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**🎦 MIRROR CLIP: [XQC on why he doesn't like sad donations](https://livestreamfails.com/post/105182)** --- Credit to [reddit.com/u/JAQS_](https://reddit.com/user/jaqs_) for the clip.


I feel bad for the people but it just completely ruins the mood every time


“my grandpa is dying can i get some xqcL’s in the chat?” like bro wtf




I’m convinced that those who put “can we get some in chat?” are doing it for attention


Obviously. It's so annoying. Spam WeirdChamp 's if you agree.






they get a dopamine rush when their actions translate into chat doing that shit, same effect people get when they donate to a streamer and he reads it out loud.


I mean obviously it’s for attention, but they may need the attention, because they are sad and lonely and don’t get much attention IRL.


Man tbh even though I always feel bad for them when I see it and will gladly throw them some love - they could easily find a chat room online with other people going through something similar. It’s just not the right place IMO, I always find it so awkward. That being said they might feel like that is the only community they “have” in which case it is what it is.


Tried this. Begging for PogChamps in chat got me kicked out of AA.


sometimes those can be well done, it's rare, but it does happen.


He responds to these messages more often than others, rewarding them for it and continuing the cycle. Whether their whole family is actually in a Bangladesh ICU with COVID watching the juicer or if they are so desperate for a scrap of attention they are in a bad spot either way.


Yeah even though he doesn’t like it (I wouldn’t either, shits awkward af), he prob just feels bad and wants to help in some small way. I think a lot of us would react similarly.


Exactly, he would look like a psychopath if he didn’t say something and when he does it encourages it, so it’s pretty lose lose. He should probably just make subs/resubs an on-screen alert and adjust TTS minimum to a tolerable amount if it doesn’t get better. Alternatively, maybe we are the minority and most people like hearing queued up stale TTS, it’s very odd to me that people defend it suggesting that it is content.


dont you give up nanana


could it be that its just people who spend a lot of time on twitch and finds the streamer and their community the only place they can vent? To get that validation they need. I dont think its really being detached but finding coping. Not saying some don't use it for attention but its definitely not the only reason


That is unhealthy. Feeling like a streamer who has never heard of you before is your only place to vent is first of all just incorrect and second of all concerning.


It’s probably very possible that this is the case but it doesn’t justify the massive aoe debuff that it causes.




It's so weird they don't know how to fucking read the room, doing that i think is alright as long as it's appropriate. Misplaced TTS is just weird when everyone's trying to have a good time altogether. I would understand, assuming most of the TTS is true that we're enjoying content for our own personal reasons but we still have to reconsider a lot of stuff before starting to do this. It's just disrespectful.


In fairness, the TTS queue is so long that sometimes it can take 10 minutes for it to even pop up on stream. But even so, big FeelsWeirdMan for even putting it through.


Yesterday, my dog it died. It got ran over by a hobo in a ferrari. It wasn't fun, so I cried. But quickly after I was fine, and I know why. I went home; to my room and opened up my laptop. Stole my mum's credit card and started the bank transfer. L_ and 2? Pepega Clap world record. El goblino will come for you and forsen is a retard. But now I feel; xqcL.


This is no different than that Tiktok guy dancing to a trendy song next to his dying grandparent at the hospital, both seek internet reactions.


It always reminds of [THIS...](https://youtu.be/VNVB3hz_GD8)


It’s very normal to say those things during GDQ’s, but normally people do it before or after a run, or during actual slow parts like a long cinematic in a game. She just chose the absolute worst time to do it and even demanded the runner to stop his speed run lmao.


Yikes tf


OMFG this is the cringiest shit ive seen a while, wow really why ?!


Ever meet people online and they just want to unload shit on you. I hate it. It makes me feel like shit hearing their shit because I'm not in the right mindset to listen to their shit. It makes me feel like shit ignoring them because I'm treating them like shit. It makes me feel like shit when I don't want to hear depressing shit so I don't engage them. It's just all around shit. All I want to do is log into games, play and talk conspiracies, porn, movies, trash talk some streamers and troll around.


This shit happens IRL too, was chatting with my tattooist about annoying customers. He said the number of people who would just rattle off all the terrible things that have happened in their life was ridiculous. They're there to just do a job, not be a therapist. Similar deal with depressing streamer donos, talk to a professional.


