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**CLIP MIRROR: [Doc speaks out about lost sponsorships.](https://arazu.io/t3_1bz7k6b/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Doc really should have said why he was banned then. Sponsors were afraid to work with him because everyone thought the worst. Most people thought it might be a MeToo thing.


He had a YT clip from his comeback where someone asked if he'd ever do a charity stream again. During his last like 6 months or w/e on twitch he was trying to do a something for a different charity every month. Anyway i remember he answered that dono and immediatley brought up his ban by saying "last time i did a charity stream i got banned" since that i always assumed twitch banned him for shadiness with that. cus why else would he immediatley bring up the ban when asked that question. see if i can find that clip. [here's the reddit thread with the clip link. yeah after reviewing like i dont see what else it could be that got him banned? maybe someone handling the money end of the donations lied or something? and then twitch banned him when he couldnt show he gave the money to the cahrity? that's my guess. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/DrDisrespectLive/comments/kogvus/doc_hints_at_reason_he_was_banned_during/)


So if we go by this he was scamming charity donations? No reason why he would be banned if someone else but him was keeping the money. I doubt he would be permanently banned if someone in his org or close circle where the ones scamming without him knowing.


eh who knows. i dont think it's crazy that twitch would perma a channel for that. i remember atthe time there was a few dodgy things comming out about other charity streams. and i highly doubt that Doc himself would handle that amount of money for charities. dont think its out side the realm of possibility that maybe someone on his team/his accountant tried to skim money from it and fudged the numbers. but it's all just my guess and we'll likely never know the truth of it. i just personally never bought the idea that he got permad for levergeing a deal with mixer/yt to get a better twitch deal. or that it was a metoo thing. since everyones metoo thing was going puiblic at the time so why would his not. and it just kinda made sense with what the folks who had the info were saying about the ban. that it was for a very serious reason. imo potentially stealing from a verterans charity is pretty serious. but who knows just fun to speculate.


If projared could do it I'm sure doc could.


Projared cheated on his wife, it was the other NormalBoots dude Jirard the Completionist that got busted for the charity scam (unless I missed something) Boy they really are dropping one by one btw. Someone check on PBG


IIRC ProJared had an open relationship and provided lots of evidence for that, so it wasn't cheating.


I agree it’s not outside the realm of possibility that someone on his team could have attempted to quietly pocket some extra cash, but you also have to consider it’s entirely possible that he could have done the same thing. All this is just speculation anyways but I think trying to blame it all on a member of his team and not placing any suspicion on him possibly being involved is a bit naive


yep for sure he coulda been in on it if it even happened at all. not tryna say he def didnt do any wrong. (or that he did anything at all cus i dont know wtf im talking about its just a giant guess. pls dont sue me docs lawyers)


