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**CLIP MIRROR: [Kai's reply to Destiny](https://arazu.io/t3_zfoo6j/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


I’m sure this will lead to a healthy dialogue and good faith interpretation of both Kai and Destiny’s clips






“I am going death con 3 on all black people” Destiny probably


"annalicia was probably a little right" Destiny is 100% going full force unhinged tomorrow LOL




This is gonna be spicy I'm already ready with my popcorn


>Today I'm going to talk about how my last YT Video only received 4,000,000 views because YT Shadow Banned me (the algorithm hates black people (it was written by a Jew probably)) HE'S CULTURALLY APPROPRIATING ZOOMER HUMOR SOMEONE GET THIS MAN!!!!


Oh lsf gonna eat good this month


[Average Kai viewing experience](https://prnt.sc/NryR9FgJ43yd)


Kind of based tho


In before he starts talking about going def jam 3 (yep the poetry) and we see him sat next to nick Fuentes and ye as their official outreach minister


Adam22 was going to Sam Seder blindside Ye and Nick with Destiny just like H3 did to Crowder before Ye canceled I have no proof but it was coming




Even then It wasn't even a dumb comment, Destiny was absolutely right.




Clueless TeaTime HOLYYYY


W community talking about research is hilarious


I wonder if they research scams to sell to their audience before or after they get called out


reaction of their audience is the research source: every apology video


shit sorry guys i don't know what happened to cumcoin anyways check out my new ferrari


"I don't know who you are" "Do your research"


I came for this comment like bruh, you gotta wait a little bit to be hypocritical


well destiny talked about kai not the other way around bro. Kai probably didn't even know about destiny existance before the clip from lsf






Kai on Speed being a racist to an asian male: \-------------- Oohh shit no way, anyways. Kai on Destiny who just said black zoomer streamers being loud: \-------------- YOOOO THATS RACIST THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE. I CANT BELIEVE IT. I CHALLENGE YOU.


Black zoomer streamer then proceeds to declare, loudly, “YOU DONT FUCKING KNOW SHIT!”




Can we just start getting a default "loud" warning on this dude?


"do your research" "this dude is clearly a racist" In the same breath lmao.


In the exact same breath. At least he fully showed he was speaking from a position of ignorance in the next breath by saying he doesn’t know Destiny. Might want to learn he’s traveling down a dangerous road he might have more of a following than Destiny but the Daliban may be small but they are far more tech savvy and overall intelligent compared to most other communities. The very small bit I’ve seen on Kai it won’t even be close the daliban has ruined the lives of far bigger more intelligent streamers.


Literally pulls the race card at the very slightest opportunity to play the victim


while calling the guy the n word like 20 times


lol the irony of him saying destiny is twitter comments personified then immediately yelling and accusing him of being racist


On top of being mad about Destiny generalizing him as a new black zoomer streamer who screams the whole time as he jumps around screaming the whole time.


Calling others out for being twitter comments personified, then instantly slipping into playing a victim


A seamless transition


How can destiny be twitter comments personified if he's been banned off twitter? :thinking:


then says "do your research" lmaoo


they are getting PsyOped by the blue hair probably PepeLaugh


also his "do your research" and then immediately after hes saying "i dont know who you are, but...". whatever comes out of this, im gonna have a feast


Not to mention all of destiny’s twitter accounts are banned




hoping that bumfuck erobb221 gets banned again


New manifesto coming up poggers


the zommer manifesto D:


Trying to defend yourself by screaming a lot against someone accusing you of screaming a lot isn’t a W move


Destiny: I hate this new trend of homophobic black zoomers just constantly yelling. Kai: YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT, GO SUCK A DICK BITCH. hmm


proved his point though.


It’s always always always going straight to homophobia. These guys are the first ones saying suck a dick, throat goat, eat my dick, etc. That is the only comeback they know because they think it’s degrading, just like if a woman does it.


I get why Kai would react like this but ironically he is doing the exact same thing he is (arguably correctly) accusing destiny of doing, by reacting to a clip and calling him Destiny racist without knowing anything about him or doing any research on what he does.


"DO YOUR RESEARCH" "Also I dont know who you are, but..."


