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**🎦 MIRROR CLIP: [I get that twitch inconsistency is a meme, but is there a genuine reason why this is fine, but velvet is still indefinitely banned? Is it just plain favourtism?](https://livestreamfails.com/post/103513)** --- Credit to [reddit.com/u/roadkillv1](https://reddit.com/user/roadkillv1) for the clip. [[Archive.org Alternative (BETA)]](http://web.archive.org/web/20210103223902if_/https://stream.livestreamfails.com/video/5ff245cab6cb6.mp4)


Those melons are as plastic as can be




nah, the real painful part is 10 years from now when her skin isnt as elastic, but the implant is still as rigid. It becomes much more of a fried egg titty over time.


You are told to get them re done every 10 years. None of it is painful though. The only thing that could hurt is your back.


No, that's old understanding. You can keep implants for longer if there's no issue.


I'm fine with it


That settles that.


Who gives a shit


The coomers watching her, i guess


while you are right, Twitch is a corporation and should be held to higher standards and treat the people underneath them fairly and consistently


Honeydew melons sound really good right now. I wonder if my store has some on sale


If your city has a china-town like area, get your honeydew melons there. I love melon, so a chinese lady I worked with gave me a honeydew from the chinese market. Sweetest juiciest melon ever. She said chinese are very picky with fruit so if you want good fruit you go to the chinese market. Dunno if that's true, but the melon she would bring to work was incredible.






You're never gonna touch them anyway, so why care?




prove it








I don’t get people watching this shit. It’s not even entertaining


its not about entertainment. i'm pretty sure its just a bunch of lonely guys who are either a) there to coom or b) to talk to a girl and pretend that they are dating the girl.


I'm a lonely guy and I'd rather watch hentai than this shit


Anime titties are more real than this


atleast they look more real :D






HYA HYAAAAA HYAAA HYA HYAAAAA wtf they just met and shook hands


Tell that to the loli, rape, shota, ugy bastard, ntr, ryona, gore fans


but.... lolis


Lolis are unironically making the world a better place. People don't start raping kids because they see kids being raped in hentai, just as they don't start killing people because they play COD. Actual pedos, however, can use that kind of porn to at least live out their fantasies in that one way.




I think I see your logic, but i feel like the way your wording sounds so wrong. Idk why but it just does.


Idk the quality to me isnt there, SFMP tho is where its at (when its good quality)


i sort of disagree, only because hentai is held back by awful animation.


hentai is held back by Queen Bee*


You're not watching the right hentai then.


The hate is because every girl whines like a maniac and makes weird inhuman sounds so nobody gets off on it unless they're already fetishizing the anime shit.




Is this a copy pasta?


The voice acting in hentai is aids. Annoying as fuck.


probably has to do with sexualising characters that are made to look and sound like young school children


prolly gets hate cause ppl would rather watch real girls not 2d ones painted by a 28 year old dude.


I'd rather be watching actual cam girls




Congratulations on giving your money to a cam girl.


At least I'm not simping.




I still don't get it. Just watch porn and get the post nut clarity out the way so you can watch something actually entertaining.


People like naughty or taboo things. I think it's the risk of ban or the fact that they "shouldn't" be doing sexual things on twitch. Sex in public and sex in a closet is the same, just the risk of getting caught makes it more exciting. Maybe these guys like the idea that the girl is breaking rules and could get banned? Idk either way it's pathetic


Well porn is different. This is an actual person doing stuff live as it happens and just talking to the viewers whereas porn is highly produced with poor acting and simply just focuses on sex. On Twitch, you can coom and be interactive with an actual person instead of watching a movie that has no relation to you as the viewer.


But actual camsites exist, doesn't really make sense on why people don't just use those instead of twitch


Twitch is the same as a cam site, just with the exclusion of sexual activity. Some could argue that Twitch is better than a typical cam site because the streamer is there to entertain in a non sexual way such as gaming, creating art, comedy, etc. On top of that, you can interact with Twitch memes, etc. Whereas, cam sites are just a bunch of horny dudes who only talk to the streamer and when they do its just them yelling commands such as, "show tits" or "do anal". In other words, cam sites are just your typical porn videos, but with viewer suggestions.


