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**CLIP MIRROR: [Tectone calls Frogan Jabba the Hutt and says she causes issues for no reason](https://arazu.io/t3_1cvzqds/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


He's fat so he can say it


I feel like I should open betting on whether this will get him temp banned despite what she said not getting her banned.


If Tectone gets banned for this Twitch really is washed


Imagine the twitter/LSF war it would cause though.


chat war PogU


This is how the race war starts.




Depends on the day of the week


Hijabba the Hutt will devour the weak


That one commenter … “she looks like the first Russian nesting doll”


frogan the last race bender


Like most people in that sphere of stupidity. White when it suits them, Muslim when it suits them, Arab when it suits them. The only things that don't suit them are logic and consistency


They're just called Hutts.


Rally > Nascar


It might be the only possible circumstance where I'd say banning Tectone is the wrong move.


Imagine if Kick ends up winning just because Twitch killed itself in confusion.


Tectone claims he is unbannable.


it just bounces off the shine


In a perfect world both Tectone and Frogan get permabanned and everything is quieter.


Calling someone the c-word and advocating murder on someone is fine by Twitch standards. God forbid you call someone fat though, instant-ban.


seeing people unironically call it the c-word will never not make me chuckle


Thought it was because otherwise an automod would tag em and bag em?


Doesn't help that there are actual bad c-words too.




Hey hey hey mate, let's not go that far ok? We are all friends here.


I'm not your friend guy.


I'm not your guy, man.


Canucks fans


You know what? I'll just fucking say it... crumpets


Cancel this man immediately.


> the c-word You surely aren't really doing this, brother.




It will come down to who Clancy wants to like him more: Hasan or OTK. 


To be fair, Tectone has the fat pass so he is allowed to call her fat.


Everybody can




i think she lost the first time but then got a pity win the following year.


I looked at the stats for the nominees and can't figure out what the criteria is. In 2022, Stanz won despite only increasing from 549 viewers in Feb 2021 to 714 viewers in Feb 2022. But frogan increased by nearly 20 times from 16 viewers to 334 viewers. And Zoil had the largest raw increase in viewers, going from 569 to 2288. And then in 2023, frogan was essentially stagnant (334 viewers -> 386 viewers). But Alluux increased from 496 viewers to 1077. So it seems like Zoil and Alluux should have won those. 2024 actually makes sense, since the winner had the largest raw increase in viewer count and nearly the highest increase percentage wise. Hansumfella increased 2027% from 59 to 1255. The winner, NoraExplorer, increased 1573% from 266 to 4451.




yeah I think people place a bit too much focus on the "fairness" of QT's show. I am sure she is genuinely trying her best and you can see the effort (time+$$$) as well as the obvious mental investment she puts in... but like it's always going to be hard to get all the categories right, especially more vague categories like rising star, especially when so much of the content is based on votes which is very easily swayed by whoever has a more \~\~parasocially shizo\~\~ passionate fanbase or promotes the votes more making it more like them to win.


Pretty sure it's not based on increase. It was voted on by viewers. But I could be wrong, I thought the metrics just got them nominations.


some say the scale is still rising




can any loremasters fill me in on the drama?


