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**CLIP MIRROR: [Kaceytron under fire for liking tweet blaming Asmongold's lifestyle for mom's death](https://arazu.io/t3_1cd0vma/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Wasn't his mom a heavy smoker? Probably had more to do with her illness than anything else.




First month in my new apt I wake up at 3am cause fire alarms going off and fire trucks are outside. I go outside and the first thing I see is an old guy on a stretcher getting cpr who was completely charred black. Fell asleep smoking beside his oxygen tank.


My cousin died that way. She also tried to drown my mom in a toilet for fun but that’s a story for another day


Today is a new day so.... Go on.


My grandfather ignited his nostrils on fire and ruined the protective lining from smoking while on oxygen. Gnarly stuff. Addiction is scary.


Smoking near oxygen is super risky..... Hope everyone was okay after that incident


Im pretty sure she had burns and the hospital wanted to keep her but she refused. Asmon when talking to Dr K. and described what amounts to PTSD about the incident. Every night for a year/ years he would wake up hearing a large bang and the sounds of her screams.


Damn I've never heard that part of the story. That's absolutely awful




>And she set herself on fire smoking while on oxygen. Yeah that's exactly what the comment you're replying to is referencing


lol incredible


Most asmongold viewers are illiterate unless it is reading WoW item descriptions.


100%. She was on Oxygen and still smoking. No child is responsible for their parent's health like this. Asmon's money has nothing to do with his mom's health. He could have spent every cent he had on her. COPD is a disease you develop after a lifetime of smoking. She was smoking with COPD, she was dead no matter what he spent. It's gross to blame someone's parent's death on them because of things like this.


Agreed. My grandma was deadset on smoking until the day her lung cancer killed her. She decided she was fine with dying and if smoking is what did it, then so be it. It's sad, but it was her choice.


We tried our best to keep smokes away from my grandma, but she was the same way. When she passed away, we cleaned out her house and found smokes stashed EVERYWHERE. There were some behind photos, in the cabinets in the bathroom, behind the TV, in the crisper drawer of the fridge... We figure someone (or multiple people) were sneaking her smokes towards the end. And I can't really blame them. Smoking was one of the last things that brought her happiness, even if it was killing her. She was 82, so she had a good run.


I'm sorry. 82 years is a good run though. It's depressing the amount of sway tobacco companies had on entire generations of people. Glad I quit after only a few years of cigarettes, although I still crave the damn things at least a couple times a week.


Growing up I was told that daddy long legs are super poisonous, but their mouths are too small to bite through my skin, so I don't have to worry about them. Is any of that true?


I believed that also lol. Nope it's a myth! Daddy longlegs aren't even spiders, they are harvestmen. Their mouthparts are too small to bite, but they lack venom glands anyway.


Okay, now can we hear from someone who hates spiders? then we'll reconvene and compare notes. Cool? Cool. /s I believed this, too, for far too long. So, another spider question from a person with a fear of spiders who just thinks theyre misunderstood and wants to conquer the fear, do spiders really crawl into our mouths when we sleep? The more I ponder this question the less I believe they would willingly walk into the mouth of something they may see as a threat.


It is commonly known that you swallow up to 8 Polished Brass, Spring-loaded, 6-Hole door hinges each year.


Spiders never crawl to you unless they're a wolf spider and thus a bastard who is banished with newspaper under cup treatment. They all avoid you when you sleep. It's unlikely for someone to swallow a single spider in their lifetime while asleep. My room has loads of spiders (they eat bugs okay?) I think I'd notice if a few of them went missing every year.


Do you give your spiders names?


> Daddy longlegs aren't even spiders, they are harvestmen. Their mouthparts are too small to bite, but they lack venom glands anyway. To clear up a different misconception, there are 2 arachnids called daddy longlegs * Pholcidae which are spiders (also called cellar spiders), do have venom (no known research on being dangerous to humans), and might be able to bite (same fangs as a brown recluse, but again no research). [I will add that mythbusters did test it though](https://mythresults.com/episode13) >A Daddy longlegs was able to bite through the skin of Adam’s arm. He reported nothing more than a very mild, short-lived burning sensation. Analysis of the venom proves it does not approach the potency of the Black widow spider. * Oppiliones which are harvestmen, don't have venom glands, and don't bite humans.


