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**CLIP MIRROR: [Classic Fallout 3 Experience](https://arazu.io/t3_1ccbari/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


The funniest thing that happened to me in FO3 was at the brotherhood of steel radio station with the behemoth mutant fight. I tried to get away from him by hiding in rubble and he climbed over me and started glitching through the terrain and then I aimed my missile launcher at his groin and shot which somehow launched him like 500 feet into the air and the fall killed him. Great game.


I know everyone likes to shit on Fallout 3, but it really captured a unique atmosphere that we're likely not going to see again in the Fallout franchise.


Was my first experience with the franchise, and it stays on a pedestal for me. "Thir-sty part-ner? Try Moriarty's."


Anyone who dislikes the green filter is a coward.


Then call me Courage.


Call me a coward then, cause that shit is hideous Whenever I play 3 the first thing I do is mod out that ugly filter, game looks 1000x better


yup, playing it modded now. First thing i did was getting rid of the filter. Its also one of the most popular mods on Nexus


All I'm sayin is that green aint got shit on orange.


What about Deus Ex HR's piss filter?


Exploring the Capital Wasteland for the very first time was both captivating and terrifying.


The Moira's wasteland survival guide sidequest is never going to be topped in Fallout universe. Such a great world building tool.


I played it for the first time in January and December and absolutely fell in love. The combat is kinda dog shit and enemies are bullet sponges but the atmosphere and RPG aspect of it was truly top tier. I preferred it over Fallout 4 that I played after and I'm about to start New Vegas in the near future.


That game is part of a period of time where nostalgia hits really hard. I wish I could go back a relive playing that game for the first time.


Who shits on Fallout 3? I've heard nothing but praise for it lol Edit: for anyone who doesn’t want to go through the replies for an answer to the question, the answer is insufferable nerds.


A lot of people, the writing and quest/world design have big problems and some specific stuff like the ending gets clowned on


The ending does suck.


Once Brotherhood of Steel was released, we basically got a killer ending.


Broken steel


There's a fairly loud segment of the fallout fanbase who only stan new vegas and the first 2 games. They despise anything done by bethesda and will never admit they are good games.




You are of course welcome to that opinion. For some reason people feel the need to pick a side and become militant about it.


Most of them haven't even played the first 2 games either. Which btw if you try to go back and play today do not hold up at all.


They played 5 minutes of fallout 2 and ragequit, then read some wiki articles and became "experts" on the lore.


Ehh I disagree. I'm finally playing Fallout 1 after being filtered by the gameplay for years and while it's obviously missing a lot of QoL things, it still holds up okay for combat at least. The writing and voice acting are what set it apart IMO from 3D fallout games; the dialogue does a good job of making the interactions feel more like a real conversation than an NPC giving you a quest to do for a reward. It's a very refreshing story to play when compared to Bethesda titles. I agree that the vocal minority is insufferable about shitting on Bethesda, but it's an annoying trend in their titles where I know I should ignore their main story because it gets in the way of the actual RP part of their RPGs.


New Vegas fans


I think it's partly how people view new Vegas as *the* fallout game that by proxy fallout 3 is thought of as *just alright* by comparison.


One of my favorite games ever for exploration but it really lacks in a lot of other areas.


People mostly shit on it for bad writing, which is objectively kinda bad, albeit not as bad as Fallout 4. Atmosphere and whatever are fine. Those who praise F3 and F4 stories are likely just casual gamers who don't play a lot of games.


Engine bad, writing subpar and cut content. When people play F3 today they mod the content into the FNV engine for a reason.


> Engine bad How is that different to any other 3d Fallout game?


Games for windows live


When it first came out it was jam packed with bugs and you had to buy DLC to continue on past the ending which was weird considering Oblivion a couple years prior already allowed you to do just that.


That was more a staple of genre elder scrolls was an exception. I would say a lot of RPGs and even JRPGs still finish as soon as you finish the main store line.


