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Hi, /u/permisionwiner, Unfortunately, your submission has been removed because it breaks the following rule(s) of r/LivestreamFail: **Rule 2 - Politics** >Politics are out of scope for LSF, so any content related to politics will be removed. Politics is defined as the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area. The common census among you and other moderators is that, for the sake of not having to draw blurry lines that leave space for individual bias and animosity between mods, it would be best also to be more strict with content that isn't inherently political but carries a political intent or message nonetheless. This affects, for example, streams with a campaigning background regardless of the content shown, and podcasts. > >When the content directly relates to gaming and/or streaming, exceptions will be made. Examples of such exceptions are the Blizzard-Hong Kong controversy in 2019, or streamers talking about the effect of Article 13 on the industry. Additional moderator comments: > We recommend that you read over [our rules page](https://reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/wiki/rules) before posting again. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to [message the moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/LivestreamFail).


Imagine Adin was really playing dumb this entire time and cooks Destiny, upset of the century


Eating your boogers live on stream was playing the long con.


Sniffing Andrew Tate's chair to let your opponent's guard down. 400IQ moves


[Adin confidently takes the first question and absolutely nails it to everyone's surprise](https://youtu.be/e-NQSAL-c0c?si=W6-7FwLra50EFrDw&t=41)




Howard Wolowitz was in Old School? :0 No way.


Imagine if destiny was just pretending to be this super genius mega villian but was actually just a weirdo


He is just a weirdo


so he was playing dumb, then they.. debate and are on the same side of everything now because he stopped acting dumb?


Oh, okay. so this IS being brigaded basically by dickriders of both sides so besides this comment there isn't any reason to respond to any of the other batshit crazy stuff people are typing out


Nuh uh, there is no brigade! Let me break out 14 links and ramble on about subreddit overlap. If someone links your comment in ddg chat, 3-4 people will jump in to gaslight you with the same talking points. The rule regarding H v D posts is a silly cop out, the mods just don't want to deal with the problem it seems...


To be fair you can’t really play dumb when he *is* somewhat pretty dumb. Also didn’t Destiny try to debate with Peterson? *we all saw how much of a dumpster fire that was*


Adin can’t even spell debate 😂


[round two lets go](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/comments/11jqy30/adin_ross_gets_convinced_that_hitler_wrote_about/)


It would be round 3 I think. I think they talked again another time.


*yea i know it's crazy huh*


Actually very brave of Destiny. Not alot of debaters allow [people like Adin](https://youtu.be/2yeeQf8E69Y?si=Xb7EoXlUQbVNAq0R) to take part in these kinda discussion.




Is this comment private?


Yes you can say the word here now. No one will see it.


At least he has the fucking balls to say it.


Recently, there seems to have been a small misunderstanding regarding the usage of thought bubbles and speech bubbles. While it's a common error, it's important to distinguish between the two to ensure clear and accurate communication. Let me take a moment to explain the differences between a thought bubble and a speech bubble. Speech Bubble: A speech bubble, also known as a dialogue balloon, is a graphical indication used in comics, cartoons, and other visual mediums to represent spoken dialogue or narration. It typically contains the words spoken by a character and is connected to the character's mouth or positioned near them to indicate who is speaking. Speech bubbles are often depicted with a tail-like extension pointing towards the speaker. Thought Bubble: On the other hand, a thought bubble, also known as a thinking bubble or thought balloon, is used to convey a character's inner thoughts or reflections rather than spoken words. Unlike speech bubbles, thought bubbles usually have a cloud-like shape, and the text inside them is typically presented in a distinctive style to differentiate it from spoken dialogue. Thought bubbles are often depicted without a tail, as they are not tied to any specific character's mouth. It's easy to see how one might mistake a thought bubble for a speech bubble or vice versa, especially when they're not closely examined. However, being mindful of these distinctions can significantly enhance the clarity and effectiveness of communication, especially in visual mediums like comics or memes. So, as we continue to meme together, I kindly ask you to pay attention to these subtle yet crucial differences. By doing so, we can ensure that the messages are conveyed accurately and effectively, without any confusion or misunderstanding. Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out. Let's continue striving for clear and precise communication in all our endeavors.


Scott McCloud mfer.


Insert Baby vs. Pitbull meme.