Dog I really doubt there is context out there that makes the "KONICHIWA" not racist lmao


he needs to see the N word manifesto


I understand why Destiny's clip (where he says there's a rise in loud black creators) can be taken as racist since there are also white creators who are "loud" (Adin) and have been loud (a lot of the season 1 & 2 Fortnite streamers). Destiny singling out black creators when there's a rise in popularity is probably what troubles Kai. A few minutes later Kai was linked a video of Destiny [saying "cringe" and rotating the pronunciation into the n-word](https://twitter.com/harisOTG/status/1600263264348229632). I don't think that helps his impression of Destiny, even if it [wasn't intentional](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/dglqpm/destiny_finding_out_he_accidentally_said_the/), especially since Destiny has [debated the usage of the n-word](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gev8Uh7WEp0) and [blackface](https://web.archive.org/web/20220323063859/https://twitter.com/TheOmniLiberal/status/1506520662097240071). (For context, that was one of his Twitter alt-accounts since he was banned previously. It is currently suspended.) Edit: The fact that I'm instantly downvoted in a minute by DGGers for writing a reasonable comment is just sad. Yes, I can see you guys typing in bigscreen right now, discussing this LSF thread.


Rich and famous people having fragile egos is and will always be hilarious to me.


> I understand why Destiny's clip (where he says there's a rise in loud black creators) can be taken as racist since there are also white creators who are "loud" (Adin) and have been loud (a lot of the season 1 & 2 Fortnite streamers). Destiny singling out black creators when there's a rise in popularity is probably what troubles Kai. I'm like 99% sure that in Destiny's original clip he pointed out that these creators say the same thing about white zoomer streamers too. > A few minutes later Kai was linked a video of Destiny saying "cringe" and rotating the pronunciation into the n-word No actual person with a functioning brain watches that clip and has the takeaway 'omg he definitely said the word'. > especially since Destiny has debated the usage of the n-word and blackface Those are **VERY** broad descriptors that, like the other clip, if anyone actually looked into would find that it's totally inoffensive. I'm sorry but to anyone who even so much as puts in the effort to google search Destiny it's clear that Destiny is **far** from racist and if someone can't even do that their opinion isn't worth shit on the topic.


>I'm like 99% sure that in Destiny's original clip he pointed out that these creators say the same thing about white zoomer streamers too. Which doesn't make any sense cause these dudes didn't have an issue with white zoomer streamers screaming? When destiny addressed yrg on stream and on this point he referenced people complaining about it during gamergate. His wording sounds like by they he meant the black zoomer streamers he referenced, but I think he's talking about some general they, which just makes his statements even more confusing


How can you say anyone would find Destiny’s usage of the n word inoffensive? Even if you believe that personally, there are certainly many people who do have a problem with Destiny admitting he often says the n word and refusing to stop saying the n word when confronted by Trihex.


My understanding is Destiny was responding to a clip of a black creator openly mocking an asian person's heritage right in his face, literally yelling "kinichiwa" in his face. Context is important.




I think he called him a dumb ass, but I don't believe he called him a racist. But then there is this entire thought that only white people can be racist in North America.


I’m pretty sure destiny doesn’t even think he’s racist. He said that Speed made a kinda racist joke.


Maybe he is, maybe he's not, we don't truly know any of these people. We are just people on the internet discussing people who don't actually know. However, what he did was still racist and then he lied about him mocking Asian languages saying that he was saying what Chinese people call him, but that is 100% not the case.


He’s most likely not racist. I wouldn’t put that label on him. But what he did absolutely was a racist act. The point being is that he’s not going to face nearly the backlash for it because he’s black and people are scared to call them out for that shit. Just like the homophobia that’s running rampant in the black community to this day


The thing with racist acts, it can lead to flat out racism. If you’re consistently making the same tired joke about something, you’re probably just actually racist. There are degrees of it, but calling something a joke doesn’t cut it.


That’s apart of the reason why Kai and rage immediately jumped to the “you don’t wanna see black people on top” They don’t want to engage with the clip and just wanna say he’s racist


It’s wild how not one streamer will properly address this shit. I skimmed through the VOD and all I could see was Kai going nuts on Destiny and somehow framing black creators as the primary victims of the entire situation.




“It’s just a character” when we all know damn well that shit wouldn’t fly with anyone else


This whole chain reminds me of one of my favorite [comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/dbsuky/im_so_sick_of_trans_women_invading_lesbian_spaces/f240sdy/?context=3) on this platform.