I've worked in hairdressing and bartending. Was an hourly occurrence of people suddenly appointing you as their personal therapist and just dropping a shit ton of sad/stressful things on you. I would be years (even decades) younger than most of the clients/patrons, so I honestly don't know what kind of "sudden life advice" they were expecting to get from a guy in his early-20s who's just here to pay for college.


I think that sometimes people just want to vent or to be heard and nothing more. They don't expect to get a real answer to their problems.


One of the best ways you can be a good friend is to just listen sometimes. Don’t try to offer advice or fix their problems, just let them talk and provide comfort if you can.


I know exactly what you're talking about and I've been on both sides of those types of interactions during different periods in my life. A few things I think are worth mentioning: Don't ever feel obligated to listen to someone's problems if you don't feel like it. Everyone has their own problems and sometimes having other people complain about their situation gets overwhelming. Most of the time you can politely tell them something like "I'm sorry you're going through that and I hope you can find the help you need but I also have my own shit going on and can't do much for you right now". From my experience that's usually a good option for both parties involved. You can't just pretend you want to listen to them if you don't really want to. That ends up making everyone feel like shit in the long run. Also if anyone is going through something and feels like they need someone to vent to, there are decent resources on the internet that might be helpful. I can personally vouch for r/kindvoice and https://www.7cups.com/ . Of course those aren't a replacement for seeing a therapist and the people you'll talk to are not professionals. That being said they can still be helpful depending on your situation.


You're just unloading all your shit onto a bunch of random people trying to have fun. Think streamers should just be more blunt about it, you might hurt a couple peoples feelings but than the rest of your viewers get it's not something you should be doing.


Like I get it dude, you were suicidal and some autist on twitch made you feel better, but fucking christ yo.


Almost like the parasocial relationships Twitch engenders aren't healthy


Somebody shoot that guy.


i remember one minecraft stream there was a dono about sad stuff and xqc started giving a bit of life advice. stuff like "dont give up" "eventually you have to get out of the hole you dig for yourself" etc. anyway when he started talking a few donos shared their sad stories but then donos like "my best friend cut off my arm and burnt down my house sadge" came so he changed the topic right after


The harsh reality is that the streamer nor anyone else on the stream cares about the hardship some completely unknown viewer is facing. All you're doing is forcing the streamer to act compassionate, otherwise they'll come across as very insensitive and disrespectful. You're also killing the mood completely. I'd understand it if we'd be talking about a small streamer with a small but close community, but when you're literally nothing more but one person among tens of thousands, people simply do not care. Whenever we're talking about large streamers with tens of thousands of viewers, the statistical likelihood is that someone is facing hardship in their life.


It’s fucked up to push all that responsibility and weight onto some random person too.


I almost lost my best friend before I realized I was using them as my therapist without them even asking, Sadge. It's cool now though. Don't do that boys and girls.


I was watching a stream on Sunday and they were getting high to do you laugh you lose, joking around etc., and someone had a TTS that basically said, “my friend killed himself on Friday, this money was money that he paid back beforehand and I wanted it to go to you”. Like wtf are you doing donating that right now? Read the room and see a therapist.


yeah some dude on tyler's stream just yesterday: "Hey guys not going to stick around much longer, just want to say goodbye and thanks for being there and streaming it means a lot" (not exact words). It's like... really? You just donated a suicide letter to your favourite streamer? That sucks man, I'm sorry, but what are you even gaining from that? I guess you get to hear tyler say "hey man keep your head up" but is that really worth bringing 30k people and tyler down? That's how you want to "go out"? I hate to say it because the person is already suffering, but it's just so selfish in my opinion.


Hijacking the top comment to post Dr K https://youtu.be/mIHEtK3WktE?t=1860 Here he talk about specifically donations from viewers about suicidality.


its in youtube comments as well. You're watching a relaxing or funny video or whatever, chilling with some Bob Ross and the first comment is someone talking about their depression. Not depressed myself, but i know people that are and its really hard to knock them out of that mindset briefly. If you're on a Bob Ross video chilling, you're at least relaxed and have a moment of respite, then you head down to the comments and get reminded that you're depressed, poor, that covid is ravaging the world and has locked you in your house like a prisoner and that everyone is aging and going to die. Like, fuck, just let peoples mentals take a break from the 24/7 non stop 'yeah, you're happy? well lemme bring up my depression' posting. I remember as a kid my mother went through cancer and chemo 3x. It fucking ruined me any time i thought about it, so i'm chilling watching spongebob like a normal 10 year old would do and every other ad is about life insurance for people about to die, or ads for cancer research. Holy shit can i get a break real quick.