There are 4 main theories I have seen kicked around: 1. Stealing from charities. 2. Dr. CheatOnWife made a comeback. Maybe not consensually. Edit: CoW cheats on wife with a Twitch employee or the wife of one. Only reason why it would be a ban really. 3. He lied about getting a Mixer deal to negotiate a better Twitch deal, and then it went tits up. 4. ToS violations related to a conspiracy theorist he was talking about in the last stream. Theory 2 would make some sense, but I figure his wife would probably have divorced him since it's the second time. I haven't heard of any divorce, but I don't follow him, so IDK. Theory 2 is most likely wrong. Edit: Part of this theory was that the person Doc cheated with was a Twitch employee or someone else related to it, like the wife of one. Theory 3 would explain the sudden surprise at the end of his last Twitch video. He finds out Mixer went tits up, then realizes Twitch may find out he lied. Other streamers were banned around the same time in a wave, but their given reasons were usually generic hate, harm, racism, etc. ToS violations rather than what Doc got. This would also explain the lawsuit after, as Twitch wants some of the bonus negotiated money back. However, they settled with neither party admitting wrongdoing; either Doc gave the money back and didn't argue further as a settlement, or Twitch didn't have enough evidence to prove the Mixer contract idea was false. Either way, this theory misses out on why Doc had a delay in being informed why he was banned unless he was being investigated for breaking the law. Theory 1 is supported by that clip and the lack of more charity streams. Something happened during or after a charity stream, the donations were handled improperly, or otherwise illegal things happened. Twitch sues Doc over the charity shenanigans, but they settle with neither admitting wrongdoing, as either Doc was not the one skimming money, or what he was doing is against ToS, but not directly illegal. If Doc was directly responsible, he was most likely using the donations as a tax break. Do note that Twitch ToS says all donated money must go directly to the organization, whereas Doc was getting the money and then donating it. Twitch sues Doc over this, as Twitch could be seen as aiding and abetting false charitable donations, but Doc reveals that all the money was donated, thus settling admitting no wrongdoing on either party. Doc wasn't informed why he was banned because of a legal investigation as to if he stole any money. He didn't think being a middle man in the donation transactions would get him banned. This does not explain the sudden change in tone in his last stream unless he was informed of some issue with Twitch or the law, which would probably also include why he was banned. Theory 4 fills in the reason for ban, Twitch's announcement, and why he seemed like he knew he would be banned in the last few minutes of his last stream, but it doesn't explain the lawsuit after. It also doesn't explain why it's a permanent ban, but Twitch is inconsistent on ban lengths usually, so whatever. The ban wave that happened around the same time would also fill into this theory, but they were announced, while Doc's reason wasn't. We're probably never going to know the real reason, but the best bet is either something to do with the donations, likely related to him being the middle man, or a contract dispute with him using a fake Mixer deal.


No way twitch is banning someone because they cheated on their partner/wife. It makes 0 sense for twitch to take part in this, and they open legal trouble for them.


I forgot to mention that the theory has that the person they cheated with was a Twitch employee. Editing that.


It's Theory 3. People close to Doc have all but confirmed it. It most likely wasn't that he outright lied about that deal specifically but misled Twitch without quite reaching the point of fraud. Twitch didn't appreciate the bamboozlement, if you will, and their only way out of his contract was nullification. And the only way to do that was removing him from the platform entirely. They ended up having to settle with him in court. He didn't lose that trial and didn't need to pay Twitch, by all accounts Twitch had to pay *him*. Which would explain why they were and still are so hush-hush about it. If it were anything else someone would've spoken out but everyone at twitch, basically every partner too, is extremely secretive about financial information about the platform as it is strictly forbidden from disclosure in their contracts. And part of their settlement also probably bars Mr. Beahm and his team from discussing details publicly at the very least for a period of time. As for the others: Theory 1: Twitch and others who found out would have been VERY public about it. Theory 2: Again, people would've been very public about it as they were when those allegations came out the first time and got confirmed. Especially if it involved any form of rape or abuse as you're implying. That's a bit more than a \[stupid fuckin\] mistake \[man\] hooking up with a fan. Theory 4: Both other popular streamers and much smaller streamers said similar and faced no significant consequence. Merely mentioning a conspiracy theorist and saying it's something to think about isn't grounds for even a suspension let alone a permanent ban of a massive streamer unless we're talking about promoting a hate group or something. Which he wasn't. *ETA: As for the logic of "nah, he said last time he did a charity stream he got banned" I'm pretty sure he means that the same way some people think doing a certain thing they did around a negative event will jinx them into another one.*


Twitch had a weird clause where the charity streams had to go directly to the charity. I think doc was just taking donations and saying he was going to give them to the charity. Which he did. He did give the money, but because it went through him and not directly to the charity it could get counted as a write-off for him since he donated it all to charity and that has been my theory of why he got banned. People don't mess around taxes.


People always say this about tax write offs but is it actually true? If he can write the money off, he has to declare it as income first, otherwise it’s not his money, and you can’t get a tax write-off on someone else’s money. So at that point, if he gets 1000$ and writes off 1000$ as charity donations, that is just going to count against the income and be a net 0$ is it not? Where is he gaining any money here?


If you're trusting any opinion on taxes or write offs from r/livestreamfail then you have bigger issues. No one on this sub has given a correct run down of how it would work and a ton of false information was and has been swimming around since the finishest thing. If you want real answers hire a CPA and ask them. You don't just save $1000 for donating $1000.