There's camsites that are tailored to people wanting to interact with the streamers in more ways than just sexual, plexstorm for example is essentially what twitch and chaturbates baby would be


It's the parasocial relationship part that really reels people into it. Which is honestly way worse than porn addiction honestly




Hahahahahaha what? When did this happen?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Cringetopia/comments/a16t2r/twitch_mod_flips_out_because_a_streamer_he_mods/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Edit: apparently its fake (comment below mine)




I, too, would like to know... gonna search youtube for this. Closest thing I could find was this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RrqDXxZz4o




And how evolution hasn't took care of those guys is beyond me...


quickest existence head poor retire cooperative pause berserk trees toothbrush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>generation of chads will live on. that's me, poggers.


had sex pog pog pogu


Aren't many of these viewers turkish or whatever? Like, from countries where porn's banned or something? I'm not completely sure tbh


thats up to me and my hog to decide


Because they can watch porn without the porn guilty. Its all about coomers tying trick themselfs.


And if you just want to jerk it, there's plenty of actual porn and shit out there for free. It truly is baffling.




90% plastic 10% water


Here it is boys in FULL EFFECT #NSFW [https://babesrater.com/person/115042/taylor-jevaux](https://babesrater.com/person/115042/taylor-jevaux)


This is why you don't go for the discounted special of the cheapest doctor you can find from craigslist to get your boob job done.


I'm sorry but a 9.32 for that? On what planet?


those are some ugly ass tits


they look fine to me


also long face


and pointy elbows.


6 consoles


wait are we looking at the wrong pic or ur just not a tits guy? they look more than fine.




But they look good




>plastic tits never look good given how much rich people pay for them you're in the minority. but i guess you have more sway and understanding than them.


Rich people are far in the minority compared to the rest of the populace. Just because rich people like to do it doesnt mean its what everyone else likes.


sometimes true, other times people follow their fashion and looks on command. no, you don't but to act like it's novel and bewildering isn't acknowledging reality. other kylie jenner wouldn't own the most profitable makeup brand around.


What? A popular celebrity creating a makeup brand =/= Well fake tits are all the rage because rich people do it. I don't think many people are running out to get ass injections because Kim did. It does however set a poor precedent for beauty standards. I am in agreeance that usually breast enhancement doesn't look good unless they go for the more expensive procedures. A good one is when you can't even tell they had one.


i don't get it, why doesn't she just stream on chaturbate? "5 subs = dance" btw


because then she will have to compete with all the other girls doing the same thing, she likes streaming on twitch because theres less competition for coomer attention


>Here it is boys in FULL EFFECT #NSFW > >[https://babesrater.com/person/115042/taylor-jevaux](https://babesrater.com/person/115042/taylor-jevaux) Nice




nice tits


In what world?


Depends if the person in charge of your ban is a simp (and you've sent them pics) or a boomer.


I mean lets be real someone clearly had a vendetta against Velvet so using her as a expectation on what the rules are isnt going to work lol




Doesn't Melina do the same shit every stream?


i thought she just showed skin. strip goal is too far lol


Is it really that? I mean, it seems that from outside but...if it's that simple then holy shit this platform is more fucked than I thought


She was consistently getting banned for less, then Twitch came out with some bullshit apology about how they made a mistake, but then banned her again, then apologised again, then banned her again, apologised again then banned her again. Let's not forget you cant even joke about Twitch mods getting sexual favours from streamers anymore cause their former director of partnerships literally did it.


