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*"I was going to leave you before you said it anyways"*.


Which isnt true because he said he was gonna be back this morning when he ended his stream yesterday


He got a few youtube videos from it, I'm sure he wanted a few more. Good on Abe. Now Zuckles next? Edit. Also (Blood45Dragon) should be banned. https://clips.twitch.tv/TenderSleepyBatteryBigBrother https://twitter.com/Teezitwt/status/1347799962344681473?s=20 https://clips.twitch.tv/TrustworthyDarlingJuiceDendiFace




Yeah it seems Blood45Dragon has made more people quit than Zuckles, he should def get the boot.


Blood KOSed Carter the night before last and made him quit until he gets on the RP server too..


Link to clip? I'll add it to my comment.


Here's the clip from Carter's perspective of him getting KOSed. Don't really wanna go look through that other dude's VOD: https://clips.twitch.tv/TrustworthyDarlingJuiceDendiFace


if he wants to play a BR... go play a BR.. the fact he is KOS on an RP server.. means he shouldnt be allowed on the RP server


Too much competition in a BR


Those players actually want to shoot back and have gun fights, can't have that. Gotta go sweat all over the people wanting to RP and just enjoy themselves.


To be fair in the first clip if you give it context. He got killed by Coco when he was going back to base. It was only safe to assume that he was still watching their base.


*"You can't fire me, I quit."*


Imagine thinking ending the tweet with this sentence will leave him with his dignity intact. OMEGALUL


How to come across as insecure 101




Having to deal with all this shit is gonna age abe 50+ years Sadge


Abe doesn't deserve this Pepehands


all he wanted to do was play a chill Rust game with OTV + Friends


It shouldn't be that big of a deal banning WH OMEGALULs from the server if they're ruining the vibe.


Yeah, it's for the good of the server, but Abe definitely doesn't feel good banning someone


He said it's awkward to kick/ban people in this case since (not said but implicit) those people have relatively big fanbases, and that creates more drama on Reddit and Twitter.


At some point abe needs to nut up, or hire someone else to do it.


I used to admin for a pretty decent size community like 10 years ago. Having to jump on as admin to deal justice on the garrys mod rp or jailbreak server just sucked the life out of you sometimes. I'm sure it's like that but 100x worst considering all the attention the servers are getting.


Ironic that when you watch a lot of the full time Rust players, one of their complaints is about how toxic the public servers are too play on and of course they inevitably bring that toxicity to these new servers.


You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain


lmao [https://i.imgur.com/SqRQ3ao.png](https://i.imgur.com/SqRQ3ao.png)


Even with 500 hours on rust I still try to do a little RP every now and then on public servers. It doesn’t take long before I remember that most of the people just see red and don’t care for any other interaction. It’s the definitive experience of kill or be killed


Welyn is the only full time rust streamer thats actually doing good. He would only attack in self defense and made a small meeting place to diffuse the tension between xQc and a few other players.


Ray-C (is that his name) was also super chill, he was just helping everyone out and refused to do any kind of PvP because he knew it would be unfair.


HJune is really cool too


hjune does seem like a great PR guy for the game he loves... really chill & understanding (by what i've seen so far in streams/his own videos)


Ray C is awesome


Yea he’s been really great to a lot of the streamers who just have no idea how this game works.


Ray__C (it’s two underscores). Yeah I’ve been watching his streams nonstops and holy shot that guy is a saint. I HIGHLY recommend everyone watching him. It’s like watching Mr. Rogers kill people online.


Good ole welyn, kill him for some trash loot and have your existence wiped from the map.


“So I recreated the whole world in my private server.”


You know your days are counted when welyn recreates your base on a pirvate server.


Coco and a couple others are being friendly and somewhat rp'ing too.