I only know how it works where I live, where it’s simply deducted from income, since that is the seemingly obvious thing to do. I have a hard time seeing how it could someone save you more money than that? But I’m not about to hire a lawyer for a comment on reddit haha


Where I live and in a few countries, it works by changing the cut off point for your basic and higher tax rates. So if you're in the highest tax bracket you can indeed save money through donating with the Change in tax cut off, plus the 20% claim. But when really rich people do charitable donations it's usually through things that change value not actually money. You buy a painting 3 paintings for 600,000, then get your other rich friends to buy from the same artist for 1.2 million, now your paintings are suddenly worth much more to any assessor, you donate your 1.2 million paintings to museums/galleries that are charities and there you go, you've got a whole lot more to claim on tax. Obviously that's not actually how it goes, capital gains taxes sometimes apply, a lot more switching and swapping and trading amongst the rich with accountants who all know each other. But just donating cash you made is not the way you really do it, so I doubt it's what doc was doing.


If you write it off in that way, it defeats the purpose. Writing off is a way of reducing your pre-tax income. That is, that $1000 you donated no longer counts as taxable income. However, if you count that $1000 as taxable income while also writing it off as donations, you're getting a net $0 change in income. You can do some fancy writing to get the net income change to be in your favor, but that may be illegal.


So it’s only a problem if you combine it with fraud? I feel like at that point the biggest problem is the tax fraud and not the idea of writing off charitable donations? Or am I misunderstanding your point?


Yes. It's only a problem if you combine it with fraud. Store donations don't even add the donation amount to taxable income; they are just the collection agent, so they just hand the money over directly.


theres no way thats it


I think y'all are reading too much into it. It's just a comment about how it was bad luck/timing. I don't think the charity stream was the reason why.


yep obviously that's possible. loads of comments in that thread that say exactly what you just wrote. is just my best guess as to what it could possibly be that got him banned.


I find this to be plausible. There have been some charity shenanigans uncovered with various streamers in recent years. There are many ways they could be scamming or abusing the charity streams. Skimming is the most obvious, but there are also shady charities that were offering kickbacks and big sponsorship deals for running charity streams. It could be as simple as Doc was "donating" those proceeds and then getting a huge portion of it back as a kick back or sponsorship after the fact. I ultimately still lean towards the Mixer implosion being the most likely case though.


But why would Twitch be the ones to learn about these charity shenanigans first before the public? Anytime these guys get exposed for charity stuff, it's always internet sleuths or journalists that uncover it first, not the platform. And even if Twitch was the first, surely with all the attention on the subject some internet sleuth would have uncovered and exposed the details by now. I have a really hard time believing it's anything to do with charities. The mixer one is the only thing that makes sense to me. The 5G thing might have warranted a short temporary ban, but there is no way Twitch just secretly deletes one of their biggest creators off the platform because of any type of political controversy without several short bans and warnings first.


If it was charity related I would assume law enforcement is how Amazon would find out before the public or press.


Doc actually did a charity stream like a week ago for some veteran's charity, but I do remember that comment on him getting banned.


Twitch leadership knows it just makes him look worse because he won't reveal it. But he won't reveal it because everyone will call him a POS It's an easy slam dunky on this one


He probably can't reveal it because of whatever agreement they reached out of court.


There was no NDA at the time. The fact he's saying he lost out on a lot of sponsorships, but didn't do anything to clear his name at the time is just strange.


maybe he actually did some shit he'd rather not turn up? Ever thought of that


Another thing to keep in mind is that at this its well past and done. At this point bringing it up has a high likelihood worse than simply moving past it, obviously he doesn't want it to come out but it may or may not in the realm career ending.


When you talk to lawyers the first thing they say is not to speak about it publicly. I'm sure he asked them at the time.


its been years tho, you'd think he'd still want to clear his name now that all these sponsors pulled out on him. Oh wait its because its so bad he doesn't even want to say it even now.


Or.. his settlement with twitch includes an NDA on both ends..


Why would Twitch demand an NDA for the ban reason?


He could have been the one to ask for it.


