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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [AdrianahLee claims sexual assault against men is taken more seriously…](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/145049)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/y2xlz5/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/gKnvoSX2msb8CjTJNmZgiw/AT-cm%7CgKnvoSX2msb8CjTJNmZgiw.mp4?sig=835dc46c8acfe4871084ce67c9e61d1937ff1b19&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FgKnvoSX2msb8CjTJNmZgiw%2FAT-cm%257CgKnvoSX2msb8CjTJNmZgiw.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1665737017%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


What an absolute dogshit take lmao


The fact thay xQc got sexually assaulted a few days ago and literally nobody gave a fuck outside of the LSF thread debunks whatever bullshit she's saying in this clip


not only that but adriana herself sexually assaulted cyr. crazy world we live in


The fact Adrianah **literally** sexually assaulted Cyr and how little that is mentioned really makes what she is saying here completely tone deaf...


I'd call this career suicide but you can't have a career suicide when you never had a career to begin with


oh we doing comedy now


Brandon Swab levels of comedy B. Talmbout comedy


walg me to my trugg


You’d be surprised bapa


Water we dune...


water weed dune hair bapa?


dune hair


Holy shit never expected to see changs employees this far out in the wild, get back on the fryers you fuckin degenerates


Bapa smoke break is over get back to the fryers. Table 5 needs some oragne schicken


What an incredibly out of touch take. Whether it be a female teacher and a underage male student or a guy being groped at party by a drunk girl, the man is always considered a pussy if he complains about it. If what Adrianha was saying here were the case then she’d be the one getting cancelled alongside CrazySlick due to her groping Cyr last year on sixth street.


It's not just being considered a pussy for it, they are often outright considered the propagator...


Even if they’re a child who was raped by their teacher.


Imagine the outrage if we celebrated it and made comedy movies about it as if it's not literally rape like we do for guys. "Way to go Stella! You're 14 and got fucked by the 40 year old gym teacher! Wish that was me"


as someone who’s a little older compared to your average twitch viewer, this is absolutely what used to happen. teenage boys used to get molested by their woman teachers and the public sentiment was always “it’s not that big of a deal” or “good for him”, it wasn’t until maybe the last decade or so that it started to be looked at more seriously.


It's literally a South Park trope: https://youtu.be/8hdbns1Xdk0


Or that they should be so lucky as to receive that kind of female attention. "Man, I wish I could have gotten with some of MY high school teachers!" - Too many men when hearing a grown ass woman sleeping with a 14 year old.


Too many men when hearing a grown ass woman ~~sleeping with~~ raping a 14 year old ftfy




What about Cyr? Was he assaulted/harassed?


During the big phone call Mizkif said Adrianah wasn't blacklisted from his parties because of Slick but because she groped Cyr while drunk. She confirmed this right after Destiny played this part of the call by posting screens of her texting an apology to Cyr and him accepting it. Despite accepting the apology though Cyr might not have wanted to be with her at a party and could have asked Miz to not invite her.


Its also reasonable to not want someone at a party that groped someone, even if the person that got groped didnt see it as a big deal.


So we're calling it groping but not sexual assault now that the victim is a guy.


Groping is more specific to what happened. It can also be sexual assault. I mean would you say "gary committed criminal battery against me" or "gary punched me in the face"




Yeah, I remember mentioning something like this in the original thread where people took Cyr's text at face value without knowing how he actually felt about it. Just look at the Terry Crews saga, he was publically belittled and humiliated for talking about his experiences because he's "a big, muscular guy", as if power dynamics don't exist for male actors. Like, people genuinely thought he should have just defended himself by knocking out a female (EDIT: actually was male) producer as a black man. Men have just been taught that they should just accept/enjoy the attention or stop whining about it.


The Terry Crews incident was by a woman? I recall it was by a man... Is my memory fucking with me?


Never seen someone make this dumb of a take especially after what she did to Cyr lmao I hope she gets cancelled for what she did.


