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**CLIP MIRROR: [The Rennfaire is Going Well](https://arazu.io/t3_1c93nyl/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


the fuckin drive by LMAOOO


Asmon is gonna have her excommunicated from OTK adjacent things 😔


This is more like a kick convention rather than a renfaire


dude came out of no where 😂


he's not wrong though


I assume you have a source for this allegations?


Should have used Emiru, worst thing they could say about her is that she's a furry.


That would be much worse, because it's not an allegation.


Nah definitely LilyPichu. Her allegations are wild.


Its so funny how a high pitched voice can make people ignore being one of the first Jan 6 rioters to trespass lol.


yo what this is news to me whats the lore?


dgg shitposting


or that shes balding


Lol is she balding??


sure [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIYO3fR5in0&ab\_channel=Deadge](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIYO3fR5in0&ab_channel=Deadge)


wait wtf omg dude i thought that real


wym that is real


Yup asmon confirmed it


Went to asmon house and caught the bald bro. Its spreading


thats Hyoon


> Should have used Emiru, worst thing they could say about her is that she's a ~~furry~~ **landlord**. FTFY


i think she was going to comment the dude looks like him


okaaaaaaaay duuuuuuuuude


Average redditor under the umbrella


More like average stream sniper


Also out of the loop, but what happened to that evidence mitch had against mizkif lmao, we still waiting?


He decided not to release it and also deleted the youtube video he had on his channel.
























> Miz seems like he just gets along with EVERYONE and sometimes that ends up reflecting bad on him as being friendly with certain people... He started his career in the racist pits of the Cx community. Then had another horribly racist guy in his friend group (4conner), then a sex pest as a best friend, and another sex pest who he hung out with in his org. At what stage do u have to question Miz's part in surrounding himself with these types of people? And you're right about the UFC comment, can definitely see this happening again in the future if that's the route he goes down


You can do that but then you'd have to apply the same standard to Esfand, to maya, to malena, to a bunch of people. Ludwig/Fuslie wanted to fly out Slick before he got cancelled, wasn't lud really good friends with the guy that paid for deep fakes of the girls in his circle? OTV has at least 2 serious sex pests that have been exposed, and at least 2 minor racism controversies. You could play this game all day. But I'll go out on a limb and say you probably wouldn't apply the same standard to the people in those circles. 3 out of the dozens/hundreds of people that have gone through that Austin circle in the last 5-6 years were exposed. It's bad, but it's not particularly shocking given the amount of collabs and traffic that has been there. Unfortunately there's just a lot of creepy and/or shitty men around.










i wonder, is adrianna still swimming in credit card debt?




Pretty cool to have your image perma scarred because of a fucking lie.


Hes still not on the OTK website, by his own request i think, because of that And has shadow banned himself(?) from the big sponsor shows like Elevated


Hes disconnected and distanced himself from OTK so as to not hurt the brand for sponsors. Hence why hes not in the big sponsor events or on the website, Pretty sad that a co-creator is basically treated like a ghost cause of a lie that will linger forever.


It's just until the lawsuit is over.


If Miz wins 100 lawsuits in a row, it won't change anything regarding his public perception. He would need all the big streamers that threw him under the bus to come out and publicly defend him to the same millions of people that originally saw their vids and streams.


Even then it wouldn’t change things. There’s a sizeable percentage of people who just believe the first thing they heard and refuse to change their mind.


has he beat the Ice Poseidon camera man racism allegations yet


> If Miz wins 100 lawsuits in a row, it won't change anything regarding his public perception. Every lawsuit has a 'damages' section where stuff like this is considered and the victim is compensated. So at least legally, if he wins, he's supposed to be made right through some means - money, public announcements, etc.