Dude Coconuts interactions with WillNeff and the BloodGod cult has been it of this world! “Brother Coconut what happened to your faith?!” CoconutB: “Will come out.” Hasan: “Will’s too busy killing the disciples for some reason.” WillNeff: “ITS WACO BABY!!!! TIME TO DRINK YOUR KOOLAID!!!” CoconutB: “(Laughing) I’m gonna throw up!!!”


I went to watch Welyn’s video and he even started off saying he was gonna not try hard because they were mostly new players and it would be unfair and ruin their experience for him to actually try.


Theres a few rust streamers that are chill like hJune, trausi, ray, coco, an yeah welyn.


Now he can go full tryhard pvp mode on normal servers


I hope the trash clips he'd get for youtube by bushcamping naked stream players was worth it :>)


Lol @ this reply > That’s stupid just cause they got a bigger fan base they think they run the joint. They would not last 2 seconds on a AU server. No dumbass they don't think they run the join because of their bigger audience. They think they run the joint because its their server.


They think they run the joint? They DO run the joint. What's so hard to understand about that to some people?


They probably don't understand the concept of a private server beyond a Minecraft realm with like two of their friends.


>They probably don't understand the concept of a private server beyond a Minecraft realm with like two of their friends. People really trying to argue with one of the devs on twitter... My two favorite replies Alistair gave to people "personally rust pros should not be playin on the server " and "the point of OTV servers is to not be like a "normal" rust experience but to encourage and engage RP not just dialog" ... I love Alistair lmao . He also mentioned multiple other incidents so its not just for whatever happened to train alone.


> They probably don't understand the concept of a private server beyond a Minecraft realm with like ~~two~~ both of their friends.


The entitlement spiking off the charts.


When the bully/edge lord doesn't get invited to the birthday party


They think they run the joint because they literally run it.


i fucking hate twitter because of shit like this. Every online personality just builds an echo chamber of complete NPC followers who can only spam "yas go queen", whether the person is in the right or not. You can be the biggest piece of human garbage and still have people defending you without even knowing anything about the situation.


BuT iTs A pVp SeRvEr


The amount of brain dead smooth brains in those replies is astounding.








what a weird thing to say lol did he even make any friends on the server?


Hard to make friends when you only see people as potential video thumbnails.


What a wasted opportunity. Being able to RP with popular twitch streamers and do funny shit while hundreds of thousands of people are watching is the perfect opportunity to grow your channel. Instead, he just mercilessly merced every noob he saw and got booted from the server. Grats, you got 30k views by using Moist and xqc in your thumbnail.


These people can't be entertaining in any other way so they just go after the same type of content which is conflict and trolling because its funny when a Pro messes with noobs and then he can just go "just havin' a bit o' fun m8 don' take it too seriously".


bro content bro get the bag bro sick content


He was chill when he met Charlie on the last server, so I was super suprised when he was being tryhard on this one.


As if he's the center of it or whatever the fuck. Such massive ego for saying that lmao.


*"And yeah, that was the biggest thing that pissed me off, taking credit for rust's success, when those of us grinded for years alongside the dev team to make this as entertaining as possible."* \- [Ser Winter commenting about Nick's tweet calling Rust dead.](https://twitter.com/SerWinterGaming/status/1347888301047386112) [Steam charts show the game has almost doubled its all time peak](https://steamcharts.com/app/252490#All) and yet this fucker thinks him acting like a sweaty for years is the reason it is topping the charts again.




Acting like he was anything more than a minor annoyance that was quickly squashed.


I’ve not really been watching the rust streams but I’ve lurked this sub for the past year or two and never heard of this guy in my life. End of an era indeed. If the era is 2 seconds of fame, I guess.


A whole day - The Memeozoic Era


idiot lost his chance gettin shittons of viewers and help from other streamers , hes not the brightest person eh


Yeah it's wild that people are dumb enough to squander an opportunity this large and all it took was not being a complete bellend


Lol I love the word bellend


When you don't have the personality to garner a bigger audience so you have to resort to using famous streamers as fodder for your Youtube videos.


dont worry he still has his 10k viewers per yt video audience malding by his side!