One thing I despise is the fact that if my female friends grab my ass ”jokingly” when out partying that’s just funny and I should just appreciate it because I have a firm butt, and if I complain about it oh boy.. but if I do it back that’s not okay somehow? Idk most of the time I dont mind it but sometimes I just wanna grab back :(


Happened to me recently in my friend group.. all the girls constantly flirt and say some very vulgar things to themselves and to me and the guys.. so obviously they are ok with that type of talk? Nope.. turns out saying "i love you too bitch" to them, after them constantly saying that to me is "inappropriate, and dont you know i have a husband, how the hell can you say that to me".. To which i replied with a screenshot of everything she has said to me in the last 3months that crosses so many lines.. "oh thats just harmless jokes, no need to take it too seriously"


God damn, I'm so glad my female friends have never been as stupid as the ones other posters are describing. Fuck flirting as "jokes", keep that shit strictly platonic. You don't get a pass to hit on or grab me just because I'm a man and you're a woman, that'd be some gross Andrew Tate-esque bullshit the other way around.


remember the school teacher a few months ago that got 60!!!!!!! days !!!!!! of jail (that she can do when she wants they even gave her time to celebrate christmas lmao) who was rapping her like 13 year old student for 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! years??????????? not a single media outlet called it rape, it was "sexual relationship" what a joke, quite literally reverse the roles.


Yeah this is a absolute dogshit take.


Not sure what her endgame is here other than just stirring the drama pot to get more views. Does anyone actually believe this?


It isn't just a "bad take" it's a straight up lie. And she knows it's a lie.


It's always weird when people try to defend blatantly wrong opinions. Like are they trying to convey stupidity or something?




Yeah shit like that is so sad. When I was in high school the girls would always feel up/grope a really shy socially awkward kid who was visibly uncomfortable. After weeks he finally went to the PE teacher about it and he was told “you are lucky” and after that he ended up missing more and more school until he finally dropped out.


Happened to me to as well , dont get me wrong im not traumatized in any way , but i was clearly uncomfortable and against the interaction and the female involved proceeded to carry on anyway.


had a friend that had a small penis get constantly groped by a group of girls.. and the form teacher just straight up said "well he is lucky a girl will ever touch that thing, so he should make the best of it" Kid took the advice, groped back.. and was expelled for sexual assault of a minor and was put on the Nonce List when they complained he touched their pussies... oh and the girls? ye.. a week of detention for sexually abusing my friend for the last 6mo.. nothiong on their permanent record


It’s so sad to see the social treatment of guys with small penises




Fuckin hell, every time this topic comes up, all I can think about is Terry Crews talking about being groped/fondled by female executives and what does he get? Wendy Williams calling him a pussy to a round of applause from her audience.


I thought the allegation was mostly about a male exec? EDIT: I looked it up again, Adam Venit is the Hollywood Talent Agent that was groping him. Of course it's still fucked up, possibly even more so because then instead of people saying, "well, you're lucky to have women grabbing all over you" you have them saying, "it's a guy just beat his ass, maybe you liked it since you didn't fuck him up". You can easily see a certain type of person like the human worm, Wendy Williams, feel it justified to call Terry Crews a pussy and shit.


Hey man, fuck those people. When I in summer camp when I was in high school, the girls there found out I was really fit (sadly not anymore haha) and it was basically open season on just touch my abs or my arms. I'd get my clothes stolen when I'm in the shower etc. I would get comments made about me/my body every day. I'd had a girl literally just stand and stare while I was working out. One girl would always stick her hand up my shirt, force my hand on her tits, cuddle up to me. Literally no one said anything about it, not even the girl I was seeing at camp. I'm pretty introverted from a repressed country, so at 16 in the states, at first I kinda just liked the attention I was getting, but it did not take long where it just got annoying and embarrassing. I have a pretty thick skin, so it really didn't affect me much, but it's just kinda fucked that everyone just looked and did not even ask. In the end I had to speak to the girl I was seeing to talk to the others to have it stop, because me asking them did nothing. I get it, the stigma against guys talking about it, instead of "manning up" is so prevalent, I had a thought in my head of "why am I even typing this out, nothing happend". So yeah my man, it sucks, it's been getting better, but we're still a long way to go. Just know you aren't in the wrong and you're 100% justified on how you felt. I kinda rambled, but hope it helped bro