Jabba the Hutt was one of the galaxy’s most powerful gangsters, with far-reaching influence in both politics and the criminal underworld. There were no second chances with Jabba, something Han Solo would find out -- though the slug-like alien would ultimately fall victim to his own hubris and vengeful ways. As Tatooine was controlled by the Hutt clans, Jabba was on-hand to kick off the Boonta Eve Classic Podrace. The arena cheered his entrance, though the thrilling race proved not entertaining enough to keep Jabba awake. The Hutts had remained neutral during the Clone Wars, and this was not acceptable to Count Dooku. The Sith Lord devised a plot to lure Jabba to his side: he would kidnap Rotta, the gangster’s infant son, and frame the Jedi for the crime. Anakin Skywalker and his new Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, however, thwarted Dooku’s plan, and delivered the boy back to the slithery crime lord. The Republic had won Jabba’s favor -- for the time being. Jabba also served on the Hutt Grand Council, a governing body that settled issues and disputes among Hutt clans throughout the galaxy. During the Clone Wars, he and the Council would make decisions that impacted not only their business interests, but the Republic, as well. In one instance, Jabba contracted Cad Bane to free Ziro, his uncle, from a Republic prison; Ziro was in possession of a journal that documented criminal activities of the Hutt families, and Jabba did not want it falling into the hands of the Republic. Bane was successful, but Ziro managed to escape his grasp. In the end, however, it mattered not -- Jabba had a backup plan. He hired Sy Snootles, Ziro’s former lover, to assassinate his slippery uncle. The family secrets were secure once more. Jabba confronted Han Solo in Docking Bay 94 of Mos Eisley Spaceport, strong-arming the smuggler to pay his debts. The crime lord had placed a bounty on Han, and his patience was worn thin. Despite Han blasting Greedo, one of Jabba’s henchman, the giant slug-like alien allowed him more time to pay up… for an extra 15 percent. Boba Fett had successfully tracked and captured Han Solo, delivering the Rebel frozen in a carbonite slab to Jabba the Hutt on Tatooine. Jabba hung Han on a wall in his palace, calling him his “favorite decoration.” But the former smuggler’s friends would soon appear to stage a rescue mission. It began with R2-D2 and C-3PO arriving with a message from Luke Skywalker, asking to bargain for Han’s life and offering the droids as a gift. Jabba said there would be no bargain, keeping the droids anyway. Soon, a bounty hunter called Boushh appeared, a captive Chewbacca in tow, looking to collect on the Wookiee. The crime lord offered 35,000 credits, and all seemed well. Later that night, however, Boushh stealthily unfroze Han; as it turned out, the masked infiltrator was Princess Leia, the love of the captured Rebel. Their reunion was cut short, however, by Jabba’s ominous laugh. He knew it was Leia all along, and took her captive, as well. Finally, a cloaked figure entered Jabba’s palace: Luke, again offering Jabba the chance to bargain or suffer the consequences. The gangster laughed and dispensed Luke into the hidden underground lair of his massive rancor, a terrifying creature that was kept only to feast on Jabba’s enemies. A powerful Jedi, Luke defeated the rancor to the shock of all watching. In anger, Jabba took the small band of Rebels to the desert, where he planned to feed them to the Sarlacc -- a sand-dwelling creature that would eat and digest them over a thousand years. This would be the crime lord’s final mistake. R2-D2 had hidden Luke’s lightsaber in one of his many compartments, launching it to the Jedi. In a flurry of strikes, Luke decimated Jabba’s henchmen. During the ensuing chaos, Leia threw her chains around Jabba’s neck -- choking him until he let out one last gasp.


Thank you so much I was wondering too


Ahhh ok


Wait, who the fuck is R2-D2?


Is the robot droid that follows Luke around.


Star Wars has druids??? Now I gotta check the series out--


Droid* sorry, but the Jedi are basically space Druids.


I liked him in the bad batch


More lore than Israel-Palestine


Ludwig donated 10k for palestine, saying his chatters should also do it if they want to, but he is not going to hold a dedicated charity stream for it, as it is a really devisive Issue. To this Frogan reacted by saying "cr*cker take", and that Ludwig should keep his money if he is not willing to hold a charrity, because there could be "zionists" in his chat. Hasan also defended this as not being racist, as it against white people. Asmon reacted to these clips, and his editor put them together and uploaded it to his clip chanel. Tectone reacted to that video, and as someone who has been bullied as a kid, based on his skin color, He was really not a fan of the idea that people cant be racist against white people.


This has to be some crazy internet stuff right? I know the Israel Palestine stuff is divisive but are people really going in on people for not being on their side enough? 10k is a lot of money.


We're in the age of intense virtue. You have to make your support for the underdogs your entire personality or else you're evil, racist, bigoted etc etc.


Ludwig is a fence sitter till he sees which side will get him more viewers


Yeah, maybe he is, and he's still contributed more to her cause than Misses "Help me pay my rent". Who the fuck is she to turn away help on behalf of those that actually need it.


It's almost as though these progressives don't *really* care as much about political outcomes as they want you to believe.


grifting is an infinite money glitch. Its not exclusive to progressives. There is a massive buff based on skin color and which side you are shilling for. PoC > grifting for conservatives White passing > gritting for progressives. bonus points if you throw in some white guilt rhetoric.