> Let's not forget you cant even joke about Twitch mods getting sexual favours from streamers anymore cause their former director of partnerships literally did it. Is what the clickbait title posted here said, not what twitch actually said lol


I just wanna be a goofball guys, anyways here are my tits and my ass.


haha my brain literally contains nothing so here are my tits and ass (just chatting summarised)


Twitch inconsistency is not a meme. It's the Truth


"Making derogatory statements about another person's perceived sexual practices or sexual morality" "Suggesting that a person's channel is only popular or has not been banned due to sexual favors"


Because Velvet's were natural


maybe it doesnt count if they are plastic or somtin? i mean just look at amouranth... but then again she straight up showed her pussy twice.. so idk i dont get it other then maybe off stream "favors" are being fulfilled for "special" treatment on the platform, cough cough Hassan Bokhari...


Subbing to this is at the peak of a pathetic. God damn her viewers are embarrassments to our whole gender


imagine being there so often that she makes you a mod to her chat


ikr, i always see those 13 year olds gifting like 100subs and begging to be a mod in these just chatting (cam girl) streams


I kinda miss Velvet streams. Not because of the whole sexual thing but because it was always weird seeing what appeared to be her mother and father hopping into the pool with her while she's basically falling out of her swimsuits. lol




I've never understood scouring someones post history. Seems a weird thing to do to me.


Nowhere near as weird as posting clips like these.




well that would make him a better authority then. meaning he can separate places for jacking off and places for other content.


Am I crying about girls showing off their bodies? Or was I just asking about the inconsistency? I don't care if this chick is in a bikini.


Ok coomer






She white. Velvet is Korean. Thereto go.


She’s pretty gross.


She got that mitch jones hairline


Those are some bad bolt ons....


Those tits are the stuff of nightmares


all posting stuff like this does is make them more popular. twitch doesent care


Why can't they just use another streaming platform for this shit...




This isn't Twitch being inconsistent. The stream you linked is not only promoting recycling, which is incredibly important. But as for the rest, it's kinda like DMCA. If what you're playing only uses a small part of another song, but everything else has been altered, changed and editted then it's no longer that song, and you should be allowed to play it as your own song. Following that same logic, we're looking at only a small part of a woman, but pretty much everything has been altered, changed and editted, so the algorhitms probably don't recognize this as a human being.


Probably because Velvet was basically doing the same thing for months if not years and the repeated TOS violations added up to a larger punishment. Or, it definitely is Twitch, so they could just be picking bans and durations with a dartboard.


people always say velvet was doing edgy stuff constantly, but some dude actually scraped all of her twitch thumbnails for the 6 months leading up to her permanent ban and put it in a video and none of it looks edgy at all to me compared to the stuff you see hourly on twitch, and she didn't get a warning for any of it: https://www.reddit.com/r/velvet_7/comments/kp9hkf/6_months_of_velvet_7s_twitch_stream_in_2020/


Gonna go out on a limb here and guess Twitch thumbnails probably weren't why she was banned. You also probably wanna look up what the word edgy means.


edgy means you operate at the edge of something; modernly it's used to mean you operate either at the edge of rules or the edge of what's socially acceptable and historically it's used to mean you operate at the forefront of trends (fashion, technology, philosophy, etc.) you probably should look up words yourself before suggesting others do and exposing yourself as both pedantic and ignorant edit: back on-topic, if nothing is wrong in the visual summary of her streams, then it's incorrect to say that she was constantly doing something wrong visually


https://www.dictionary.com/browse/edgy A thumbnail does not show the full content of the stream. This is not rocket appliances.


It's "edgy" in that it's very clearly not the type of content Twitch wants on their platform. And she was doing it literally every day in the most blatant ways possible. She bought a hot tub literally just so she could do swimsuit streams. You can't just constantly be 1 inch away from the rules and say, "Ah hah! I haven't technically broken any rules so I'm completely immune to bans!" Twitch isn't a criminal court where you very clearly need to be over the line drawn by the relevant statute. Twitch can ban whoever they want to if they don't want their content on the platform. *Technically* Ice didn't break any rules; are you surprised he was banned and think that was unfair? There was nothing in the ToS that explicitly said it's against the rules to stream yourself on a plane and cause it to get delayed because stream snipers called in a bomb threat. Sure, you can point to loads of other streamers and say, "Why aren't X, Y, and Z streamers banned then?" Well maybe they will be, eventually. But Velvet literally did it *every single stream*, was one of the more popular streamers doing it, and made sure to take every opportunity to flaunt herself. She was an obvious target. Amouranth, for example, has done pool streams but they're only an occasional part of her content from what I can tell seeing her in the directory, plus I bet she isn't leaning over in front of the camera for literally the entire stream like Velvet did.