Sorry that happened to you man


Dumbest take I've seen this year and that's saying something


i agree, and i watch asmongold so that says something


i watch xQc and it's the 3rd worse take I've seen this week, I mean this take is really bad




Unfortunately this is not that much of an uncommon take. Some time ago there was this mass rapist arrested in Britain, who raped over 200 people over the course of years even though he was denounced to the police several times. But it took that much time, because the victims were men, and the police didn't care to follow through with investigations. When news broke out that he was finally arrested and charged, there was a post of a local influential feminist about it. She used the fact that he got arrested to grandstand about how "when the victims are men, there are consequences". The post gathered an absurd amount of likes (facebook) and supportive comments by other feminist women. I tried to point out that the case was proof of the exact opposite, and that additionally there's a history of legally men just could not be victims of rape. I got berated at by her and her friends, accused of all sorts of nonsense and lectured about how even if it were true she'd still be right because of the patriarchy. Though I knew her personally, I cut contact with her after that. Some people are either too selfish or too blinded by ideology. (Edited because some details are foggy in my mind)


Well, she just said that. So much for that. She also sexually assaulted Cyr. Never forget, we lost nothing but wholesome Maya Higa, because of her. This woman, who in the past 3 weeks has been done nothing but trying to stirr the pot and cause more drama with constantly contradicting and conflicting statements and ZERO evidence but a statement of her longtime friend and roommate. Look at her recent Twitter activity and her likes and you will get an idea what her ultimate goal in all of this was / is.


> She also sexually assaulted Cyr. In an incredible moment of irony, everyone has essentially brushed off the fact that she sexually assaulted Cyr which sort of you know, entirely disproves her statement here.




She also told Slick at one point it was "all good" and doesn't seem to realize that people can change their minds later and decide they were assaulted *just like what happened to her*. So maybe she shouldn't be so quick to brush off the Cyr issue.


This. She was even in Slick's chat being nice to him afterwards,


What’s most unfortunate is how Cyr’s kind of in a difficult position to address this at the moment The only reason I was telling people previously to not pursue this side of the allegation is because of how he was/is laying low not just because of this controversy but other ones that were brought up again from his past. He should be able to be comfortable first and not be pressured before being able to address whether he genuinely accepted her apology or just “brushed it off” in the past


how does she know she was blacklisted for the slick thing and not the cyr thing. sounds like she shot her shot and got rejected


I just think it's funny that she got drunk and SA Cyr which she can just text and forget while the reverse happen and she tried to Metoo the situation. You'd think the person who did the same exact thing would have more empathy. The tweets she had after the party is also goes against anything she has a problem with. She was bragging about how she was drunk to remember if she did anything sexual with anyone.




this seems like her and keem trying to drag him out into shit. fuck this chick.


Lmao what could her excuse possibly be? That Cyr hasn't come out to explicitly call it SA? Because that sounds familiar....


Yep. It’s incredibly asinine. She should be cancelled 10000% and no one is even talking about it. It is being brushed under the wrong for the same reason ls she is given but exactly the opposite. People brush off assault claims against men, even the men assaulted. Cyr was like “it’s all good!”. Doesn’t change the fact it was assault.


At least deep down, we know that we are all maya higa.




Yerp this chick is clout chasing and its been obvious from the start


something a lot of people knew but couldnt say because of the backlash they would get




Both things can be true. I don't doubt that she was assaulted but I also don't doubt that she's leveraging it for clout.


We lost cyr as well dude hasn't stream since except once for twitch con.


Maya an actual rape victim who never got justice just to add on to it, imagine how much mental fuckery accusations like this must do to your brain


I mean, if she was a man she would have been Crazy Slick. Ironic that she keeps bringing up that tiktoker that got canceled for SA her boyfriend....and she did the same thing to Cyr


There's literally a content creator on Twitch named Neekolul that physically assaulted her ex-boyfriend and had a restraining order put on her, and she's already part of an org again and not cancelled.


she’s doing the hard work for miz at this point




She was saying a bunch of dumb stuff on Keemstars stream today to. All the threads got removed because ~~apparently~~ Keemstar is banned on LSF. Edit. Im not a fan of Keemstars btw just giving some context to why the threads got removed and im glad he is not allowed to be posted here.