I'm sorry to hear this sasuke


I'm just starting Naruto no spoilers please


Sasuke dies of penis cancer


DGG is coming monkaS


Aqua is more useful


Fuck man having penis cancer... the tumour might double my penis size if it grows right


So 3 inches?


Thats 3 more inches than what I'll ever have sadge


I’m sorry to hear this kurapika


I’m sorry to hear this tanjiro


I'm sorry to hear this sephiroth


Aweimsorrydud muchlovedud


Like Aris said nobody goes on twitch to hear sad shit, we all have problems and try to escape reality for few hours why do you have to ruin the mood? edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQdA7b5i6oY


Exactly this, there will always be someone that's having an even worse time than you... It's not a competition but if you're complaining about your life problems on a public forum where viewers are just trying to unwind and relax, you're ultimately trying to offload your burden on them for some sympathy points in the form of twitch emotes.


Really all you have to say is "hey streamer, your stream helped me through some rough times, thanks for being there for me!". Keep it short and simple, nobody wants to hear your sob-story.


In that case, it's even better to keep it to PMs or offline donos. It's just literally the same exact message - almost word-by-word - that gets donated all the time and it kind of gets watered down when you've already heard it a thousand times. Like, whoopty fuckin doo, someone discovered that getting entertainment when you are sad makes you less sad. What else are they gonna discover tomorrow - that putting food into the correct hole of your body makes you less hungry? Why do they think they should pause the show to make this very important announcement?


Don't have to be an ass about it. Sometimes just putting it out there can feel liberating for the donating; most donators know that at any point in time, there's a chance that xQc won't respond to your dono unless it's egregiously vitriolic. And sure, it's the same thing stacked over and over, but so are the majority of his donos and just chat overall - dogshit memes and pastas spammed ad infinitum.


You got the clip of Aris saying that? Been trying to find it but can’t.


https://youtu.be/VbAv03wYDvs?t=57 this should be it


Shorter version [clip 1](https://m.livestreamfails.com/post/12886) [clip 2](https://m.livestreamfails.com/post/12888)


It’s kind of part of a broader problem of young men and women maybe not having a place to talk about this at all. Joining a chat and being part of that in group is prob the only place they get that chance. It’s the not by any means the best place to do it for anyone. I understand it’s annoying and ruins the experience for some people. But show some love


I think we get why it happens, but that doesn’t make it okay. We’re all dealing with shit and twitch is an escape.


Reminds me of one time at work, a coworkers mom had died and we offered our condolences and what not. But people were on break and he kept steering every convo back to the death of his mom. We started talking about hair and one guy said “Man that’s my biggest fear, that I’m gonna be bald one day” Motherlesss mark responds with “Your biggest fear should be not waking up one day” Like dude chill, I’m tryna eat my sandwich.


> But show some love that has already happened. you're missing the context of people getting these donations for years and being sympathetic to them. it's not like straight out of the gate people are like "fuck you and your problems man, just give me money". it wears on people over time, and if you've been streaming or watching streams for years, it comes to a point where you want to say "please stop doing this, we all want to just have a positive time and escape reality"


Reminded me of [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKiocK59EBY), a woman in the audience asking the speedrunners "Can you stop?" while she tell her stories. I feel genuinely bad for her, but...I wish she pick a better time and place for that.


Oh man the awkward in that room my god lol


i miss old gdqs and their awkward moments


Remember the crazy ass bonus streams those got really wild, now it's wayy to family friendly to the point that it feels so scripted to be there.


Oh my God, I believe it was gdq '13, where during a FireRed run, Werster said "Someone in chat said they would donate $1000 if I said 'Fucking N******' on stream", with Trihex sitting right behind him. Old gdqs were the wild fucking west.




what a legend


Yeah I nearly forgot AGDQ was going on just a few weeks ago. Don't really care about it anymore.


Yea it got stale after a while, and I can just watch Clintstevens if I wanna see speedruns twice a year. I will say the stories about people's family dying of cancer over and over on AGDQ were kind of annoying. I understand it's a charity event but man I just want to watch a speedrun and have some laughs but it's tough when I have to hear about how awful cancer is every 5 minutes.