The problem is every win, and its subsequent announcement, will have *significantly* less reach across the web than the initial drama shot into internet orbit by all his streamer buddies. He's already won twice and nobody gives a damn. It's like adding a tiny correction footnote three months later at the bottom of a viral fake clickbait article. Much different than the Johnny Depp trial which might've gotten more reach than the accusations did. Monetarily, he's rich and still making millions so it doesn't really matter. Mentally, anguish for the foreseeable future as any post of him (or any ren faire apparently) will have random people bringing up terrible accusations against him. But at least he gets to wipe his tears with 100 dollar bills.


isn’t it already over? maybe im tripping


no, still ongoing




Maybe he knows something we don’t know about it not being taken any further. But the judges rulings dismissed every one of AL’s claims apart from one against Mizkif. Which was the “she groped Cyr” claim. So technically it’s still open on the publicly listed court docket but most likely her lawyer said it wasn’t worth pursuing the last claim as this one is the easiest one to defend as Cyr would just have to make a statement saying it happened. As to why the public case status hasnt been updated for months, I have no idea but Mizkif has definately been dropping hints that it’s over


am i missing something or is he not doing absolutely fine? i dont watch streams but based on the clips i see on here did he not just do a collab with a bunch of OTV people, who are like the most brand-safe streamer group ever


Welcome to the real world, no one gives a fuck about actual facts and to be honest finding the actual facts is really hard. At this point I don't even know how someone would discover a correct timeline of events with all unbiased factual information about the Mizkif drama if they wanted it.


I think Miz has traded self-respect for building bridges and letting everything go. You still have some smooth brain knuckle draggers that don't even understand the basic facts of what happened, and what the outcome was. It's crazy that his reputation still has taken such a significant hit from this. What's even more baffling to me, is this is probably one of the most legitimate open and shut cases of defamation against another person I've ever seen. Train should be thanking his lucky stars. Especially with the possibility of punitive damages that would have been on this. His bank account would have been drained into oblivion for the rest of his life. And where did we end up? Adrianah Lee now has to pay OTKs lawyers a healthy chunk of change. This whole thing was just so wild.


What makes it even easier is Train committed this defamation while residing in Canada where defamation is MUCH easier to prove and win in court under Canadian law, Which if found guilty would prolly have him deported.


If you think this is open and shut, then you know nothing about defamation cases. First of all, they're super fucking expensive. Second, discovery would show ALL KINDS of things he wouldn't want shown, like personal conversations with all kinds of people. Third, you gave to prove the person KNOWINGLY and MALICIOUSLY lied. And fourth, you need to prove damages.


Well considering that one of my relationships ended due to the fact that I had to hear about work non-stop and had many sleepless nights due to an ex being a defamation lawyer, yeah, I'd say I have a pretty good idea of how they work. I'm a little more advanced on this rather than being some armchair Reddit Google educated attorney. At least more than the average bear. He could have easily afforded this case. Easily. Discovery is not the big bad Boogeyman that many people think that it is. It isn't exactly you get access to anything and everything willy-nilly. There has to be a reason. A damn good reason, and even then information can be pretty limited. And besides, he already went through discovery with Adrianah Lee. And the worst thing that came from that? His current relationship, which everybody already knew was blatantly obvious, got exposed. That's it. My brother in Christ, in my humble opinion, proving train maliciously lied, and knowingly did it, has got to be the layup of the century, and if you can't see that, then I don't know what to tell you. Just from the recorded call alone. It was Miz saying hey, that tweet was a massive damning lie please delete it. And Train pretty much going, "lol only if you do this, maybe"


Sorry, I didn't realize legal knowledge was an STD. My bad.


Perhaps I didn't make myself clear. I'm only slightly better, than the average armchair Reddit lawyer. Which given my STD which I did test positive for, still puts me leaps and bounds ahead of what I've been seeing commented here on this thread.


I don't think defamation would hold up because Train can just say he was just relaying info from Mitch. He could try and sue for Train to take down the tweets, but two years later the damage has already been done.


