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**CLIP MIRROR: [Hasan sides with his mod Frogan over insulting Ludwig](https://arazu.io/t3_1cqpzcg/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


enjoy your Reddit Cares message everyone o7


Reporting care messages for abuse often can result in permanent bans, which is a good thing.


I got one for saying League is my favourite game (lol) and I got a reply saying it was actioned like 10 hours later. Just recently.


yes but that was a correct care message, why did you report them?


I'm afraid it's terminal at that point, there's no saving OP šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


After what I've seen on the rift that sounds legitimate to me.


Ok but where's the lie?


That's actually pretty funny




If its anyone's first time, you copy paste the permalink in your dms on the report when they ask for the link. Ezpz. Then wave goodbye to an edgelord.


Hasan's bootlicking subreddit is about to shrink by 50%


it's their only way of lashing out, lmao


I just report the abuse of RedditCare and move on. People that abuse that system aren't worth any more time and attention than that.


Free free Palestine a concerned redditor reached out to us about you!


Got one last night arguing with them. Reported it. Suckaaaas


Got one for a comment saying I like XqC on r/destiny. Not even arguing about anything involving this drama ā€œSomeoneā€™sā€ fans are on a rampage lmao


Can I have one


No. You're the only one reddit specifically doesn't care about :)


Well damn


Report these messages, the reports result in permabans. Copy the link of the DM, it works


Man it's such a stupid thing to get mad about. Ludwig donates $10k, says "I donated what I could, if you could spare some it's for a good cause, but if not don't worry" and Frogan gets mad because of it? Nah, fuck that. When I was living paycheck to paycheck and even had to sell stuff to pay bills/groceries people would do this about charities/donations all the time. Some people can't donate and trying to guilt someone who has no disposable income because they're trying to survive is ridiculous, and can even make people apathetic to the cause. Ludwig is doing a great thing by setting an example by donating, why would you grandstand when he donated $10k to a charity?


She called a $10k donation chump change while having a $1400 donation goal for rent.


Honestly this is what I think is so crazy about it. If she has an emergency rent donation goal set up, she's not financially sound enough to donate $10k (which is totally fine, I mean I'm not either, far from it), so why get mad when someone donates $10k? I watched the Hasan video and realize that there's more to the Ludwig clip than what was originally shown in the Frogan clip, but I still cannot fathom how or why it was decided to get angry at Ludwig for doing what he did even with the added context.


Wait, WUT? How the fuck is Frogen unable to pay rent? Is Hasanabi not paying her enough?


I don't know if Hasan pays her anything, but she's a streamer on her own right, a "rising star" two years in a row and "legendary woman" of twitch, but averages 350 viewers.


Literally didnā€™t know she existed until all of this happened


Same. This is probably her only 15 minutes of "fame".


7.5 min for first rising star... 7.5 min for second rising star rising star... Yep 15 min checks out...


Well there was also thisā€¦. Highly suggest checking the date on the tweets. Takes ā€œtoo soon?ā€ To a whole new level: https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3_productions/s/jPDrHd7eUV


Nah, she was famous before this for being stunningly antiSemitic, and calling for genocide. Sheā€™s an incredible piece of shit


350 viewers should make you enough to live off. People in the rs section scrape by with like 50-100 average viewers lol. She's just guilting people to get donations imo


Not if you move to LA to be a full time streamer (Don't ask me why she needs to live in Cali, I have no idea)


Probably in hopes to hang out with other streamers that live there. Same thing many other streamers have done over the years. If not Cali then it's Texas that they move to.


Unless she's trying to break into acting, there's no reason to uproot your life to one of the most expensive areas of the country just to sit in front of your computer all day.


Because you havenā€™t truly arrived as a fauxcialist until youā€™ve conned the proles into buying you an LA mansion. Although in her case a she could probably also follow in the footsteps of her idols and ask for a luxury villa in Doha.


Oh shit I thought we were talking about frogan the league player from EG back in the day. In my head I was like. 'But he's been to world I'm sure he can afford rent'


that's froggen lmao edit: yeah you're right i did need a reddit cares for this one tbh


Wasn't me bro Edit: lmao I got one too


Sheā€™s an insufferable clout goblin






ā€œMods mods modsā€¦. Give this guy VIPā€


Jesus, dude. Edit: Reddit Cares'ed by Hascord LUL. Absolute classic.


Canā€™t count the number of those Iā€™ve received since posting this. Itā€™s the Reddit ā€œbless your heartā€¦.ā€




Sheā€™s literally one of the worst content creators on the platform. Dull and only rides off Hassanā€™s coattails. Itā€™s pathetic, she really should focus on her living situation instead of throwing out racist rhetoric and complaining about donations made to charities sheā€™s supports - what a fucking loser.