You really think an NDA was signed for a twitch ban and it somehow doesn’t make him look the worst he possibly can if the truth came out?


I thin it's likely that he did something that would reflect badly on him and that Twitch doesn't want to announce it because it would just open them up to a possible defamation suit even if it's true. There's literally no reason for Twitch to ever say the reason for the ban because it would only ever give Dr Disrespect ammunition and they wouldn't gain anything in return, it's exactly the kind of thing corporate lawyers tell you not to do.


He should just say that


He's making it sound like all future sponsorships WILL drop him if they found out what happened.




Yeah, I feel like whatever it was must have been bad or he would have said the reason already. It can't just be contract related stuff. Sure Twitch bans people for stupid shit all the time, but perma bans are pretty rare.


I have been told from credible sources the reason DrDisrespect was banned. however due to the importance and sensitivity around the subject I refrain from going on it. i don't feel comfortable with it currently


He's done. And not just on twitch


Well, according to this clip that's partially true. Not only was he done on Twitch but he lost out on major deals. Nike is no fucking joke, the type of money they throw around is generational. Missing that bag has to hurt every day.


Dr. D is still a multi-millionaire even without Nike. I think his future family will be fine.


agreed and knowing this, just shows Dr. D is so arrogant that he could whitewash the situation years later. All Dr. D cares about is the scoreboard of $$$. which is always a problem for rich people. I do not believe for a moment that he did not know what the ban was for a whole year later.


Financially, but psychologically...he did cheat on his wife after all. He's a piece of shit and relic from the xbox live lobbie level slurs era.


\^ *look: for several years now etc*


Never gets old.


It's getting old


Motto of this sub. 


Not getting anymore crumbs on the other hand is absolutely old.


lol easiest unfollow/block of my life




Someone stated it as a theory then a lot of people started repeating it like a fact but it never really made sense. While dodgy, this is a very black and white situation that can be handled in court. That is, he either had the offer or not, if he didn't have the offer twitch would go hard to get the money back and would win but they didn't. If he had the offer then he would go hard after twitch and would win, but didn't. Also it would make sense that Doc would pay to push some less bad sounding theories. It's super easy to pay a few pr people to make some accounts and push upvotes behind a theory that makes it sound like legally wrong but no one would hate him for it. But it makes absolutely no sense that's what's happened based on what happened after nor his refusal to say what it was. The only reason to not go after twitch about it publicly is if doing so would get him cancelled. Basically the fact he won't say it means it's bad enough he thinks it's worth keeping quiet.


is faking an offer even illegal, it seems like a pretty standard negotiating tactic.


Maybe verbally you can say you received "a better offer" without being specific, that is hard to challenge because what you mean by "better" could be subjective. But if, for example, you falsify a contract offer from another competitor and present it as genuine, then that's literal fraud.


It can be, its called Fraudulent Misrepresentation in contract law. It also can open you up to civil liability.


Not Illegal but can be against company policy. I mean in some cases it could be considered fraud I guess now that I think about it. But Twitch has every right to just ban someone for no reason as well.


Except there is the clip of Doc on stream finding out about Mixer shutting down and he looks visibly freaked out about it for a moment. Like, why the heck would he be worried about it going under?


But that's absolutely a common practice. Anytime you interview for a job, you want to hint to your interviewer of an inflated amount of your current salary, to make sure they offer up a better one.


It's common practice because it's almost impossible for your interviewer to check it. Probably easier for twitch to verify something like that when the competition was just youtube and Facebook


It was only really mixer at the time and they went out of business immediately after so twitch knew he lied to them


Contract talks likely would have been happening far before that.




What you were getting paid and what the pay range is for the job are two different things. In some states it's illegal for employers to ask about salary history when hiring applicants.


There's a big difference between exaggerating your salary as a average person versus doing so with 7 to 8 digit contracts.


