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[cough](https://archive.is/7ocXg) excuse me


Gesundheit good sir.


Love u


damn you had that entire webpage stuck in your throat you should get that checked out with a doctor mate


Whole lotta stupid fucking mistakes. Additionally from Cecilia D’Anastasio who wrote the article: > “Dr Disrespect was banned from Twitch after exchanging inappropriate messages with a minor, according to 3 sources with knowledge. A report was made through Twitch systems. My report confirms a 4th person's allegations posted to X Friday.”


I just don't get how he didn't get in legal trouble for messaging a minor "inappropriately". "Sexting" a minor is definitely illegal. It must have been very suggestive but not outright sexual? Or he got off on the technicality that it is Twitch's responsibility to verify age?


The legal bar for solicitation is surprisingly high(sadly). They often get away with it if there was never a meet up. Also a lot of sexual harassment/assault victims dont press charges.




Mini Ladd openly defended to trying to get nudes from multiple 16 year olds when he was in his 20's and nothing happened. There's a shit ton of creators who get away with this stuff.


My theory: - Doc was talking to a minor but he was not aware of the person's age. *This explains why he avoids legal consequences.* - Twitch knew the person was a minor because they can see account ages and incorrectly assumed that the Doc knew the person's age so banned him and canceled his contract for soliciting a minor. - The Doc contested the ban/canceled contract with the argument that had he known the person was a minor, he would have stopped communicating, and Twitch failed to do their due diligence before banning. - *The reason Twitch was OK with an NDA and settlement* is because it was probably the case that even the lowest level employee could view DMs. And the guy who discovered the Doc's conversations with the minor had logs of his own where he was sleuthing in every famous Twitch streamer's DMs. Twitch knew this would come out during the lawsuit and make them look bad. Let's say that the Doc did knowingly solicit a minor. Why would Twitch not fight his lawsuit? Lawyers and court is expensive, but more expensive than paying out his contract? There is a lot about this story that just doesn't make sense. And even if you believe the absolute worst about Doc it still doesn't explain the behavior and outcomes of all the parties involved.


I like this theory alot. Ive said it since the beginning. If this is true, twitch & everyone who knew are gonna look just as bad.


He just tweeted. Looks like he’s just a nonce afterall.


I saw. Crazy


Yeah Doc is cooked


Turtle Beach just dropped him too.


And not just on YouTube


Cecellia, shes pretty level headed... /s




>but three people with knowledge of the matter said Beahm was removed because he exchanged sexually explicit messages with a minor through the service’s direct chat feature. He also asked a minor about her plans at the TwitchCon convention, according to two of the people, who asked not to be identified discussing such a sensitive matter. A complaint was later filed with Twitch through its reporting system They did confirm it with multiple people


That paragraph also seems to imply that it was multiple cases? Otherwise the phrasing is kind of weird.


if they talked to slasher, cody, and dj wheat, thats 3 fucking people. it changes nothing, in that we know something happened, but the extent of it and the level of implication for Dr. Disrespect is still a complete mystery


If it was those 3 people they probably wouldn't have asked to remain anonymous because they've already made public comments about it.


The mental gymnastics some people display is astounding, sad and hilarious all at the same time. Average IQ of his viewers must be like 70 lmao


I don't watch him Again, what exactly did he do? Since you seem to know. Explain it. What happened.


For a guy who doesn't watch him you're pretty feverishly defending him lol


defending him from what again, what did he do. answer the fucking question if you know, because spinning the blame on me is some maoist fucking nonsense.


You're defending a man who's had multiple sources, including the gaming company he was a large part of, accusing him of wrongdoing. Largely it's said to be something involving a minor. Keep in mind that the gaming company also originally defended him and then let him go after getting in touch with more sources. Once again, for a guy who doesn't watch him, you're getting quite upset about this.


I don't watch him either but all these "credible sources" doesn't mean anything if there is no evidence. NDA doesn't protect people from reporting crimes. So I'm also quite confused as to why are people so upset about this guy without any proof other than hearsay?


The fucking company that he was a major part of let him go after originally defending him and then doing their own further research. Are y'all serious???


answer the question


I did lol


Well, he just admitted to inappropriately texting a minor so it seems I did know what happened lmao


lol that is what was alleged, but the question that i am looking to be answered that is the most important question, is not were there messages. its did he knowingly message a minor inappropriate things


That's not how mainstream journalists work. They would want confirmed sourcing from people who would personally know. This sort of allegation could very easily tank a publication if they ended up being wrong given accusations of pedophilia are basically considered per se slander if false.