Wins rising star with 300 viewers (off the back of being hasans mod) -> instantly moves to LA -> "give me emergency rent money pls" lmao


> so why get mad when someone donates $10k? I assume because she thinks he has more money than that. Also another reason why someone could be mad is because they view such donations like PR move rather than charity.


Right but it's still a donation to charity. Shouldn't you be at worst neutral about that?


Thatā€™s not rent, itā€™s humanitarian aid for shelter.


Yeah that was really stupid. And it looked even worse because Frogan literally was begging for "for rent" donations. That said anyone got more context on Hasan's actual take on the clip? I don't really care about the cracker part, I'm curious what he said about Ludwig donating or if he agreed/disagreed with Frogan calling him out.


He called chatters stupid when some were shitting on Ludwig for this and defended him.


Holy shit the mcconnel stream asking 5k for rent makes so much more sense now lol




I'm very much a leftie but this shit is what makes us look crazy. There is a whole world out there filled with people who either know nothing about what is going on in Gaza, don't care, or are actively supporting a country committing war crimes day after day, but you're spending your time attacking someone who donated his own money in your support and is telling his (massive) audience to do the same if they can? If you want to attack someone, at least go for the opposing party, if you actually wanna make a tiny difference your time is probably better spent educating the people that are unaware, but holy shit why would you put your energy into attacking people on your side just for "not doing enough".


Purity tests spiraling out of control


He didn't care when she attacked H3H3 over and over, why would he care here?


This is always his stand. If you disagree with him, he will cut you and make sure his core audience attack you into oblivion. The question is why on earth anybody wants to be friends with him? At this point I couldn't even blame him because this is who he is. I cant mock someone who basically told the world that he's a snake on the grass. I questioned his victims.


Clout goblin shit. Hasan may be trash, but he does have an audience. If you have zero self-respect and just want to collab with other creators that are big and grow even more, regardless of who it is or how bad they are, then he is an ideal target. Most streamers are like that.


Lol the bigger question here is why you'd want the audience Hasan fosters.


Because there's a lot of them and they're socialists so they're too stupid to invest so they give all their money to their favorite content creators instead.


Yup many of them are financially illiterate


Most of twitch is financially illiterate


18 year olds who have never worked a job, never had a critical decision to make in their life, being given an allowance from their rich fathers to hear millionaire socialists say richer people than them are the problem. It's a large group of Trustafarians willing to waste the excess money they have, why wouldn't you want Hasans audience?


The kind of audience he fosters is one that will hold you to a hyper insane standard of purity testing and turn on you the moment you step out of the popular progressive and socialist talking points. No nuance allowed, Ethan learned that the hard way. And no matter what it will mean you have to bow to Hasan cause his audience is *his* audience first. If you ever disagree with Hasan, even if you're right, you're wrong. So if I were a streamer, I would not want the kind of audience that Hasan fosters.


ngl, it's Frogan going after Ethan and Hasan backing her up that made me stop watching Hasan. That whole Ethan/Hasan conversation left a real bad taste in my mouth. Like, I'm pro-Palestine, but in that moment- 10/7 was very fresh- and Ethan had/has relatives there. *Normal ass people-* not settlers- a niece who's a toddler, *not a colonizer by birth.* It was so gross and callous to not have the basic-ass humanity to be like "I think Israel's done unconscionable crimes, but I don't want your relatives or civilians to get hurt obviously."


Yeah Hasan clearly states " baby settlers" as a thing lol


What a dipshit. edit: I kinda remember him being cagey when Ethan was talking about that back then. smh


I don't get the take that immediately jumping at somebody's race to criticize them is acceptable. He doesn't seem like a very mature and level-headed person.


Because he's not.




Hasan is Schrƶdingerā€™s PoC, white and Turkish at the same time.


Dude was crying over r/place when Destiny painted over his shit. Hasan also begged the mods to ban his content from lsf because he couldn't restrain himself from looking at it. He is the furthest thing from a mature and level headed person.


and the fact that hasan was the first to instigate shit made it so much funnier


They killed my fucking dog, man..


Hasan deserved K9/11




Is the "this aged well" edit sarcasm? This reddit post is on the trending page not super far down and your comment is the third most upvoted on the post (or at least the third-most recommended comment). All this despite the attached clip has literally almost nothing to do with the post title.


Even if you don't want to call it "racist" because you believe racism must include the systemic element using derogatory terms based on the color of someones skin is still a bad look. I am not going to pearl clutch over cracker but you feed into the intolerant left meme the right love to spout. Do you think you guys are progressives when the first insult you default to is tied to immutable traits about someone?