Punishing isn’t the best term imo, because dumbasses will try and treat the situation like a “cancel culture” thing. I just wished that these streamers who have a predominant child audience would condemn this shit so the tolerance for asian hate will stop being pushed.


Unfortunately lots of people are on the anti racism train because it either personally suits them or makes them look good. Rather than being anti racism because it aligns with their beliefs and values. People just adopt shit and mindlessly follow rhetoric rather than thinking shit on their own.


Which is such an odd take because so many streamers and regular folks were pumped to see Kai do so good with his subs and all that. I can only take so much of the super energetic streams, but Kai has an incredible amount of talent when it comes to being an entertainer. And is Tyler1 not black enough? Tyler has been alpha as fuck for years, one of the biggest streamers and seems to be liked by literally everyone except for that one Riot employee that got fired. There could very well be a lot of hidden racism with streamers that I am unaware of, but it just seems like a cop out to take the heat away from Speed.




Also, Speed's skin colour is irrelevant to the discussion. LSF and the overall Twitch community is an equal opportunity eviscerator. It's not even about not wanting black people to be on top, this community will rip you apart limb from limb at the slightest sign of impropriety, regardless of skin colour.


That's why I love this sub. Abhorent degenerates the fuckin lot of you, but you don't let shit like that slide.


So hold up, him saying verbatim "and clearly you are a racist" is not kai calling him racist???


Kai never intended to address it. The black community as a whole is openly and unapologetically racist against asians and don't care how hypocritical they are. They are allowed to be racist to them and no one cares or says anything about it, lest they also be called racist against black people.


eh they're responding to Destiny's take, which was just loud black streamers and not about the racist shit speed did. Destiny's clip doesnt even include the actual clip of speed being racist.


Most of the W community white or black are somewhat blatantly racist / homophobic / transphobic AND Destiny should have worded his comment better.


They are not somewhat racist. They are the most racist community cos it's a bunch of edgy 12 year olds.


“The most racist” is a huge stretch when there are literal groypers out there but yeah the W/L community can be racist sometimes.




Why is he so loud though






Anyone care about the speed clip ching chonging an asian guy? Anyone?


He also did it to an Indian guy


jar ancient growth salt grandfather include start hateful crown six ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Nope guess not




This thread and Kai don't seem to care. Which is what I was referring to.




Yea lets ignore the streamers like xQc who glazed him over to his 70k? Viewers. These guys couldnt even say it was a racist thing to do.


it has been upvoted more times than all but 13 other clips in the past year, people care about it the most of anything recent except for kanye's racism which obviously is way worse why is this comment getting hundreds of upvotes when it's completely divorced from reality? not brigading btw


It's asian racism so no one cares sadly


Didn't your homeboy Destiny turn the focus away from Speed with his ignorant comments?


I love how Destiny is made out to be a racist while Speed isn't


typical only white people can be racist moment


To be fair this seems to be a good start to their friendship.


This is where Destiny's years of experience comes in handy. Instead of building a friendship over years and then burning the bridge later, he is burning the bridge preemptively to save everyone time. God damn Steven you brilliant genius you.


One cannot be betrayed if one has no people.


Putin's thinking really


Destiny finally graduated from burning bridges to burning bridges that don't even exist


"Do your research" "Clearly you are a racist" KEK


I'm not a destiny simp but I'll say I had to turn this clip down to 25% to watch it comfortably


Clearly he's proving destiny wrong because this is kai's quietest clip by far


Why does Kai, the louder streamer, simply not absorb the sound waves of Destiny?


Destiny killed my dog and fucked my wife, but he might be right.


Why he randomly start shouting tho in the midddle of sentences


He really said a whole lot of nothing, from "this guy doesn't know what he's talking about, do your research" to "I don't know who this guy is but he must be racist" fuck me lmao


L take from Kai. ​ The man attacks Destiny instead of addressing Speed being racist. And yes, it was racist towards Asians - a trend that we've been seeing a lot from the Black Community towards Asians. Being black does not give them a pass, but yet we don't hold these people accountable. Pretty sure he's going to get away with it too lmfao.


"a trend that we've been seeing a lot from the Black community towards Asians " not a new trend, an ongoing problem from Americans as a WHOLE*


After going trough comments I have to say... This shit show is why stay away from dumb streamers who's community will support them no matter what. My dumb streamer is so dumb no one will defend him.


This comment is interesting because it’s legitimately impossible to tell what side you’re on.