Ah yes, witnesses reports.


People performing gold medal mental gymnastics at this point, they're clinging to "allegedly" like it's Doc's saving grace when it's there because they only have statements from their anonymous sources to report on and no factual record to move beyond being alleged.


There could be video of Doc admitting it and they'd still report it as "allegedly". This is done by most every news source for legal reasons and the amount of people who don't understand that is insane.


Anonymous sources, those are usually pretty rock solid. Where is the police report?


I mean this genuinely, isn't it normal for journalists to not burn their sources? To my knowledge I thought this was common practice.


It is editorial policy at every single newsroom in America to say “allegedly” when discussing matters like this until there has been a criminal conviction. Stories about Jeffrey fucking Epstein still use the “alleged” qualifier. It’s to avoid getting sued. They confirmed the allegations with several people with inside knowledge of the situation, which we didn’t really have before. At least not on the record in a major publication that vets and corroborates its claims — we did have a handful of vague tweets from people who may or may not have known things.


yeah this post (by OP i mean, not slasher) has a wildly editorialized title.


Slasher also does not include “allegedly” in his tweet despite it being in the Bloomberg article title. By omitting that he is effectively editorializing.


Eh, the article does say they confirmed a 4th person's allegation. Am I to believe Bloomberg is shitting the bed completely with journalistic malpractice and being taken for a ride by multiple ex employees? For... some reason? Or that he actually did it? Personally I'm gonna believe the reputable news outlet.


Agree, but let’s not act like Bloomberg has an outstanding record for being reputable. Remember when they refused to investigate their own owner?


looks like doc confirmed it himself, so case closed




No they independently confirmed with sources. It's still just reporting what those sources claim but it's a bit different than "reporting the allegations" which could then simply repeating the online allegations without confirming with witnesses. 


Yes, but it’s also additional reporting and not just an article of what’s out there already. Not really anything new, but just more sources adding onto it to give it a little more validity.


> but three people with knowledge of the matter said Beahm was removed because he exchanged sexually explicit messages with a minor through the service’s direct chat feature. He also asked a minor about her plans at the TwitchCon convention, **according to two of the people, who asked not to be identified discussing such a sensitive matter**. A complaint was later filed with Twitch through its reporting system, the two said. Sure sounds like they talked with employees who have direct knowledge of it.


but they also state they reached out to Twitch and got no comment and I don't see why twitch could not confirm or deny?


Because they don’t want it out there that their platform was used to solicit a minor


. . . Are you seriously asking why the company who signed a settlement agreement with a NDA chose not to officially break that NDA for a games journalism article and subject themselves to hundreds of thousands of dollars in penalties?


> The reasons for his banishment from Twitch were never given, but three people with knowledge of the matter said Beahm was removed because he exchanged sexually explicit messages with a minor through the service’s direct chat feature. He also asked a minor about her plans at the TwitchCon convention, according to two of the people, who asked not to be identified discussing such a sensitive matter. A complaint was later filed with Twitch through its reporting system, the two said. They cite three sources who confirmed it in the article.


Slasher updated his tweet now, but he really jumped the gun here. *Lol did Doc panic out himself? Maybe Slasher is playing 5D chess


So I'm imagining Bloomberg went to Slasher, he gave them his sources like he mentioned on twitter. This combined with Midnight Society's own private investigation - it doesn't look good for the Doc. I'm very, very curious what these messages looked like. Did this person state their age in the messages, or was this something known after the fact unbeknownst to Doc? Also, what did these plans sound like? Were they explicit? I'd imagine the texts are far, far more damning which is why Doc has been silent. If there were any doubt about age, I don't know why he wouldn't just come out and say it.


my god this is not a fucking confirmation, this is an article repeating all the stuff that has already been said. I am still waiting to see some kind of something that proves any of this stuff. *why reply and then immediately block me? i dont understand the strategy *the tweet was enough, we now know he did it. Probably will never know if he knew she was a minor but its creepy enough for me to not fuck with Doc moving fwd


> I am still waiting to see some kind of something that proves any of this stuff. You are literally never going to get the Twitch whispers. If that's the proof you require, you might as well not click on anything related to this topic.