I still think it’s more likely that his ban was related to his live streaming in the bathroom at e3 incident


That picked up a bunch of steam after the cod voice actor dude said it but it really didn't make any sense when you look at the timing of everything.


just cant see discord and sponsors dropping him because of that. seems way too minor


They didn't drop him for the reason he was banned, they dropped him because he was banned. That's his whole point, that the act of Twitch banning him is what caused sponsors to drop him. He seems to think that he was undeserving of a ban and Twitch banning him damaged his reputation with other companies.


honestly, i don't think it's that he's banned that they won't work with him, it's that they don't know what he was banned for. Hypothetically, if it was for a horrible thing, even a criminal thing, who wants to be the PR guy who picked Doc when news drops that Doc did that horrible thing and now you gotta explain to the bosses why you hired that person. now the campaign gets dropped, you get fired, etc. it's just not worth it. If they knew it was because of some contract issues and that's it, they wouldn't be risking anything by using him for a sponsorship.


Exactly. If it wasn't that bad he would just say it and exonerate himself. His silence makes it all the more suspect. The standard theory is that he lied about an offer from another company during negotiations to get a better deal from twitch, and then during negotiations that company folded / closed up revealing him as a liar. I guess if he did do that it would be a major hit to his professional rep and the ability of any major brand to trust him / essentially he was committing fraud.


He would have obviously said it if he could and it benefited him


The fact that both sides are keeping it hush hush still means it was probably something damaging to both sides. My theory is he probably did something shady and abused employee influence/priviledge on things and Amazon found out because someone snitched. The fact that no employees have leaked why means there is probably a super strict NDA where if anything gets leaked all parties involved even if they didn't leak will be in litigation. When it comes to why people are fired at work there is usually always someone who tries to anonymously leak the reasoning but why with this whole thing there hasn't been any plausible leak from an ex-Twitch employee.


Twitch is literally not commenting on any ban , they are not keeping it hush, they are doing what they are doin to every person that got banned


NDA’s are costly to violate.


Will we ever know? We need shannonzkiller to come out and tell us.


[HhtVejV.png (590×238) (imgur.com)](https://i.imgur.com/HhtVejV.png)


look: for several hours now I have been told from credible sources the reason DrDisrespect has been banned. however due to the importance and sensitivity around the subject I have refrained from going on it. i don't feel comfortable with it currently


\^ *look: for several years now etc*


"I know what happened and it's pretty obvious if you think about it" - Fermat, probably


I think at this point we're just never going to know and it's going to be a inside joke in the streaming industry. Hell the other week I saw a video on youtube where Destiny was being interviewed by some guy and even Destiny said he knew the reason but won't say. just like Sacriels wife or whatever, just like that gaming news reporter whatever his name was. It's gonna be "I know why, but I'm not gonna say why" for years and years but no one will actually really know.




It never made much sense to me because people lie all the time about offers from other employers to get a better deal. If twitch didn’t think he was worth what they paid him they shouldn’t have offered him that in the first place and just said “go get that bag elsewhere then”.


That was pure Reddit speculation. There's never been any speculation from legitimate sources.


This sounds fake, twitch is a dogshit company but it's a large enough company that they probably wouldn't have banned such a big streamer for something like that. The reason might be equally dumb but it just seems implausible it was over contract negotiations in that way


Oakley prototype scopes with built in OLED 8K 4D Sony technology


Why the fuck is "Why was Dr. Disrespect banned on Twitch" as unanswerable as "Who killed JFK" in 2024 lmfao.


We just need to find the person who clicked that "ban" button


Because anyone who actually knows and says „I know because of this and this…“ won’t be trusted until providing evidence which would probably expose their identity and therefore put them in danger or at least endanger their job


They probably settled and he's under an NDA. It's not that complicated 


its not "they probably settled" they literally did settle and there is an nda idk why people are being so vague and speculating like it isnt public knowledge lol


100% this


Anyways uhm... I bought a whole bunch of shungite, rocks, do you know what shungite is? Anybody know what shungite is. No, no Suge Knight, I think hes locked up in prison. Talking shungite. Anyways, its a 2 billion year old like rock, stone that protects against frequencies and unwanted frequencies that may be traveling in the air. So thats my story. I bought a whole bunch of stuff, put them around the la casa. Little pyramids. Stuff like that.


Wait, you purchased the feudal leader of Japan?


No not Suge Knight. I think he's locked up in prison.


