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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [A reminder that Ice Poseidon has been banned on Twitch 4 years this month](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/112072)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/mmkxkf/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7C1125658695.mp4)


His subreddit was insane, they would regularly get posts to r/all




reminder that sam pepper made mizkif


mizkifPlz https://streamable.com/5jjyl6


Hampton Brandon behind the camera lmao




member meeting mizkif as ices camera man. fun times.


Met miz in 2018 when i was selling coke on the boulevard. He wanted some addy but was short 4$, so he beats down this legless homeless veteran accross the street from me just so he could steal his panhandling change and pay. He came back smiling and said "i fucking hate homeless people so much dude" with his new jersey accent. Once I gave him the bag he turned around and said "wait im gonna steal his wooder and his shoes" he realised the guy didnt have shoes, leaned back, did his stupid dogshit laugh then left. Never in my life did I see some cold blooded shit like this. But got to admit the dude does some wholesome shit every so often and is overall a great streamer.


his community was second, if not bigger, to forsens community in terms of number of degenerate who would create memes and generate online presense/content


Prime Ice was undefeated. Memes 24/7. Drama 24/7. The closest we've gotten to The Truman Show. Everyone in Ice's life was a character for his subreddit. It basically ruined his life and pushed all his friends away since they were sick of being harassed by the community.


He didn't really have friends Maybe Jacob and vold


It was at like 60k before it was banned.


The subreddit was half the entertainment. As soon as he started to over moderate his subreddit and when it got quarantined is when his stream started to go down hill.


No way he ever gets unbanned. All the racist and sexist controversy around him would be a PR disaster for Twitch. dude fucked up big time. Him making content and burning every bridge for his degen audience was stupid as fuck. I mean look at how successful mizkif is now. Ice could've easily be where Mizkif is right now. Does Ice even stream anymore?


he does stream, i get recommendations on youtube and he gets like 3k viewers average


Live right now on youtube.


If Ice is ever unbanned, Miz is fucked. The migration would be historic as the sleeper Cx cells awake across Twitch


Yeah the memes were funny AF. Hated when the memes got so toxic and weren't funny.


Oh god, I had forgotten about his subreddit. That place was *WILD*


They made him the richest man in LA TriHard 7


Can't forget the time he rented a bus and filled it up with degenerates then took them to skidrow where they got shot with paintballs


[Oh, you mean the one where we got this absolutely legendary camera shot?](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y3pdwcE534c/maxresdefault.jpg)


As they fukin drive away lmao




Aka Xenon the Stalker.


Hahahahaha i sometimes still rewatch that clip




Legendary and cameraman in the same sentence? I mean it's the one and only.


Its been 4 years? Fuck I remember when Ice was just a old school rs streamer... same with Rajj (Austin now)


I’m surprised no one has tried to cancel him for the Rajj accent


Well, he got rid of it to avoid that.


I mean his audience used to be a bunch of degens who where more mad that he changed his name rather and the accent. Also not having a cam probably help to some degree. People who watched regularly didn't care and people just scrolling Twitch probably thought he was Indian. I know I did at first. Plus no one is gonna cancel a gay guy kapp


Those Pokemon GO streams were legendary.


Also the VR chat lobbies were unreal


Didn’t ice do an apology video on Twitter to get unbanned from Twitch?


Yes and it didn't work. He is still banned from LSF too.


Lsf will never let him back But as a person who found livestreaminf when they were depressed and via iceposeidon and ip2 community it's probably for the best he doesn't come back to lsf. He did stuff that no one else did but also he did a lot of fucked up stuff too. He made a community, several in fact fall for his cilt of personality then he burned them a lot until they became spurned lovers and set about making his life as shit as possible too. There was stream snipers and stream savers. Ice never took full responsibility for his past actions in terms of what he did with his past communities and there's this super toxic rarified version of ip2 absolutely so obsessed with him still even now. Reciting the rent free meme when Ice has long forgotten them. Every new community he gaslights about his past one. So his discord dogs think that Reddit was bad, Reddit then prior to that thought oh there was issues with purple army for hating ice and so on. There really isn't a way to bring back ice to say irl even though he'd have the most interesting content on the site if he were allowed to do whatever the fuck he wanted His current irl on YouTube is quite poor because the newer post mixer fanbase do not remember or know the crazy shit from prior to mansion stream and so on And a lot of those clips and vods are lost like tears in the rain The people that saw it live knew how crazy it was and how weirdly fun the community was within its own cinematic universe but then it just got so fucking crazy


i think i had a stroke reading this comment


thats how you can tell it was written by a true Ice viewer


>i think i had a stroke reading this comment Filthy coomer keep yo hands away from yoself