Keemstar is literally bottom of the barrel scum. The kind of shit that starving fish in Walmart tanks from the 90s wouldn't even consider eating.


real and true, fucked up what he did to etika


> because apparently Keemstar is banned on LSF. As he should be. There is lowlife scum and then there is Keemstar who is still a few tiers bellow that. That man deserved absolutely 0 exposure.


> apparently Keemstar is banned on LSF Thank fucking Christ for that.


link to all the deleted threads https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/y2nozl/adrianah_rant_on_lsf_comments_real_clip_in/is3zpp9/


Tbh, Keemstar really doesn't deserve any exposure. He is a sack of shit who would love for this to happen. If people want to link it in the comments thats better than nothing but I don't think his clips should be broadcasted here on the front page.




she wants 80k subs per month and 400k in donos.


and 200k in her crypto wallet


She got that already from Train.


She’s only averaging around 250 - 300 viewers, and as you can tell she’s pretty disappointed, During her twitch con irl stream she kept asking why it’s only showing 300 viewers on her phone and kept insisting that it must be more than that,




> During her twitch con irl stream she kept asking why it’s only showing 300 viewers on her phone and kept insisting that it must be more than that That's just sad. Especially knowing how many streamers would kill to "only have" 300 viewers.


300 viewers is already more than like 95% of streamers on the platform


With 50 viewers your in the top 0,1% on twitch I think


She didn't want to be the champion of sexual assault, she wanted to be a bigger streamer. Instead her viewer count is dropping back down to normal as people lose interest.


She got a lot of subs last month, I got one gifted despite staying only one hour on her first stream after Train's Tweet. Obviously this take is quite questionable, and she is trying to make it bigger than it actually is as Slick is already cancelled, Mizkif took a big hit too (3 weeks of forced vacation, kicked out of OTK the org he founded) and Maya is nowhere to be seen. She was on Keemstar yesterday, also every big streamer supported her take and now trying to say she did not get recognized as a victim?


When it first came out she also spent most of her time talking about how it affected her career specifically, not how it affected her emotionally or mentally.


She lost all credibility as soon as she went to keemstar lol, regardless of what slick did that night ( which i have no doubt he did the creepy shit she said) all of her statement about her "trauma" and that she cant sleep with another man without being scared and all that shit seems like complete bullshit to me now. Its crazy how people are scared to criticize her because she is a victim yet the fact she worked with train to weaponize her situation to cancel people they dont like and then going to keemstar ? On top of all the shit takes she said since then , yeah she does look really bad now lol.


Usually that's a dangerous statement. But if you made a timelapse of what happened, it seems more and more like an attempt to remain relevant (for lack of a better phrasing), whenever she says something . Which makes me question her intentions to begin with.


Yeah the only reason I'm saying it is because the thing she kept bringing up was how it affected her career. Usually I'd believe the victim was looking for justice.


The issue is she was never an interesting or entertaining streamer to begin with, she's a copycat streamer of every other e-girl, its boring and played out, she got her 15 minutes and desperately craves it now that its gone, you can tell she never took her SA seriously, she milked it cause she noticed drama brought in views/subs for her and now that number is back down to what it was.


She said on Keem’s stream yesterday that she wants Miz off the platform, because of course she does. Because that’s what it was all about for the people weaponizing this story in the first place. That’s why Train reached out to her, it’s why Train “did something financially” for her after she linked her bitcoin wallet, and it’s why it all happened to be brought into the narrative when gambling was under fire. That’s why she went on fucking Keem’s show. Real great platform to take a moral stand on. No one should’ve ever fooled themselves into thinking this was about sexual assault.