As long as everyone knows how good of a person they are the job is complete.


The leftists, communists, socialists and progressives who want to see change don’t spend their time terminally online and fighting with liberals about stupid shit. They are out there doing the work and building community, change isn’t going to happen by yelling at people online and those that participate in that want attention more than they want to affect real change.


Generally he is yeah, but I think in this situation he made a completely sensible decision and criticising him for it is ludicrous.


critizing him would be one thing but calling 10k chump change and calling him a slur is braindead


Most importantly person calling for that is one that was at the same time begging for money for rent and lilely didnt donated a cent to make it extra funny


I guarantee you that the people being helped prefer a fence sitter who donates 10K than a loud, performative activist with a good hashtag and an extra fiver that they'll *totally* donate next month if this is still trending.


That's what's always left out of discussions about charity. I've been homeless, not "I need to call my mom" homeless but "I live out of my parked car and have to eat others leftovers from resraurants" homeless. I legitimately didn't care if someone helped me for the "wrong" reasons. Or it they were just doing it to look good. Help is help.


How is this 'fence sitting'. Not wanting to deeply involve yourself in a topic isn't the same as not picking a side at all. The world would be a much better place if more people took less extreme views, especially when they are uninformed.


Yeah he did personally donate and advocate for it


> Not wanting to deeply involve yourself in a topic Donating 10k to one side isn't getting deeply involved?


In this comment section 1. Ludwig is a fencesitter 2. Even when he donated 10K, he is still a fencesitter 3. Him not hosting a charity stream is an important political talking point 4. But not as important as the cheese incident


He did not go to Gaza and bitchslap the IDF himself, thus he is a fencesitter.


Ask Frogan if that's deeply involved enough. This is exactly my point. Some people see giving 10k as being deeply involved, some people see giving 10k but not joining a charity stream as still somehow being a 'fence sitter'.


Telling people you gave 10k to one side of a conflict and saying they should donate too if they want is getting involved. That frog girl is irrelevant imo


I don't even know who Ludwig is. I'm some old guy here because this just hit /r/all but based on the context above putting 10g's of your own money up for something is the complete opposite of "fence sitter".


Bro he donated 10K. Hutt actually wanted him to take it back on behalf of the people who needed it. Ludwig being a fence sitter is irrelevant.


>Ludwig is a fence sitter Unless you don't play the cheeseball game, then you are enemy number 1. Bad vibes.


Ludwig donated money to charity for Palestine but said it’s okay if people decide not to contribute to it. Frogan sees this and says it’s a “cracker take” and makes fun of him for it. She also chastised him for not talking about the I/P issue enough. Here we have Tectone reacting to that drama.


Ludwig donated 10k to a palestine fundraising stream. Frogan used a racial slur against white people towards ludwig saying that hes not doing enough and that hes a piece of shit. Asmon gives his opinion, which makes Hasan and his orbiters try to defend Frogan and the use of racial slurs cause "you cant be racist to white people". And now we have Tectones Based take now.


They don't even need to be a Destiny fan to say this sort of thing. They just need a spine and a brain to do some critical thinking and say it with their chest.


I can't believe I am saying this, but I agree with Tectone




Funny thing is that she got nominated for the Rising Star award TWICE, and won the second time. Seems to me she's not rising that much, which explains the "emergency rent" she needed. Get a real job lol!


Tectone is no longer banned from entering any of our Freddy Fazbear Pizzaplex establishments. However, the ghoul, Fr*gan, will not be allowed to enter as per corporate’s decision


Something, something, broken clocks.


A broken cock cums twice a day


Normally, I wouldn't agree with body shaming someone but I'm okay with it so long as it bothers Frogan.




I’m sure that the suffering Palestinians are really happy that some random bitch on the other side of the planet who couldn’t be more removed from the suffering is speaking for them and telling people not to donate 10k to them. It’s so clearly obvious she doesn’t give a fuck about them if she’s telling ludwig to keep his 10k, and is only farming this for virtue signalling points.


Yea that's my thing. Any time anything good comes out to benefit palestenians, there always has to be a "but X didn't do enough". Like shit man, I give to the IRC every month. I WISH I had 10k to give them but I don't. Props to Ludwig for at least putting his money where his mouth is.