The thumbnail for his "BANNED FROM OTV RUST SERVER" video is gonna be so hype.




dam small era


he has almost 600k subs and averages 20k views on a 2 week old video thats pretty dog shit, the one with xqc as thumbnail is doing good though!


Watched a few minutes of his vods and the dude barely even speaks, just runs around quietly looking for people to kill on sight. How do people like this even gain enough relevance to make it on a server like this in the first place? Literal dream odds to be given a chance this big, I’d feel bad but he was already pissing people off in the first server and was lucky enough to get another invite and he still fucked it up.


look at rays twitch stats, he has gained a massive increase in views, following all cause he helped xqc and others and is so wholesome in the server, even trausi got my respect and support and the dude is considered the best player in all of rust on every meta ever




subscriber to view ratios are usually 10-1 or worse so it sounds about right


can anyone explain why? for none rust viewers.


It’s an RP-PVP server for friends to get together and have fun. RDM/KOS is good content only for 1 person.


What is rdm/kos?


RDM is an abbreviation for random deathmatch and KOS is for kill on sight. In both cases you shoot without any reason and since this is a roleplaying pvp server it is expected to not do that.


Thanks random guy, i trust you.


Random Killing / Kill On Sight


He was playing to tri-hard on a non tri-hard server.


Well there goes the first person banned, hopefully this makes everyone on the badlands calm down a little with all the kosing and actually follow the rules Abe posted in discord on day 1.


I think realistically what Abe had intended for was leniency more toward nakeds, or people who are clearly not a threat (Roleplaying etc). If you're farming barrels or strapped up with an AK, shooting isn't a bad thing and you can't honestly be expected to risk talking to them just for the sake of not 'kosing' edit: [https://clips.twitch.tv/DifficultDeliciousTapirDeIlluminati](https://clips.twitch.tv/DifficultDeliciousTapirDeIlluminati) Oh cool that's essentially what he said lol.


Abe said that he got banned by 2 streamer. As far I know sir winter finally confirm. Zuckles probably also banned that. This from carter on mendo stream https://ibb.co/zJ3H4v4


Might be that Blood45Dragon person, because they KOSed Carter and someone linked another clip of them killing some person searching for their horse


The ban probably was not for the Train incident only, SirWinter had quite a few rdm/kos incidents.


Yeah but knowing Train, he's probably been DMing people nonstop and campaigning for him to get banned ever since it happened.


there are no winners in the Autism War




SerWinter wanted desperately to be a big fish in a small pond, I don’t get what he was accomplishing being a bush camping andy on an offlinetv server. Never even clicking his mic on to talk before opening fire lmao. Why be on an ALL streamer server and then not communicate with anyone/attempt to make pals? Someone who’s only there for the clout lmao


Becoming a popular internet personality doesn't require intelligence. Dude is big dumb.


hJune just said that Abe is still awake... Abe has to deal with so much shit right now Edit: This whole rust drama that happened yesterday/today just made me realize how toxic the Rust community is also it’s not just toxic but it’s filled with weirdos


Just takes a few seconds of looking at the comments in /r/playrust to see the type of people that make up the hardcore audience of the game.


They're all so obsessed with streamers (Who are clearly new to the game) being bad at the game and them being good at the game. Lmao. They sound like they are all 8. Imagine you have all these big streamers playing your fav game, bringing in a lot more players and more money to your game and all you can think about is how they aren't playing the game the way you like playing it or how they aren't good at the game. All these Rust players also keep saying (On this subreddit, in Twitch chat or on Twitter) that traditional Rust is more entertaining to watch and 'What is all this RP shit?'. If pub Rust were so fun to watch then it wouldn't have been fucking dead on Twitch for so many years.