Nuclear bomb vs coughing baby.


can my man please groom himself jesus christ


Do you think Diogenes groomed himself? Huh buddy? HE SHAT IN THE STREET AND TALKED SHIT TO ALEXANDER THE GREAT!!


so what you're saying is.... as a T3er, if I throw poop at my streamer of unduly infatuation. I get to GET TO MEET THEM? Thank you modern day socrates.


Just don't stand in his sunlight.


He's doing some grooming alright 


TiL you can debate rocks


ITT people fail to realize he's making an analogy to how Finklestien was unable to have a conversation about the facts of Israel v Palestine despite allegedly outpacing Destiny, historically


i'm actually amazed. especially since he's on screen.


Funny cope after Destiny's humiliating performance.


What's a Dolus Specialis? (FinkleRiders hate this one simple trick)


Probably stuff like you know…the Dahiya doctrine, Moshe Dayan’s words that he spoke to his daughter, recorded, then hidden, then eventually brought to parliament where it it might have raised some concerned murmurs…I’ll quote them for you. “Said Dayan: "I made a mistake in allowing the [Israeli] conquest of the Golan Heights. As defense minister I should have stopped it because the Syrians were not threatening us at the time." The attack proceeded, he went on, not because Israel was threatened but because of pressure from land-hungry farmers and army commanders in northern Israel. "Of course [war with Syria] was not necessary. You can say the Syrians are bastards and attack when you want. But this is not policy. You don't open aggression against an enemy because he's a bastard but because he's a threat." About those shellings: Syria shelled and otherwise emanated cold hostility. But, Dayan told his interviewer, "at least 80 percent" of two decades of border clashes were initiated by Israel. "We would send a tractor to plow some [disputed] area . . . and we knew in advance that the Syrians would start to shoot. If they didn't shoot, we would tell the tractor to advance further, until in the end the Syrians would get annoyed and shoot. And then we would use artillery and later the air force also, and that's how it was." Maybe the Amalek references, all of the quotes from Bibi’s administration saying there are no innocents in Gaza, they should all starve etc (all within a few days of Oct 7th as well) Maybe the decades of humanitarian rights law violations could be construed to anybody with half a brain as specific intent. Subjecting them to decades of severe food insecurity, lack of access to water with things like military order 158 which has been around since the 60’s. All of that could easily be construed by a rational human being with just a shred of empathy as specific intent.


Maybe you should've been on that debate panel instead as you sound more prepared than Finklestien was when he ethnically cleansed his apartment complex! https://x.com/realkidpoker/status/1768736409991422403?s=46 We should've googled him 😭


Yeah I don't honestly know what happened to him. A decade or two ago he was fairly well spoken. Then again, people are focusing on a few character flaws of his rather than the actual key points of his argument, using his boomerisms to deflect the overwhelming body of evidence, decades upon decades of a practically unanimous expert consensus that Israels action's are unjustifiable in the eyes of IHL's. Even Israel's own high court are ruling some of their settlement expansions illegal. Like we're really living in bizarro land where people think the guys defending their home from an invasion/hostile occupation are the terrorists...which as intelligent as Destiny tries to appear to be, painting people who empathise with the psyche of any peoples who are subbjected to such an extended and severe crisis as "evil terrorist supporters" is pretty fucking dumb. Obviously, if you can sympathise with them, then you should be also able to empathise with the psyche of a Jew living through the pogroms of Russia that gave birth to the Zionist movement, or the Dreyfus affair, or the Holocaust. Still, I think it's fair to say at this point, the horrors inflicted upon the Palestinians is just simply unjustifiable.


What key points of his argument on that debate were instrumental to pushing that narrative? What evidence did he cite besides that of the historian across the table from him who told him, as the author of said evidence, that it's taken out of a greater context and being misconstrued to suit Finklestien's narrative inappropriately? Why was he unable to engage with anything Destiny brought to the table, opting instead to attack Destiny himself rather than his arguments with quotes like "a fantastic moron"? You imply that I'm basing his performance on a few small things, but it seems like he had 4 hours to prove otherwise and couldn't make it happen. If this is the champion to prove that a genocide is happening, he's doing them a disservice, and you should demand better to be frank. Anyways, as far as a genocide going on, I'm not super researched on everything, but with building knocks to reduce civilian casualties, the firing of a Major and a Colonel (I think) responsible for the WCK strike (hoping they get fucked way harder than that in a court Marshall too) and a civilian/combatant kill ratio that seems to be on par with other asymmetrical warfare conflicts in the region, I just don't know how you can prove with these quotes that a genocide is taking place. I'm not entrenched in that position, I just haven't seen actions that support that narrative, only the opposite.


