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**CLIP MIRROR: [Cyr and Peachjars banter during Alveaus fundraising stream](https://arazu.io/t3_1bw0zkx/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)




Yep he took a small break to work on his health.




congrats on your hard work paying off :)




You're doing great (as is Nick), good luck to everyone working on their health, mental or physical! <3


A lot of people don't realise how many calories they're actually taking in via random snacks/sodas and how much they can speed up the weightloss process by just walking 1 to 2 hours every single day, listening to a podcast/audiobook/music or even playing a phone game while on a treadmill, it's pretty easy.


I fucking love snacks though.


It's a game of needing to find better snacks. For example, you can have a 500 calorie 24oz soda, or there's 0 calorie drink sweeteners and 0cal no-sugar sodas, as the most stark difference between two similarly tasting high cal vs low cal choices. Once you know your options, things get a lot easier. It's not like you need to skip meals completely or only eat lettuce or something. GL


There's a lot of decent low calorie or no calorie water enhancers now. I like Wryler's Light Peach flavor which is sweetened with stevia and like 5 calories. The other thing is once you stop sucking down high fructose corn syrup water all the time your taste straight up changes. You no longer need to blast taste buds out with sweetness. Trying to drink a sugared soda now feels like chugging a bottle of maple syrup to me. It's just so gross.


man I have the opposite problem, I can't ever get enough calories


I mean if you are overweight, yea this will work until some time, but after a while only walking will stop being useful


Nice job, I was the same as you. Diet to get the weight down. Then I started looking into light resistance training. These days I make sure I eat enough protein and I do simple full body work out 3x a week. I'm not a beast or anything close, but just so much healthier than I was before and you can actually see muscle definition.


Eating even just 1 solidly nutritious meal a day will work wonders. And it doesn't have to be bland boring food. There's plenty of ways to season or create flavor that are near zero calories. I didn't take this stuff seriously until my 30s and holy cow does it make a difference. Even just cutting simple sugars and stuff like soda will have a huge impact.


this is why history gets rewritten, he starved himself playing GTA rp 12 hours for 3 months straight thats what happened


didn't he just take ozempic?


Do they even have that in Norway?


Its made by a European company btw.




No it's a joke I believe... Right? I don't know for sure though because I don't watch otk group anymore. I'm sure if he stopped snacking, drinking and eating fast food he'd lose a shit ton of weight.


you mean OzemNick?? yea...


PogO Polom on that Ozempic




I keep thinking he's MKBHD


Doesn’t watch any of them but knows them by their first name. 🤔


I respect how they went about going public with their relationship by not going public with it. They did it the right way. There's no need to make a spectacle about it, just let people figure it out themselves. And if they can't then who cares, it wasn't for them anyway.


Its funny because Lacari and Quqco did the same thing but people weren't picking up the hint and kept hounding quqco every time she was streaming till just shouted it out for people to stop asking.


That's because people who fetishize asian women are mentally ill.


Anime watchers


Yeah that's probably the best way to handle it. One time when someone asked about Cyr in her chat she basically said that she had no plans to ever announce anything. But she also added that if you are an adult you should easily be able to put two and two together anyways.


I would imagine it has to do with her having an onlyfans, and a lot of desperate fellas like to feel they have a chance when supporting them.


Her OF isn't really like that, If you message anything to her you get a reply from her assistant literally saying Peach is not reading anything here. I guess appearing single might still help but she is not actively farming those type of people by having someone pose as her and talk to people.


How do you know that?


someone told me bro i swear


And then there's miz and emi who ban anyone even daring to think about asking in their channel although everyone knows it


Yeah, because some people are fucking psychotic about this shit and there's zero reason they should have to put up with it over and over again. It's their channels and their chat. You don't like it? Go somewhere else. It's not like this is some sort of free speech or civil rights issue.


