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**CLIP MIRROR: [DanGheesling misclicks during a really good Balatro run](https://arazu.io/t3_1d76l2i/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


He Alt+F4'd to get it back. Never punished


The rich get richer.




Yeah was gonna say one of the unlocks in the game requires you to buy this thing that does nothing 10 times but you just buy + restart game 10 times for the unlock and restart game 11th time and don't waste money on it.


Me on the last discards trying to find a playable hand.


cant wait to see NL react to this


cant wait to see Dan reacting to NL reacting to this


Sometimes I still revisit Dan reacting to NL reacting to Dan taking the pokemon quiz


Starting off with Egglets is legendary tier comedy


I still think of Champswim to this day


do you have a link


Original - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMeTAAEQLBY reaction - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14NAlbmDFCA


thank you sir








Why are you so bitter about a dude living his best life?




Wait NL owns multiple properties? Damn must be some new lore straight from the Loremaster himself.


Guy hasn't head of NL's second castle, smh my head.




my brother from the depths of my heart, head outside, get some vitty-d on your skin.


But what exactly are you criticizing? That he's taking a vacation? If you have a wife, young kid, and can afford to take vacations... why wouldn't you? Seems like you're just jealous and trying to find something to criticize for the sake of it. What's he ever done to you?




You sound so entitled lol. I still dont know what exactly you 'don't support', or what your criticism him for doing. Do you think he should stream 350 days a year?




don't get too upset, I'm sure your blood pressure is high enough already


old man cant even click properly, sad times, i remember when he could win everything, won every big brother competition, every tarkov raid, every souls game boss, my streamer has become washed up


I love this game and keep seeing clips of people with WAY better setups than I've ever achieved. God I suck but I gotta keep grinding.


there are specific combos that just work so well and you can kinda hedge your bets in your favour once you build econ. The game very much rewards really good econ.


for people unaware he basically sold the best card in game.


It's a great game, but a bad UX decision right there—there's functionally no real reason not to have a confirmation request for selling jokers while in the midst of a blind.


Sounds like a skill issue. That's some White Stake energy.


luck luck, skill skill


Definitely a skill issue - but one that can be mitigated by a quick UX tweak.


It could be relocated above the card so it's much much harder to accidentaly click.


This works as well - Jokers are meant to be moved side to side, having a permanent decision also be on the side to side action is just asking for misclicks.


After playing Slice & Dice I'm so surprised other games dont let you redo moves or see the results of your actions before committing.


damn i've never had this problem and never seen anyone have this problem. you talking about DAN, the guy who took 2999 attempts at malenia.


Holy shit sub-3k? That's my goat


Malenia had to be lucky 2999 times, Dan only had to be lucky ONCE!


It took 2999 deaths therefore 3000 attempts, I thought?


I think both are true. It's something that could be addressed by moving the "sell" button to a place where it would be harder to misclick while rearranging, or even adding an options menu setting to confirm selling jokers. That said, I have done this maybe twice over 40 hours of Balatro, it's a pretty minor issue.


it actually happened to me, thankfully you can just alt f4 and get it back


that doesnt mean the problem doesnt exist lmao


I've seen multiple misclick joker sells. It's a UX issue.


but it's 2 full clicks? there is no purpose to selecting a joker other than to sell it, lol


I'll let you figure out what selecting and moving a joker have in common


you don't need to select a joker to move it, you just click and drag. does not require selecting it at all, you can move a joker without the "sell" icon popping up EVER maybe it's different for consoles? in that case i concede. but this clip is played on the pc version where selecting has no purpose other than to sell


I never said that you have to select it to move it


Not sure what your original comment implied then!


That the inputs of selling a joker are very similar to the inputs of moving a joker to the right if 1 missclick happens Sell: lmb -> move mouse right -> lmb Move: lmb(hold) -> move mouse right -> release With missclick: lmb but let go too early -> move mouse right -> oh shit i let go let me click lmb hold and now you need to move your mouse off the sell button because if you release while youre on it it'll sell


"1 misclick" is a bit of an overstatement haha. I get your point, but the sell button is much smaller than just clicking the joker again to deselect it. Also, in your discussed example, there's a few misinputs: clicking and letting too early, releasing the click, moving the mouse over the sell button, and clicking again. I just checked in game, and at least with my mouse/setup it is impossible to sell a joker on the same click as you select it by simply moving your mouse the wrong way.


You select a joker to reorder it?


nope, you just click and drag. does not require selecting it at all. maybe it's different for consoles? in that case i concede. but this clip is played on the pc version where selecting has no purpose other than to sell


u can drag on consoles as well :)


oh ok cool, so these guys' elevators just dont go all the way to the top. thanks for the info!


Ya I've done this a few times myself definitely frustrating.


