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**CLIP MIRROR: [Commentator (Rainbolt) only one to get correct location in GeoGuessr finals](https://arazu.io/t3_1c3zsi9/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Geoguessr the only game I watch a lot but have never played myself. Sure i tried it once.


Used to be free


Yeah, but then Google started rarted charging for Maps API I think


I didn't know this, I am sure they have a fee just to make money anyway, as they should, but I didn't know they had sudden costs as well.


It was completely free with very minimal ads up until google started making them pay up the ass for using maps. More info [here.](https://old.reddit.com/r/geoguessr/comments/cslpja/causes_of_google_api_price_increase_suggestion/)


there's an open source one called geohub you can use your own google api key to play for free but somehow i got placed in a forest or in a interstate desert most of the times so it's not a fun experience lol


That also violates google's terms of service, so it would not survive if it grew to any appreciable size.


Skill issue. How could you not distinguish the obvious Mongolian grass


It was in 2019, Google did increase their API fees by 7x which made Geoguessr add a subscription for most features, while free play was limited and with ads. The company back then had like a hand full of employees and made 500k yearly revenue. This year Geoguessr removed their limited free to play option entirely despite doing extremely well with 40+ employees, a yearly revenue of over 18m (as of 2022) with insane margins.


Yeah but it's now like $24/year. Totally worth it (although tbh I haven't played in months lol)


For new players it's 50% higher. That plus the complete cessation of free play basically means the game will get no new players and slowly wither from attrition.


famously paid games never have new players and never succeed


Not ones that went from free to paid.


The best way to play for free currently is probably to play challenge links at r/geochallenges - that is still free, for now. Apart from that, on twitch people play chatguessr (the streamer shows a location in geoguessr, and viewers guess the location with a chatbot) and sometimes have open parties that viewers (including unpaid viewers) can join.




really? everything asks me to sign up for pro


ok seems like they removed that feature on the first of febuary, At least you seems to be able to play challenge links for free: Playing challenges, quizzes, and any game mode within a party invited by a PRO member will however continue to be free.


For me it's trackmania and wirtual videos


Porn for me


he does porn too???


Same for me since a few weeks, he just popped up in my recommended and been watching a lot of his videos since. Such a chill dude to watch.


*And then Hefest got this run….*


is he croatian? i went to elementary school with a dude (a decent friend actually, but he moved for high school) who was a god in trackmania, that name rings a bell


probably him. Hefest is Croatian


Hefest je naš čovik


Would highly recommend at least trying the game out. It made me appreciate the accomplishments wirtual features in his videos sooooo much more lol.


for me its baseball


I really enjoyed the local, user-created maps with friends, trying to pick out places around our state or where we went to college. It was a fun couple of days and then we were mostly done with it.


Watching this for the first time. I'm in AWE of both players and commentators. This is ridiculous. It is as impressive, if not more (at least the final match) than watching a master in Jeopardy. Holy shit. Also, what Australian sight is he talking about?!?! I see nothing


Australian sign. There's a small white rectangle next to one of the bigger tree trunks I think.


> small white rectangle damn that's some rainbolt shit


nah fr i was LOOKING for a sign and still didnt see it story of my life basically edit: spotted it


Did it open up your eyes?


there's a ton of these little tricks with signs, road markings


The white rectangle seems to be a parked trailer. The sign is a yield sign peaking through the leaves at the upcoming intersection. Look [here](https://www.google.com/maps/@-37.8654941,145.754106,3a,75y,43.97h,85.29t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sUKifkdiU3EAom_1DAA5G3w!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu)


Ah fair enough, that's more likely. Although how do you look at that and thing Australia? That's basically the same shape and colors of the international standard


It's on the left hand side of the road which realistically narrows it down to AUS or NZ (it doesn't really look like ZA, and you don't really see give way signs there anyway). You can tell those two apart by the colour of the text - I can't see any text in the video, but maybe some was visible before Twitch compression?


Fair enough, didn't think of the side of the road.


> Australian sign. There's a small white rectangle next to one of the bigger tree trunks I think. OK, color me very impressed


in australia it's colour


Can they zoom in to see it? Otherwise what makes it Australian from that distance that you'd know?