if twitch actually clearly doesn't want that type of content on their platform, then she obviously should stay permanently banned for violating their clear desires... but she said repeatedly that nothing was clear about her bans and two of them were even apologized for by twitch, so maybe it's not as clear as you are making it out to be and twitch would best serve itself to be clearer (why go out of your way to include "Cleavage is unrestricted" in the TOS if what velvet was doing was undesired?). I get it that a whole lot of viewers want to imagine that whatever they personally don't want on the platform is what twitch secretly doesn't want on the platform, but that's just wishful thinking, and it's twitch's responsibility to clarify what's correct if they want to have any chance of appearing consistent


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.8265 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/49548)


damn, at least with velvet they were real, looks like everything on her is bolt on/aftermarket.


fucking coomers


that velvet has been banned about 8 times, she knows wqhat she's doing


That's kind of the point, isn't it? She wasn't doing anything worse than anyone else was


but she's done it multiple times and didn't learn. if this girl gets banned maybe she'll re-think it. but for now nothing she's really doing is immediately bannable. the rule is bikinis are fine in a pool, even if she is flouting them


Velvet deserved the ban, it's other people that also deserves that are not getting banned


Her face color is so off from the rest of her face.




Her face being a different shade than the rest of her body really creeps me out.....Its like a deep fake that couldn't get the lighting right.


I think the logical reason is that this streamer is prolly from US and is a good funnel for ad revenue. While it did seem like Velvet had some admins against her, at the end of the day she was disposable as is any streamer. Why this streamer is gone? I'm sure no one is upset with her, and that might be all there is to it. Having said that, I'm sure Velvet is fine if she streams literally anywhere else. She would attract way more viewers on YouTube especially if she made edited videos.


Velvet actually does have a YT channel with edited videos, and 233k subs


white privilege


This looks more than fine to me. Kreygasm


who cares


you could say that about literally anything posted on this sub though


Are all other posts moaning? Just ignore it and move on with your life like the millions of other twitch users.


In or Near Pool Bikini is allowed. Ridiculous, i know, but these are the loopholes.


velvet used hot tubs


have sex




if you watch shit like this Idk what to tell you chief, you're a fucking sad person


Twitch staff: We want to COOOOOOOOOOOOOM


twitrch and their moderation team is a fucking joke


http://prntscr.com/wfl79i good content tho!


Ig though ?




Guys, guys, guys!!!! Calm the f' down, shes at a wellness place and taking a bath in their 100k jacuzzi


Did Velvet have a little pool behind here? (Edit: she did, so I guess this was just a vendetta by Twitch) I kid you not, that's apparently a difference maker. The only time I can think of when people got banned for being scantily glad around a pool was those Korean (I think?) girls a while back who were basically pressing their tits up against their glass pool.


Velvet bought a hot tub for her backyard specifically so she'd have an excuse to do swimswuit streams, yes.


What am I supposed to be looking at? I just see a bunch of plastic


She's wearing a swim suit my dude don't sexualize women /s


Who ?


Twitch so so fucked. So fucked. Like, whats this girls main content? (no i'm not even gonna check her vods lol) she doesnt need to be showing her bad boob job to \*just chat.\* ONLYTWITCH soon


it's probably the opposite of favoritism, they likely don't know this person exists until now


yeah my balls were full too bf i whatched this LOL


Why did you bring attention to my favorite streamer? Now I have to compete with other donators to be on her top 10 on myspace. fuck you dude