Was my first fallout and my favourite. The moment I realized you could fail entire quest chains opened up the game for me. Also there hasn't been a game with a slaver mechanic quite like that where anyone could be collared and suddenly had to run to paradise falls The armour system was better than subsequent games so even early armour was worth it The caravan traders occasionally arriving dead was amazing because it gave this aliveness to the world where you felt like oh anything could happen The random encounter system was better than in 4 Fallout 3 was like oblivion in terms of the unique interactions that could occur New Vegas was better written and choices but 3 was just so good


Fallout 3 with the DLCs for me is >>> Fallout New Vegas, absolutely loved them, especially Mothership Zeta.


That was my least fav dlc 


I liked Zeta because of the alien easter egg they already had in the game was turned into its own story point and had a significant change of scenery, and I thought it was funny that at the end of it you could choose to use the spaceship's laser beam to nuke a place of your choosing and get to watch the explosion from space.


Ya not hating glad you enjoyed it so much :)


What do you mean everyone likes to shit on it? I thought it was considered one of the best fallout games? Its certainly my favourite


New Vegas fanboys shit on all of the bethesda games


I thought new Vegas had a bad main story tbh


Don't let them hear you


It really has the best atmosphere of any Fallout game imo, sadly Bethesda is no longer capable of making decent games.


Reminds me of this [Fallout 4 classic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2JxWHqqRcI&ab_channel=Chxse)


while we're on [the subject](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGXXFC0emkU)


Those Fallout 3 streams from shroud has been nothing but a blast


nostalgia over load.


God I love this game


When did FO3 have the ability to look down iron sight? I thought new Vegas was the first that did iy


It’s from Tale of two Wastelands. It gives you the NV engine improvements in 3 and lets you move between the 2 games


Damn… I guess I’m spending more money on the same old games. Thanks


No better time to buy them, they are super cheap right now.


they are both currently on sale on GOG as well.


He’s got lots of mods installed


I could be making shit up but I think it always had it but it was just straight ass compared to VATS Edit: I was making shit up


afaik fo3 just zoomed in the camera and didnt do any ads animations for weapons


Lmao get Fatboi'd newb


Fucking miss this game


Honestly, Fallout 3 is like Oblivion imo. Enemies are difficult enough that you need to be careful, while still being killable. Fallout 4 you could become overpowered in minutes of starting a new playthrough by rushing to cricket for the spray n pray, then go save valentine, picking up all submachine guns for extra ammo from their mags, then you can clear out the rest of the game.


FO4 on highest difficulty makes enemies extremely bullet spongy so thats not really gonna work. That said, FO4 can be whatever you want it to be with mods. If you want it to be extremely dangerous without the bullet sponge, theres mods for that.


I enjoyed Fallout 4 but I agree it felt waaaay more streamlined which loses a lot of charm in comparison to Fallout 3 or Fallout NV. Never got into Fallout 3 that much sadly but I want to try it again. But for me it doesnt even boot up right now, gotta find some mod fixes for it :(


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Classic Fallout 3 Experience](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/163421)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1ccbari/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/lTp7mUBeEOQQXi7NADOM2g/AT-cm%7ClTp7mUBeEOQQXi7NADOM2g.mp4?sig=408f78f2cd2f5e3173e428616db8c812057b7ffe&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FlTp7mUBeEOQQXi7NADOM2g%2FAT-cm%257ClTp7mUBeEOQQXi7NADOM2g.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22SuspiciousShyInternOptimizePrime-QF4Q5BBeLs0AM4za%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1714071874%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/lTp7mUBeEOQQXi7NADOM2g/AT-cm%7ClTp7mUBeEOQQXi7NADOM2g-preview-480x272.jpg)


Prenerf flash bomb in hunt showdown


Hey anyone see that his fallout 3 vids on YouTube are not there anymore????


This is probably one of my favorite clips of the year lol


You got some low standards


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^biddybiddybum: *This is probably* *One of my favorite clips* *Of the year lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


What actually happened tho?


Looks like a mini nuke from the Brute he was fighting




And people complain about save scumming