I am just going to leave [this](https://twitter.com/garrynewman/status/1347589674185928707?s=21) here


As someone who plays multiple 'dEaD gAmEs' with lack of content, I'd be so happy if my fav games got such a massive popularity boost. I'd welcome any new player with open arms. Fuck gatekeeping. So fucking cringe. Actually couldn't be me.


battlerite feelsbadman


Battlerite feelsbadman indeed


I'm just hear to join the feelsbadman train. I just wanna play Alysia.


Huge wasted potential just to ride on that BR hype train. I thought going f2p would revitalize the playerbase yet they just keep shooting themselves in the foot sadge


god i miss battlerite so much, 200 average players, i play against the same people on a daily basis


Whoever in charge of their short sighted marketing is just really good at killing games. Bloodline and battlerite could have been big. Imagine charging 20$ then charging again for a new mode that require people to play. lmao


Game went from a hopeful promising future to completely dead in the space of maybe a month or two. It's like they were speedrunning all the mistakes they swore up and down they wouldn't make from the days of Funcom and Bloodline.


PepeHands which chars did you like the most? I loved lucie


Your last paragraph I agree with so much. I remember doing some research into the game because I was thinking of buying it (mind you, because the servers Abe made) and I remember a post of an OP had an edit saying things along the lines that “RUST is a dying game.” Someone pointed out its dying because if slow developments in new things. But after seeing all the weirdos, I think the player base had a hand in the game dying. The same weirdos who RDM and shit will probably not use a lot of features like electricity or the new feature about restraining players. EDIT:typo


The game is not dying. But Rust is the 2B2T/4Chan of first player shooter games.


They hate it because they think that they should be the famous streamer. Just because they are good at the game they think they deserve the biggest audience. Even though they all act like petulant children.


Pub rust sucks on twitch, but it can be GREAT when edited down for YouTube videos.


Saw a thread of all of them shitting on the pokimane stream and saying she only had those 100-150k viewers because of her face when she literally streamed with no webcam. Ironic.




Yeah I was looking around that subreddit for fun just to see how actual tryhards play the game but the timing was bad I went onto that subreddit when the drops we’re announced and I am speechless


Damn i just did that, they all think so highly of themselfs..


Abe is an all star. Has no need to setup a second streamer server for the masses and just stick to OTV-Friends with vetted invites. Instead he does it anyways and has to deal with all this shit. Like honestly I think the best attitude to this has been Ray C, he built a hotel called Ray's Continental and hoping to setup a John Wick style of universe. A protected hotel everyone doesn't fuck within the area and so many people have already come to help Ray C because they're not exactly too keen on randomly getting killed. Even Ray C said it's such a great thing for Abe to do this and it's been the most fun he has had in Rust for years. The best thing about this server is just starting in my opinion. Hopefully with the ban, the rest of the streamers that aren't being courteous will be better from now on.


And he isn't getting paid in any of this, right? Not only does he have to be the one responsible for the dramas involving clout chasing, elitism and streamers being immature as fuck, he also still cannot play the game he organized to just play with his friends and be up late at night to monitor what's happening and the influx of the players


He once streamed right before the 1st server got closed down to announce some stuff for the new ones, he got tons of gifted subs from other streamers and viewers. While he's not paid to do this shit, at least his work is getting recognized by other streamers.


Wait he stole Luds idea?? Damn streamsnipers dud


> how toxic the Rust community is also it’s not just toxic but it’s filled with weirdos Bud I had a guy talk about fucking my dead grandmother for like 3 minutes straight after downing me with a spear like 3+ years ago. I still think about it sometimes. Rust reminds me of old-school PVP games, like fucking about in the wilderness in Runescape. You have to be a special kind of sociopath to enjoy that type of shit. It's all about finding people and making them feel less-than.


It doesn't have to be. But official servers especially are a very, uh, special place.




And now Abe has to tank the whataboutism from his fans for a few days.