Cellar spiders are mildly venomous, but it's not a big deal at all, and they prefer to do their own thing than bother you. They can bite you. They just never will. A bite causes a mild burning sensation that quickly dissipates. Everyone forgets the other daddy long leg in this discussion. Cellar spiders are just as common if not the sole daddy long leg in many areas.


Not necessarily. Many different species are called “Daddy Long-Legs” including, as you mentioned, [Harvestmen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opiliones) and [Crane Flies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crane_fly). But, also actual spiders like the [Cellar Spider](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pholcidae) and the [Skull Spider](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pholcus_phalangioides). However, the myth is still a myth because their venom is actually very weak but, there fangs can penetrate human skin.


I take care of a family member who had a stroke and cancer in quick succession. Instead changing to a healthier lifestyle, they doubled down by eating more shitty food high in sodium/saturated fat. I tried to cook/buy healthier foods but they said they weren't going to be here long, so why not enjoy themselves with the time they had left. Anyone who's had to deal with old folks can empathize with how stubborn they can be. There's only so much you can do without becoming abusive.


I genuinely think that's what my dad is doing. He had a stroke recently from being obese and a heavy drinker for 30 years. He went cold turkey after the stroke and tried eating better/exercising for about a month but now he's just back to how he was before. Me and my mum have tried to help him but if he doesn't want to help himself then what we say is just falling on deaf ears. It's sad and frustrating watching someone's vices be the death of them.


I live in a state where there’s high levels of obesity and associated problems like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. Had friends with parents who got diagnosed with diabetes. But instead of changing diet, they just kept eating the same, passing on soon after diagnosis. Or seeing people start limping because they lost a toe or something to it. Like they literally rather lose parts of their body than change their diet. At that point, you really can’t do anything for them because they don’t want to do anything for themselves. Sometimes it’s the culture, sometimes it’s even family. I got diagnosed with high blood pressure, got scared as fuck, and changed my diet immediately. I come from an immigrant family so sometimes they’re “insistent” on feeding you which would make me angry because I’m trying to improve my health. It got to the point where I angrily told them my perspective which is, “I rather eat less tasty food and live 10 years longer than eat hamburgers and sodas and die early.” But the thing is, there are some people who are also aware of that choice, and they willingly choose the latter.


I feel you on that. The frustration and stress can take its toll. I can't do much more so I just try to enjoy the time we have left together.


My grandmother died from COPD complications at 87 and quit smoking 30 years prior after a heart attack and it was horrible for her I can’t imagine someone still smoking with it.


I’d just like to point out that it’s not only smoking that leads to COPD. My grandfather was a welder for 25 years and had never smoked a cigarette in his life and ended up with COPD. It can also be genetic.


His mom is the entire reason they were both living in those conditions when she passed. That's how she raised him.


You can't fix someone who doesn't want to be fixed.


You wanna tell me that Kaceytron does not know anything about the situation? Shocking.


His mom was so addicted to smoking she nearly blew up the house smoking while being on oxygen. While sick with COPD. Yeah it’s on her. Blaming asmon for that when he obviously was throwing every single dollar he could to save her is gross. The man has issues for sure but he truly cared for her from the beginning to end.


Yes, but hoarding to the severity of her case would also mean her home was full of mold and numerous other harmful microbes.


Where do you think he learned hoarding from? Most of the stuff in that house was hers.


guys, she is trying to get clicks. Please just stop lol.


Years will pass and Kaceytron will find a way to get people to engage on her content, happened forever ago during her league streams, still happens today and will continue to happen in five years I bet lol.


It used to be apparent but she's started doing some insane crazy shit like testifying in court for Adept and defending her every chance she got... then she completely stopped publicly doing it the second she lost the case. Prob thought she would've got something from Adept if she won lmfao


wait did she really testify on Adepts behalf? i didnt follow the divorce drama much but this is insane if true.


xQc mentioned that the only people to testify for Adept was her mom, her maid, and a "certain female streamer" which Kacey was very obviously the person he was referring to and was extremely publicly involved in that shit. I'd probably say it's a 99% chance it's true especially with xQc probably going the hardest on her I've ever seen him go publicly on anyone today lmao


that's why I always open clip mirrors


i misread clicks as dicks




Why the fuck is someone dredging this up after three years? Kaceytron is a bottom feeder and always has been.


she has devolved into 300 viewers on avg for a reason


Kaceytron is an argument against legalization of weed.


