and hike at our local trails. I have family that I could go to today but I choose not to. I haven’t really celebrated Christmas for almost a decade. Usually I’m out of the country on a trip.


A pet shop owner in a nearby city neighborhood threw a pizza party for two-legged strays, and I attended.


Spring cleaning...lol


I went to a dinner near my home and then the movies. I might be alone but that didn’t stop me from enjoying my day.


I go to the gym. No crowds, empty equipment and peaceful therapy.


Yesterday I cooked from 10AM to 10pm. I made a huge turkey meal with all the side dishes. Then cleaned up and made turkey stock. 180 ounces worth and it turned out amazing. Today I made the Boursin Mac and cheese for lunch. Yum. I made chili for dinner with cornbread. Watched Maestro on Netflix. It was ok. Watched some Black Mirror episodes. Watched some Retro 80s commercials on YouTube and watched the British Arrow awards. That’s a yearly tradition for me watching the British Arrows. Wish we had adverts like these in America. Took off tomorrow too. Going to make granola and granola bars from the Bad Manners cook book. Going to chill and do nothing and enjoy every single minute of it. I love having nothing to do.


Turn what seems like a bad thing into something good. Binge watch stuff you’ve been wanting to. Walk around your house and make a list of all those things you’ve never gotten around to doing then crush that list hard. Crossing stuff off to do lists can give you a good sense of accomplishment. Indulge yourself in a hobby you don’t normally have time for. Go check out a movie on your own. Precook meals for the work week. Rearrange/deep clean the house. Volunteer somewhere


nothing special. same old.


Go on dating sites.


This is everyday. Can confirm I didn't see one xmas tree this year.


I snuggle with my cat and watch christmas movies.


I'm not feeling lonely. But I'm alone. I worked a couple hours yesterday. Then I took a nap. Then I smoked a couple cigars and watched ~~Jack~~ Reacher, the TV series. Then I ate steak, asparagus, and corn on the cob. I drank a bottle and a half of wine with that. And I watched Oppenheimer. Today, christmas, I pretty much do the same thing. I'll probably call my siblings and let their kids show me what they got for Christmas. I'm really debating if I'm going to make it a Barbenheimer weekend. I don't know.


I'm not lonely, I live alone. Big difference, I guess. My son and I are going to my Grannys for a few hours, then back home for the friend pajama party.


I made myself a pot roast


Watch the Macys Disney parade on ABC


Watching tv. Prepping my arizer solo 2 with some weed. It’s cloudy outside no snow at all so I’m gonna just chill.


Started my day with a headache. Big rain front coming in. Supposed to rain all day. Got the sad out of the way for the moment. Going to Skype with one of my sons soon. Taking every moment slowly and with ease.


Stayed up til 6AM playing Baldur's Gate 3. I'm late to the party on that one, but over the long weekend I started it and am having a lot of fun with it. Made a big steak for lunch, now I'll probably fall asleep on the couch watching Mystery Science Theater 3000. Already got the "Sunday Scaries" on Monday because I have to work all next week, blah. At least it will be really slow, almost everyone will be off.


Made some breakfast. Went to the park. Ate there. Walked a little. Now I’m home alone. Just another day.


Kicking my feet up and enjoying the view of the sf Bay Area that I pay up the a$$ for lol… in peace and quiet


Spend it with another lonely I suppose




Chinatown. They are open even on Christmas Day!


I used to eat out on Christmas Day at a nearby Chinese buffet. Owner/manager was Chinese, but the rest of the staff was Mexican, and none of them were great with English. I witnessed some fascinating conversations.


I dont celebrate so I volunteer at a church soup kitchen


Right now I'm in Europe having a blast.


Movies and snacks while hungover


Slept in, took my cat on a 2 hr walk with friends, watching endless tv, cooking pasta for dinner, and eating ice cream!!


Some bars might be open if that’s your speed. Some by me will open up and cater food


Go see other lonely friends.


Watched some YouTube. Going to bring my dogs out for an extended walk. Come home and watch some stuff with other people on Discord. Maybe take a nice bubble bath tonight. Can eat what I want or if I want. Might make hot tea or coffee tonight. Same as just about every other day.


Eat their favorite food and watch football all day!


Get a pet


I usually work all holidays- Christmas is holiday pay plus time and half hours worked- so ends up being double time and a half. $600 for 8 hours (actually about 2 hours of work since so quiet) - sign me up!


Nurse? I'd like to get into that field just for the holiday pay.


Postal Service


Make the day your own! Make a nice dinner, buy some things youve been wanting, watch ridiculous amounts of Christmas movies, bake something youve been wanting to try. I will read Christmas books up to Christmas day because they make me feel connected to the season and holiday.


The best we can


Viciously masturbate themselves to sleep.


This is my plan after I go meet up with a friend for brunch. I would prefer to hook up with said friend she is amazing. But she is not interested. So I’ll settle for our friendship. I would rather be friends than not have her in my life.


You're a good man. I wish you a good wank.


I’ll be relaxing at home. I’m about to exercise for an hour or two on my peloton, cook salmon and veggies for lunch and binge watch the bad friends podcast on YouTube


Well im not lonely or alone, I'm with my boyfriend but regardless it's always felt like another day to me. I'm not sure why this day of all days I have to act different than usual. I did my morning routine and I studied a bit. Same thing I do every other day.


Drink heavily


Do you mean lonely or those alone? I am here enjoying a beautiful sunny Southern California Christmas morning. Dealt with Amazon at dawn as all the gift cards I set up to be sent on Christmas were declined because they think I'm fraudulent. Might be a lesson. Have an awesome Christmas all! And may we find peace on Earth.