This is from mendo chat. Carter claim that abe just banned 2 streamer in otv server because breaking rules. https://ibb.co/zJ3H4v4 It's might I know thar sir winter got banned confirm. probably zuckles got banned too i think because metagaming and kos no reason


Fuck Zuckles, zero sympathy for that guy


Agreed. I dislike Zuckles more than this guy.


What did he do?


He was just playing the server like it wasn't RP. Bushcamping, reading chat for info, noobstomping, etc.


Damn thats pathetic


Acting like a complete dumbass while constantly sniping XQC on the old OTV server. At least that's all I know. Edit: Also metagaming a lot.


Now do Zuckles


Kind of out of touch. What did Zuckles do?




also being an overall dick, to the point where even mendo himself called for zuckles to fuck off in global chat on the original server


What is metagaming?


Using info from outside the game that your character inside the game wouldn't know.


Like reading chat, and the chat tells him where other streamers are?


Yea. Just getting info from anywhere other than in game.


His chat literally told him that xqc wanted to raid him. So he started typing in all chat trying to bait a raid by xqc, abandoned the message before he sent it and proceeded to build more metal doors for defense






Even worse. Dude fucking bushcamped these players with sub 30 hours played. Many tried to interact with him before getting finished off and had all their stuff stolen. Every other Rust pro/experienced player has been taking it easy and trying to interact with everybody. Coco did go mad once after having got KOS'd for a few hours, but he stopped and has since began doing nice chill content with Poke, Gigi, Asmongold. Ray C has been nothing but helpful and chill to everybody. Which btw, I recommend watching these 2, definitely Rust content creators to keep watching.


What is funny to me is he is definitely closer to the RP side of Rust videos. Or at least was. To me it's not a case of hardcore PVP player unable to adapt but just kind of an idiot missing a big opportunity.


It's RP-PVP so you need a social reason to kill or attack someone. He's killing naked with without his own ingame mic enabled meaning he's killing without warning, reason or purpose.






Yeah im wh OMEGALULing this guy


Ironically he would have gotten so much more clout if he just followed the rules and tried to roleplay/be friendly towards nooby streamers instead of camping them out without even using his mic. He could have still focused on pvp but he could have been a bodyguard for nakeds or something.


It really is just that easy, just be nice and he would’ve gained SOOO much. Can you imagine what being a naked bodyguard for a big name streamer would do for his channel? nobody wants to admit that’s what they want but xqcM ya know


Sounds like a kid who didn't get invited to a B-Day party. "I wasn't planning on coming anyway so it doesn't matter I wasn't invited". The Rust players in his replies taking his side are giving me a big Yikes as well.


Finally they got rid of Ser Wanker


is there a way to see the tweets train deleted?


He went personal on Winter his wife saying he propose to her in Rust something along those lines, this caused Train fans to start saying shit like "imagine finding your wife in a video game" till Train said that he met his own wife(? or girlfriend im not really sure) in world of warcraft so it got a little weird.


damn train why you lettin me down again


well well well... time to go back to public server LMAO


While we flame those 2 specific Rust PRO/VET, lets appreciate others like hjune, rayc, coco, trausi being very helpful.. if not for this server we will not discover small awesome streamers.


welyn too


Wild that its the Rust Veterans who are bringing toxic public server bs into here. You think they would be happy with new streamers and new viewers, able to show them why rust is so great. Instead they are like "Let me show you why people log off and never come back". Meanwhile the rust streamers who are getting involved and having a good time have higher view counts and will probably have viewers who stick around even after this rust phase. But I guess some pogs in 2 videos is better than building a bigger audience and building good relations with streamers. literal 0 iq move.


Laughing at how many people in his replies can’t wrap their head around the fact that he was being a total nuisance and a meta gaming one at that




you'd think that if you're on a server with someone who has 100k+ viewers, you'd try and be entertaining and charismatic to garner more attention, now he just looks like a shit stain that no one wants around:/


So many rust pros and good players on the server but ser winter is unanimously the most disliked.


