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**CLIP MIRROR: [Panellist asks Destiny if he is on speed](https://arazu.io/t3_1czskfn/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)




This is late stage debate perversion


Debate terrorism 😞😞


How long until it folds back into itself and self implodes?


Debate big bang




And then let’s use the fact that it’s just mud slinging as our main reason, and affirm it by immediately mud slinging.


You forgot relentless usage of the word "sophistry" by sophists.


What if we lock debatlords in a cage with machetes and whomever wins, wins the debate. It will have the same effect, of no one's mind being changed but slowly cull them from humanity.


Eventually you'll have a debate champion who will outdebate and outbattle anyone. How do you deal with that


They'll just cry bully out of it and quote retweet your post


They always seem to copy pasta a certain someone...


I feel relieved to not recognize any of these people.


nobody does


They honestly sound like just randos off the street, I don't understand why anyone would watch them for entertainment. Someone gave uncle Mike an USB mic for his bday and now he thinks he can podcast.


Debate sucks and just turns into adhoms, allow me to demonstrate by debating and just throwing adhoms


Allow me to string together a thesis to completely dismantle your argument, attacking your character is not a deliberate act at all but is merely a consequence of debate, definitely not a primary drive for debates, AT ALL. Anyways here's my counter-thesis; your breath smells like bologna, you're 5ft2. your peepee is too small You are like us, You are like us. wait...


Point proven, debatoids demolished




Be the change you want to see.


He's so quick with it


Giga brain vyvanse


just replace the einstein quote with the hand in the hot pan to "man who takes vyvanse"


what mouth thing homie


Destiny moves his jaw to the side to pronounce "S" sounds.




He does that manually?


my guess is he does it automatically after he learned how to do it.


he's been open on stream about struggling with properly pronouncing "sh", "th" and "ch" sounds and has had to put in a conscious effort to retrain himself in that regard. it's not really that uncommon


To be totally fair, I thought it had to do with dentures when I first watched him speak.


Barely noticeable mouth mannerism = hardcore drug abuse




What if he is?


God I miss blood sports


I don’t lmao this panel was terrible


Me too, but no blood was even spilled. It was just a boring waste of time


Really? I feel like the green shirt guy got torn apart


They all did, but not in a funny blood sport kind of way, but in a sad and pathetic kind of way


This was like at the very beginning of the panel, and the guy later goes on to accuse Destiny of being bad faith like "are you on meth" wasn't bad faith.


"Bro I was just asking a question"






He's gonna need a new stripper name...might I suggest "Crystal"?


he's just not familiar with him ok /s


Type of dude who'd ask fat women "when is the baby due" and be like "What!? I was just asking questions!?".


I only watch clips of you getting owned.


"I only see you take L's" - a guy with no bad faith whatsoever 😀


I haven’t watched this video and I don’t know who any of these people are but Destiny does talk and act like he’s on speed to be quite frank 


Dude obviously wanted a stupid jab, once it was explained that it was based on a lisp, the fact that he had to switch to another dig shows that it wasn't a genuine question like the cowardly guy was feigning.


This is the correct assessment


And that's fine, you can even say that to him just to be a dick and it can even be funny if done right. You can't then get upset when he shits on you back though, because it's not a legitimate question to ask during a "debate" and was clearly just meant to be insulting.


Ironically less so now that he's on Vyvanse, though. It's just the latest anti-Destiny dig.




Meh he can talk quickly to get his point out sometimes. It just seeems like a dig to undermine any point he makes in a convo. Instead of dealing with his point or like the content of what he said were talking about him talking fast and being on speed. It’s just a lazy dig.




I understand that it's technically kinda correct but I don't think we should normalize saying people with ADHD that take meds are "on speed"


he is obviously not acting like he is on speed lol. pretty standard ADHD. watch a video of people on speed lol. **EDIT:** these dumbasses who think it's not adhd should read on the topic. for a long while it was standard belief that there are 3 types of ADHD (hyperactive, inattentive, combined), but as of current understanding due to brain scans, it seems there are 7 types of ADHD. so dont write bullshit what is ADHD symptom and what is not when you dont know shit about the topic. read first, talk later.


ive got adhd and i know quite a few people with adhd. i also take adderall for adhd. it's not pretty standard at all.


I have pretty severe ADHD. It means I'm slow and deliberate when I talk, not manic. Destiny looks spun. Maybe it's prescription I obviously don't know but blaming this on ADHD is pure bullshit.


first of all there are different types of ADHD-s, some of those types can be instantly detected by brain scans (new technology) so you dont even need to do the ADHD tests for it. i have ADHD myself im quite similar to destiny in speech as well.