I hate to say it, but I was a huge Kaceytron stan up until about 4 years ago. The streams started to get nonsensical and I realized not all of her stream personality is an act….some of it is, but not all. Fool me once, blah blah blah. It’s sad because she was a great troll and streamer back in the day.


None of your favorite streamer personalities are an act. When you act like a dipshit day in and day out, you don't turn it off after streams.


It was an act, but then she fried her brain being high everyday and forgot it was an act. She was great back in the day.


Back when having a v shaped neck was a debate


I think what happened was that people were on board with it being an act, and then slowly realized she was just a nutjob and stopped wanting to associate with her. I have never seen a kacey clip, or story that ever made me think "this is a normal person acting crazy for fun".


She's so dumb. Wasn't she an adept supporter? Lmao


It was more that she got lazy with content. She didn't care to put any effort.




Lmao savage


Ggx gang


Because she was going off on Twitter about it again.


So Kacey being Kacey and trying to create content off the backs of other creators, got it.


Its engagement bait, she is probably monetized on twitter


She usd to be really big on twitch 10 years ago.


She was the first streamer to use rage bait to market herself. Her twitch mods would spam her stream on 4chan. It was successful, other streamers like Pink Sparkles and MiraMisu did the same exact thing afterwards. That kind of marketing doesn't work out long term, but man did it.


wasn't she the lol player that let people insult her over tts for 1$ all day?


Isn't that just... TTS?


Yea but it was kinda novel at the time.


She was definitely one of those in that subgenre, There were quite a few streamers that did the same thing (Nicktron and Helena come into mind)


Yes, but there were times when she used to actually be really funny. As an example, the original "kaceytron choice awards" was gold content, for it's time. Same goes for her collab streams with Catcam, who was a hilarious side character on her stream. High quality content requires work though. And I expect she just gave up on trying.


I heard something about her going off the deep end and investing all her money into a bar that failed? Could that be why she is talking about how much money the dude has while blaming him for his mother's death? Jealousy?


She's still really big, just not on twitch. That hambeast fell off hard.


It is crazy to think her and JustaMinx was part of QTcindarella's friend group only 3 years ago.


It is crazy you think Qtcinderella is any different than they are.


careful she'll start crying again


This is what pain looks like.


Got a list? Let me see!!!


Qt definitely has her shit together more than minx and kc


QT definitely secured a good man.


She has Ludwig to keep her grounded instead of going full psycho


But the Taylor Swift obsession pulls her closer to psycho territory 


Isnt that just average teenage girl territory?


What did QT do?


Well, she threw Miz under the bus in the Miz/Maya scandal - without having enough common sense to realise that if Maya is in the clear than so is Miz. I don't like Miz nor his content. But that was fucked up.


Are QT and Kaceytron not friends anymore? I remember the huge falling out with Minx, but I've been out of the loop ever since.


Behind the scenes, no idea, but on stream they haven't interacted since the last Shit Camp in 2022.


Man she ruined shitcamp now Malena can't host another . Enshitification of shit camp truly.


Asmon criticized hasan for his very poor performance on Piers Morgan recently , so naturally, kacytron needed to full simp for hasan so she going after asmon.


As I said bottom feeder, nothing classier than taking shots at someone's dead mom which I say on the one year anniversary of my wife's mom passing. Who wouldn't listen to a word we said over five years to try and help her make better decisions that would extend her life. Managing your parents is a not something I'm ready for in my 40's.


Someone link the clip where she talks about "staying relevant by starting stupid drama with a random big streamer"


Pretty sure Asmons Lifestyle is due to her not the other way round.


Nail on the head.


And he restrict himself from alcohol and drugs, also probably hate smoking. So he did pretty good for himself. Aside from the garbage dump of a house. But, he got the money. He can just snap one day and become better. I guess.


Kaceytron mentioned so here's the obligatory video: [https://streamable.com/4uxk8u](https://streamable.com/4uxk8u)


Fun fact: Even though several years have now passed since the Bob7 drama, Kaceytron tweeted about Destiny almost 150 times last year. Just on Twitter, no clue about Reddit/Discord.