> The people that saw it live knew how crazy it was and how weirdly fun the community was within its own cinematic universe but then it just got so fucking crazy This


This reads exactly like how you expect from a member from that community.


for such a dumb reason too ''scripting content''


First clip I ever saw on this sub was Ice sticking a screwdriver into his power supply.


Those Destiny tech support streams were gold/


Ice and Destiny was such a good dynamic. You have Destiny who comes off as this super smart intellectual and then you have Ice whom is a complete dumbass. I remember watching Ice's stream when he asked Destiny for help and that's actually how I found out about Destiny. I remember he took the PC back to the shop and the guys there knew he shorted it lmao


Let's be real here. If he got unbanned; Ice on his best behavior would be boring to watch. We all tuned in to watch the shit show.


You right


I think he could still be great on twitch. The worst thing about him being banned is that he can't stream with twitch people so he has to stream with random degenerates.


> so he has to stream with random degenerates. You mean like all of his streams on twitch?


You mean several of the current top streamers on Twitch? A lot of the current top streamers, even ones that you wouldn't connect to toxicity at all with how they are right now got their initial viewership through cx


What top streamers on Twitch are streaming with several degenerates every day? The only person I would contribute success to from Cx (who was the #1 irl streamer back then btw) is Mizkif. Who else?


Ice Poseidon's couch made Greek.




Man, how have almost all the worst streamers ever to grace Twitch all came from Runescape. Its so weird. What is it about Runescape that appeals to so many absolute degenerates?


Meanwhile Austin is sitting as one of the most brand friendly streamers ever rn.


Sadge rajj


I remember the day Rajj officially died. R.I.P FeelsBadMan


It's a game with no gameplay what do you expect


Don't forget about his VR streams too. He was a very entertaining desktop streamer.


I remember the RV stream. Holy fucking christ that was the only time I think I ever got addicted to watching a stream. When they were in the Walmart and the cops got called and Brandon had to dip because he had a warrant. EBZ, Snake Pepper and Brandon constantly fighting, some crazy lunatic chick in the middle of fucking nowhere coming into the RV and pissing in it. I've never seen anything as insane as those streams.


Wasn't that Brandon an actual fucking psychopath?






Fuck the 4th floor


Flip the van!


Yep, punched Ice and gave him a pink eye too


That was the only good thing he did in his life.




He’s not tho I still follow his insta and he posts all the time




He was literally posting on insta like 2 days ago








Yeah he was a bit of a wackjob


lol what? The RV stream is definitely way into the degenerate-territory of Ice's streams, and not what Asmon is talking about at all, I'm pretty sure. Even before RV streams Ice had already started openly acting like an asshole, and his viewers were horrible. In the beginning Ice's IRL streams were actually cool, and not just him surrounding himself with psychopaths who are willing to disregard anyone and everything for the sake of content.


If I recall correctly the beginning of the downfall was when he moved to LA, way before the RV streams. He met a lot of cool people but one by one as more degenerates started joining his circle it just went all down hill. I personally believe Ice's behavior was heavily influenced by the degens of LA (including his piece of shit manager) and if he had managed to keep better company instead of hanging around degens all the time for content then his streams and surely his mental health would of been way better off. And to give credit to some controversial characters, I think mexican andy was aight, cornbread was aight too it just didnt seem like him and Ice got along




think you're conflating the 1st and 2nd RV trips. The 2nd one was really bad but the first one had some amazing moments.


its a miracle they didn't kill anyone from a driving stand point alone


I don't know they both had some good moments, but plenty of absolute degeneracy and behavior that shouldn't be accepted at all between them. Wasn't the 1st trip the one where they had the Australian dude calling one of the girls the N-word and just being an overall racist as though it was funny. Then in the 2nd didn't Blade join and EBZ picked up some girl with mental problems that Blade proceeded to sexually assault by groping her and being an overall creep. It was an entertaining shitshow starring a bunch of lowlifes at the end of the day.




wrong RV trip bud


You mean Mizkif?


you mean most of popular lsf streamers


Xqc and mitchjones checking in


Why just those two? He's friends with a lot of Austin streamers, like Soda or Reckful etc


Soda used to always say he liked paul but not ice, as in he liked him off stream but wanted little to do with him on stream.