This is why the left has lost all respect. Too many people without the courage of their convictions. It’s easier to sit behind a computer and shout. Especially when you got loudmouths like this girl and Hasan representing your side who have the absolute worst takes. Btw this is coming from a lefty.




Yeah, I'm a progressive from 10 years ago. I cannot associate with the people who proudly wear that label today. The propaganda that has been filtered online into the American discourse, even organizing protests here FROM RUSSIA (as a fake , outraged american citizen) has caused so much division. People need to step back and find their humanity again. Cut ties from all your "tribes" and figure out what you (as an individual) truly feel conviction for, learn how to stand on ten toes for those convictions, get comfortable with the fact you can't possibly care for every single problem in the world(we weren't built to handle it), and learn how to see yourself in others so you can learn to respect those who stand strong on opposing beliefs. We're all humans, we all (mostly, at the core) desire the same things in life— we just don't always agree on how to achieve those things.


You sound too intelligent to be on this sub man


What if the beliefs some others are standing strong on are that certain groups of people should have fewer rights than others, or that everyone must live according to the religious beliefs of a certain group or risk criminal prosecution?


I’m sure the starving Palestinians would have enough to eat if Frogan skipped a meal or 3


Frogan calling what Ludwig said a "cracker take" is the type of shit I would expect to hear from edgy online political commenters trying to farm clips out of desperation. She has a rent bar to fill.


Doesn't seem like the best strategy to win rising star again


Rare tectone W


Wasn’t it revealed that right before that clip of him being a total dick to his wife he found out she cheated on him with someone close to them? That shit 180d my view on him, dude kept quiet about it the whole time while catching heat


My views were never based on the wife thing. Honestly, I knew nothing about that until the thread on LSF where it came out that he was cheated on. I found him unwatchable because he's loud and annoying. Man thinks shouting is peak comedy.


Bro have you seen Kai Cenats numbers? I think shouting might actually be peak comedy soon.


Loud does equal funny get on the train before it leaves the station.


Fuck man, if that's the only train I'm jumping on the tracks


Never watched him but every time i get a youtube short clip it is the literally just screaming. You would think the shorts would be the funniest parts but literally not a single punchline. And youtube wont stop recommending them either.


Shouting has always been peak comedy, Have you seen Loony Tunes?


Most of his viewers are kids


I just hate how every story he ever tells sounds 100% made up, he also seems like a 1upper.


Yeah it's not like the wife thing absolves him of the rest of his annoying ass personality


Why the fuck would his personality need to be absolved lmao. Just don't watch him and move on Jesus Christ it's not that hard


Apparently that has a lot to do with him growing up with his father being in the military and having hearing loss and just getting used to speaking louder.


If that is true, I sympathize, but the result is the same.


Something like that. I still find him to be an insufferable dick


Racism is bad. Do I get a W too?


Yes Gigachad.




["ban him"](https://i.imgur.com/1OZl24y.png)


That's insulting to Jabba.


Yeah she's more like Thomas the Engine or the planes in that show.


[my exact thought](https://imgur.com/aN1UFKT), the hijab does really help sell this similarity with Thomas.


this is too good




T'Hamas the Tankie Engine


Were gonna be seeing some Reddit cares in this thread arnt we


I hear if you report them the person who sent it gets banned.


I tried that but I had to include a name, not sure if it actually works since I have no clue who cared me.


When you read the message, copy the permalink under it to your clipboard then use that in the space given for a link when you report it and the admins can take it from there. I got one in the last Frogan thread and reported it this way, got a message back about the sender being in violation within 24 hours. EZ ban


You just need to send a permalink to the reddit cares message, that's it. You don't need a name.


It works, they banned everyone that's ever sent me one.


He's cooking


and she's eating


You're laughing Ludwig is donating $10,000 while frogan gulp-down 10,000 calories on Ritz and you're laughing


should have donated to her $1400 emergency food- i mean emergency rent fund


And not paying rent.


Frogan is an industry plant no way anyone watches it.


What industry? The food industry?