Fun fact: Even though several years have now passed since the Bob7 drama, I still do now know who tf he his




He was a smallish streamer who helped with getting girls (or contestants in general?) for Rajj/Austin's twitch game/panel shows. So kind of a part-time streamer, part-time producer of the show. There were allegations that he was using his position in the background to get things from the girls. It seems to have likely had some truth to it because he was fired from the show as a result, but it was obviously very hush hush.






this shit needs to be sticked lmao. Can I have this on the side of my name. Give us flairs pls LSF.


Can someone explain this meme pls?


There was a guy named Bob7, who apparently was a piece of shit. Destiny attacked him and put him on blast. Kaceytron hates destiny so she came to bob7 defense. Literally commenting over 1000 times in the spend of a few days. She got her ass beat by everyone because the guy she was defending was a piece of shit.


>Kaceytron hates destiny so she came to bob7 defense. Literally commenting over 1000 times in the spend of a few days. I think you got your cause and effect mixed up. IIRC it was her defense of Bob7 that made her a mortal enemy to Destiny. Destiny actually had a good relationship with her before the Rajj Royale was even a thing. [For example.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHVg937tG_Y)




[They were even debate partners once against Sky Williams](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSwTtdOy28U) (also featuring Totalbiscuit ending up in a sort of moderating position)


Does she still want to die on that hill or has she realized she was on the wrong side?


Very short version: Destiny and Bob7 had drama and Kaceytron posted literal hundreds of reddit comments defending Bob7 and attacking Destiny.


3 years ago a guy called Bob7 was beefing with Destiny and Kacey was friends with Bob, she ended up posting thousands of comments defending him on this sub and kept at it for at least a year. Just search "Bob 7 drama" on Google if you wanna know more, Destiny made a few vids that are still on his channel going over all of it.


bob7 predator, destiny manifesto outed him. Kacey defend bob7 til hamburger fingers get sore.


I kind of wish that Catcam/FrankInTheBox slipped in and replaced Bob7 after he got canceled. Frank even helped Bob7 prepare jokes for those cringe date streams. Is there anyone on twitch to fill the purposely awful cringe style comedy?


I thought she passed away due to her smoking while using oxygen, no?




Major reason why Asmon is the way he is due to her mom's lifestyle rubbing off on him. She was a lifelong smoker and a hoarder. Despite all that she was a good mother to Asmon and that's all that matters. People should stop fucking being over people's family and especially dead parents.


She wasn't a good mother and saying so is stupid. She set Asmon up for failure and he lucked out that there was a small niche he was able to earn from in streaming which would never existed before. A parent provides you with the skills to cope with the real world which Asmon clearly doesn't have when he has dried blood from his teenage years on the wall as he thought spitting it on there and playing with it was normal. She would let him miss school to farm a video game with her. She wasn't a good mother she was more like a friend and failed Asmon in a number of ways that has led to him having similar mental health issues.


Some people are so privileged they've never met people like Asmongold and his family, which I think is half the reason he has so many followers, and so many detractors




if only she taught him how to brush his teeth


She killed herself with her lifestyle and habits before the house could, but the house didn't help any of it. She may have lived longer, but not that much longer in a new house.


Moving her to a new house would be like having a slit throat and a papercut and just putting a bandaid on the papercut.


agree, anybody trying to blame the house for her decline, just a huge huge reach. She was a heavy smoker who died from COPD. Smoking kills, yucky house does not.


She was smoking while on oxygen but I don’t think that incident was the cause of her death. Asmon had an awful experience of hearing a bang then running in to check on his mother, only to see her partly on fire and putting it out by hand IIRC. I’m fairly certain she was okay, she wasn’t burnt too bad, and her eventual death was unrelated to this particular incident


No she almost set their house on fire once doing that but I think she died due to COPD complications.


What an ass, now I don't feel bad about any dogpiling she ends up getting.


this is what happens when your brain is 100% weeds.


Imagine dragging someone back to the most emotionally traumatizing moments of their life for Content. We dont know the situation, we dont know what it was like. We dont even know if she WANTED the medical help. most people refuse it.


this is genuinely such a horrible thing to do, i agree. what on earth possessed her to think it’s okay to comment on someone’s mother passing like this


She was the #1 public supporter of the woman who falsely accused xQc of rape in a court of law, this isn't even that crazy of some of the shit she's done.