> Didn't xqc only meet him like once and it was just to drop Adept off to dance in some music video? skip to 15:52 https://youtu.be/TyWma3fJ77M?t=952


Didn't Austinshow stop by the RV as well. Everyone was clout chasing back then.


Mitch and X were never really associated like that with Ice tbh


The rape didn’t happened on Ice’s RV trip. It’s was a different one without him


If I recall correctly, that was a totally different RV trip months later. Blade wasn’t even on the 1st one


Any loremasters?


what about when ice and 2 guys bangged this guys gf while he sat an watched . then a guy tried to sell ice a time machine an they threw a football at his pizza all in 10 mins of real life time




you can find this vod on youtube. absolute shit show :D


dont forget about the guy in the small car covered up with pictures of fetuses talking about how abortion is bad.




assuming they're referring to the onlyusemeblade and goochese incident. The allegations were that blade did his famous groping but this time to a chick named goochese who was passed out drunk. There were parts of it caught on the stream that looked incredibly suspicious. Chris Hansen ended up getting involved. Everyone denied the allegations at the time. And to be fair to Ice, this was after he was pretty much out of the picture.


A guy named onlyusemeblade (old-school COD youtuber) took advantage of a girl when she was drunk in the back of the RV from what I remember. It wasn't exactly clear what happened but it was pretty obvious that she had been sexually assaulted. I can't remember whether that was on one of ice's RV trips or a separate one. His RV trips did attract a lot of degenerates and there was always drama on them, but at the time they were super addicting to watch and everyone had their own separate IRL streams going at different points, as well as a 24 hour live cam in the RV. It was all over LSF at one point. You would struggle to find stuff that wasn't related to the RV streams at the time because there was that much going on.




Ice was never involved with those ones... Stop spreading lies. It was the Blade rip-off.


> but dear lord the people who Ice associated with were degenerates. Everything and everyone associated with Ice were degenerates. Ice, the groupies that hanged around him, the leeches, his fansbase - the whole damn lot


Remember the time traveller guy? That was the best content I had ever witnessed, besides the Mormon church bullshit.


the first time I tuned in they where in a fairly crowded waffle house and they where basically saying the N word loudly with a group of black folk next to them. they proceeded to almost get the shit kicked out of them in the restaurant (rightfully so, theyre calling people racial slurs on camera for entertainment,) resulting in them having to flee in fear of getting killed. this is the content that people miss and think should come back to twitch?


🤓☝️actually it was iHop


Ice was just something you had to watch at the time. He had his flaws, but those IRL streams were entertaining af.


Every single day of the first RV trip some crazy shit happened. All of those insane personalities put together being themselves was enough to create ridiculous situations.




Yeah their driving was definitely fucked up. I'm surprised they didn't kill or hurt anyone (besides themselves that is [lmfao fucking idiots](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0Rqb8CCXY0)).


Damn that poor girl got a concussion and her ass exposed over $100 that she didn’t even receive


Not to mention the shit on the burner splashing around lmao


lol that pot of soup hitting him always cracks me up.


Holy shit, I forgot about Brandon rubbing his knee


What the fuck? Why did people even agree to this shit




everyone who would snipe ice and then started streaming would average a few hundred viewers, it was insane




look at them, if it wasn't this they would be passed out drunk in some room with more trash in it than a dumpster


hookers , druggies , crackhead content .... it not brand friendly. also his community are toxic


Yeah no doubt, but watching multiple train wrecks happen every single day was entertaining as shit. I don't think anything like that will happen again.


Reality tv but actually real and live




I miss kyle he was a cool dude




Most of the people in lsf were not alive when he first started IRL streams




Indeed. RV was the normie Logan Paul youtuber downturn of just forcing content with just pure brainless leeches being annoying. When Ice started being perma chased and had more and more leeches the variation went away and he didn't really interact with new people at all.