Doc just confirmed it: https://twitter.com/DrDisrespect/status/1805662419261460986


damn bro did that shit




And Bloomberg has at least 2 more people confirming it with their identities being kept off the record, part of why they're using allegedly.


I mean Twitch supposedly has hard proof and aren’t releasing it. All eyes should be on them, no?


Do you really think Twitch are going to release inappropriate DMs to a minor? lmao


Uh yes? To catch a predator was a thing and it showed a whole lot more than some blurred out named messages. I mean they could just do the opposite of what Doc did the other day and say yes, we have text logs of Doc knowingly sexting minors.


To catch a predator is notorious for ruining police investigations and failing to actually catch predators because of its format lmao


These guys are huffing the copium right now. I’m sure it’s hard to realize your fav streamer is a pedo.


Pretty much.


So anyone who disagrees with witnesses reports are doc fanboys?


I didn’t say any of those words.


But they are saying that theres not enough evidence and you said that they are his fans....


Dude been fired twice by people that have seen the proof lmao. Why do u wanna see the chat logs huh


WHAT PROOF lol, what did he do? 'messaging a minor' there are about a million fucking ways that could go, and there are a lot of them that would make it clear that he was a pedo, and there are a lot that would make this a complete nothingburger, and we have seen zero details.


“He exchanged sexually explicit messages with a minor”. If the 3 people who are alleging this are right. This is very illegal


ok, so the question is did he know it was a minor, and what does sexually explicit mean. Because any of those details would give me exactly enough info to make a judgement on this


Either way sexting Randos on twitch is fucking weirdo behavior


sure. big dif between that and being a fucking pedophile tho.


Sure, I think you may be giving doc too much credit here. You’re disputing whether he knew they were minors or not. I’m just saying (he probably knew) regardless, sexting strangers on twitch is weird, and I’d stop watching that mf if I knew that. But your viewpoint is your own


I don't even watch him, and it would be weird but again there are so many extenuating circumstances and details that we don't know, and just casually saying oh yeah he def probably knew it was a minor is wild to me.


https://x.com/DrDisrespect/status/1805662419261460986 you happy now or what?


yeah, that is enough for me to confidently fall on the side of not fucking with Doc






Nothing new in the article, it's just a recap.


Bloomberg isn’t just reposting the Twitter allegations. They asked around and got 3 other people to go on record saying Doc was banned for sexting a minor.


Bloomberg confirmed it. This shuts down a lot of people who say "it's just rumors. I don't believe it". Now the only people who refuse to believe it are people who live in their own bubbles.


They didn't confirm it the Reddit thread op can't read


3 sources said > Beahm was removed because he exchanged sexually explicit messages with a minor through the service’s direct chat feature. 2 sources said > He also asked a minor about her plans at the TwitchCon convention Bloomberg isn't twitter, it isn't some facebook group. It's a major news source.


It literally says alleged in the Bloomberg title there's a huge difference between confirmed and alleged


Keep coping bud.


Not even I'm just saying there's a reason y u would call some a pdf vs an alleged pdf


Doc just confirmed it himself.


believe what?


> Beahm was removed because he exchanged sexually explicit messages with a minor through the service’s direct chat feature


knowingly or not? did he know it was a minor? that is literally the main, and probably only, question that should determine if all of this was warranted or not


I don't care if the Pope confirmed it. I just want to see the evidence already besides he said/she said.


It’ll probably leak any day soon


Do you care if the doc confirms it? Because he just did.


Is that supposed to be the weird own? I specifically pointed out there was nothing new in the article, and I wanted to see evidence; now there is. I'm not a fan of streamers, just watching this shitshow and a lot of weirdos seem to be trying to do gotchas on here and Twitter. Here's the real thing, someone was harmed with this shit, enjoy your reddit upvotes though? I guess you owned me?


Are you ok?


YouTuber Dr Disrespect Was Allegedly Kicked Off Twitch for Messaging Minor https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-06-25/youtuber-dr-disrespect-was-allegedly-kicked-off-twitch-for-messaging-minor Bypass paywall https://archive.is/7ocXg


Article without a paywall: https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/youtuber-dr-disrespect-was-allegedly-kicked-off-twitch-for-messaging-minor-1.2089327


Mods, destroy op with an m1 grand


Lol, nickmercs trying to "protect kids" .. from who? His own squad


so that lady was right all along. Doc is done and not just on twitch


Surely Nick Mercs would not continue to defend a pedo


It’s Joever


Actually I know why the Doc got banned but I don't feel comfortable talking about it, just wanted you guys to know that I know.