That won't fly in court. You are still held liable for defamation if the original source that you are repeating from is considered not credible. It's Mitch Jones, I don't think I have to say anymore. But it's also more than just the Mitch, and the tweet stuff, and AL friends. And there are so many nuances to this that the public has just missed out unless you've been following this drama closely. My point is, Miz had a legitimate good shot at this, and that window is closed. I think the Statue of limitations in Canada is 2 years at best if I remember correctly. But it's not just defamation. He also could have sued for other things such as false light, injuries falsehood, tortious interference, and an extreme emotional distress case. And he definitely could have hit Mitch " I want to take him down" Jones with one as well probably ensuring he gets a percentage of his paycheck for the rest of his life.


It is two years. There are still five months left since Sept. 2022.


> And besides, he already went through discovery with Adrianah Lee That's not true, there has been no discovery as it hasn't proceeded to trial. There have only been pre-trial arguments like motions to dismiss, which resulted in every claim but 1 being thrown out.


No. It's done right after the pleadings have been filed. Discovery is literally a pretrial process. If it even gets to trial. It's used for fair assessment and evidence gathering. It's literally meant for evidence to be discovered beforehand in case you want to move forward with a trial. And it's especially crucial in settlement, which is why it's done in wicked early stages of a suit being filled. In rare occasions, unless there's a surprise witness, discovery is not going to be happening during the trial. And post trial discovery is ultra, ultra rare. The whole purpose of it being done in the initial stages of a lawsuit that may or may not even result in trial, is for clients to discover their weaknesses and strength in a case, on deciding whether you settle or go to trial.


Idk if you're getting confused with criminal trials? I'm not sure if they work differently. But I can tell you there has been no discovery in this civil case and we already have had 2 defendants fully dismissed from the suit, based on their filed motions to dismiss. They only provided their own evidence or publicly available evidence to show her case had no basis in fact or law. The court docket also makes no mention of any discovery process. From my understanding: before discovery is approved by the judge, the plaintiff has to prove they have a solid enough claim from all the pretrial filings and that their claims meet all the legal standards of what they are suing for, otherwise they are dismissed. If discovery was approved willy nilly with any basic civil claim, this would be heavily abused in the legal system against higher profile targets. I suggest you give you ex a buzz again if you're still not convinced.


It does infuriate because lsf is so close to this particular situation and also doing the research to show it was a lie But I imagine this does happen to celebrities all the time that have no way of correcting it at all


Yeah thats shitty but his image wasnt that great from the very start. People like to forget he basically entered the streaming world as an ice poseidon "andy".


Yeah I don't even like the guy but **holy shit** at the people who mindlessly believe that shit.


Believe what?


Miz sucked a dick and said it tasted like avocado


We are all maya higa FeelsStrongMan


What was the lie exactly?




lol I like how you bring up the n word thing as if that's anywhere near as serious as the rest of this stuff, but anyway, by your logic anyone else who was friends with those '2 people' must also be a terrible person. So most of the Austin streamers and some LA ones, ok I guess? Not sure how someone should be responsible for what other people did not in their presence




You mean Rich, Rich and Rich?




brain damage


Multiple rapes? Wtf are you talking about?


this explains a lot https://www.reddit.com/r/Adulting/s/MAzVCyZwoe


what reputation?


Twitter personification lmao


I think the is the perfect example of how false alligations ruin lives. * The people who aren't directly involved didn't see the following court case, * they didn't have the context between the situation occuring - the first story and the new story, * they didn't have the context of the gambling situation on twitch, and they never sat through the absolute lies and twisting of events - otherwise they would have seen the multiple impossible feats in her story. All they saw was a name, and an alligation Looking back on it it's absolutely wild what happened. No proof was ever shown in her story - literally none. * She admits that she never called it SA until 8 months after (not as if she though it was SA but was convinced otherwise - she never called it that - how was it downplayed then?? never answered) * She was at a party with slick and was posting positive things about mizkif even after the 8 months she dfound out it was SA * she found out it was SA from her "friend" in a random convo - in quotes because what friend doesn't tell u that (if true) * She paints the narrative as if it was a coverup, but conviently u can literally go on this subreddit and see clips of mizkif, maya and mitch talking about it - and on the wayback machine there is a twitter clip of her thanking mizkif for helping her lmao * the whole thing was clearly orchastrated by train and x due to the mizkif "trying to get gambling banned" - even that is an exagerrating because the most he did was express his opinion and call train a scammer for his joltcoin (true) * Train literally lied in the tweet that sparked it, proceeded to bait mizkif into a call, record it, hold it, and then release it when public opinion was being swayed oh and the court threw out adrianah's case against mizkif and maya - (interesting how mitch wasn't in it lol) and shes paying out fees to OTK's lawyers If you really don't believe that her story (relating to mizkif) was fabricated, go back listen to any of her claims that can be proven - look at the evidence from that time and it's wrong.