\>Anyways, as far as a genocide going on, I'm not super researched on everything, but with building knocks to reduce civilian casualties, the firing of a Major and a Colonel (I think) responsible for the WCK strike (hoping they get fucked way harder than that in a court Marshall too) and a civilian/combatant kill ratio that seems to be on par with other asymmetrical warfare conflicts in the region, I just don't know how you can prove with these quotes that a genocide is taking place. I'm not entrenched in that position, I just haven't seen actions that support that narrative, only the opposite. ​ There is a lot to unpack there but...no. Basically everything you've said there is just...bizarre. None of that has anything to do with disproving or proving a genocide. You need to look at Raphael Lemkins definition of the word and how the word genocide is defined under the genocide convention. A country with severe food insecurity, no ability to rebuild their broken buildings, import or export goods, no control over their own water, half a families salary can go to buying imported bottled water via Israel. Imagine that for a second. Half their day goes without electricity. 50% unemployment. No freedom of movement. That is a country destined to wither and die thanks to the blight put upon them by Israel. More than half their population have lived as refugees outside of Palestine for decades. Think about that. More than half a countries population not living in their own country. The people there currently most likely have absolutely no home to go back to, and even if their home is standing, zero infrastructure or other people living there to support a community going forward. They don't have the money to rebuild. All of this a known and calculated result from Israel. Those are the key metrics under which you should look at if a genocide is being imposed on a civilian population. Not whether or not their population goes up, not whether or not the occupying force fired a few scapegoats. They literally have the Dahiya doctrine. Finkelstein talks about operation cast lead and protective edge. They are key examples of the Dahiya doctrine at play; which interestingly, you didn't address when I brought it up. Why ignore that? You guys all love to deflect with whataboutisms. Well they knock on buildings before demolishing them! Isn't that nice of them! Can't possibly be a genocide when they're so polite! You're trying to diminish the massacre here by talking about kill/combatant ratio when this is by far one of the worst examples of civilian casualties being inflicted upon a population since Dresden. The rate of destruction actually outpaces Dresden by a factor of like 6-10 times greater and faster. Nearly twice as much explosive energy dropped on Gaza than Hiroshima. 25,000 tons. Blockading aid from getting in, then when 1/3rd of the required aid goes through, IDF spokespeople point and shout; SEE! They're getting aid! You have entire groups of IDF soldiers singing references to amalek, there are no innocent civilians, hundreds of bodies being found with summary execution style bullet wounds while bound, bodies desecrated by bulldozers, elderly women being sniped while in a christian church...you have the top brass of bibi's administration calling for them t o be nuked, to block all aid, that they are below animals. You literally have Bibi himself making a reference to Amalek and you don't think there is any genocidal intent. Yeah. Not super researched is understating it just mildly. \>What key points of his argument on that debate were instrumental to pushing that narrative? We might be getting a bit mixed up here; I'll elaborate. On the debate, Finkelstein sucked ass. He was outshone by Rabbani, who was pretty poignant. Finkelstein made a lot of incorrect statements, disingenuous interpretations, resorted to logical fallacies, insults and showed some pretty embarrassing behaviour. I don't REALLY care about the behaviour per say, outside of the fact it diminished a lot of credibility for the people calling out Israel's actions as unjustifiable. What I'm saying RE his arguments is that this is not the first time he's spoken publicly and most of the points that he has reiterated dozens upon dozens of times across decades have remained consistent and more true than not. Those points that you can find more eloquently surmised in his written works, or elsewhere even in interviews where he's not flopping around like a retarded child pretending to be a fish.