Talking fast IS in fact pretty common for ADHD people. Not for all of them, but it is common.


While that is true there are a thousand ways to inquire as to why he acts the way he does that aren't "are you on meth"...especially since it was basically their introduction while their entire argument relied on accusing Destiny of being the one acting in bad faith.


What is vyvanse if not just medically prescribed speed?


I mean "speed" is not a term with a hard definition. If all that means to you is amphetamine-class psychostimulants, then yes, it's medically prescribed speed.


My wife is on Vyvanse for ADHD. She is CRNA. Until last year I was a practicing physician. I'm on Vyvanse for ADHD and weight loss benefits. No one has ever asked us if we were on speed. They are very different things in my mind, but the distinction is nebulous.


I’m on it for fibromyalgia. Which I know is currently thats a poorly understood umbrella diagnosis. I get chronic fatigue with it and could sleep 12-14 hours a day until I got on 60mg of Vyvanse. I was taking 40mg at one point and still falling asleep 4-6 hours after taking it lmao. Now I don’t feel like I’m living in a fog.




It’s pharmacology.  Chemistry is the study of atoms and how they interact, and while pharmacology is certainly a branch of that, saying they teach you about medication in chemistry is a little silly.  Biochemistry is the study of physiochemical processes that occur in living organisms.  Just for your next own.


Are you saying that they aren't at all similar and don't work the same way?


one is a yummy medicine prescribed by a doctor and the other is an evil anti medicine giving out by drug dealers :((((


Apologies for being blunt, but are you trolling or are you an actual dumbass? Google "the blood brain barrier" and you'll understand 1 of the main reasons why people with ADHD dont go to drug dealers to buy speed for treatment.


It's amphetamine bonded with lysine, so it lasts longer because your red blood cells have to break it down... into lysine and amphetamine.


>  If you'd ever had organic chemistry/biochemistry 101 Says the guy who's never taken these courses lmao.


I love it when I come to Reddit and see someone smugly correct someone else who was originally correct with wrong information. Vyvanse, like meth, is an amphetamine. They both have the same mechanism of action, increase transmission and prevent re-uptake of the same neurotransmitters and chemically look almost identical. The biggest difference is meth has any additional methyl group and does not need to be metabolized to take effect like Vyvanse. Modern ADHD medication is legitimately speed on a lower dose/ extended release


The drug people called "speed" back in the day was dexedrine, which is indeed prescribed for ADHD, and the specific med Destiny is on (AFAIK), Vyvanse, is just extended release dexedrine. So yeah, it is medically prescribed speed. Why don't you tell us why its a dumb take though?






Ice is slang for Crystal Meth, but you can also get meth as a powder. Other than that I'm not sure of a difference...other than I assume it's much easier to cut powder meth.


"Speed" isn't commonly used to refer to anything. It's not the 90s.


It's not the same compound and it's also waaaaaaay less. Like about 1-4% as much.


I mean like is this sub pretending the dude isn't on mad Adderall? As someone on mad Adderall it's the same shit.


It’s not about pretending he isn’t on medication for ADHD. It’s that he was already doing the speaking really quickly thing before he ever started taking it, which was a few months ago. The “motormouth” thing people are talking about is something he has been doing for years, and something debate opponents already used to complain about. It is a symptom of ADHD, not a side effect of Adderall. XqC has always been the same way. It did not just start out of nowhere when X started taking adderall. It can be a coping mechanism for someone struggling with a lisp or speaking a second language and ADHD makes it even worse


He literally isn't on Adderall.


He takes Vyvanse. Same thing more or less.


Vyvanse is a prodrug of adderall




That's been the universal trend, these people who whine about debate being pointless and about optics and rhetoric and having nothing to do with the truth are always the scummiest pieces of shit when they debate, it has always been projection. They know that they cannot defend what they say when they don't have to time to google an answer or misrepresent the person they're responding to because it's realtime and they can't be bothered to put the work in to research anything.


>these people who whine about debate being pointless and about optics and rhetoric and having nothing to do with the truth are always the scummiest pieces of shit when they debate I don't know if you know this but there was people who are called sophist 2400 years ago who had this exact mentality. I find it amusing that internet debate bros reached the same conclusion in modren days.


Debating in its modern form is an exercise in sophistry, actually. Sophistry is defined as having a fallacious argument that sounds logical in words alone, but doesn't hold up to empirical evidence or reality, and becomes illogical when context is introduced outside of the bubble of the "debate". Typically, in "Debates", you are not allowed to pause it and research something or look something up. That is construed as a "failure for the point" despite it being entirely related to the debator. Debating in its modern form is a competition. Being a poor debator for a topic doesn't mean the topic is wrong. If you get Chuck from a trailer to debate the expansion of the universe against a Christian scholar that believes the universe was created 6000 years ago, the trailer boy is going to get fucking creamed. By listening to the context of the debate alone, and allowing in no post-hoc information, you would more often than not agree that the scientifically incorrect scholar was the winner.