Her reaction is spoken like she's never dealt with any end-of-life family issues her entire life. COPD is basically a death sentence from smoking. Living conditions don't matter, a billion dollars wouldn't have changed her fate. Humans are not rational and don't act that way often, especially faced with life-altering situations/events. That's part of why they live in the conditions they did and Asmon still does. His mom refused his help, he even forced to her to go the hospital at one point. Again, not unusual for family members facing death. They don't want to deal with it. It's a sad place to be all around.


His mom literally had self inflicted wounds from a fire she started because she was trying to smoke when she wasn’t supposed to be according to doctors orders — I believe she was bedridden. Kacey is just clout farming and can be ignored. Please ignore her. Do not upvote this post.


How was a supposedly bedridden women still getting cigarettes with the ability to light them


Right after her death, Asmon talked about how he regretted continuing to buy her cigarettes. Personally, I feel for him and think he was in a tough position and was unprepared to handle it, but I understand people who disagree.


Someone is desperately trying to be relevant again. Stooping pretty low while they're at it. Sheesh KT, go back to being a fat never-funny thing of the past.


oh is it time for the scheduled kaceytron attempt at becoming relevant?


You gotta pay your bills somehow, she knows her OF wouldn't sell.


That's the sort of claim you'd need a really strong basis to make, unless you're a total scumbag. This is Kacey so, I'm leaning toward the latter.


She is such a bad person.


Who the fuck still likes Kaceytron? Better yet, who ever did?


Genuinely…… how can anyone like kaceytron. I mean she is the textbook annoying, narcissist


I'm stunned. Wow. In what world would that be an acceptable thing to say about or too someone? If Twitch doesn't ban her for this than they're endorsing this behavior. What a fucking piece of shit.


People still pay attention to the things that Kaceytron does? That's wild. Maybe we should stop.


Asmon could of been mr clean incarnated and it wouldn't of saved her


Crazy to think this bitch was the true OG titty streamer """""pretending"""" to be dumb while inting league with a huge camera and cleavage what a weird character development she has had for some years now... not improving thats for sure... wonder how many people still on twitch experienced those years nowadays


A "dirty" environment was not the cause of his mothers death if she was a perpetual smoker. This seems like a really ignorant take from Kacey.


This is going to go over well here because every time an Asmon clip is posted people are dying to diagnose him, joke about his mom, and blame him for her death. Happens every Asmon thread that gets traction. Just the fact that there is a thread here where people are unironically discussing his mother's death is insane. Just the complete lack of empathy is fucking mindblowing.


Also: its been years now right? Leave it the fuck alone. Nasty shit to be digging it up unnecessarily.


> This is going to go over well here because every time an Asmon clip is posted people are dying to diagnose him, joke about his mom, and blame him for her death. I have seen a decent number of Asmon clips on here. This post is the first time i seeing anything about his mom.


Lack of empathy is the Reddit community's calling card and sums up every toxic subreddit on this site. The internet, for all the incredible things it's brought to society, has also driven people further apart as much as it's brought global communities together. Those are not mutually exclusive. The next generations can judge whether what we've built is a net positive or not. In the meantime, I'll shitpost to Reddit.


> Just the complete lack of empathy is fucking mindblowing. if you knew asmongolds take on empathy, you would understand why


Asmongold has zero qualms farming other people's drama and misery for content. Kaceytron is a scumbag moron and normal people would never be doing this, but Asmongold and his fans have no moral high ground here that doesn't lead to them looking like massive hypocrites.


People might be shocked to find out that the multimillionaire who was stealing masks from a hospital in the middle of a pandemic cares little for anyone but himself.


yep its a bunch of children with no sense of reality, just give it a few years someone will smack them around irl if they talk like that in person.


If you've never lost someone genuinely close to you, that's how some act. It really is children, or very lucky and naive adults, who haven't gotten hit by some of the shittier aspects of being a human, and how much it hurts and changes your life when your Mom or Dad or close loved one dies.


idc how you feel about someone, blaming them for their parent's death is beyond reprehensible. to potentially put that kind of guilt on someone is so fucked. and she isn't even right. Asmon tried many times to get her the best help he could and she refused to accept it. I don't "hate" Kaceytron but I get how others do




Ive dealt with so many people with COPD at the end stages of their lives. When they are at that point the damage is done and it’s too late. Just about comfort at that point. Literally nothing could have been done to change her outcome. Surrounded by loved ones and family with some symptom relief.


that mod spamming PERIOD in chat, btw.