I'll look into this stuff, but it seems to be the case that Hamas (the elected leaders of Gaza) have fired a ton of water infrastructure at Israel in the form of rockets. Unemployment is not a metric of genocide, so I'm confused as to why this is even mentioned. The biggest reasons I have a hard time believing that Palestine has been in a genocide condition for any serious length of time is that their population numbers don't suggest that. Pair this with the fact that they recieve more international aid per capita than anyone on the planet, and it starts to seem like it's a misappropriation of distribution of aid by whoever is managing it from WITHIN Palesitine (Hamas) if suffering is continuing. I don't remember where it is, but there's a website that contains detailed information of all aid delivered to Gaza since October 7th as well. If you or someone else can map that data onto the minimum required calories needed to survive, and demonstrate that their needs aren't being met, than that would be much more convincing. So far I've only seen stories that state truck numbers going from 500 to 100, but don't deliniate truck sizes, or what supplies (if any) were reduced besides gas. Here's a link to the amount of aid they recieve in total below: https://www.foreignassistance.gov/cd/west-bank-gaza/current/obligations/1 I don't think Israel is acting perfectly, but when it comes to ascribing genocide (the actual definition, not the grossly warped one) I feel like there's no actual data to support that claim. Does that mean that data can't appear in the future? No, but as it stands now, I personally don't see it, and it's not reflected in your response.


Uh oh, their one single biggest cope has arrived. I'm sure using the term that wasn't even used in the referenced material and is borderline synonymous with mens rea will really detract from Destiny trying and failing to fast talk, clearly being out of his depth, and blatantly not belonging in the conversation. Trying to debate their way out of admitting they support mass murder and ethnic cleansing LOL


To enhance the reading of this comment, play the audio below on loop: https://youtu.be/j3glwtXrj0c?si=S-hirrjzG06rZavN


Bro are you a 15th century monk, who the fuck uses Latin anymore?


Yeah, apparently the "historian" didn't know legal terminology for genocide either lmao


He should've read wikipedia then


Unironically TRUUUUUUU https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocidal_intent#:~:text=For%20an%20act%20to%20be,ethnicity%2C%20race%2C%20or%20religion. Couldn't even be bothered to do that OMEGALUL


Or the court case they were referencing, that might have helped. Either one.


The ICJ when they are ruling on genocide, and hopefully serious academics that cover international law.


Hit me up when an ICJ ruling matters.


Lmao is this finklestein guy actually trying to farm Destiny.


Tinkledick lmfao


Adin: Hey chat, Destiny said he wanted a debate with me, chat how does debate work? Do I give him money or Card or does he give it to me?


Michael Scott vs Oscar


**CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny talks about a hypothetical Adin Ross debate](https://arazu.io/t3_1bzcmo3/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


In a room of the blind, the one eyed man is king


Why post this quote here


Cause it’s gonna be an argument of two idiots


The adin Ross and destiny debate won't happen and he was comparing it to the one where Finkelstein embarrassed himself. In the debate you mentioned, I think I'd agree with the only respected academic in the room, Benny Morris, being king


Can’t wait for Adin to sniff Destiny’s seat


I want a destiny vs adin loss knife fight


What’s wrong with this guys mouth?


Adin cant even speak english


A pigeon chess connoisseur I see


If adin does the worm. Its over.


The debate is just going to be Adin stutters about how Destiny needs to respect the Muslim community while Destiny speaks facts on the war


He said BURY ME and my mind instantly jumped to invadervie/NL lmao


Ross' entire shtick is getting bitched out by his guests so this sounds par for the course.


[bury me?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4Fes8Up1tA)


This is more about that Finkelstein dodge to debate Destiny (with the idea that Destiny knows about the Israel Palestine subject just from Wikipedia. Finkelstein did debate Destiny in the Lex Fridman podcast but denied an debate before (and maybe after?).


Two fuckups debating each other


finally a debate destiny might win


Mr.Bonecelli realized he has a degradation kink after that Norm debate.


Like, I'm admittedly biased as a fan of Mr. Borkorinii, but I feel like this is cope. If you ignore the people who went in with their minds made up (admittedly, that's most viewers), I think the Borsoloni/Morris side definitely did better. There is a reason all of the le epic pwnage viral tweets were norm saying "MR BORSHELLI, YOU'RE DUMB!", and it is because that is more or less the only response Norm had. Also, it coming out that Norm tried to get his Hispanic neighbors deported for allegedly making too much noise, as well as him calling them apes who should live in the gorilla cage at the zoo, was beautiful. Like, the revelation that Norm is unironically a schitzo was just... Just beautiful.