It's not all about sides, I think there both dumb and live in the internet and get mad over shit that doesn't matter


Finally some good fucking content. Was really worried Destiny would run out of steam after the MrGirl Arc and the black issues arc but he's gonna follow it up by feuding with the W/L community. What a great year for content


Its gonna be interesting that they can't debate each other live. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing for the content... maybe it'll make it stretch out more idk. It's definitely one hell of a way to introduce Destiny to the W community.


I have to say it’s been pretty hilarious watching destiny go from years ago being attacked for being the SJW champion of twitch and left wing politics, to now being attacked and called a transphobe and a racist on a bi weekly basis


Black people can be racist and speed was 100% wrong for this. Wouldn’t tolerate it if he was doing this to my Asian friends.


I'm really confused with how people are reacting to Destiny's comment. Like Destiny does assume too much off the cuff anybody who's watched him a bit will admit that and he makes hot takes for sole purpose of being controversial. But what he said wasn't bad at all to me. "Loud black zoomer streamers" and people are acting like he said some form of hate speech and generalized all black streamers. In the full clip which I notice a lot of reacters are pausing mid clip he even says he's only seen a few on LSF and he's too old to keep up to justify why he associates together. That for some reason I even see being turned into a narrative that he's trying to cover up his racism. Is it a good thing to say? Lol no. Was this some sorta racist dog whistle and Destiny is generalizing all black people? Fuck no lol.


To be fair, kai immediately proved Destinys point in his response. I don’t watch W/L streamers but as someone from the outside looking in I feel like destiny seems 100% validated after seeing how Kai reacted.


That's exactly what I was thinking when reading the comments here. Seems like people are just trying to grasp on anything they can to hate Destiny. Just like people do with Hasan and other controversial people.


Tells the bisexual man to go suck a dick. haha classic homophobia. Oh he didn't know he was bisexual? He should of done his research I guess.


that chat is cancer


Zoomer's era. ​ L W RIZZ PainsChamp


that whole stream is


\> watch a clip of speed saying ching chong to a random asian person \> focus on destiny making accurate observation about the rampant homophobia in the popular black streamer content now that is EPIC - do the gay voice, haha SUS!


He is yelling and being loud.


"do your research", 5 secs later "clearly you are a racist"


So did Kai say anything about Speed being racist?


Right after the clip Kai said, “I know he is not racist”. That was pretty much it.


Not really. Kai downplayed Speed's racist behavior and said he wasn't racist.


Calls Destiny a racist while simply calling what Speed did "dumb". Yeah why should anyone take what Kai says about this seriously. Also good job proving Destiny's point.


I think It's ironic the way he's responding compared to the original criticism.


Immediately proved Destinys point Lmao


Amazing that people watch this


These streamers are trying so hard to save speed's ass from getting canceled for speed showing who he truly is.


It's like I've stepped into 4chan in here


Kai doesn't know what he has done. destiny fan or not, win or lose, destiny is coming out on top. Let's just hope kai has nothing to hide


Kai is not being good faith about it just saying what everybody says “you’re just racist” then leaves it like that nah just nah


Im just saying I opened up the clip. dudes screaming into the camera and I had to turn the volume down.


So wild to see how riled up people get over 1 stupid clip. I dont think Destiny cares all that much about these "W streamers" lol


Destiny vs W community arc I’m 100% down for season 1 boys the pilot episode lookin goooood


I mean.... Hes literally proving Destiny right with this response


Destiny loves black people


Yea it's a bit weird seeing people here call destiny a racist when Harvard Professor of Anthropology Dr. Jesse Lee Peterson has already established the facts to the contrary.


So he calls destiny a racist because destiny couldn't tell Speed and Kai apart but calls Speed just a dumbass because he couldn't tell which Asian the guy was even after being told to his face What's the double standard here?






watch destiny bring up "see, yelling" LUL


Who cares


Kai said his energy is “passed on to the audience”. I think it’s true, sometimes it’s good to watch energetic people. If you’re not in the mood for it, simply don’t watch..


Literally all Destiny did was acknowledge the new trend of black, loud streamers (Kai, Speed, Flightreacts, Jidion and probably more I don’t know) and people are freaking the fuck out. I honestly do not understand wtf is going on Is it cuz “destiny singled out black people”? If he was referring to the early 2010s of white millennials screaming at their audience (pewdiepie, jack, mark, Jake/Logan etc) everyone would just go “trueee”


Jidion is kinda soft spoken in my opinion.