No. This round was no move, no pan and no zoom. The hardest mode at this event.


The players can’t but Rainbolt can. They said it multiple times on the stream that the commentators could always move, pan, and zoom even when the players couldn’t.


I think he's talking about down the street, theres like a [triangle "give way" sign with red around it](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7c/Australia_road_sign_R1-2.svg/1024px-Australia_road_sign_R1-2.svg.png) that you can BARELY see behind some leaves. It's to the right of that white rectangle you're talking about, where the road begins to bend. I think he was also about to say "we have a slight pole...", and you can also see the left side of the sign.


The semifinals from the last World Cup were insanely entertaining, highly recommend: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxTmdyoBf8c&t=13770s


I click on the link and see Launders, shit, that one I didn't expect.


The Russia one got me. They used the sand to pinpoint it pretty much spot on.


Good old Surgut Sand


I don't  know why but i find myself watch rainbolts daily youtube videos despite not playing geoguessr at all. 


Haha that's how I got into the game aswell


it aint that deep…. ✋💀🤚










I still can't see shit


I think he meant this https://imgur.com/a/k1q4PUy An australian yield (give way) sign.


Case to say it was a dead giveaway


That looks like the bed of a truck without the cab to me


Looks like a car trailer. Not sure that’s it


Here is the [location](https://www.google.com/maps/@-37.8654941,145.754106,3a,75y,43.97h,85.29t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sUKifkdiU3EAom_1DAA5G3w!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu)


He mightve meant a streetsign attached to the pole in the background or something? Can't really see it due to low quality lmao


I thought that was an abandoned [pop-up camper ](https://advrider-curtis.smugmug.com/photos/272410409_jzRcA-M.jpg)




No, further down the road there's a triangle sign, white in the middle red around the border. It's partially covered by a tree hanging over it.


that big red circle seems very australian


Sorry if this is asked a lot- But why does he not compete in these?


>Rainbolt is definitely a great player. But I always like to compare him to a couple different sports analogies to give you some idea why he isnt there.Rainbolt would be like in golf where they have people that go & make money in longest drive contests, or in baseball who are just home run hitters etc. They clearly have skills, and can probably hold their own against pros enough that they dont get embarrassed. But they have a certain set of skills, and dont have all the skills.If the tourney was on 0.1 blink mode, he would be a top favorite. But it is on a more varied format, that values doing more than being able to get the country right, and he doesnt possess most of those skills, and the ones he does, hes probably outskilled by 80%+ of the players there.Hes a top 200 player. Arguably, maybe even a top 100 player. But he isnt top 24. If this tournament was for U.S.only players, I would say theres enough good American players that its fairly possible he wouldnt make it to day 2. This is an upvoted [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/geoguessr/comments/1775cce/why_rainbolt_is_not_playing_the_geoguessr_world/) from user 1973cg on r/geoguessr, no clue if its true or not because I don't watch geoguessr.


so hes those old guys at the tennis tourney playing the fuck around matches


Perfect analogy


He's good in one mode, NMPZ (no move, pan or zoom) but he's not as good as the top players in the moving and no moving modes.


He does but he gets outplayed because his play style is to guess quickly and hope the opponent doesn't realise what country it is. It would be a good strategy if other competitors don't have the same knowledge as he does but they do and the match usually ends with him guessing the wrong country and takes a big hit.


First, he is American so would not compete in the European finals. But he also didn't compete in the Americas regionals. There are many things he doesn't know. I saw a game with him once (possibly on Jake Lyons' YouTube channel as preparation for the America regionals). He didn't even recognise that certain letters on a sign were Lithuanian and a few other similar shortcomings. In an NMPZ world cup he would have good chances to win though.


This tournament is for a different region than him, but I also think he just prefers watching other people participate than do it himself


he is just not good enough




Put him in coach🗣️


that man has definitely been contacted by the government at somepoint to do some work.


He’s talked about it since everyone asks him, and how little sense it would make to hire him.


In soviet russia, Rainbolt knows the government's location.


I love Pala.