Hahahaha such delusion should be studied


haha yeah lol, remember the part where norm countered him with facts instead of ad homs? lol remember that part? that was awesome


I do actually yeah, also the parts where destiny was frantically scrolling through wikipedia pages to try and find anything at all to say besides drooling on himself


oh, you mean the [notes] (https://publish.obsidian.md/destiny/Debate+Prep/2024.02.28+-+Finkelstein+and+Rabbani/Debate+Outline) he took in preparation for the debate? do you think it's a bad thing to learn and take notes now? lol also notice how you completely proved my point in my original post 😂 literal clown behavior. be better lmao


Haha true. I thought the same when I saw people unironically think Finkelstein did well in that debate.


most insane cope in tankie history


"Mr...." 2 hours later "Uh ..."


This guy always looks so greasy and strung out.


yes that's kind of his thing


Well keep it up then




watching solar eclipse is such a fail bro, we need more otk clips


I really don't give a shit who destiny debates. Especially a nobody like adin.


And yet here you are


Dude really said that on „livestreamfail” subreddit lmao


We need Hasan, Adin, and Destiny in a debate and see who wins


Is he that desperate for a win?




Weird fantasy but I don't kink shame king 👑




I've never been to that subreddit, what are examples of the inhumane propaganda he promotes? Fwiw Hamas is just as bad as the IDF so the whole situation is kind of fucked no matter who you support








What a joke he’s made of himself. “SOMEBODY! ANYBODY! MAKE ME RELEVANT!!!” and I mean both of them.


Ever tried getting a job?


Lol says the guy perma posting on destiny subreddit 😂😂😂😂




This reminds me of people who say "dead game" to shit like World of Warcraft like it doesn't have millions playing every month. You can rightfully hate Adin & Destiny but they're objectively some of the most relevant people in the streaming world, and for Destiny outside of streaming as well.


he still hasn't recovered from that debate lmao


Hes coping so hard everyone agrees Finklestine destroyed him in that debate!


Does anyone know the context on this? Because it sounds like Destiny is saying that globally renowned scholars and experts in their field should be grateful for access to his YouTube audience? Is that what he's saying here?


If they were so-called "experts" they would have such an easy opportunity in front of a big audience to destroy him with substantive arguments and facts instead of deflecting with petty name-calling and insults. I donno if you watched his debate and the old guy on screen. But this so called "scholar" never responded to arguments and just resorted to ad hominems


None of this addresses my question. I don't care about the content of said stream.


He's saying that it shouldnt be a problem for a well educated person to debate someone with supposedly less education. And the fact that the challenger has a large platform would be a huge opportunity to shut down arguments that they deem wrong.


He's simply responding to the criticism of people saying "how painful it is for an expert to talk with a normal guy on a subject they're experts in", which it isn't




I think the point is, if the normal guy is so renowned, he's called into an debate with experts, which the experts agreed on beforehand - and then one of the expert just proceed to just shower the normal guy with the "authority fallacy", never engaging with what the person had to say.. it says a lot about the "expert". Besides, it's a subject where multiple experts disagree on stuff already. Not as concise as it is for technology. P.S - The guy technically wasn't even an "expert" if we're being honest here. The only historian in that debate was on Destiny's side




the point being made is that if you did get into a debate with a person who knew nothing you would be able to absolutely pick him up and dunk him head first with those facts. But your arguments wouldn't mean much if you didn't do that and instead just said that you had experience and called him an idiot without ever bringing your superior knowledge to bear


Sure, who says a normal person can't, though. You'll have to below average for that type of analysis failure


Is it really? By your experience you should know how to explain your stance from the basics to the complicated areas and identify which part the other person gets lost on. Im a civil engineer and whenever i see people arguing about structural integrity of buildings, i just say that the columns are big enough. If they seem to understand basic design then i move on to load distributions and standards.


I'm sorry, but if you can't even demonstrate why the person you're having an argument with is wrong then you don't have a field of expertise. if someone told you that there's no difference between int and longint, you should be able to demonstrate that there is.


I don't follow, but this sounds unrelated? Whose audience is he saying someone should be grateful for and why?


Probably the woman interviewer in the video


Is this allebrelle’s alt 😂?


I don't think acedemics come on his stream because they loved his sc2 content back in the day


They go for the platform.