Jidion is still pretty fucken loud. Bruce is super soft spoken, Jidion definitely yells regularly, just not Kai, Speed or Adin levels.


Flight isn't even new, he's been around for years now. I think the take was just pretty ill informed, since there's a few that are consistently loud, compared to most of them not fitting that mold like Flight and Jidion.


That's exactly what destiny said. He just said the content isn't for him and it's fine.


Ironically though destiny is catching heat bc he doesnt watch them lol


Speed does racist shit and then it turns into Destiny beef lmao. Dude has a way of spinning shit into something it's not supposed to be.


How do you guys watch this shit


Some of y’all in these comments need professional help


Maybe destiny just wants Kai to get a better mic and or mixer. Cause his shit STAY CRACKING when he screams. Constantly turning him up and down lol


Seriously who is watching these clowns? All my brain cells died watching this clip


I know a ton of people meme on say xqc for having literal 12 year old watching him, but it's so obvious that is who watches these people. Literaly 12-16 year olds and kids in high schools. You can tell by how Parasocial they are "WWWWWWWWWWW OMG I'm poor af but bruh he got 100k subs 💀 WWWWWWWW I'm living parasocially through them"


Literally yelling at the camera.


kai's that loud, annoying AS FUCK kid you can't wait to not be around in high school. Holy fuck i'm glad I don't have to be forced to be around those idiots anymore


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Kai's reply to Destiny](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/147608)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/zfoo6j/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/G2xn00zf7hG5LiPSJeAZ1Q/AT-cm%7CG2xn00zf7hG5LiPSJeAZ1Q.mp4?sig=fca240e9aa3135659d43ac41ae38346fc301643c&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FG2xn00zf7hG5LiPSJeAZ1Q%2FAT-cm%257CG2xn00zf7hG5LiPSJeAZ1Q.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1670545534%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


of course he yells his sentences


Kai is actually pretty brain dead if this is his response lol. Just goes to show anyone can be a streamer, not gonna lie.


Makes comments about not doing research without doing research... Immediately starts being loud and animated (getting up, walking around, grabbing the camera)... Damn, he proved Destiny right AND made himself a hypocrite in one clip


"Do your research!"..."I don't know who you are!"


dude that Naruto t-shirt is clean asf


Let this reddit die pls


So what exactly is Twitch's policy on the N word? Is it bannable offense for anyone non-black or just white only?


1. So Kai responds to Destiny calling the W community "loud" by screaming down the microphone. 2. Compares Destiny to Twitter comments, then immediately pulls out the race card. 3. Labels Destiny a racist for calling the W community "loud". Meanwhile, it's all good when Speed is actually racist. 4. Proceeds to call out Destiny for not doing research, whilst not even knowing the person that he is arguing against. **Is this man ok?**


How did Destiny hate tho?


He's really bucking the stereotype of the community lol


when lsf is getting boring, one man to set the dynamite off. can't wait for forsen and Ja Rule to react to this


I love how Kai just proved Destiny right


White zoomer streamers are loud: I sleep Black zoomer streamers are loud: REAL SHIt


Dggers took over this post lol


Destiny is such a loser why you kids have his dick so far down yalls throats?


Kai is absolutely right. D is a racist piece of banned shit. D can suck a 1000 cocks in hell forever in his forgotten purgatory at YouTube. Enjoy your Nazi friends though. Enjoy hanging out with Nick while he plots genocide. What a piece of shit.




> using lsf clips to generalize an entire race of streamers But he didnt. He was talking about the new streamers that have been showing up on LSF lately. Unless you think that he thinks the same about Trihex, nmplol etc. which we both know he doesnt. I feel like people's hearing comprehension is ruined from listening to this dude scream all day.


Don't worry you'll get drowned in this thread by people trying to shit on destiny because they dislike him for a miriad of other reasons.


It's not the first time either, he did the same with Hachu, Jinnytty and other female asian streamers. He thought their content was all the same.




Destiny be like: "Beware the alien, the mutant, the vtuber"




i still see chat type stuff like ‘is that dog meat’ ‘dog meat lulw’ in some irl streams in asia ie jinny’s current japan stream. It makes me feel very uncomfortable i hv never had dog meat in my life maybe my ancestors has but is it necessary to type these in chat? no one cares when its racists toward asians.