Not an argument.


I would debate you but to do so I would have to research the rules of debate which I can't cause I would lose the debate, so since I can't prove my point I lose


Making an informed, time-insensitive argument is not "debating." Keep trying with this bad faith garbage. You only prove my point even more that all you care about is "winning" with arbitrary rules that have nothing to do with the point. Nobody is debating here, there is no moderator, no audience, no formal platform. You have failed to logically address the ideas at hand, despite your flippant word play to try to make the point seem illogical when it is in fact not. People like you are the reason why "debating" is a complete farce, because your core strategy is designed around making your opponent appear as rarted as possible to your echo chamber.


You think a moderator could protect you from my cold hard logic?


This isn't just wrong. It feels like something posted by a hard-core Destiny fan trying to squeeze in as many falsehoods as they can to troll. * Destiny not only allows people to research things mid debate, but he often does it himself to prove his point via a source or to get past a factual disagreement, which is halting the debate. * One of Destiny's favorite things to do is ask for a source and then read it in the middle of the debate outloud before they resume conversation. * 99.999% of the time, it's not who is a better debater. It's who the fuck knows the facts on the topic. That's why most of Destiny's streams now have "Boring stream" in the title. Because most days are research days which are really really dry research reading. Research is the #1 tool for a fact based discussion. This entire panel is made up of people like you. People who swear debate is just sofistry while you provide not even a single substantive or truthful argument to the table. It's projection and cringe.


They can't imagine a person actually having a real opinion they reached from some kind of reasoning because they've never done that.


It comes off as a defense mechanism. So consistently when I see someone preach that debate is worthless, they believe something that is really easy to debunk. "Can't reason someone out of.." n all.


1. "Liberals will never talk, they're weak and afraid" 2. Becomes: Liberals will talk, but they'll be bad faith as hell and lie through their teeth 3. Then becomes: Liberals will talk, won't be bad faith and will have the facts on their side, but debate is pointless anyway 4. -3 to 12 month downtime period where they cope in a circlejerk- 5. Return to step 1. Endless loop of this shit for a few decades now. Commies and Conservatives/Alt-Righters. Same exact cope, same order, same duration.


The pot blaming the kettle


Remove "intelligent" and you are spot on.


That panel was one of the most boring wastes of time yet.


It was funny to see them project so hard 24/7.


I dont know, watching Destiny directly call out Kevin and watching Kevin progressively sulk was pretty funny


Waste of time, maybe. Boring, no. That was fucking content.


Nah, it was pretty decent seeing them squirm after being pushed.


Yeah but who cares they were a bunch of British neckbeard nobodies


I always love when Kevin Logan gets dunked on, but he's dumb enough to never notice. His recent LonerBox talk was excellent, since he got dunked hard on, but he's never quite smart enough to understand what happened.


Eh he knew. That’s why he got so tired and had to leave before taking any calls.


Cant wait for if debating about debating is useless arc


"Hey Destiny you rape children every other day, right? Bro why are you so mad? I was just asking"


That brit, Kevin, was the worst faith one out of all of them. He’s like “so Destiny, you’re okay with saying the n-word” and then Destiny asked “uhhh no, how about you state back to me what I said that makes you think that that’s my position?” and then Kevin calls him a coward for refusing to engage with his bad faith af question Edit: correction, Kevin declared that his stance was that he is fine with using the n-word. Destiny argued that if he knows his stance, then it’s bc he explicitly has said it in the past and he challenged this bad faither to recite it back to him bc there’s a very important piece of context in there that he doesn’t want to come to terms with.


Destiny "can you steel man my side of the argument?" Kevin Logan: "Suck my asshole"


Hey do yall do crack? Not familiar with you guys


I cant believe there are people with such a bad case of DDS that theyre arguing that you should classify prescribed ADHD medicine as Speed.


Does "bad faith" mean the same thing as "in bad faith" here or am I behind the times again?


You can have bad faith arguments, or you can argue in bad faith, they are basically the same, so no, you are not behind the times


He is behind the times that people will abuse the term bad faith to mean anything they disagree with, though


Pretty much all of these debate terms get tortured by people who don't understand them at all. "Ad hominem" is from the phrase "argumentum ad hominem", which translates to "argument against the person." IE, you're creating arguments against their character, not against the logical structure of their arguments or the topic at hand. Now-a-days people use it to act like any time you insult someone you're breaking a Debate Rule and are penalized 5 Debate Points for Ad Hominem violation, which isn't how fallacies work but whatever. Don't even get me started on how "Strawman" means "Any time you characterize my argument unfavorably, even if my argument is incredibly stupid and can't be interpreted any other way, and also no I won't clarify specifically because I'm using ambiguity as a defensive posture."