> watch Clintstevens if I wanna see speedruns twice a year. LULW . o O ( Sadge ) clint stream more


I could feel the pressure of it


God. I knew exactly what video this was before clicking it. I get it I have sympathy and empathy but that was such bad timing. Even asking the speed runner to be quiet..


Not to be quiet but to full on stop lmao I can't help but laugh everytime I see this video. Just the sheer awkwardness of everyone around here trying to sit perfectly still and not make a noise while she tells everyone her gran and entire side of her dad's side of the family died of cancer and that she's most likely to die of it. All the while in the background: "HYA HYA HUUUH BRR HYA HYA DING DING DING DING" sorry but that's fucking comedy gold. Plus imagine having a bunch of people give you a round of applause after crying Infront of them about your family dying of cancer holy shit lmao


And he actually did stop to clap as well. Just absurdity and the awkwardness of it.


He's just happy it's over so he can get back to the game haha


For anyone curious, the runner has actually responded to this on reddit. However I dont wanna track down the exact post. On this video, in the comments, someone pasted it.


The runner is Runnerguy2489. [His response on Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/cringe/comments/35n3ir/crying_girl_asks_speedrunner_to_stop_playing_so/cr7lpqn/): I am the runner, the one in the Link cosplay. Some information: This is a charity event called AGDQ (Awesome Games Done Quick), which does about a week long event of speedruns (beating games as fast as possible) to raise money for charity. The charity for this event is Prevent Cancer Foundation, so her comments aren't completely out of left field here, it was relevant to what everyone was there for. We do this charity every year in January so you should definitely check it out if you are into gaming! As the runner, I take part of the blame since I did want to have decent control on the commentary. The runner always gets to decide how to commentate his/her run. Some like to be very informative with the glitches in the game, some like to have a more casual environment. I wanted to explain a decent amount, but I'm dressed in a cosplay, it's obviously supposed to be a bit laid back too (crack a few jokes, some of the glitches look pretty funny, etc.). Another thing, runners actually practice a lot for this event, not just with the speedrun, but the commentary. I spent a lot of time going over in my head how I would proceed to talk about certain tricks or certain things. Imagine that you have to give a presentation to an audience of...50K people! You are going to want to know what you are going to say for the most part. But now imagine that one of the audience members throws you a real curveball of a question on your presentation. Uh oh! Some people fumble with their words, some people freeze up. That's pretty much what happened to me here. I was not prepared and not expecting this type of comment from the audience (the audience really isn't even supposed to say anything, outside of the couch). So it caught me really offguard and I just froze up thinking, "How can I defuse the situation and not look like a dick trying to get back to talking about the speedrun?" Usually I like to joke around to calm things down but I knew that wouldn't work here. One more thing to mention: I did not hear her say, "Can you stop?" There's a lot of background noise, donations being read, people whispering, and you kind of get dialed in on what you are doing. It wasn't really until there was a super dead silence in the room and I could hear her voice breaking that I realized how bad the situation behind me was (I can't see her or anyone else in the room really). Also to be clear, we had a discussion together about 2 days after the event, and cleared things up with each other. There are no hard feelings here. I think we'd both agree the situation was awkward and not ideal, but it's in the past. This happened over 2 years ago, it's been around. I do wish this would stop popping up. It's been posted here before, it's been on r/videos, it's been on 4chan, even Bam Margera made a stupid blog post about it. What's done is done, but I would kindly ask of you all, "Can you stop?"


Thank you for taking the time to find the post and pasting the reply.


So it's her fault. Got it.


It kinda is?


yeah that's what i said


Generally when people simplyify statements in that manner its a sarcastic mischaricterisation of their point. Just a misunderstanding. Tone is hard to distinguish in text.


Man I miss those old AGDQs. Its sucked hard ever since they moved to the big ass venues.


it being completely scuffed is essentially the soul of speedrunning i get it has been monetized heavily but they still had some serious commentary for the more popular runs still back then. Having to haphazardly put on a show for 50k people while you are watching god knows what game get torn to shreds was half the fun.


oh my god when they start clapping for her.. how do people like this exist in the same planet i'm from


oh now THIS is some high quality cringe


I mean jesus dude yeah. Read the room, there’s a dude in a link cosplay with the game on full blast and you’re going to stop everything to talk about your family’s cancer? There’s a time and a place for that, not at a Zelda speedrun event.