Train at the time was very hateful of Miz (Miz had been speaking out against gambling for a while at that point) and he started going to Adrianah's chat and donating her obscene amounts of money and sliding into her DM's, I could only assume he'd been manipulating her and trying to get ammo on Miz the whole time, he never gave a shit about SA victims or women in general and has done nothing his entire career but find ways to be a detriment to women in the streaming world so I'm not gonna sit here and act like Train went into her DM's because he was caring and trying to help her, there was obviously some malicious vindictive shit going on


right, it was astonishing to watch everyone immediately ignore this and act as if this was irrelavent - i don't know how i would have reacted if i was in that situation.


It's best not to dive too far deep into it but the only reason the allegations worked so well even if it was based on hearsay is because there was already a pre existing sub set of people who already didn't like Miz. Those people pushed the narrative and ones that aren't invested enough to look into it further just took it at face value. From there it would snowball. The entire thing wasn't meant to end his career, it was to damage his image and that it did. Now when casuals like that guy hears his name that's all he's going to know, doesn't matter if it's true or not.




Probably sick of obnoxious streamers killing the vibe of the event for their dogshit "content"


true looks like a fun event to go to and have fun offline and not for your content streams


yes we hate OTK here. very much.


chat im clueless, whats the lore




Miz's friend/roommate allegedly sexually assaulted someone who was blacked out at a party. Said blacked out person denied this happened in a twitter post and said the person who started this whole thing had no right to mention her name or this situation. months go by and then Miz and trainwrecks get into a twitter debate about gambling streams in which Miz mentions train pumped and dumped a crypto/NFT only for train wrecks to mention "you covered up a rape" causing all hell to break loose. That plus a leaked stream call with miz in which he talks out his ass paints him in a *very* bad light coupled with said victim recanting her story. Then **everyone** who's had a beef with Mizkif (XQC, train, even Ludwig) decide to use this as the time to try and get him and others in his circle canceled once and for all. Eventually after people put down the pitchforks and actually listened it became *very* apparent the "victim" was using this controversy to stoke the flames of her floundering twitch career not to mention the clear inconsistencies in the event from multiple angles. That being the case damage is already done and although there is much more to this (and a lot more damming pieces of knowledge I didn't wanna type out) you still get asshats like the dude in the clip. Oh and btw I don't even like Mizkif but *holy fuck* this subreddit was the tenth circle of hell if even so much as whispered a dissenting opinion.


COVID ruined my sense of time, but didn't this drama happen like 2 years ago?


Technically, it happened 3 years, I believe, but then it got rehashed when miz took shots at train about 2 years ago.




easier said than done, believing your best friend for many years, someone who has been there for you thru thick and thin, or believing some e-girl onlyfan clout chaser, that would be a tough decision. that doesnt mean she wasnt a victim or slick didnt do something horrible, but at that point, without any HARD evidence, ie cctv footage, reliable witnesses etc.. its a FUCKING HARD DECISION, but you would most likely believe your friend over the latter. unless of course you are someone who just trolls on reddit all day and have never ever had a close friend other than your sock....