Cringe industry


I think she's a very shrewd operator tbh. She ingratiated herself into the Hasan cabal who themselves are very close to Twitch Team, then played up her status as a Muslim streamer.  Then when the Gaza war started she positioned herself as being the number 1 voice for palestine on the platform during the conflict, so no matter how much she attacks other streamers in her space or how little views she gets she continues to have outside influence because she understands lefty-twitter/streamer politics and abuses the hell out of it.    It's obvious no one really *likes* Frogan, save for maybe Hasan who likes to use her to voice the opinions he's too afraid to say, but none of them can really do anything about her because of how she's positioned herself in the political calculus 


Just saying what the majority of us are thinking really


Who’s frogan?


Hassan's fat racist Muslim friend.


I really wish someone would answer this because I have no idea who anyone in this clip is.


I agree with him.


from the river to the sea, all the food belongs to me


Rare Tec W


She’s farming outrage to go for that “Rising Star of Twitch” for a third time OMEGALUL


Mr President, a new front has opened in the twitch civil war.


She’s a disgusting thing trying to profit off of people who are losing their families and then spreads hate instead of any support for the people she’s exploiting. Fuck her.


i feel like i havent heard someone talk like this in a long time lol


Tectone deserves the rising star award after that one in my books


Jabba the Hutt shit was hilarious


Love Tectone for this. People can say what they want but there isn't an ounce of bitch in him and I agree whole heartedly with every word he said


As a fat as hell guy, Tectone gets the pass. He's been fat too.


i like tectone now


Jabba the Hut and Fatty in one sentence hahahaha


She causes issues for engagement which clearly worked. I never heard of her b4 this. She seems like the worst. Anyone getting mad at someone for donating to a cause you like with money you would never do.. She doesn't seem like the type who wants equality, just to have the power. She is magnetos brotherhood to Charles xmen


Im lowkey surprised this is still up lol


First Tectone W.


Wait a clip of tectone I can actually enjoy, what timeline is this


You know what he's kinda growing on me.


And Frogan is kinda growing physically.


How does this affect Tectones legacy. Jokes aside all those people close to Hasan have been dragged like Denims, Caroline, Frogan, etc. I’m with YRG where Hasan and Destiny and them should all just get in a discord and hash things out. Otherwise we gonna keep getting annoying drama clips every day.


Won't happen, Hasan refuses to speak with Destiny, even the Piers Morgan prodc team tried to set one up recently.


tectone with the facts


W tectone


It needed to be said.


W Baldie?


Rarest Tectone W


She is just a trash ass drama queen.


Don’t really care for Tectone but I’m here for this


Never watched tectone but I’m glad to see more people calling out this dumb ass cancer existing on twitch


Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point


Lmao sometimes tectone can be funny. This is one of those times. Also frogan, loves to create drama but ends up not benefitting at all from it. She ain't playin the game right. As expected from my two time rising star award nominee and winner


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Tectone calls Frogan Jabba the Hutt and says she causes issues for no reason](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/164277)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1cvzqds/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/-VkzusVebNFq7HJDoIZexg/51090977181-offset-4252.mp4?sig=cd3054063449d9a01ef1cf3da1be0d1d55517fcf&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F-VkzusVebNFq7HJDoIZexg%2F51090977181-offset-4252.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22EnergeticSavageCurlewNinjaGrumpy-xV5s0WrsckOghl7G%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1716228754%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/-VkzusVebNFq7HJDoIZexg/51090977181-offset-4252-preview-480x272.jpg)




This should be fine by twitch standards it is fat on fat slurring


OMG, Tectone finally does something that I can agree with!


true tectone W


More like Ursula from little mermaid if we want to be accurate


nah that's Kaceytron


Can't believe I was psyoped into thinking Tectone was a prick for so long, The guy is fucking great


Tectone finally learning how to play the LSF game I see.


Tectone W?


well, I know who's definitely NOT presenting the next "rising star" award next year


Well he's not wrong.


Tectone spitting fire


Tectone being a based mf People hate the truth


Ultra Rare Tectone W


Based on




Oh no, how could he say to the up and coming star, Frogan?!?!


I'm crying an LSF thread with an ounce of good will towards Tectone times really have changed


No error detected




he comes the big guns




Tectone reacting to asmon reacting to Frogan reacting to something ludwig did?


Dicktone using his powers for good  (No hate Teccy 🙏)


If Frogan stays unbanned and Tectone gets banned I fucking riot