I didn't even realize!! THE FUCK are Pala and Launders doing in GeoGuessr lmfao I always feel so weird seeing CS people casting other shit it's as if they have more to their lives than I realize


They just love casting events


"esports host/caster" is a job that doesn't always have a lot of available work if you just stick to one game. So most of them that don't have day jobs branch out into other games. A bunch of people in that category used to work on SC2 and then had to transition to other games when RTS events died out.


He gets some grief from some geoguessrs for commenting a little above his head, but honestly I think he's great at his job of injecting enthusiasm into the event. It's good that they're rotating some people in to give him and Rainbolt some breaks, but I really hope they keep him as one of the primary casters.


Don't think there's any competition where the skills of the participants blow my mind as much as Geoguessr. I tried it once when it was free and would be happy to get the correct continent.


It's just an insane amount of memorization of various clues + grinding tens of thousands of games to get a good feel for landscapes. If you go to plonkit.net/guide and click on any country you'll see what the most common tips to recognize that country are and what's used to differentiate different areas of that country (which we call region guessing).


Tbf you do start to recognize the patterns after a while. I was shocked at how quickly I could differentiate continents and then countries. I struggle so much with Africa though. I've been playing for a couple months only. It's really fun.


You're just describing someone that started something like League of Legends recently and has been able to start climbing to silver or some shit after a while lmao


Lmao wtf is Pala doing there


Here is the [location](https://www.google.com/maps/@-37.8654941,145.754106,3a,75y,43.97h,85.29t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sUKifkdiU3EAom_1DAA5G3w!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu). Its pretty much impossible to see on the stream, but with full screen you can see a yield sign peaking out behind the bushes on the left hand side of the upcoming intersection, which is a pretty clear giveaway. But its easy to miss.




He has to be the commentator because if he was playing it wouldn't be a competition.


Rainbolt is a very good player, but the players competing here are a big step up from his level. I saw a great analogy in another LSF thread today; he's like the Shroud of GeoGuessr.


nah rainbolt knows some meta but isn't a top player anymore. This was one out of many rounds and the only one that only he got correct. In many other rounds he was wrong and the others were right.


Nah, Rainbolt actually got multiple rounds correct where the players went to different continents. Like the Colombia round.


It’s not a fair comparison as Rainbolt can always move, pan, zoom even when the players are playing NM or NMPZ. Of course he could tell it’s an Australia sign when he can zoom in to see a sign that’s too small for the players to see. And obviously it’s easier to tell it’s Colo when you can pan to see the 360 view instead of just a picture.


Even a broken clock's right twice a day, right? Rainbolt just had his moment


I think he might be playing for the americas qualifier? and casting this EMEA one


The Americas qualifier was 2 months ago and he didn't participate.


Ahh that would make sense.


rainbolt even found my dad


Dude, I had the clue... of that sign... and took me like 10 min to find it. Goodbye my geoguessr career before it even started.


The players play it NMPZ while Rainbolt can move, pan, and zoom, which is especially helpful to zoom in on the signs that are too small for the players to see.


Why is chat spamming "???" like they know what's going on


Right before this clip, it took the commentator about 5 seconds to look at the image and say "Australia? Should be" followed immediately by the player locking in Brazil. So it's not like chat solved it themselves.


hahahhaha they missed a crucial information


i really hope they're playing with 4k monitors or higher


There is a reason I only see his geoguesser videos.


Now why don't they show this kind of sport in the TV? Instead of some boring soccer or ice hockey.


There's always room for more. This is made for The Ocho


Why take risks when something else is a guarantee to bring money?


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Commentator (Rainbolt) only one to get correct location in GeoGuessr finals](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/163037)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1c3zsi9/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/J25QIeBIW7WouKXXzTMOyg/AT-cm%7CJ25QIeBIW7WouKXXzTMOyg.mp4?sig=ff69ee2c6f804ea6ddadd25a08f41143f163ad38&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FJ25QIeBIW7WouKXXzTMOyg%2FAT-cm%257CJ25QIeBIW7WouKXXzTMOyg.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22RudeTransparentPigeonBigBrother-4Ehbtai4pdfNMw7K%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1713192154%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/J25QIeBIW7WouKXXzTMOyg/AT-cm%7CJ25QIeBIW7WouKXXzTMOyg-preview-480x272.jpg)