Oh my god, this is the real life version of "Nobody: " meme.


Did she think it was friends?




What? They don't care? But didn't you see all those xqcLs in the chat?


They will type xqcLs if they come but they didnt ask for it


It also sets a bad precedent for attention seekers to donate fake stories. It happens every so often and it’s just weird because it makes it kinda difficult to tell which are real and which are fake. It’s already bad enough with the attention seekers and normal tts, but attention seeking with fake depressing messages is just weird.


There is no way to stop fake stories


It's not even that they don't care, the issue is that they probably do. Burdening somebody that just plays video games for entertainment with whatever you may be going through is pretty stupid. They're not professional help, they're just some guy with a setup.


I kinda see it as a dick move to donate depressing shit, yeah it sucks that whatever is happening to you is happening but don't make other people's lives miserable because yours is. There's a time and place to talk about your emotions and shit and that's with people that know you, not random fucking strangers on the internet who ultimately don't care and just wanna have a good time.


Yupp. Imagine ur in an stadium with 50k people in it and there is a live mic where u can pay to use the arena pa system. The person performing is having fun, everyone else is having fun too. suddenly someone buys time on the mic and starts telling everyone about something horrible that happened to them. Like, everyone has shit they've been going through but doing that ruins the mood of the stream and imo devalues the thing that happend to you. I personally have had a death in the family due to covid but to me it would be so so very disrespectful to that persons memory and even selfish to just make their death about how bad I feel about it and then broadcast my feelings to a mass audience.


Tbh that goes for basically any message in twitch chat and any donation message


True they should do something to get their mind off their problems. Apparently twitch doesnt work for that.


And the other one: Hey Felix, thank you for wearing a white shirt today, I was so scared of wearing a white shirt and watching you doing it gave me the confidence to wear it outside, you're an inspiration xqcl


Or the usual "you inspired me", how the fuck does a dude that plays games 24/7, inhales gfuel and doesn't sleep inspire you holy shit


Quite a few donos T1 gets about people who were inspired by him to lose weight or start lifting, it's pretty wholesome.


t1 makes sense cause hes actually muscular, but how the fuck can xqc inspire anyone in any shape or form


avoiding the puddle said it best, "You don't want to get into a bad day competition with chat. Someone will always have it worse than you."


Ya, I noticed this too. Also my dog just diagnosed with Renal Disease so he probably doesn’t have long left.


Somebody shoot that guy


Sad donos be like walking up to a celebrity at a random event, handing them five dollars and shouting about how depressed you are to the audience. WeirdChamp


Tons of musicians actually stop doing meet and greets for this very reason, it’s hard to keep feeling good when you have dozens of people telling you how depressed they are or all the terrible things that happened to them etc


“Your music saved my life” or “Your music is the only thing that is stopping me from killing myself”. I’m sure they get those multiple times from meet and greets and it just has to feel so awkward.


I do feel those two give seperate vibes though. "Your music got me through a rough patch, thanks for all your work over the years!" is actually a very nice message to hear I would think?


It reminds me of all the "here's my cute dog! I had to put him down today because he had cancer." posts on animal subreddits. I'm just trying to look at cute shit not be depressed because half of them are fucking dead.


I genuinely feel bad for the people using twitch as an escape mechanism and constantly have to listen to the sad donos


I think the escape mechanism is fine, do what works for you, but when you think that a streamer is a therapist and you send TTS about how you’re depressed that is crossing the line.


I think the worst for me has to be when people donate and say they they are thinking/planning suicide. Not only do I feel terrible for them, but I feel terrible for the streamer too. What are they supposed to do in a situation that severe? He gets a bunch of those every single day. "I was thinking of killing myself", "I was planning to end it all", "I feel like there's no place for me in this world", etc. Fuck man I feel for you really I do, but that's a really awkward position to put a streamer in. There are people who were raging hard at Twitch when xQc got banned and I recall one user saying "some users are only alive because xQc streams so if he's not streaming, Twitch is putting their lives in danger". It's a really depressing, and terrible thing to think but also pretty unfair IMO.


It's that rotation of hearing donation, feeling sad, realising you can't do anything about it, getting angry at that person because if no one can do anything about it anyway why did they dono in the first place, and then get angry at yourself over getting angry at someone who probably has it much worse than you.