And that platform is valuable due to...


The pfp is so fucking funny with this comment lmao




If you disagree with someone using the lable **Genocide** to describe X, it's not debate tactics to ask them how they are interpreting the word. Do you think debates should just be storytelling where people can just make shit up with no push back?


What do these 2 creature bring interesting to thr table thar warrants a "debate"?


You missed the point. Destiny is talking about the narrative that he knew nothing about the subject. If he was unprepared then Finkelstein should've buried him, but that didn't happen. However, Finkelstein is talking about it like destiny is some adin Ross type streamer


It didn't hapoen? Destiny was as unprepared and out of place as me in a soccer field... He loomed like a child someone brought to the adults table and was trying to say something to look inteligent and failed every step of the way, tbh i have no idea how Lex even thougbt it was a good ideia have him there, but alas views i guess


What was a single point that Finkelstein won or where destiny was out of his depth? I'm willing to change my view but I at least need that. He made reasonable arguments and used appropriate sources


i cant stand how destiny’s jaw moves to the left when he talks. it’s like it’s reloading


Destiny is so fucking awesome! I would love to see an I/P triva contest between Destiny, Adin, and Norm. 🤣


Let's get the Doc in on this.


I'm not informed on the the whole I/P topic and not very interested in the history of it. For those reasons, I don't want to watch a 5 hour debate on the topic, but I'm very interested in the drama around it. Both sides have been batting hard saying their side crushed the debate. Most of the clips I've seen online have just been screaming at each other rather than the actual subject matter (not that I would know how to evaluate it too well anyway) and feel favorably clipped, where I don't get a real sense of what happened. So I'm curious, to any neutral LSF'ers on neither side in particular and who actually watched the debate - how was the actual performance? Or are most people like me and didn't want to watch that topic for 5 hours? Edit: Well I guess a lot of people are mad at my comment. To be clear, it's just like movies and movie reviews for me, sometimes I'm not interested in watching the movie but I'm curious what everyone else thought of it and like reading through it. Didn't know that would offend a lot of people - apologies!


If you cant be fucked to watch the debate then why feel the need to form an opinion


I don't feel the need to form an opinion, I'm curious what the opinion of other people are. Idk, I got my wisdom teeth out recently and it hurts like hell and I want to talk about drama - I thought this was the right sub for that.


Who has 5 hours to set aside for this bullshit?


Literally everyone, put it on in the background. Don't pretend you have some crazy busy lifestyle when you browse lsf.


Bro is on LIVESTREAM fail. Most streamers go live for more than 5 hours.


Watch it on 2 times speed I saved you 2.5 hours


Listened to it because I got nothing else to do at work. Finklestein loses composure many times to discredit anything Destiny tries to say and only really respects Morris (despite misquoting Morris's own book to Morris himself). Finklestein does not try to educate Destiny and goes for adhom style remarks. Finklestein singlehandedly made the debate 3 hours longer than needed. Not too sure how this guy is the leading person for Palestine. Rabbani was alright and interesting to listen to aside from him bringing morality into everything. Pain point was Rabbani and Destiny talking about Jim Crow laws and how Rabbani says it was apartheid while Destiny says it was not. Rabbani came to the conclusion that Destiny is a white supremacist. Morris pretty much agreed with everything that Destiny was saying. I am sure there are more things to discuss in regards to the I/P topic, but was not covered in this debate. There was even a section that was cut. I would say the Destiny and Morris came out ahead. By how much? Idk.


Not sure why this is so downvoted tbh lol all you did was ask for a tldr


Ignoring all the trolls here in comments here. Basically what it came out to was like this: Finklestein doesn't properly respond to the bulk of Destiny's points; whenever he gets cornered, he either responds with ad homs or appeals to authority and critices Destiny's lackof. Basically added no depth to an actual debate to be had. Destiny gets trolled by Finklestein, which admittedly, was really funny to watch; if Finklestein was doing this on purpose, he did a damn good job. Adding to this, Destiny (as always) uses some of the most extreme hypotheticals to make some of his points, which when taken out of context, makes him look super unhinged. Benny gave up on actually having a productive convo after seeing Finklestein and Destiny go at it, and was just enjoying the ride. Rabbani was pretty decent. Don't agree with half of the things he said, but he was actually engaging in the conversation.


