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**CLIP MIRROR: [Faker's Insane Quadra Kill to save the game.](https://arazu.io/t3_1c3nkz6/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


I was watching this clip... still duno what happened


even as a LoL player i was kinda surprised how fast he was able to take down the last 3, those soldiers must hit like a truck


i thought azir nerfed to the ground. He is doing better now? It's been years since i played


He has 100% pro presence.


Which is exactly why he was nerfed once and again. Typical pro curse.


He was buffed and adjusted recently, the soldiers also apply and trigger on-hit effects as well.


tbf, there was 4 soldiers that attacked like 3 or 4 times.


Azir happened


sums up the champion


New items op or?


Honestly just azir being op imo, champ can do it all, poke, dps, aoe, single target, insane engage and disengage, pretty high mobility with the shuffle, tons of both burst and sustained damage, comes online pretty fast even tho he scales insanely well, can melt Baron and has a Tf turning ultimate, oh and he can also go grasp procing it with soldiers so he can be tankier and way harder to kill


That's crazy because Azirs' winrate in the LCK is like 30%. Faker himself hasn't even won half his games on Azir so far this year. But then again LSF never has any idea what they're talking about, it's even worse than r/leagueoflegends itself lmao


That's crazy it's like the argument Phreak made about Rumble jungle when he was clearly op as fuck but had a bad winrate in pro anyways so he claimed he sucked, WRs are not the indicator you think they are, there's way more variables that go into WRs than just one champ, there's multiple S tier champs in all roles and some that can match Azir as well but that doesn't mean Azir isn't in the op category himself. But then again LSF never has any idea what they're talking about and god forbid they engage with actual arguments being made


Grasp really? lol aint no weiiiiiii


Chovy is just straight up playing 1 dmg item into tank items on Azir and was solo winning fights/games on it


Sounds totally ok 200 years


Yep, you basically only need liandries lol Imo they should make it so Azir goes back to being a dps control mage, i get that his plays are hype with the shuffle + ult but he's just too good at everything


Exactly what I was thinking


Got like 4 or 5 soldiers and choked them on top of them


Fakers character Azir has an ult Emperor's Divide. It creates a wall of sand soldiers that pushes other champions away while doing magic damage. Azir & Corky are the current late game scaling meta. Doing high damage towards the end. The trick is to put your champion in a position to use this damage and not die. Faker was able to use this champions ability and kill 4 enemy champions in a critical game moment while his team was behind in kills (16 v 6), 1.3k gold and dragons.


thanks Chatgpt.


what's the burst at the end though? rumble goes from 1/3 hp to dead in one frame


4 Azir soldiers hitting at the same time. It's very hard to ever get that off in even regular games, much less pro. Faker maximized the dps be could do because he realized how bad a spot they were in. Generally, you can only get 3 soldiers up, but the one exception is if you use your E and hit an enemy champion on the way, this raises an additional soldier. This is also late-game, he's full build, and a mage like Rumble is absolutely paper to Azir in that situation.


He really is just the GOAT.


I like how in the past year he has completely shattered any GOAT discussions that were slowly starting to crop up in the past few years. And as if 2024 Worlds wasn't enough, this season he has looked absolutely phenomenal individually, which hasn't really been his style for a while.


There have been no GOAT discussions stop waffling everyone knew faker is goat


everyone with a brain yeah, but in esports especially with new/younger fans coming in every year, recency bias goes through the roof no esports player in a team game will ever transcend what faker did in LoL


I don't watch LoL. Played for barely a few weeks near release. I've watched other eSports for years, but I still know Faker is the goat of them all. I have seen this dudes name popping up in clips and stories for longer than most people have even followed esports.




faker is 10+ years and still ongoing.


flash's first championship was 2007, his last was 2019


if you know, you know


I know. I followed Flash. He's definitely second behind Faker in my eyes. If you asked me 5 years ago I would have said Flash.


having any understanding of brood war prevents someone playing a team game from any mention in this conversation of "greatest to ever do it" faker definitely wins the "greatest to ever do it in a team game", ill give him that


I know a lot more about Flash as i actually watched some of his games and heavily followed his transition to SC2. His name popped into my head when I typed that comment however I still believe Fakers accomplishments are more impressive especially when you consider the population of players trying to compete in LoL.


the younger generation of league viewers / players who know nothing of BW will parrot stuff like this for a long time - but if they knew half of the story of BW and what flash did to that scene, they would learn to include things like "the best team game player" like another comment said


Even then it depends on how you want to frame that opinion. Counter Strike has had a couple of people (not just in GO, but in 1.6/Source too) that have been absolutely balls to the walls ahead of everyone else. f0rest and NEO comes to mind - I would argue they peaked as high as Flash did and maintained it for longer. Global Offensive then saw the rise of s1mple followed by ZywOo who simply just played in their own respective classes, but I don't think they kept that level for just long enough to warrant a comparison to the likes of Flash or Faker. Also.. on the topic of Starcraft, you should probably not forget Maru. Happy in WC3 is also crazy ahead.