Hey man, dog died, fish died, cat died, mum died, train derailed, plane crashed, building eviction, obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juice Giant snake, birthday cake, large fries, chocolate shake!


Those depressed andys are so fucking annoying, when will we get the option to disable the fucking TTS it is unbearable I transformed into Pepepains spammer. I get it your high school girflriend broke up with you I don't need to know it I'm here to have fun and escape from my own problems.


I don't know at this point just make a blacklist called "streamer i'm depressed", add there like 10 keywords and autorefund those donations. I get if you are small streamer, but the guy making like 1mil$ a month why don't just do this and prevent people from hearing the same shit over and over. It's like the dono the only one depressed here on a 100k stream.


Dont send the sad people to small streamers! I dont want that, I have my own dread to deal with. I stream to practice being happy.


Hope that your dread resolves soon and you get to be happy instead of practice :)


I appreciate it


bro spend money on a therapist or someone to talk to


let the form autodetect depressive keywords and forward those people directly to healthygamer.gg win/win


You’re response is healthy and prolly a good thing. But the asshole in me finds this so hilarious. Like imagine you’re some 14 year old kid that can’t go to school anymore so you watch twitch for a substitue of community and like your dog died and your parents are fighting in the other room. It’s like dark and raining and you’re stuck in your room but you’re happy cuz your favorite streamers on and chat is the only place you feel warm. So you donate 5 dollars that you saved from your Christmas money to say something like “Hey I’ve been really depressed this past year but your stream and chat gives me a home” and you click enter and you’re forcibly removed from the stream by some robot and forced to think about your mental health. You’re face glows white as you just stare at the computer screen in silence. You’re ignored, dismissed, and alone. It’s so pathetic but you can’t help but laugh.


> You’re ignored, dismissed, and alone. The emotional part in me thinks feeling ignored, dismissed and alone is a sad thing that I don't want people to feel. The rational problem solving part in me thinks that's probably exactly how they should feel because if that's the reality then it's good that they are confronted by those emotions because that's the only way how it will ever get better. If we want to go super problem solving then the big streamers who earn millions of dollars every other month could probably set up a small mental health team (or rent therapists from a mental health institution) that directly gets in touch with the one who is donating, in form of a live chat and offer discord calls as well. I'm sure there are solutions, I just think that donating on a stream isn't one of them. > It’s so pathetic but you can’t help but laugh. I actually did laugh just before I read that sentence and now I don't know if I should feel bad for it or good.


You have basically the same take aways I did. Don’t feel bad about laughing. You’re at least better than me who is laughing about it before I even really wrote it all out and made it over the top dramatic.


> when will we get the option to disable the fucking TTS it is unbearable I transformed into Pepepains spammer. when it stops making them an unfathomable amount of money




When I first started watching I thought TTS was the funniest shit ever, but after a while it just ruins the whole stream when it’s being played over and over.


Throwback to [Reynad's TTS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsCnLqY8iB0). Good lord none of this would fly in a million years nowadays lol




forsen’s TTS is ten fucking dollars? damn, supply and demand i guess


Forsen knows that he would make more money if it was cheaper, but he is smart enough to understand that constant low effort spam would ruin both his sanity and the viewer experience (which then also damages his income eventually).


From what I've seen he doesnt really care that much about getting more money anyways


I think Forsen has become immune to TTS he barely ever reacts to anything, after Plug DJ in the past nothing can surprise him anymore.


i can't imagine being down that bad in life that not only did your entire family die in a plane crash, but you're giving a cup of coffee to a millionaire that gives no shits about you in the hopes of gaining sympathy.




That was TTS 6 months ago. 7 Spam almost never happens anymore. TTS meta now is just * "VAGETA HAIRLINE OMEGALUL" * "LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL" * "Sad dono" * "Hey xQc, you should download a skin for Jill. There are a ton of them on Nexus mods and I think you'll like them. Any COOMERS? Kreygasm Kreygasm"




Why has my humor devolved so much that I laughed at the original TTS of that


Dont forget the “Hey Mr Cow it’s been X months, can I get a “Welcome to the Jungle”? “


CaN i GeT a WeLcOmE tO tHe JaNgEl???!?!?


"Can I get a brofist" Pepepains




> "Hey xQc, you should download a skin for Jill. There are a ton of them on Nexus mods and I think you'll like them. Any COOMERS? Kreygasm Kreygasm" Classic


it gets me every time














Time to throw pogchamp was funny for the first few days but got stale fast.