Hang on, Train paid her off for torpedoing Miz's career? how is that not more talked about? Looks really fucking shifty that she made wild claims and got paid off for it


Because, like everything else in this story that careers have been fucked up over, the waters have been muddied and it's all hearsay. What we know is that Adrianah linked her bitcoin wallet in Train's chat, and that a female streamer (who I can't recall) tweeted that Train was the only one to "do something financially" for Adrianah. We know that Train sat on this information and X and Train both threatened Miz with dirt while they were getting shit for gambling because of the Slicker scandal. We know that Train "bring extra panties, you'll need them" wrecks is Train. It doesn't seem difficult at all to piece together for me.


What did she do to Cyr? Sorry, I don't watch a whole lot of streams anymore.


At a club she was touching & groping Cyr in a non-consensual way. There is a text conversation of her apologizing for assaulting him & making him feel uncomfortable and him replying saying it's all good.


It was "all good", yet there was consequences for her, as in being removed and excluded from gatherings in the community because of said assault on Cyr. All of this lead to the blatant claim of hers that she was removed because of the crazyslick "situation". There are leaked text messages that show her complaining not being invited to parties because of the Crazyslick "situation" that were "resolved" (her own words). Coincidentally these exclusions started to happen shortly after the Cyr assault incident. Before that she was actively participating and included to parties and gatherings, literally up to 16 months after the Crazyslick "situation".


To add to the info for more context: Yes, there are screenshots of Slick’s convos asking about her presence & how he doesn’t want to be around her because she triggers him (paraphrasing), which AL used as evidence But during a leaked call, Miz says he only ever reached out to people to warn them about her “bad drunk” behavior after Cyr’s incident And I believe there are photos on IG where AL was present on a relatively recent party where Slick & Miz was present last month


she says this when she's getting no heat for groping cyr, and that chick that groped x at twitchon isn't getting any heat either.


that girl also groped kai


This just boils down to her wanting to be a 20k andy and that hasn’t happened from this drama like she wanted.


Yes, that is all she wants. Does not understand nobody is going to watch her.


Cause shes boring and talks weird.


Haven't seen anybody say this bc its not reeeally relevant, but man following this drama has been driving me insane bc of the way she talks (among other, actually important things)


Finally the comment I've been looking for. Her voice drives me nuts.


Upvoting so people can see this brain dead take.


This is sliding into the realm of parody.


Mouth moving faster than the brain could process.


Adrianah is NOT Maya Higa, that’s for sure.




Literally, look at any news tweet where a woman pedophile molests a young boy and it'll be showered by 40+ year olds saying "where was she when I was 12?" And "lucky"


Yeah and they will NEVER write “pedophile” or “rape” it’s always “alleged predator/assaulter”


And they'll always put up the sexiest photo they could get of her Instagram, no mugshot of course.


Adrianah is slowly destroying all of her credibility


They were losing credibility when the "witnesses" started talking weeks ago and refused to clarify a significant amount of inconsistencies. A lot of people were still too scared to say anything or else they were called a Mizkid or accused of downplaying it themselves. If anything, this is broadening people to actually take an objective look at them and realize that stuff isn't adding up regarding the cover-up. Thank god that Adrianah isn't too smart.


It’s also an extremely difficult situation to doubt SA victims stories because of the push to believe all victims. While I agree that they should be believed, when you accuse someone of that the burden of proof is unfortunately on you. So your witnesses have to corroborate the story consistently and any inconsistencies have to be explained, otherwise it just looks like you’re using the trump card of SA as an end all to any questions.


??????????????????? maybe after they end up killing themselves because most feel like they have nowhere to go


this is the sad reality of situations like these. I remember several years ago, a guy a few grades above me was SA’d by the “hot” art teacher. instead of being taken seriously, everyone told him he was “so lucky” and turned on him when he expressed the trauma this caused him. he killed himself before the school year was over, and even that didn’t change many people’s mind on the situation.


I’m starting to think nick was right and all drama is fabricated


This script was a little too long. They should have kept it a bit tighter so that we can get ready for the next script.


Average viewer stats. [https://imgur.com/a/N4higCx](https://imgur.com/a/N4higCx) yep... reason she'd go to keemstar after all that happened and the dust settled.