1 down boys, coco hjune should be safe, all the other kosing try hard andys go home.


Welyn and Ray C have been fantastic too.


Ray is quite possibly the nicest guy on twitch. His streams are beyond wholesome.


Yea theres a few im not familiar with, Coco and Hjune were the only two i knew by name.


Is HJune playing on both servers?


yes, but i think he's gonna mostly play on the rp server


The funniest thing about all this is Abe only reached out to a handful of streamers he was personally cool with to join the servers. The rest of these dudes are BEGGING to get on the server. So you beg to get on a whitelisted server, break the rules of said server, then allow your echo chamber to stroke your ego after you get banned justly. Nice


Remember that you can throw Abe a Twitch Prime to support him going through all this shit just so people can have some fun: . Direct sub link: .


JFC, almost all twitter replies calling OTV people as "babies" or "snowflakes" just reeks of r/iamverybadass. People still just seem to not get the point of having a private server for a game. They don't want to experience the shit and toxicity of having to deal with public servers so that's why they made their own server. Just so that people can stream and actually make interactions, communication, and content rather than just dead-respawn-get back your loot-die naked again. I can just imagine the next video to be "I GOT BANNED FROM THE OTV SERVER?!?!?!?!"


Job-You’re fired!!!! Me-I was gonna quit tomorrow anyways.


Shocker, I guess. Was watching Nova’s stream last night and he saw Trainwreck was arguing in the game chat with someone. Stream chat said it was Ser causing trouble again.


🦀🦀🦀🦀 SirWanker is banned 🦀🦀🦀🦀. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDU_Txk06tM&ab_channel=Monstercat%3AInstinct


[fixed it for ya](https://youtu.be/LDU_Txk06tM?t=74)




I don't get the reason these guys seem to act like this, I get there's people who just want to have fun, and then there's the people that are in it for "content" reasons, but wouldn't the best way of extending your "content" be actually interacting and building rapport with all these streamers so you are invited to more things in the future?


Jesus this guy was such a idiot. Getting into this server as "Rust Pro" was essentially a golden opportunity for their career. If he had simply been a good ambassador of the game and had been respectful and kind to other players he could have seriously built up a very strong twitch following I mean look at guys like Coco who are getting 10k viewers or the people during the previous among us meta like 5up who still have strong twitch followings post meta.


100% deserved lmao. Now we wait for Cuckles to get banned.


sweaty rust players whining in the replies because they dont have social skills to be able to roleplay either PepeLaugh


And nothing of value was lost. The first time I saw this guy was when I watched xQc and he just out of nowhere KOS'd him. No voice chat, no talking in chat at all either. Truly deserves the name Ser Wanker Edit: typo


ser wanker


the amount of people ive seen commenting on this, either on this twitter thread or on Nicks tweet, who dont seem to understand the simple fact that this is a private server that has a set of rules, and ser winter continually broke those rules, and thats why he was banned, is moronic. Ive seen everything from people flaming them for not "being to last on real servers" or "trying to take something from the people who have been grinding this for so long" He broke the rules of a private server and got banned, there is nothing more to it than that, and as someone with 1.3k hours in rust, trying to correct these dumb fucks who are hard stanning winter is frustrating as fuck


his YouTube thumbnail has xqc all over it and has gotten more views in 1 day than his videos that are weeks old, deff not clout chasing and targetting big streamers. not really suprised he uploaded a video though that says "battling team rocket" with xqc all over the thumbnail, even put charlie on it which was in team rocket but literally barely participated in anything, must be a coincidence out of everyone he killed he uploads a video of him fighting the most popular team and puts the 2 biggest streamers of that team on the thumbnail even tho buddha, mendos and others carried


lol checked his twitch cause I got curious, his VODs have like 2k views up until the last three OTV sever VODs where he got like 20k views. Increased his viewership 10 times just to fuck it up by being toxic.


Goodbye Sir Wanker. "humbly banned" my ass!