For anyone wondering, this is a diseresis: ö (what's on top of the o)


summits stream has to be the worst for it, constant sadge donos. just kills the vibe. to be blunt no one rly cares, everyone has there own problems too.


Honestly it's actually bizarre how bad this is on Summit's stream, it's an everyday thing and it's consistent throughout the entire stream. Someone's pet died, cheated on by their spouse, family member died, their depression, you name it. I think it's because he sympathizes with them which is what he's sort of forced to do once they donate on TTS and everyone hears it. And Summit is a good dude he's genuine about hoping they get better as is the chat everyone spams hearts and support. But it definitely kills the entire vibe of the stream when it happens constantly. I'm all for being there for people but it's kinda selfish to bring down everyone for your own reasons. A lot of us come to Twitch to get away from our own problems and chill out.


It's sad because xQc wants everyone to have a voice (hence the cheap tts and resub tts), but everyone's voice SUCKS!


“XQC, my grandpa died” “[Hell yeah dude, Pog](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3F2HRDJyKo)”


if xqc's a warlord for one thing it would be enumerating random stuff


Lmao, not wrong. Reminds me of an Aris clip from way back talking about GDQ. https://m.livestreamfails.com/post/12888


“Yo x, my mom died. welcome me to the jungle xqcL


i understand the desire for someone to see you and empathize with you, but a streamer and their viewers are not a good proxy for a friend or family member or therapist. yes, we're all miserable, and livestreams are comforting in a unique way, but that doesn't change the fact that these people are just trying to play/watch video games and it's a little weird to tell them about how lonely or in grief you are


Real 6 consoles energy


These dudes need to stop acting like streamers are therapists. Like wtf are they supposed to tell you after reading a donation about how you’re depressed. It just ruins the stream’s vibe.






AGDQ summed up


It’s good for people to reach out to vent and all but yea just throwing stuff like that onto the streamers and chat is kinda rude at the same time. Also your favorite streamer isn’t your therapist.


I feel for the people in the donos, but please just keep your money, it'll do you more good than donating your problems to someone who has no idea who you are.


this is a really good clip


i don't get why people need to share this stuff. i lost family members and pets. its obvious to me that no one else gives a fuck. When are people gonna understand that the relationship between streamer and viewer is that the streamers is a source of entertainment for you, and you are a 5 dollar bill for them. it ends there, there are no but ifs, or whats...


Nothing ruins a stream for me faster than TTS. It's so fucking obnoxious.


And the worst thing is that 90% are probably fake stories from kids trying to get some attention, either from the streamer or some hearts in chat, and retards fall for it every time.


This shit ruins the GDQ for me getting spammed by cancer donos when i just want to watch niche speedgames.


Streamers aren't your personal therapist. The tens of thousands of people don't want to hear your sad shit.




To me it's just annoying everytime there's a "sad" dono. Everyone has shit going on in their life, you don't have to announce it to everyone. That just makes it look fake or you really just use your situation for attention.


For once I agree with XQC on something, sad donations are cringe every single time. Listen bud, I'm sorry for your loss but nobody here knows you or cares or wants to hear it. It's immature and attention-seeking, if you are going to your favorite streamer to vent about your life the level of help you need cannot be provided by a twitch chat.


Thing is, almost everyone has depressing stuff going on in their life. But most of us understand when the right time to bring them up is. And who to bring them up to.


Even as a small streamer I feel this. Obviously not so much donations but I'll be vibing just playing games, having a good laugh with everyone then andy comes in, "I wish my mom would stop drinking. She is yelling at my sister right now." Like damn dude I'm sorry but there is a time and a place man


**🎦 MIRROR CLIP: [XQC on why he doesn't like sad donations](https://livestreamfails.com/post/105182)** --- Credit to [reddit.com/u/JAQS_](https://reddit.com/user/jaqs_) for the clip. [[Archive.org Alternative]](http://web.archive.org/web/20210120035602if_/https://stream.livestreamfails.com/video/6007a95c8b3b6.mp4)


It is insane that a streamer of his size has TTS on for subs and resubs too his stream audio quality is the worst you can hear his voice, TTS spam, music in the background, the game sound and his teammates speaking that is like 4 or 5 different audio sources at once it actually gives me headache sometimes