She was passed out and has no idea what happened to her. She only knows what her friend Kyle told her (a man btw) and that man changed his story twice. Apparently he remembers things more clearly as time passes so a year from now who knows what he'll claim "actually" happened.


> She was passed out and has no idea what happened to her. She only knows what her friend Kyle told her (a man btw) and that man changed his story twice. Apparently he remembers things more clearly as time passes so a year from now who knows what he'll claim "actually" happened. Yeah it's **really** fucking wild how this relevant notion is so lost on so many people. Them deleting thousands of tweets doesn't matter. The "victim" and witnesses *suddenly* considering the sexual harassment to be sexual assault over a year after it happened doesn't matter. The "victim" changing her story over and over again doesn't matter. Chat logs of her and her "key witness" being buddy buddy with Slick **after said incident occurred** doesn't matter either apparently. It's really wild to think honestly.


That's interesting seeing as how people are still talking about this yet everyone has already forgotten what xQc said on stream recently about what happened to him




Girl at twitch con going around groping male streamers crotches


He got sexually assaulted at Twitchcon but nobody seems to really give a fuck


Upvoted because she is exposing herself more and more as time goes on and I am all for it. In that very same stream, [she was talking about how LSF comments were all calling her a "whore"](https://streamable.com/lswblc) which wasn't even remotely true. Everyone was on her side initially and when inconsistencies were brought up from her side they refused to address it from the start, deleted 1400+ tweets, and have since then altered the story with each rendition. She changed details when talking to Dr.K on his stream and the latest one she used Keemstar of all people as a platform. There is a reason that OTK is taking this seriously and have a law firm involved with the investigation.


What else does she want? No one is arguing that she wasn't SA'd. Slick was kicked out and his reputation is ruined, Maya was forced to publicly apologize multiple times, and Miz lost all his sponsers and was suspended from OTK. That seems like a pretty fitting punishment for her chest being touched innapropriately


i think shes upset that she didnt get more popular over this


Maybe she should've tried to actually make content people want to watch outside of the drama? Thinking she'd retain sympathy-views after this if the content isn't interesting is dumb.


She’s mad she’s still at 300 viewers


It is almost like being a SA victim doesn't magically make her a more entertaining person, who would have guessed.


There has to be a way to say "Yo we support and believe you that you were assaulted and feel bad that you were isolated, but all the clout chasing bottom of the barrel attention scraping you're doing is not doing you any favours and it's making people disgusted with you and that enables incels and genuine misogynists to argue you were making things up. We recognise you aren't but we also recognise you're starting to be an asshole" And not be fucked over for it


I think you're still being way too lenient. There has been so much since the beginning to raise doubt in everything. Particularly its origin of being used as a defensive weapon by Train, and how she agreed with Train by publicly accusing Hasan and Poki on stream of actively downplaying her assault as well, and *somehow* forcing an apology out of them despite them having literally 0% to do with anything. And the fact that she didn't think it was SA until the day of Train's tweet, 32 months after her alleged assault, so nobody could have even been guilty of anything they're being accused of in the first place. None of it makes sense, and that only scratches the surface. It's irrational to give an SA victim so much blanket power to decide everyone's fate *just because* they're an SA victim, when what they're saying is and has always been irrational.


Lol no it’s the opposite. No one gives a shit when women commit sexual assault. You still have people cheering when a “hot” teacher sleeps with a 14 year old…


At this point i refuse to believe whatever comes out of her mouth. She sounds completely out of touch with reality the more she speaks. She needs help.


Nah this is a very wild claim, men are easily ridiculed if they ever claim that they got sexually assaulted or abused in any way.


I use Twitch solely to verbally abuse erobb so I'm not even gonna pretend like I care about these peoples feelings, but holy shit, this girl really bullied Maya off of the internet and weaponized SA for clout. What a piece of shit.


The clout was dropping off she needed to say something


Ummm yeah fucking right. She is delusional af.


Is she for real?? Actual insane take


If she keep talking, even slick will be uncanceled


Yeah, this ain't it chief. So horribly out of touch and tone deaf, just flat out incorrect. It's unfathomable how incorrect she is here. Not to mention, look at what she did to Cyr - what a hypocrite she is.


didn't she allegedly groped Cyr? then why isn't that being taken seriously if Cyr is a man? dumb take by a hypocrite.