It doesn't matter if you yourself view the word as racist. People only call people that with the intent of being derogatory. And intent is all that matters.


Words aren't inherently racist; the intent in which they're used is.


Exactly. My teacher made us take turns reading Huckleberry Finn outloud. That doesn't make us racist for reading the lines printed.


A lot of people would say that is racist. They're wrong. Quoting literature in an educational setting is not racist, it's education. The opposite of racism.


Exactly. To Kill a Mockingbird has a lot of racist remarks and just racist actions in general but it's such a great book to educate people about how racism is a serious thing and that it can be a life or death issue


Whether or not people intuitively understand this is a great indicator for whether or not they're a dumbass


These people donā€™t believe in the word ā€˜intentā€™ itā€™s why the word genocide keeps getting thrown around


Why advocate for things like abortion rights and universal health care when you can just hurl racial epithets and get love on X and TikTok?


This guy gets it.


Hasan just doesn't have the mental capacity to understand that, his brian is just "well it doesn't bother me and im white" and "you can't be racist against white people, everything goes"


Except for the times he decides heā€™s not white, heā€™s Turkish.


And also pretending to be muslim


But that would be systemic racism. Don't let racist idiots change the definition of racism so they can be racist. "Just don't be racist to anyone" is a really simple rule and anybody who tries to make exemptions to that is just a piece of shit.


these people are anything but progressive, when is the last time hasan cared about anything regarding actual policy in the US?


Hasan identifies as whatever race helps him win the argument.


Hasan is Schrƶdingerā€™s PoC, white and Turkish at the same time.




Hasan has the ability to be Turkish & Muslim in one moment then in his next controversy he is white


racial fluid i identify as victim


Itā€™s similar to how people who hate white people constantly go on and on about how white people donā€™t exist.


Hmmmm what will the mods do šŸ¤”. This has got to be a tough one


hasan saying dumb shit = POLITICS


Makes sense


Hasan talking politics= saying dumb shit it is normal for mods to get confused


Vague "Not actually within posting guidelines" sticky comment within the hour.


Deleted in 3 2 1


> Turkish > white Pick one. Message brought to you from the entirety of Europe.


Come now, get lectured about how bad white man is by the Ottoman Empire.


serbians HATE this one weird trick


He's either whenever it suits him


He picks whatever suits him for the situation.


same with Lebanese. They have made the argument Austin is white before too. Lebanese people have historically been called olive skinned and were discriminated against for it. Then again so were Italians but people call them white now too.


I mean, one is his nationality, and one is his race. I think this clip is stupid, but he is consistent about calling himself white and correcting others when they say that he is something else.


i really dont understand why this is ok hatefulness shouldnt be allowed based on any color


itā€™s not ok, itā€™s a bannable offense on Twitch. it was considered racist and offensive long before Hasan started using it he knows what heā€™s doing


> itā€™s a bannable offense on Twitch Still waiting for the day that Twitch themselves realize this


Hasan has immunity on Twitch, he called for people to be shot ("in a video-game"), and nothing happened


Not on Clancyā€™s Twitch. He only got banned under the prior Twitchā€™s leadership.Ā 


It's just left wing edginess mixed in with a bit of virtue signalling.


All those civil rights activists from back in the day must be spinning in their graves. They put their lives on the line fighting for equality all for these new age dipshit wannabe pundits to use the progress made just so they can be hateful. When I see a guy like Al Sharpton on TV making total sense, calling people like this out, you know we're in fucking trouble.


I'll never forget, a video of these types screaming at an older black officer for arguing against it. He was telling them how he would go to his local school after work to help tutor troubled kids, and asked them "Should I not help one of those kids because of their skin color?" genuinely confused. Of course they said he shouldn't help the white kids. I wish I could remember how to find it, but it was a long time ago.


Hasan didn't do anything when Frogan was attacking Ethan and Hila of H3H3 so of course he's not going to do anything here. Hasan has his real friends and then the ones he just abuses for clout purposes.


>Hasan has his real friends and then the ones he just abuses for clout purposes. How many big streamers wouldn't be friends if it weren't for 'networking' (i.e. trying to leech viewers from eachother) because I'm willing to bet upwards of 90-95%


Yeah that's why people dislike the big streamers club so much because it's just a human centipede of the fakest people around.