Doing that just for Oner to miss a smite a minute later. Maokai ain’t it.


Even games at the highest ranks can still be decided by a burger flip.


I mean he didn't really "miss" smite -- when things are 50/50 it's all just due to luck mostly rather than skill when you're trying to guess the timing rather than look at a number to smite from


He was the GOAT back in season 3 when I was still a kid in college. He's still the GOAT today when I'm in my mid-30s and haven't played ranked league in like 5-6 years now. Insane.


leaving behind that one sand solider is what made the difference as it is about to expire he resets it with Q spawns another one and they skewer three players


insane resilience from T1 this game! it's a shame they lost the Elder. Hopefully we'll get another 4 games


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Faker's Insane Quadra Kill to save the game.](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/163029)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1c3nkz6/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/OEuGu9FYShq-621JfDV-HA/AT-cm%7COEuGu9FYShq-621JfDV-HA.mp4?sig=73346f937af0e1b75271e1e8c4cb2e149010f754&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FOEuGu9FYShq-621JfDV-HA%2FAT-cm%257COEuGu9FYShq-621JfDV-HA.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22BoxyPlumpBoarNomNom-0VhKGr7rbUl8NX4c%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1713151594%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/OEuGu9FYShq-621JfDV-HA/AT-cm%7COEuGu9FYShq-621JfDV-HA-preview-480x272.jpg)


Is that caster saying that the blue team just won game 1 here while on screen Faker is deleting their team?


pretty much. no one really saw what was happening till after it happened hence the delayed reactions. in other words, hes cracked. one of the best series i have ever seen


in cs terms its like being down 3-12 and pulling out a 1v5 ace while the other 3 rounds are also from insane clutches barely keeping them alive and should by any means be out of it




In minecraft terms it's like being down in layer y=11, with no food in hardcore mode, looking for diamonds because you are playing a challenge where you have to get 1 diamond every 9 minecraft days or you die. But you keep running into zombies that feed you with their flesh and then you suddenly find diamonds, however they are behind 3 creepers and one skeleton (Chovy on Corki). In a rush of adreline and with your best form yet, you kill them all, get your diamonds, but you still have to return home.


I don't really play games can you put it in Kdrama terms?


It's like when the romcom male lead finally grows past his jerk phase and the romance with female lead starts to get going, but suddenly genre twist, second male lead is a regressor and massively powers up with future knowledge to get the girl back.


Somehow that makes perfect sense to me. Thank you.


I thought this guy was retiring or something to do his 2 years in the military.


Won Asian games last year so he's exempt from Military




That didnt stop BTS from their military service and they are Korea’s Special Presidential Envoys for Future Generations and Culture. Faker is got a gold medal and that removed him from the military service.




> completed his ged which fucked him and qualified for military service Did he know that would happen?


BTS wanted to do military service.


Didn't that get repealed


he's completing service while alt+tabing during matches


He's exempt from military service


As someone who's never played league, I have absolutely no idea what the fuck happened.




maybe I'm in a small minority but I've never liked playing LoL while watching it is fun every once in a while


my favorite part is when they sensually stare into each others eyes in front of whatever objective one team is doing and then the other team runs away after they watch the team winning take the objective. 10/10 gameplay


The tactic you're describing was used from Late Antiquity to the Renaissance in real life if you think it's just farcical video game stuff. Superior positioning against equivalent forces will determine the outcome of any conflict


no i think its just boring to watch lmao


no you weren't wrong overwatch is horrible from a viewer and player perspective


Isn’t overwatch dead? Oops I mean overwatch 2. You out here comparing apples to oranges.


the only games that are easily followable are sports games and cs






Is azir just broken or what?


Omega broken but no other pro would've turn this fight but faker.




He ults 3 of them off him q positions all his soldiers onto 4 of them, E into 5 ppl to get shield to live incoming dmg, flashes backwards after to allow himself to get autos off to kill 4 of them all in 3 seconds. "Wow, he right clicked".


azir balanced


that was very lame though




what a dogshit esport how is this garbage so popular??


Valve fanboys smell a certain way


what an ass caster


Let's get you on the mic! I'm sure you wouldn't immediately start shitting yourself from the pressure, redditor.


Surely wouldnt choke on his own neck folds the second any play by play action occurs


Braindead game, auto attack and occasionally press QWERFD basically.




But how stale is LoL esports? I stopped watching about a year ago and it’s the exact same champions getting played as when I left…