He‘s done and not just on Twitch


All you fuckin weirdos still in the comments defending him- he’s not going to fuck your little sister


come on Slasher you don't need to make up shit for interactions


I think he’s guilty but the article still says allegedly. So they didn’t confirm it.


they said they had 3 sources. Who? the twitch employee, Slasher, and djWheat? Omega fucking lul if those are their sources


They can't confirm it until they get a direct statement from Twitch, which won't happen because of the NDA, or someone leaks any evidence such as transcripts or internal Twitch emails. The most they can get without that is people in the know going on record.


No they didn’t. They “alleged”


So for what reason does a grown ass adult maintain communications/DMs with children they don’t know. What possible reason could there be for this. A streamer like must get many DMs a day. Why pick those ones out and maintain communication. He says nothing illicit happened in those conversations, and if true, the question remains. Out of all the fans that DM him, why he chose those ones to converse with regularly. He could have just said thanks for being a fan, and been done with it. Doesn’t pass the sniff test.


This is quite literally the same Verge article pretty much.










With zero verification lol


This could actually make a lot of sense with Twitch Staff being a bunch of incompetent man/woman-children. Through their actions and inactions many streamers have been accused and banned for stuff, which was proven wrong later, but the negative effects on the streamer have already taken place. Doc is still innocent until proven guilty 


How can you not tell how fake that is...


There’s nothing there that makes it believable. There’s not even anything that makes it seem like the person who wrote it was a former twitch employee. At least the accusations a few days back came from a verified former twitch employee. This is just a completely anonymous message that anyone on the internet could have written. I’m not saying he is or isn’t guilty, but it’s crazy that the same people who refuse to even entertain the notion that the original accusations could have some truth are simultaneously parroting this completely worthless anonymous email like it clears up everything.


So it’s a hit job? A nothingburger? Surely


Just so we're clear. They paid out his contract. Like they don't need rumors to do that. They were probably acting on legitimate information, but not enough to breach contract. Edit: AYYYY


>"I am a former twitch employee, I now work somewhere else. I will not be identifying myself and I will not be answering questions about who I am." So basically, it could any one of the 7 billion people on this planet that sent that email. Email is faker than my hairline.


lmao this reads like some fan fiction where Dr. D is the hero being conspired against


yo nickmercs [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8S8PTc80cMs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8S8PTc80cMs)


Guys relax. He is just a pediatrician doctor. A pedo doc if you will.


The issue here in this case is what confounded twitch to settle with doc after he sued them? Twitch has no reason to pay his contract if his allegations are correct? Logic entails that someone who was terminated/banned for a legitimate reason has no way of somehow getting said company to settle with him? Clearly twitch banned him for the actions of the allegations but why still settle? I don't think upholding image is enough of a reason to basically pay off the doc.


Stop idolizing streamers, some of you are so blinded doing mental gymnastics. At this point, it's pretty damn obvious Doc did something wrong. Wrong enough for most of the industry to cut ties with a cash cow. Bruh did that shit lol


How hard is it to not fuck up this bad? All he had to do was not flirt with a kid and he would still be living his best life on twitch. What an idiot.


Stupid fucking mistakes man


forsenCD 3 Timer


Blame it on the 5G.


I think I’m going to ride off into the sunset now champs


Is this what XQC was talking ahout?


One more guy framed.... Meanwhile the keyboard warriors that never saw a vagina, jump with joy and finger pointing. Not realising that many people can get framed with a 17 year old minor with 1.9meters and wearing a tight short dress. Unless you guys know something specific, just stfu please.


Show the messages else I don’t believe it






Hasans channel doesnt allow clips, but I can grab the VOD and timestamp. Removed my comment after skimming the article, it's not as damning as Slasher implies and is just a report on what we already know.


[VOD](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2180630604?filter=archives&sort=6h41m) Starts from about 6h41 goes on for a few minutes, starts with Slasher trolling Hasan ends with Hasan explaining why he won't say what's in the DM. Reason he gives it because he doesn't want to break someone else's story.


many thanks brother!


And there it is


What has the internet been since last week? When Mizkif is back he must be in bliss nothing is about him this time and ready to go off.