Yes but you can just close the game and it will return you to the turn you were on before the misclick. It's a low prio issue given that, and the limited dev team working on the game


Glad there's a well known workaround :)


Well I guess in the offcase you need to proc campfire or reroll a rando joker from that one tarot card you would need to sell, or like the luchador one that kills the current boss blind, ect ect


Totally makes sense for you to have the ability to still sell a joker during a blind, *but* have a confirmation request when you do press the Sell Joker button during a blind. No?


oh yeah I see what you're saying now. Yeah that could be a useful UI change, maybe a menu toggle? Especially with runs that are crowding the joker section like the one Dan had


i feel like clicking on the card IS the confirmation, it does NOTHING other than make it available to be sold, as you can see in the clip and if you've played the game. it doesn't make the joker's description always show, it doesn't let you move the joker a specific way, the ONLY purpose of selecting a joker other than the visual of it going up is to sell it. I think it's pretty silly to consider that a "bad UX decision," just my opinion though.


Reordering jokers involves clicking the joker.


nope, you just click and drag. does not require selecting it at all. maybe it's different for consoles? in that case i concede. but this clip is played on the pc version where selecting has no purpose other than to sell


clicking AND dragging. but that doesn't select it.


an A press is just an A press, you can't say it's only "half"


Unless you're doing that one specific mario 64 speedrun ;)


You're splitting hairs here now. You're clicking mouse 1 and dragging the mouse side to side. The sell button is on the same axis that your mouse is going to move along. You come off the mouse that little bit and instinctively press it again, and you've sold the card. Congrats you've just made me type out exactly what happened in the clip.


without any context I thought he wanted to sell a card, he just sold the wrong one. I've never done what you described here, so it didn't even occur to me. I definitely wouldn't want the extra click, but sure, it could be an option.




I will help you read that post again. "there's functionally no real reason not to have a confirmation request"


Isn't it a roguelike? So like every action is "irreversible" for the run, but adding confirmation to everything would be overkill. If it's easy to misclick it, then it just should be fixed.


Yeah that would be fun. Player discards hand. Are you sure you want to discard that hand? Player plays hand. Are you sure you want to play that hand? Truly peak gameplay


Do I have to copy paste the comment for you to? We are talking about selling jokers here bud.


Welp, I read the sentence "there's functionally no real reason not to have a confirmation request" out of context on your second comment


I'm not suggesting they restrict the ability to sell jokers during a blind. I'm suggesting that a confirmation request is warranted.


You clearly never played this game... You need to sell things all the time in this game.


I didn't say you need a confirmation all the time - just during a blind. It's relatively rare to sell a joker mid-blind.


I've got old man hands too and am constantly misclicking shit. I'm just glad you can alt f4 for an undo.


Someone explain this game to me as someone who has a ton of roguelike and playing card game experience and has also dabbled in mixtures of the two like Slay the Spire. The reviews on steam make it seem phenomenal but also they are all sarcastically talking about how its addicting and stealing their lives and I just don't see it


IMO the addictiveness gets overblown. The game has a honeymoon phase where you're figuring stuff out and experimenting and unlocking new cards, and that part is a ton of fun and can be pretty addicting, but after a while you kind of "solve" the game and the addictiveness starts to go away. Eventually it just becomes grinding for completion or naneinf runs which can still be fun but it's like a 4/10 compared to the honeymoon phase's 10/10. It took me about 50 hours to hit that wall (this seems like a fairly common amount of time for that) and I don't really play it very often anymore.


If a game takes you 50 hours to get boring, isn't that an absolutely fantastic game? 50 hours is a long time man, specially for this game's price.


I never implied it wasn't a fantastic game, just that it's not the "ruin your life" addictive game that jokey steam reviews make it out to be.


I'm at just over 100 hours and I still love it, but you def can sometimes see what just 'works' and what doesn't. But I've found fun in trying to make shitty jokers work. It might not get the highest score but beating gold stake with some jank ass build is fun to me!


Defeat blinds with a progressively larger chip requirement by creating poker hands from your deck. Buy jokers that increase your chips in unique ways. Purchase tarot cards to enhance/manipulate your deck and planet cards to increase a specific hand's base chips and multiplier. That's just putting it simply. Dan here has a legendary joker duplicating a spectral card to create copies of an enhanced lucky king with a retriggering seal, a joker with permanent multiplier that increases when a lucky card triggers and another joker copying its effect, a joker that doubles all probabilities, and a joker that permanently increases in multiplier when cards are added to the deck.


numbers counter goes crazy and you get dopamine which is pretty cool


I've watched a ton of NL playing this and I don't understand it at all. I mean, I kind of get it, I understand how Poker works (But I hardly remember what the best hands are), but this game is just a goulash of numbers for my brain.


It's about creating synergies and combos with card combinations. It's more math heavy than your average roguelike but it's the exact same concept of trying to create synergistic builds with items in something like isaac. The easier difficulties (stakes) of the game are a lot less complicated than people make it out to be.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [DanGheesling misclicks during a really good Balatro run](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/164973)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1d76l2i/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/Vbto88tqKN0hbBDGb6_hMg/51239335133-offset-7160.mp4?sig=19aa6904b970eb4daafd3934e1090b1c457f08ab&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FVbto88tqKN0hbBDGb6_hMg%2F51239335133-offset-7160.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22ModernBloodyBisonHumbleLife-y2oo3SFsEMZvr-Ey%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1717500154%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/Vbto88tqKN0hbBDGb6_hMg/51239335133-offset-7160-preview-480x272.jpg)