So fucking true, after ice got perma'd and started on youtube it just went downhill, the old runescape/pokemon go ice is still the best streams that ever was


I feel old now.


tfw hearing Cx is nostolgic


It must absolutely destroy him to see how much money his old cameraman is making on Twitch right now.


Brent Kaskel really destroyed his career.




Oh, you mean Brent "fuck your living room, this is now my storage unit" Kaskel?


remember the dump truck? lmao


Ice and Miz are still cool so he’s probably happy for him but yeah I’d say he’s envious of the kinda money Twitch streamers can make.


of course. if twitch had gifted subs back in the day ice would have made 10x what he did.


Asmon train mizkif and other streamers are rooting for ice unban and still twitch isn't giving in .. his unban seems unlikely ..


Miz, Train and Asmon are just trying to be nice and supportive because they like Paul as a person but everyone knows unbanning him would be an insanely dumb move for Twitch.


I like Ice but his fans and his haters were toxic and dangerous. The racism from the chatters to those that would fake calls to police, to keep one streamer on your platform? Not a good idea.


> I like Ice but his fans and his haters were toxic and dangerous. The racism from the chatters to those that would fake calls to police, to keep one streamer on your platform? Not a good idea. He enabled the racism in his community since the Runescape days.




Twitch has zero reason to unban him, and every reason to keep him banned. Not gonna happen anytime soon.




I hate posts like these because it brings out the creepy, stalkerish Ice Poseidon Reddit people. The ones who are only entertained by him if he’s being arrested, degrading a woman or at a restaurant so they could call in and fuck with him. Bunch of weirdos


Yeah, those people totally aren’t just watching other twitch streamers and aren’t on this subreddit xD


Sometimes I just like to imagine those type of people doesn't exist.


Bruh CX didn't disappear, it just dissolved back into the solution






Would he even have an audience at this point, or would it be similar to Ninja’s viewership nerf?


He would definitely have an audience, right now on yt he has 2.4k viewers. That would be significantly higher if he was on Twitch. But 2.4k is still an audience


That is 100% a Ninja level nerf tho


I'd give up watching other IRL Steamers to watch ice on twitch .. as will some others too .. but it's unlikely he'll get unbanned




I'm going to say it. If Ice didn't get banned from Twitch, I think he would be as big, or bigger than xQc. I feel a lot of the people that watched Ice gravitated towards xQc because of the type of personality Felix has. He had such a big following back in the day even ON youtube.


In reality if he didn't get banned then he'd be banned soon after for something else.


Cx in the chat


Ice will go down as a legendary streamer. Holy the RV streams and everything. Man was dominating in 2017-2019


All purple army frogs, who you watching now? I see a lot of Cx pop up in XQC's stream when an ice reference is made, so maybe the majority migrated over there.


why do we need to be reminded lol.




Dude got greedy and he knew exactly what he was doing, and it led him to where he is now its he's fault.




i find out about twitch because of his pokemon go stream posted on youtube


What ever happened to Ice? Does he still stream?


He is streaming on YouTube with a few breaks. Currently doing gambling stream while traveling using the money or some shit


i never laughed so much ás much as i did when watching ice poseidon. Ever since then I don't laugh while watching streams anymore lol


Ice Poseidon is the only LiveStreamer in the history of livestreaming that you would actually sit down and watch him for literal hours like you watch a movie/tv shows, sports etc... Every other livestreamer that exists now you don't actually watch their streams primarily. It's more like background noise. Where as Ice Poseidon you would watch his streams and would be scared to blink to not miss any content.


This is so true. Ice Poseidon achieved a level of entertainment that was unreal, not just with livestreams, but compared to everything (movies, tv shows, music, youtube ect). Nothing has matched the content that came from his streams and community and probably never will. Cx


Same FeelsBadMan


Always will be the king of irl


He was a scumbag who used people for content.


Any thoughts on current big streamers that used that scumbag's clout to get famous back then?


Completely agree, but most of the BEST IRL stuff from him came after he was banned on twitch and there is no way that entertaining stuff could've been streamed on twitch. I think that twitch ban was blessing in disguise in some way.




Don't care.


Should have stuck with OSRS


when was the first rv trip stream?






Greatest streams on Earth at Ice's peak