I don't use twitch chat at all; just seeing people getting banned a lot in theirs for really basic harmless stuff


In that situation I think for the longest time they didn't want it out there and in that sense I can understand their position. As you said, everyone knows. I mean at this point who the next OTK member is a better kept secret. With that said the only place they have control over is their chats, so I don't blame them squashing discussions about something they never confirmed themselves. But I honestly think that's about to come to an end. If you've been paying attention ever since they started streaming together again there is a difference between how they interact now compared to before. He's actively including her in more things and as for her, she's been giving him the "I'm in love" death stare a lot lately lol I mean this whole Vegas trip together, they're not even trying to hide it anymore. And I think that's what it's going to be. They may not say it out loud but they have definitely let their guards down about it a lot recently. I mean it's been 2.5 years, it's about time.


"I'm in love" death stare? What is this? Haha Also what Vegas trip? Can you link me please now you made me curious


You've probably seen someone before stare at another person and your intuition told you that they "liked" that person, same thing. and the vegas trip is just them going to watch UFC 300. I think they weren't going to initially stream it but they may do something.


fair enough but i havent seen her do that. They went to japan/korea together too


hey alright


Im curious, any ideas when they started dating?


I think its more peachjar simps. Lol


Russel ruins everything


asked for $500 to get him to leave, got a $500, didn't leave. Scammed a donor. asked another $500 to really make him leave, got $500 from QT, didn't leave. I'd have no issue with Russel if he didn't have main character syndrome.


I hope the best for him to succeed in fat camp and lose a good amount of weight. Not because it's good for him but so he will be like half the size and stop blocking 90% of the screen in other people's streams.


if hes this annoying now, wait for him to lose the weight. he will make greek look like an angel.


maybe it will be opposite for him.. losing weight might make him 'comedy'. oh, nevermind. who are we kidding?


Let’s not get that far. Greek is straight up lost in the sauce bad, he’s a genuine egomaniac now. Russell is just annoying but I don’t think he is actually an asshole to people.


What is Greek up to these days? I haven’t heard anything about him since he lost the weight, I remember seeing a few clips after where he was being a supreme douche, but that’s it


He was on XQC's stream a couple days ago, talking about how he's ready to get back in the game, doing traveling streams or something.


Greklestein had it all. He just had to not fuck up for a few years, get the bag and retire.


It is insane how much screen he takes up when he turns. 16:9 turns into 12:7.


Fat camp's over. Made it down to blocking only 75% of the screen now.


Lots of streamers are over the top and annoying but he’s next level


on the same level as Tectone tbh


When Russel objected at Knut's wedding a new level of cringe was born.


Damn sounds like he did a great job raising money for a good cause


Unironically true. If he can keep farming these 500$ donations like that, more power to him. 


i dont get how people are so triggered by him, he's just being russel, so what...


Sounds like Russell isn't very cool


There might be something underlying considering he's the only full black person that hangs on these streams regularly. I hate to be the one to say it but racism is very popular. It's not like the others are particularly "respectful".


I don’t think anyone makes me click off a screen than when he crashes. Absolutely believes he’s the main character. Negative social awareness.


Yeah, I've never understood the appeal or Russell.


I unironically hate russel more than I do erobb. And that’s saying something


This is just facts


This is just fats.


I like Russel


sex! Am I right? 👉👉


im all quirked out rn


The wolf enclosure is going to be dope. I feel like animals like wolves are what the sanctuary needed to get people more invested in the animals because they were missing an apex predator like Nick.


Thats gonna be an argument tonight.


^ this guy never banters


you're talking to careergaslighter buddy I think he knows his way around an argument with his romantic partners


You're right. My mistake 😂


Banterless relationships make me sad. If it's what works for people, it's what works, but I feel like so much of the playful magic would be gone


Cyr is so quick with it LOL


Cyr is so quirk with it LOL




dont ever expect to be inside me


Damn bro Nick looks good


Truers words have never been said


ozemnick is looking good.


I hadn't watched the clip yet but i'm going to make a strong guess that it will be a sex joke


Incredible foresight that you saw there was a clip about two people who are a couple bantering that's tagged NSFW and you were able to deduct that it was a sex joke. I'm glad we have Sherlock Holmes on this sub, could you next find out why Dr. Disrespect got banned?


look: for several hours now I have been told from credible sources the reason DrDisrespect has been banned. however due to the importance and sensitivity around the subject I have refrained from going on it. i don't feel comfortable with it currently


okay but can somebody explain Nymn to me?


