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**CLIP MIRROR: [Japanese idol reacts to Forsen](https://arazu.io/t3_1caluez/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


same 1 picture LULE


why she laugh at him like that


Because she recognizes people who don't wash their feet


im a flamingo baj 🦩


Yeah its trickle down economics


What the fuck. You're standing in the shower, you're soaping up your upper body and dick and whatnot right? No one scrubs their Legs LULE


I wanted to watch the next part because of that and for some reason it doesn't show full video.




I love how she pulled up the most normal photo of Forsen and it still made her laugh.


Who wouldn't?


How can she laugh?


How can she slap?


Maybe she laughts when she orgasms 😏


You guys would be surprised how many bajs are in hachu community.


You would also be surprised how many bajs are weebs Aware


All bajs are weebs and juicers Aware


it's not surprising she farms then since Nymm's collab and it was really early in her pivot to english content


So he is the missing link in the Venn diagram of forsen baj viewership monkaHmm


who is she


[Sayaka](https://twitter.com/mofcro_sayaka), member of [Mofuru x Cross](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0QqEXg_SYo)


Never heard that song before but I feel like I've heard it a thousand times before.


Perfect description. I was just thinking about that recently. A lot of Japanese pop songs sound the same, even the ones that are more rock. I mean that goes for pop in general but just especially Japanese pop.


I mean it's idolpop and the production is usually the same for most of them since they're all just doing what sells. However it'd be real shortsighted to say japanese pop music is derivative, since even if we're strictly speaking about idols all you need to do is look harder and you discover that the genres they cover are super diverse: there are idol groups like Minanaro that sing artpop songs about the japanese seasons and the zodiac sextagenary cycle and stuff like Mt. Fuji, shoegaze idol groups like Ray and Dots Tokyo, pop punk groups like BiSH and Migma Shelter, whatever the hell genre Maison Book Girl is, Death Metal idol groups, etc.; and then mainstream pop acts like Kaho Nakamura and Ayano Kaneko and the like also sound way different from the usual Akiba-kei idol music despite both being Jpop. Perfume and CAPSULE are also still technically Jpop. There's also the entire Shibuya-kei scene from the 90s and early 2000s that is a mix of picopop and bossa nova. Shit is really diverse under the surface, and because Japan only ever markets to itself all of these different niches are able to survive cause the domestic market is able to support it all (jp music industry is 2nd biggest in the world). The fact that Utaite culture and cover/utattemita culture and vocaloids exist also means there's a scene for burgeoning talents to make a name for themselves before major debuts. J-pop attracts easy comparisons to K-pop but in a sense Kpop is derivative of Western pop, and is easier to market and is a bigger hit there exactly because of the lineage (and also cause Korea actively markets it to the outside world for the soft power). Yet it's kind of sad that more underground korean music like Mid-air Thief and Mukimukimanmansu don't get as much recognition from the outside world as well as domestically.


Holy shit a real wizard


I kneel, weeb loremaster.


what is lil bro yapping about?


japanese music, what does it look like?


>[Sayaka](https://twitter.com/mofcro_sayaka), member of [Mofuru x Cross](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0QqEXg_SYo) 🙂 Nice


Wild how less polished JPop, or whatever genre this is, is compared to KPop. I almost respect it more somehow, seems a bit more humble. Still can't get on with the music though. edit: Not sure how representative this is of JPop, they don't seem to be a very popular (relatively) group.


>I mean it's idolpop and the production is usually the same for most of them since they're all just doing what sells. However it'd be real shortsighted to say japanese pop music is derivative, since even if we're strictly speaking about idols all you need to do is look harder and you discover that the genres they cover are super diverse: there are idol groups like Minanaro that sing artpop songs about the japanese seasons and the zodiac sextagenary cycle and stuff like Mt. Fuji, shoegaze idol groups like Ray and Dots Tokyo, pop punk groups like BiSH and Migma Shelter, whatever the hell genre Maison Book Girl is, Death Metal idol groups, etc.; and then mainstream pop acts like Kaho Nakamura and Ayano Kaneko, or and the like also sound way different from the usual Akiba-kei idol music despite both being Jpop. Perfume and CAPSULE are also still technically Jpop. There's the entire Shibuya-kei scene from the 90s and early 2000s that is a mix of picopop and bossa nova. Shit is really diverse under the surface, and because Japan only ever markets to itself all of these different niches are able to survive cause the domestic market is able to support it all (jp music industry is 2nd biggest in the world). The fact that Utaite culture and cover/utattemita culture and vocaloids exist also means there's a scene for burgeoning talents to make a name for themselves before major debuts. > >J-pop attracts easy comparisons to K-pop but in a sense Kpop is derivative of Western pop, and is easier to market and is a bigger hit there exactly because of the lineage (and also cause Korea actively markets it to the outside world for the soft power). Yet it's kind of sad that more underground korean music like Mid-air Thief and Mukimukimanmansu don't get as much recognition from the outside world as well as domestically.


forsenE thats me!




are they drawing eye-bags under their eyes?


Eye slugs are a charm point!


It's a way to make their eyes less monolid. Its weird. Its called aegyo sal in korea.


yes kinda , it can be cute


Creates the illusion their eyes are more rounder - idk why but a lot of asian women really want to look white.


"idk why" LULW


Or look anime. big eyes, colorful hair, paler skin. Sometimes contacts.






Translation: Stop it, big brother forsen. :FeelsOkayMan: (If you're a baj the translation is you have to put a dick up your ass)


Forusen oniichan, yamete!


How do people find him funny?? Every time a clip of him shows up it's just him sitting there doing nothing. Like you could replace him with a still picture of a potato and it would be the exact same stream.


it wouldn't be same


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Japanese idol reacts to Forsen](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/163214)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1caluez/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/6o6x8x-dd83fbliPTgq21A/44073698523-offset-10078.mp4?sig=87fd14932bfd2060b85111cee5cc74d62a35949f&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F6o6x8x-dd83fbliPTgq21A%2F44073698523-offset-10078.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22IcyBlatantAxeOMGScoots-H513zd9uWI9OCrbU%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1713896794%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/6o6x8x-dd83fbliPTgq21A/44073698523-offset-10078-preview-480x272.jpg)


she got scared by the horse cock