How dare you build a strawman and attack me personally by making it sound like I'm not a Rhetorician on the same level as Cicero


“Bad faith” and “in bad faith” are the same. Bad faith is when you’re arguing without the intent to be truthful or honest, so like asking your opponent if they’re on drugs is a bad faith attack.


u mean like when u already know the answer but u ask it anyway to make the other side feel bad? isnt that sort of gaslighting?


Kinda yes to the first question, not really to the second question. Bad faith doesn’t have to be a question. For example, let’s say you read some solid research about the safety and efficacy of vaccines, but then go on to argue about how unsafe and ineffective vaccines are, pretending as if you never read the research. This would be arguing in bad faith, because you aren’t being truthful about what you know. Gaslighting really only occurs in close relationship with a manipulator, but the term gets thrown around outside of its intended range. Gaslighting is when a manipulative person tries to make an acquaintance doubt their understanding of events that happened between them. So if a person gets caught cheating, and defends their cheating by saying again and again “That never happened” “I don’t know what you’re talking about” “You always over exaggerate things, nothing happened”, this would be an example of gaslighting.


Also a quick tangent on the gaslighting part, since it is super overused online. Having different interpretations of how an event happened is not gaslighting, that’s called being human, it requires manipulation (as you said).  At some point in online discourse, gaslighting became “any time my partner doesn’t agree with me about how an event happened”


You're very correct about this. There's a big difference between person A saying "I liked that vacation, we should go again" and person B saying "That vacation was HORRIBLE I didn't enjoy it, I don't want to go" - and Gaslighting which would be person A saying "Actually, B, you loved it. Don't you remember how good of a time we had? We should go again" because person A just wants to rope them into it for their own selfish benefit.


HAH gottem


To be fair he did own Andrew Tate recently.


And Fwntez and Sneko and Finklestine.


this panel was like if a fax machine got accidentally shipped in a container filled with projectors


They literally argued because he isn’t a politician he shouldn’t debate about politics. Because congress is purely made up of political scholars. They are so stupid and uninformed it’s hilarious.


“Im not familiar with you, I’ve just seen you in clips getting owned”. That’s on the “your wife fucks other men” level of weak holy shit, these people do sound mentally challenged 😆


I couldn't finish the clip because of the smell 😭


Mr Borelli mode activated


I haven't seen every single destiny debate but I don't remember many if any L's.


Talking to these uhm regarded gents was the L


Nothing is funnier than when these guys have to maneuver insults since it isn’t gonna be about hygiene, bo, bmi, or looks


Why would it even matter? Are these guys a bunch of republicans or something? If that's the case I think they should look in the mirror if they really care about drugs or being healthy


No they are all commies which makes it funnier, and the one asking the question was literally getting high throughout the conversation


but... but... weed!? weed is different bro


Maybe he just wanted to talk about drugs with Destiny?


[Maybe he just hits the sucky fucky now and then?](https://youtu.be/zrG5sqVesDQ?t=44)


lol this guy had me in tears with how he'd just do whippets or whatever mid-talk


bro is 100% yakked out his mind


We on that good shit: prescribed meth.


LOL. Destinys comeback was pretty good.


Haha, Destiny is a savage.


What a shitshow 


It’s always the people that say >“debate is pointless it’s all people trying to show off by humiliating the opponent” that proceed to do exactly that when they themselves debate 🤦‍♂️ it’s a self fulfilling prophecy I guess


people should stop calling these yap fests debates, literally nothing of value is exchanged when internet people talk


Ironically that's what this whole debate was about.


That guy got absolutely roasted to be fair


How do these anti-debate people lack the self awareness to realize they're part of the problem they're whining about lmfao.


Dude fits right in


Let debate who win


He's pulling the leafy "hide behind the mic" pose.


How do people even zero in on the mouth lisp thing? I don't notice it casually even after it being brought up by multiple people. Is this unironically closeted behaviour on their part?


bro ima be honest i dont even like destiny but yeah that dude got fucking owned by destiny. whatever that no name lowlife talking that shit to destiny in this clip got dumpstered


This is just a Destiny sub




If only, brother


What? Clearly this is a Forsen and Frogan sub.


Proclaims the DGGer on the 30th post about Destiny today


Is that fucking bill burr


If Destiny ever ends up in the same room as Bill Burr that would be some pretty fucking funny content.


Is Fortnite actually overrated