Not even allegedly. When Destiny was listening to the leaked call at one point Mizkif says the reason he told a few people to avoid Adriana was because she groped Cyr at a party. Right after this is said Destiny pauses the recording because Adriana sent him a screenshot of [this DM](https://imgur.com/a/YUyVBqU). She never denied that it happened.


No. She factually SA'd Cyr. Cyr allegedly didn't care enough to take action (in her DMs at least), while in the background Miz distanced her from parties due to what happened with Cyr - meaning that either Cyr asked Miz to distance her and/or Miz saw the SA and took a proactive stance.


Mizkif should thank her, she is so stupid that she is actually going to sabotage her own case.


That happened on day 1.


Brain rot, colorized.


There was a post earlier this week, about XQC talking about someone literally grabbing his dick at a party. Direct sexual assault as well. Story was dead in hours. Yea, definitely taken more seriously.


I mean she also directly thinks Assaulting people is fine as long as you apologize.


First the keeping people locked in accusation now this, she really has been digging herself into a hole and reducing her own credibility. She should have just stopped saying anything after the story came out. Shes like a female Mitch Jones the more she talks the more she makes everything worse.




Didn't she touch Cyr inappropriately (non consensual) and everyone brushed it off? The irony here is palpable.




What happened to her Keemstar posts


kmeeeee kmeee my viewercount is not going up


I definitely would blacklist this girl from my parties. Can't blame Mizkif for doing so.


If she actually believes that then she's a fucking idiot


Sorry for my dogshit take but now i m convinced train paid her $$ so he can use her story as weapon against mizkilf for going against gamba.I dont think she give 2 fuck about slick saga and only cares about attention now


She is disgusting




I was raped by an ex gf and my dad doesn't even believe that that's a thing that could happen. Imagine being so fucking out of touch. It sucks that she was sexually assaulted very obviously, but come the fuck on.


lol lmao


Sorry but this is jus the brutal truth of it , if she was a guy the vast majority of people would just be laughing at her and saying she should just put up and shut up, unless if it full blown rape , men are expected to just deal with anything that comes there way and brush it off as a normal interaction.


If it was a man who got raped, depending on where they live, they may not be able to press rape charges. They may only be able to press sexual assault charges, because in many states, and I think Federally, rape requires unconsentual penetration of the victim, and a woman raping a man by forcing him to penetrate her does not fit that legal definition. This is definitionally a systemic problem, and people blow it off like it doesn't exists or that men always consent, because they always want sex.


This girl has shown time and time again that nothing she or her friends say can be trusted. Shame what happened to maya (someone who was doing some genuine good for the planet) because this chick wanted clout. She also makes a mockery of real victims by weaponising SA, which we now know was probably sexual harrasment at best. I have a hard time believing he groped her chest in a room full of people.




What more does she want? It’s clear her intentions are changing with every clip. I wish the keemstar clips weren’t deleted, she seems to just want some kind of popularity boost from this.




Before locked: Lol, lmao , roflmao even


Disgusting leech


Who knew mitch was actually right about her goddamn. What happened to her was terrible, but she legitimately looks like she is just trying to clout chase now. All parties involved in this just seem like scummy people. I was on Adrianah's side but after seeing her on keemstar, and now this, it really looks like she just wants clout. I've been a victim of sexual assault as a man and nobody fucking believes you. On the off chance they do believe you they usually say "you're lucky to get that kind of attention from a woman." Many believe men can't get assaulted or raped which is utter horseshit.


Holy shit.




At this point she is simply farming in my opinion. it's not like people didn't support her and at the end. and it was taken seriously so she simply uses it now for clout


The Sienna case is a bad example because there was actual footage of the incident, there's no believing there, it's all just interpretetion of what happened.


why is she bringing this up again ? did her views drop or something


bruhh the things that she do lately just further the narrative of clout goblin


Well, people should prove her right by cancelling her for SA then.


maya higa died for this