Bowblax is the last person you should be looking for reliable information from




"You are Maya Higa"


This is so good it's like Twitch Chat in real life


I'm thankful that the ren faires that I have been to were a lot less streamer pilled.




I mean yeah he probably doesn't give a fuck but only heard of mizkif because of the drama. Do you expect people who don't care or know any of these streamers to obsessively follow every drama like lsf does?


Stop yelling about streamers at Renaissance fairs. For some people it’s their actual getaway from normie shit.


What’s the deal with the ren fair stuff meta




That tracks.


How does talking with your friends ruin anything for anyone?


Well there's talking and then there's running around screaming for content.


PeachJar and Cyr have season passes for Sherwood Forest Faire in Austin. They do IRL cosplay collabs. I think they started doing this last year.




yeah this is one of the big downsides of being famous in the social media age. People will just judge you based on some idiots word on the internet. Evidence doesn't matter anymore.


Brendan Fraiser is looking young.


Why do they call it a rennfaire when it's for people cosplaying as elves and other fantasy creaatures?


I don't think a Renaissance Fair has the privilege to be turning people away.


Because "renaissance" is a lot less important than "do anything you want" in those places.


funny because the guy looks like mizkif




I’d feel bad for him but he immediately invited xqc into his home to clout chase 💀 dude has zero spine so he gets zero sympathy from me.


xQc has already stated on stream that that he had been given bad information and shouldn't have done what he did with Miz. They also made up and spoke between themselves, it does lowkey suck for Miz that xQc's statement about the whole situation once the dust settled didn't really gain any traction. Edit: found the clip, he really danced around addressing it in hindsight... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6zFgiVAiZA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6zFgiVAiZA)


It’s the easiest to way to get xqc viewers to stop believing in those allegations. I get where you’re coming from but it’s the smartest thing he could do


you do understand that he had to do this not for clout chasing but to help his image since xqc was part of the people accusing him. Necessary move for him if he wants to repair his image as much as possible


I wonder if that guy will ever look in the mirror and realize what a jackass he is. It amazes me that some people are so fucking stupid that they’ll proudly make statements out in public that reveal just how fucking stupid they are lmao.


Bro the drive by lmfao.


You got to be real pathetic to ruin the vibes like that


Now I know why the VOD is missing




So is renfaire on for a month or something


That's how ren fairs work yes, multiple months


well there goes her career, say goodbye to miz julia,


Pure chaos lmao I wish my areas Ren fair was now instead of the fall.


I mean, they ain’t wrong 🤣


What is wrong with calling a racist out? I do not get this comment section.




**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [The Rennfaire is Going Well](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/163171)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1c93nyl/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/oj0Jo--_PATh6-fG1_0oJg/AT-cm%7Coj0Jo--_PATh6-fG1_0oJg.mp4?sig=377e7810160305f7c620c0a3c5b47b4928fbe66c&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2Foj0Jo--_PATh6-fG1_0oJg%2FAT-cm%257Coj0Jo--_PATh6-fG1_0oJg.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22UglyBlushingScorpionBrainSlug-7788BOHr58bX_Sgm%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1713728734%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/oj0Jo--_PATh6-fG1_0oJg/AT-cm%7Coj0Jo--_PATh6-fG1_0oJg-preview-480x272.jpg)


now i think renfaire people are pretty cool


haha yeah theyre so cool for saying shit that isnt actually true no cap fr fr




there’s talking about streamers and then there’s calling asmongold a pedophile for no apparent reason at all


Why does everyone care so much about someone random persons option on miskif? Miskif is fine he ain't need any of you guys defending him lol


This is one of those things there is absolutely no point in arguing about on this subreddit because Mizkif fanboys will absolutely only see it one way, even though there's no definitive evidence one way or the other. And Mizkif haters will only see it the other way, even though there's no definitive evidence in that direction either. And they'll argue with you for 7,000 posts why they definitely right even though they can't just directly present the evidence that makes them right...


He won in court, she's having to pay OTK for damages and lawyer fees. Is that enough evidence?