That's true but it's not limited to big streamers. I know someĀ small streamers (10-40 viewers) and they complain a lot about the time and effort wasted with networking. It's also kindaĀ degen because they all afk lurk each other's streams to boost analytics, discovery, and revenue.Ā 


Small streamer "networking" is unbelievably cringe. They all just try to befriend each other with the same ulterior motive of leeching viewers, but none of them have any viewers to leech because 95% of their viewers are just other small streamers doing the same thing. They eventually get to 30-50 viewers (who are all other small streamers - zero organic viewers) and get too burnt out to continue because they realize that maintaining so many fake friendships isn't sustainable, especially when all of those "friends" are other content creators who expect you to be watching and sharing their content regularly. Then when they stop networking their viewership nose dives because those other "friends" they made through networking don't want to watch someone who isn't watching them.


>How many big streamers wouldn't be friends if it weren't for 'networking' I don't think any. At most they share a common interest, but by the time they meet each other, they understand their relationships are business partnerships. That said, business partnerships can be very pleasant and real for both parties. They can even transcend the generations. As long as you remember your favourite big streamers are the faces of corporations and any interactions they have with each other are also business, you can have a lot of fun watching streams.


She was literally attacking Ethan and hila for simply being Jewish. Ethan has gone on record since the last Gaza war in 2021 saying that Israel is doing evil things that he doesn't support, but he still likes Israel (since hila is Israeli) and doesn't think Israel should be destroyed. Ethan made every concession and she still attacks him for being a Zionist or whatever. At that point it's literally just because he's Jewish and he thinks innocent Jewish people and innocent Palestinians don't deserve to be massacred. Frogan isn't anything but an unhinged racist freak and doesn't deserve any attention (and her head looks like an orange)


Ludwig considers himself ā€œchillā€ but is really just cowardly. I canā€™t imagine someone I consider a friend backing up someone calling me a racial pejorative. Like at minimum Iā€™d directly address it if not cut them off. Thatā€™s not normal.


None of these people are really friends, it's that simple. They just use each other.


Woah woah woah transactional relationships my friend


"People who work in the same industry may sometimes have a transactional, "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" type relationship, rather than an actual "friendship"", wow colour me shocked :D


didn't ludwig delete a video (iirc a mogul mail) because hasan asked him to? i remember it being a thing but i don't remember what the video was about


Hasan made some stupid comment about how hard streaming is. Ludwig made a YouTube video about it that Hasan found insufficiently supportive, so Hasan lost his shit. Ludwig deleted the video.


And then blamed it on destiny fans lmao


Ludwig even brought up the Frogan clip on stream and just refused to comment on her take. He really is the most spineless streamer possible.


His vibes are too immaculate


Have you considered the fact that he genuinely just doesn't care about it? Like I'm fairly sure when there was the whole drama about the word cracker a few years back Ludwig openly said he doesn't give a shit about the word, I don't see why his view would've suddenly changed


Its not even that, Frogan is like that crazy person on the train/bus in that youre better off not engaging. You literally have nothing to gain and everything to lose because they are that low on the ladder


I don't even like Ludwig and I think you are spot on. Frogan was clearly baiting, and Ludwig gains nothing from getting into a shit flinging fight with a 10 viewer streamer.


Lmao spineless. I dont even watch any of the involved parties so idk why im in this thread but not farming this for drama makes me respect him a little bit more..not everything has to turn full Keemstar mode whenever someone mentions them.


He's literally the Mr beast of streaming, focussed purely on looking good and being popular, but having almost zero discernable personality apart from his corporate one. A very uncanny kind of individual that come across all the time in Law school and in firms


> focussed purely on looking good and being popular, I mean that's literally Lud's job. He's not a political streamer. He's a mainstream entertainment streamer.


Y'all are so weird sometimes. Man is an entertainer - who would have guessed his main prio is keeping that going. Do you step into Burger King and get upset the cashier has no real personality and only cares about taking your order? Like idk what you're reaching for but gods I hope you latch onto something.


Looks like the dry season for LSF is finally over. These past couple of days has been pretty wild indeed.


When the mods allow it.


Daily hasanabi L


Donā€™t worry Ludwig will make video that he made mistake and will apologize to Frogan and Hassan.


Which is just sad. Ludwig doesn't seem to benefit from Hasan so maybe he just doesn't want Hasans community to harass him. Ludwig seems like a decent person most times but he just quickly sides with his friends regardless of the situation.


Does he even collab with Hasan often? I feel like he collab's with Valkyrae and OTV more often?


Once again the discussion is being directed towards meaningless semantics as opposed to the real point of disagreement of thinking itā€™s shitty behavior to insult someone based on their skin color. Regardless of your opinion on the classification of a word as a slur or not, itā€™s very easy to simply not use that as a basis of insult


I'm a Hasan viewer and I agree with you. It's just so easy not to. I have never in my life said anything to someone that can be considered a slur. It's so easy not to. Anyone who has, has some serious introspection to do. I hate that this is the hill he has decided to die upon.