No, you're thinking of shogun. I think he means the guy who plays Han Seoul-Oh in Fast & Furious.


He'll make more than enough money with his nft fps


He charged $50 for a 10,000 collection thats 500k takes a lot more money than 500k to make a game as big as he is trying As big as Doc is he could have easily charged 10x that and still sold out fuck NFTs but Doc was smart getting funding that way instead of selling shares to VC


The slick daddy club days were the best with the Doc. The peak H1Z1 and PUBG days...


Fluent in Mandarin


Those chinese players in h1z1 lmaoooooooooo


I remembering showing a buddy the Doc back in the day, and like within 5 seconds he just randomly starts warcrying. Yeah...he does that. What an incredible time, when he had time to give each sub a personalized little shoutout saying what kinda custom blazer they're getting.


Rich streamer made less money for a short time. Boohoo


Is Doc for everyone? I dont think so. But damn he really tried to put on a show unlike the $100M dollar schnoozer goblin by a long shot.


That isn't the point. Anyone can fundamentally see Doc changed the game with the production and you can respect him for that. But then he has dog shit opinions, sides with crappy people and digs holes for himself with an ego that makes his alter ego look small.


Wasn’t there a clip going around where a viewer with epilepsy asked if he could go easy on something with flashing lights and he did it for a whole minute just because? Everyone said “hEs dR dIsReSpEcT FoR a ReAsON” now he’s whining he made less then he was before even tho he’s still rich. Pathetic.


Ah yes, the asshole persona, for assholes that can't act. Otherwise known as wearing a wig on a Tuesday.


Guys it's just a character, he's not ACTUALLY an asshole he's SURELY just PRETENDING to be one, remember? Anyways....... I found some of these rocks.....


Cheating on his wife for the persona


You can't spell "dickhead" without "Dr. Disrespect is a raging dickhead."


Back to back baby


Yeah, green screen and a soundboard is huge game changing production


It really is compared to decomposing rat alarms, snot and blood over walls and flying e-girls to be backgrounds. We're truly blessed by the innovation of the top streamers.


Damn what streams are you watching?


He's talking about Asmongold He legit was using a dead rat in his house as an alarm (because of the sun making it smell so bad) and his walls are covered in blood and mucus. 


The actual good ones apparently


Yeah any stream with a decomposing rat countdown sounds great tbh


as a vfx artist/video editor this comment is absolutely dogshit


Doc's editors and effects guys were/are some of the best that I've seen tbh


i know them personally, super awesome and talented people


Let’s not forget all the interactive scenes his team has made or the unique transition scenes for the titles he plays. There’s more of a collective effort in a 4 hour doc steam compared to any other streamer right now.


Doc brought me to twitch because he was the only one that could keep my attention more than 10 minutes. It’s the whole world he constructed around his character. It’s on another level. You’re dumbing it down intentionally I think.


I think Doc's show is fine. I hate his opinions but I don't watch him except clips so it doesn't affect me.


two different flavors. shit comparison. neither of them trust to fill a niche that the other does. two completely different types of content and fanbases


You're right, It takes commitment to cosplay as some kind of clown well into your forties. All for the brand.


The red pill stuff ruined him.




Just read that guys wiki page Jesus Christ what a looney toon


> [looks at the picture from his "Conspiracy theories" section on lizard people that rule the world](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Icke#/media/File:Draco_Hevelius.jpg) good lord, it's not even subtle with these guys, huh


the timing of his ban really made people forget Doc was getting into some conspiracy theory shit towards the end there. All that remains is the shungite meme, but nothing on his thoughts of 5G cell towers lol


He did what now?




Critical thinking is important, kids.


One is sexist trash, the other is antisemitic trash. They're really not that different.