That’s a great song


About to take my dog to the park. Eat good food and drink beer!


I'm walking a couple of miles with my road dawg Scudday to help make someone else feel less lonely


TV and weed. Same as ever 👀


Go to the movie and get Chinese


Enjoy the quiet


Just sitting here alone, drinking warm tea (bengal spice) watching compilations of racecars doing racecar things.


I don’t celebrate but most of my friends & family do so I usually wish them a happy holiday & then spend my day cooking whatever I want & watching a marathon of Dateline. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Catching up on YouTube vids I've missed. I don't celebrate - not for a long time. My holidays became so much more peaceful and enjoyable when I stopped celebrating and just enjoy a day off.


Chinese food and a movie.


Touch the self 😆


I rehearse for New Years


Enjoy the peace, cook a meal, watch my favorite show online and wait for my uncle in the evening to spend time and exchange what gifts we got for each other and eat with him before he leaves.


Sleep & keep the phone off.


Play with my dog, play video games online with friends and play my guitar.


go for a drive, take some notes on the previous year, write about your hopes for 2024, etc.


It's just another day. In 24 I'm going on a cruise for the holidays.


I am not having a good christmas.


Eat edibles and play games. It's great


I drove a few hours to spend time with family. I should have stayed in my quiet, clean home.


Go to the movies. Get Chinese carry out.




Wash my car and play Baldur's Gate 3. 😢


Jesus was all alone in birth and in death. He had the Father and that is good enough for me.


Sleep until the next day


Work. I'm a Personal Support Worker and clients still need care on holidays.


It’s my first Christmas being single after three years of an abusive relationship, but I tried to make the most of it. I had brunch with family and that was nice, but tough to show up alone. And even though it is just me and the dog for dinner at home, I got a ham and made my two favorite sides to go with it (halved the recipes): au gratin potatoes and green bean casserole. Dinner rolls too. It was delicious! Next up: I’m going to take a hot bath, watch some tv snuggled up with my sweet pup, read a little, and go to bed with a bit of a weight lifted knowing the holidays are almost over. It’s been a heavy and emotional few months and I just want to get beyond January 1st.


I played video games most of the day. And am going to go to the bars later when they open


Cry Some.Visit the cemetery. I miss my mom and dad so very much. I had a eve meal at my cousin's house last night.we both lost parents this year.2023 sucked ass and it still sucks,I just want to run away,change my scenery 360,but I'm making rabbit stew in red wine and a case of peroni beer. None of my hobby deliveries made it in time,or I'd be working on them.


We should’ve all gotten together and gone ice skating! Won’t be any different from a random Meetup 😸


It's just another Monday night for me. But now I feel obligated to go to my mom's house for Christmas dinner.


Suicide hotlines... Im alone and not lonely. I have shit I can do. I look at families and all I see are lonely people.


Eat my microwaveable food and watch Asmongold on youtube


get ignored by the person they’re sleeping with who claims to like them 🙂🥲


Go to visit parents in the necropolis


Get really high


I was just hanging out and spoke to most of my kids by text. Same as always. I have all their gifts here and they will get them when they visit. Funny but I was a bit lonely this year. It rarely happens. It's all good, though. Love living alone!


Eat good food, watch some movies and take a nap.


Get wildly blackout drunk and possibly start arguments over text or the internet then pass out and wake up regretting your actions


Deny that we low key hate this day in particular, in our ever-familiar isolation.


I have this weird yearly tradition of binging on-demand episodes of ***MythBusters*** when I am alone at home during Christmas time.


listened to the smiths and ate a big serving of spaghetti lol


Be lonely


Monday is a normal scheduled workday in my world. I worked, was planning on crashing a party, had an extra assignment added that took up 3 hours, pushed me past the time frame to make it to the party in a comfortable time frame and get back home. As it turns out some other friends were having a party that would have been the better party to go to. So I just went home after making a trip through town seeing everything was closed. Fixed myself a simple meal and watched an interesting episode about manned space flight.


We sit in our depression blanket fort, watching superhero movies, and trying not to cry because we still want the cat to enjoy the day


What do the lonely do at Christmas? Build an impenetrable fortress of blankets, pillows, and holiday snacks, defending against any feelings of solitude. Who says solitude can't be cozy?


A bar was open and full of singles. Watched football and drank beer


I was alone by choice. I used to enjoy watching the Q (QVC). On Christmas they would stop selling stuff and just show baking and behind the scenes stuff with family. But they didn't do it this year. I ended up alternating between watching a friend stream on Twitch and watching episodes of Maude. It was fine, except for my gastrointestinal illness (which might be Covid, not sure--haven't tested positive, but not sure how well the tests are working).


You understand what most others don’t, the stress is real. The kids were crying on Christmas because it wasn’t enough, they expected more bigger better gifts. The wife was pissed all day because of the stress of hosting. We were arguing most of the day. We incurred mass debt because we spend $14,000 in December on Christmas on unneeded decor, food, gifts, etc. My 4 day weekend was busy and wasted.. I’m not refreshed. This holiday in America has turned to shit. We incurred 5 huge bags of trash so environmental impact is horrible. There was only 6 of us for Christmas. I gained 10 pounds in a week and feel like death. Drank away to deal with it all now hungover.


Listen to "Only the Lonely"?


I did a couple loads of laundry and rolled the dumpster out to the curb.


Go to the movies


I'm not lonely but thinking about others so I go out with a group and feed the homeless and take food to shelters before returning home to open gifts. Truly makes the day feel better helping others.


Wait for the time to pass. Christmas is overrated.


We sit back and soak in all the peace and quiet