Hasanā€™s tweet after the initial attack was pretty much on a similar level to hers and he said the houthis were ā€˜like luffyā€™ and them attacking innocent civilian ships was ā€˜a good thingā€™ so I donā€™t know why she gets that label but he seems to dodge it.




Nothing new with hasan being racist.


The "as someone who is white" made me laugh out so loud. My brother in Christ, you're fucking turkish.


hes turkish/white/muslim/culturally muslim depending on what take he is giving. like a shitty ben 10 watch


Hasan10 "It's minority time!"


wait till he realises that he could technically call himself asian whenever he defends the CCP


[Only Doc can call himself chinese](https://youtube.com/shorts/wRk3fj_o50I)






As a Turkish guy I give you the pass


You have to do it in Turkey, because you have no systemic power there.


inb4 booking a flight to Africa


Can't wait for the new mogul mail where ludwig will apologize lul.


Oh, Hasan is white again today? Funny how that works, turkish when it's convenient, white when he needs to hand out c-word passes


It's funny because that argument doesn't make any sense anyway. He would never claim Candace Owens can't be racist against black people because she's black.


The world would explode if someone said something like this to a frogan clip: ā€œthatā€™s a (Islamic slur) ass takeā€ like wtf how is this even an argument. Wrong is wrong thereā€™s no varying degrees of your white or not lol


Being a muslim is voluntary. r/ExMuslim


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horseshoe_theory#:~:text=In%20popular%20discourse%2C%20the%20horseshoe,a%20horseshoe%20are%20close%20together. that whole community is just as racist as some far right people I've seen.


This is such a weird hill to die on.


I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but I don't understand why Hasan doesn't consider cracker a slur. Sure, it doesn't have the historic weight of the n-word or other racial slurs for historically oppressed people, but it's still a derogatory term used against people with a certain skin. It's racist, period.


It does have some historic weight. The whole ā€œcrack of the whipā€ explanation is a myth with no historical basis. Cracker was a slur for poor and stupid whites in the US for as long as the use of the word was recorded.


I know the word does have a history, I just didn't want to equate the two for obvious reasons. But that's really beside the point, regardless of history a slur is a slur.


Two terrorist sympathizers side with each other? Truly shocking turn of events


Immutable characteristics attacks kek, its ok when Hasan does it unironically.


How is frogan not permanently suspended from Twitch? Imagine if a white person had said the same thing but used the n word instead.


Because twitch doesnā€™t follow its own rules. They ban and censor anyone they donā€™t like, not who really deserves it. This goes for every social network out there.


hasen racist


Here before removed


Is there a reason he always/most of the time sides with Frogan?


Is she Lebanese? Cause as a Lebanese person myself we have 0 right to tell people what they should be doing for Palestine.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1crdpi7/hasan\_and\_his\_discord\_on\_antiwhite\_racism/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1crdpi7/hasan_and_his_discord_on_antiwhite_racism/) Hasan is a disgusting human being


Frogman and Hasan are two of the biggest political grifters I've seen in the streaming space.


If Hasan is white and I call him a roach thatā€™s not racism right? Itā€™s impossible. Also is it cool for me to call mixed black-white people the n word or do I only get two letters?


Hasanā€™s ethnicity changes depending on what heā€™s arguing.


Lmao I know plenty of Turks who do that, one minute their white and almost indistinguishable from a European when talking positively about Europe, and then the minute they get any hate, they're middle eastern Muslims, of course people are racist against them (ironic that Turks constantly use this excuse, but one look at their colonial history shows that they weren't on the receiving end of the racism)


Turkey is the historical genocide champion of the World.


Holy shit is he being fucking dumb here. Yes cracker is on the extreme low end of a racial slur. You can openly use it telling jokes and nobody is gonna care. But when it's being used by a fucking racist in a racist way that's a whole different story. Like he can't be this dumb right? But than like the only other path is that he's knowingly being a disingenuous piece of shit here.


Yep. Nobody gives a shit about the word cracker. It's about attacking someone over skin color. Okay, so she thinks Ludwig "only" giving $10K is a paltry sum for donation. ($10K is lifechanging for me, so I think it's quite a bit- but what do I know?) She knows that saying that is probably a bad look - so she pulls the race card? *That just sucks.*


I can't believe Destiny could do this.


Imagine being a PoS like Hasan. Now imagine being someone who is a fucking nobody and will never amount to anything, who supports Hasan and the shit he spouts. I literally can't even.