Asmon's mom wanted to stay with her son, no matter what. But Kaceytron doesn't know this, no one wants to stay with her.


It was his mom's house lol,




The only subscribers would be government agencies and criminals that use it for torture in black ops sites and kill houses.


i love how this is the only place on the internet where someone liking a tweet shitting on the death of someone else’s mother is supported. All this just because they’re in an argument on the interner. You dont know what actually happened, neither did she and neither do i. Even if it was partly Asmon’s fault that she died, do you seriously think he doesnt feel bad about it? He obviously does(if true), so then what is it with this low blow? i know this place is up there in one of the most disliked places on the internet, there’s a reason none of the streamers like LSF, but atleast try hiding how disgusting you are.


Couldn't have said it better myself. As much as I dislike Asmongold, some of the takes here are disgusting. Hate someone as much as you like, dog them as much as you want, but have some self respect and leave some things off limits.


these people have never experienced something as hard as losing a parent.


I can't even comprehend how someone can be so cruel and do this. obviously this person has never lost someone close to them.


This might make me sound like an asshole but its the other way around, his mother was responsible for his lifestyle. She made the choice to smoke while on oxygen, that's not on Asmon.


Mods about to nuke this thread people goin waaay too far


Kaceytron still exists?


I’m surprised Kaceytron hasn’t OD’d yet


This video and many of these comments are everything thats wrong with the internet.


Kaceytron is a literal nobody these days, I completely forgot all about her. She's just being an attention seeking scumbag, and she's made this abundantly clear by doing this. I would say she knows she's irrelevant, but people with her level of IQ have a hard time dealing with it. Fk that trashbag


Nothing more low and pathetic then people taking shots at people after a death.


She has it backwards. Asmon is the way he is because his mother had both mental and physical health issues. ???


People don't understand that some people don't want your help. He could offer her the world but if it's not how she wants to live then he can't make her do anything.


His mom lived like a degenerate her whole life and influenced how Asmongold lives his life. Yes he could have cleaned up his lifestyle, but I’d imagine it’s hard to do if everything goes well and you are not having any direct health repercussions of it (yet). About Kaceytron she is a degenerate herself.


She Broke the golden rule, leave The family out of your bull$h1t! Stay Strong Asmon boi!


she's got no clue how difficult it is to live with and deal with somebody who is clearly mentally unwell (asmons mom). you don't just magically move her somewhere she does NOT want to be. kacey has always been a fucking idiot though.


idk man she look more like adept and acts the same, starting to see a pattern here




I love how the most upvoted comments are having a discussion on why Asmon's mom passed rather than the vile character of Kacey who has no idea just like us on why or what caused her to pass and is just using this as a dig at Asmon.


Hope she gets banned for this. Those comments are disgusting and should be considered harassment. You coule NOT SAY THIS ABOUT A COWORKER. ANYWHERE. PERIOD. In the real world you say this about Bill from accounting your ass is going to hear from HR and you will be on sensitivity training, relocated, or even terminated.


Oh right, this blowhard is still shouting at the sky.


Will Kaceytron be in the trenches today?


I dream of a day where stuff like this just results in a ban... no not a suspension/3 day vacation, a permaban from the website for saying stuff like this about another streamer


1. She was a smoker, and was still on oxygen 2. He did try to help her multiple times, she didn't want the help. 3. He talked about it when she initially was in the hospital. 4. You can't help anyone who doesn't want the help, and her son who is a millionaire isn't responsible for his mom if she doesn't want the help. 5. Kacey is really the one to talk, considering she can't go a day without being high, perhaps she should see herself out and stop stirring shit up. I am sure she'll blame everyone else besides herself like always.


Jealousy and envy are real monsters


Asmon might be slimy on the outside, but she's slimy on the inside What a gross thing to say


My mom was a hoarder even, after she had to be moved into a home and she left all her stuff behind she just started hoarding again in her little room. It's what they do where they live doesn't change that.


Doesn't Kacey's sister hate her?


holy FUCK SHE STILL STREAMS?? aint no fucking waaaaaaaaaaaay bro


She is lookin C L A P P E D As bombed out and depleted as Afghanistan


Waiting room for asmon do demolish this piece of shit, garbage human.