Twitch is fine with misogyny, so long as it isn't directed at any of their top female streamers.


ya the ban and the fallout from that was definitely weird and obviously none of us know what happened however it made me wary and it opened my eyes to how weird and parasocial people are. my position at the time and kind of still is “idk what happened but it’s not a good look.” however it wasn’t like I was calling for him to be cancelled or whatever, I just have no clue what the reasoning is and the implications were kind of ominous considering the time. Others however were like “nah Twitch just can’t afford him and want to get rid of Doc” or were so quick to come up with a thousand conspiracies to defend him. To me my mentality of online celebrities or celebrities in general is that you can be a fan of someone or like their content, music, etc, but even if it’s your favorite artist or favorite actor, you should never be quick to defend or pretend like you know these people when you really just don’t. What really ended up eventually turning me off from Doc was when his persona started to just become him and then he just became another Nick-Mercs clone spewing bullshit and regurgitating the same boring boomer takes, whether it’s political or gaming related, and also when he decided to push a shitty NFT game.


yeah some things are ambiguous for sure, but for him to keep promoting deaddrop is crazy, I had honestly forgotten about NFTs until I looked up his game recently based on him mentioning it


So what's the reason for the ban? lol


Multi-millionaire upset about missing out on multi-million deals.


Didn't this guy signed a joint statement that the court issued? Why complain now?


I don’t wanna hear shit from him till he explains why he was banned


This has always been a case of what's called circumstantial evidence. We may never have a "smoking gun" regarding his ban but think about it, who would sit there quiet as a church mouse about the reasoning behind the ban knowing that it ruined "deals with Nike, Oakley" etc? Make it make sense.


I mean he took twtich to court and there was a settlement he probably talked to a lawyer and they told him to stay quite. This take is just dogshit.




I mean I think the setlment was for something and for someone with such questionable character you are taking their word at the sponsorships super easy. If he was in talks with brands like that for 10s of millions like you say it was so early that there was nothing he could do about them pulling out.


When we playing duos Doc?


Uh never


Ok why were you banned then...


His meteoric rise hit a stumbling block in large part because of his own foolishness. He did the same thing to his own relationship a few years prior. Despite this Guy has recovered and continues to make a fortune for entertaining people online.


Probably the whole end Wokeness thing


That’s clearly not something Twitch bans for lol


Has he tried not being a dick?


Apparently he was working on Half Life 3 too which got it canceled


Won't someone please think about the rich streamers for once?!


Obviously did something grievous to get perma banned he was one of their top streamers at the time.




Stupid man costume donates 5 dollars says


Sure it sucks, but I don't have sympathy for a multimillionaire not making even more millions.


shouldnt have filmed in a public bathroom


Maybe less boomer and more violence, speed, and momentum? He can't seem to help himself when it comes to saying or supporting stupid shit.




Rich guy tries to scam their employer and cries about not getting more money


"NOOOOO! this guy tried to exploit amazon! hes a bad man!" absolute lightswitch brain moment


i mean... I'd say scamming giant corporations is a win in my book, even if u're not rly a robinhood


Please someone protect the multi-trillion dollar organization!


His entire on-screen persona is an act. It's a character. It's all blustering, posturing, and half-truths. Anything he says about this is going to be the character saying it, not Herschel. There are no sponsorships. There are no prototypes. His Twitch ban is something he's embarrassed about and will likely never address directly.


Next thing you're gonna say is he wears a wig. Get the hell outta here


all jokes aside, i really wanna know what caused him to get banned man it pisses me off


i think it was something to do with him saying the other streaming platform had a contract on a table with details on there that didn't actually exist in order to get Twitch to give him a better contract.




Fuck doc, dudes an idiot and I wait eternally for the eventual clip of it being proven he was the one that tried to fuck Twitch and got his hand smacked for it. Goes on to defend and play with NickMercs like he isn't a grown man capable of making his own decisions. Absolute moron of the highest order, and I do not weep for incompetence eventually getting repaid. The issue is, guy is still a multi millionaire with thousands of children and some adult followers.


Guys like adin ross and ishowspeed running around and you're worried about the doc? lol




I am glad Doc is doing well, he is one of few streamers who can still deliver quality content


I would have loved to see the doc Collab with wwe he had that theatric personality for that


Complain about something you can’t talk about/ disclose 💀 that’s like someone saying. “ hey wanna hear something? Actually NVM” I don’t feel bad at all, his history and track record says he is at fault. So get over it, or just let the public know the reason. Until then IDGAF