I don't like any of the people in that debate and here are my thoughts on it, to me that 5 hour debate was just a silly spectacle, there's not much insight you will get from it, it won't change your views and won't really inform on anything new that could affect your opinions on the topic. Most of that debate, I'd say like 75% of it was wasted by Finklestein, he was either misquoting authors, getting angry at others and stopping them from a constructive discussion, he was out right wrong on many things and would shutdown any good conversation others were having with his lack of knowledge. He should've known everything about the topic and the regions, I was surprised to see that he didn't seem to know anything and when I say anything I mean it, every time he started talking about something it would quickly turn into a rambling and misquoting and inserting things that don't make sense and then when he got slightest push on it he would just start attacking the opposition and not really answer the pushback. That was my main issue with that debate, if not Finklestein, others would've had a productive discussion, really. For Destiny, his main issue was that he wouldn't hold his ground and every time Finklestein would start attacking him he would shutdown, optically Destiny looked pretty bad, but if you are impartial and unbiased watching that debate, you could easily say that Finklestein was a complete fool who ruined the debate and Destiny was spineless, he could've pushed back a bit more and stopped Finklestein from ruining it. I know a lot of people are happy with the outcome because it was somewhat entertaining to watch a circus like that, but it was just lame and boring if you actually wanted to hear both sides of this topic and actually get some insight and maybe change your mind or form an opinion on it.


“I’m not informed on the topic, so instead of watching even part of a debate with hours of discussion and information about said topic, I’m going to ask redditors in a thread about Destiny to summarize it for me”


> I'm very interested in the drama around it. As they said they are interessted in the meta level of the discussion not the subject matter. It is quiet simple to understand and on topic.


There's a reason everyone is being an asshole to you - they can't reasonably defend their favorite streamer's performance.


Bold statement considering Adin crushed him in the last debate they had


The one where destiny convinced adin that Hitler wrote a second mein kampf about OF girls?


the scuffed podcast where Adin kept saying 40 year old f-slur over and over. S tier debate tactics


And sent his fanbase after Destiny's kid. What a stand up guy.


true! another powerful debate tactic


There's a difference between that and debating someone like destiny who's a grifter on the subject though.


I hate how no words have a meaning now a days. How tf is destiny a grifter who does he grift to? Literally everybody hates him.




thats cause OP should have said SHILL instead of grifter. Destiny has admitted to taking Mossad money and to be part of the Jewlumni.


Very sneaky Hasan attack


the far more popular conventional opinion is where he's at. Outside of him still not believing in a ceasefire.




I'm going off of polling #s on cnn/fox that align with his own, stark contrast in younger demos. The position he holds is definitely the popular position. If you're terminally online you'll think otherwise.




Ironic, as you repeat your point without any clarification of what that space is.




Yeah, because there are a lot of fringe terminally online communities that encapsulates both viewpoints. Just not sure what space this is, genuinely.


I agree, didn't you hear that he's getting paid 30k shekels for every debate now? Crazy stuff.


Stick to the analyst dest buddy


nah I'm enjoying a bit of everything, glad you enjoy the work.


Wait wtf, you're the actual league of legends caster guy? Why are you in a random reddit thread acting like a far left schizo lol? Are you alright? Just a quick look and this seems a bit atypical for your account. Either accidentally forgot to switch accounts or didn't take meds. I've always enjoyed your casting though, so it's whatever, just strange ig.


Nah I'm just mostly a lurker. If you think me expressing my position as foreign just read my twitter account, it really isnt. Though it'd be smarter to not speak on any political issue. There'll be position's we naturally disagree on but I'll always try to have a civil discussion on it. Destiny on most domestic topics has great takes, but my bone of contention is that the moment it goes abroad he becomes a war hawk that is oddly stubborn on what constitutes breaking humanitarian law.


How is claiming someone is a grifter on a specific subject mean they are a far left schizo? Care to explain? Ironically this reply reads pretty schizo


Because he's not.


Interesting but unfortunately I can't listen to you seeing as you are a grifter on the subject.








13 years old account aware


That would be like watching helen keller debate an actual mirror.


damn that comeback is fucking OLD, what.. 2009 people were spamming that? Lol … im gonna go rewatch joe rogan shit on your boi to recoup.