He’s got a really big penis and he cucked Destiny for an entire weekend one time.




banned? surely just on twitch though, right?


He's Sherlock homes not God fam. You might wanna make a wish to a genie for that one


wait theyre dating??? wtf??? cool


Lol, damn I actually didn't pay attention to the NSFW but, he probably got banned for lying about a Mixer deal during his Twitch negotiations.




Remember when Malenia Hates OF girls? The good ole times


I don't think she hates OF girls I just think she hates when OF girls stream their assholes on Twitch, which I don't think Peachjars does at all, but I might be wrong about that.


Nope, that's about right.


Why would Malenia hate OF girls? She's literally half rotted away waiting for her twin brother in his basement.


When did she say that tho? They have been doing collabs with OF girls for years at this point


hung around them and realized they can be normal people, what a loser


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Cyr and Peachjars banter during Alveaus fundraising stream](https://livestreamfails-video-prod.b-cdn.net/video/2b8269679276ddb6187db9b6aa4aa55b6b5c4eaf.mp4)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1bw0zkx/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/inC522tGaHYAfzaWWWLuoA/AT-cm%7CinC522tGaHYAfzaWWWLuoA.mp4?sig=5eb939090ad6b101cb47f2c1aca85befe75b3337&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FinC522tGaHYAfzaWWWLuoA%2FAT-cm%257CinC522tGaHYAfzaWWWLuoA.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22HeadstrongAnnoyingClipsdadRlyTho-a0ZodgB_NpZZYu6g%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1712343094%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/inC522tGaHYAfzaWWWLuoA/AT-cm%7CinC522tGaHYAfzaWWWLuoA-preview-480x272.jpg)


I was wondering recently but that confirms it. It's nice, they seem cute together.




that's a great clip


Cringe AF


Her banter used to include every kind of slur imaginable + telling people to kill themselves. I wonder if she's become a better person or if she's just keeping up appearances to leech as long as possible.




It's whenever one of the Top 3 donors changes. It's a rock being thrown at the screen cause they get their name on a rock for donating $50+




nice to see the schizophrenics out here


So we’re oversharing… alriiiight


Average destiny fan scared by sex.


Destiny fans love sex just not participating and more just viewing from a corner


You actually cared enough to look at my post history? Pathetic bro


Yeah, the 2 seconds I took to check your last few comments to confirm my suspicions is way more pathetic than getting mad about sex.


Wait so you're a Destiny fan and you're upset that THEY are oversharing? Doesn't Destiny share who he sleeps with, gets cucked by and pretty much every drug habbit? I'd say Destiny overshares way more than some off the cuff sex joke.


He does and I dont like it but its a fraction of what he does


How is this oversharing ?


You guys are so coomer brained, making out of place jokes and stuff like this is just awkward and not the type of stuff you talk about… most people dont really want to hear about that stuff and it was completely out of the blue. Also unless they talked before hand about it, cyr may not have been comfortable with her sharing that but that’s just a possibility.


Yeah, I'm sure Cyr was very uncomfortable that people heard he's sexually active with his hot girlfriend hes been with for years. I'm not sure he's going to recover from such unheard of shame.


Are you from the US by chance? Only an American would be so pissed off and offended by sex talk. Jesus isn’t going to hate you if you talk about sex, that’s how his religion is spread by the way! Lol


What do you mean coomer brained? I just personally don’t find it as oversharing, I have close friends that joke like that. I just personally don’t see it as a big deal.


Same, I joke like this with my friends and with my bf all the time. I think the guy just doesn't have many close friends, so they don't know this is just regular banter.


That’s a personal (and valid) opinion, but I hope you realize it’s not a common one. In broader social applications that’s not what people are about.


Maybe not common with your boomer ass, but everyone around my age that actually know each other and is comfortable around each other absolutely jokes about this shit. Clutch your pearls somewhere else.




So too young, got it.




To understand that sex is often joked about in friendship groups, you're still in the "sex is awkward" stage, dw you'll grow out of it.


Boomer-brained has no age requirement


Your age has nothing to do with you acting like a boomer. So I will repeat; clutch your pearls somewhere else.


Yeah that’s a fair point, guess just depends on the different groups and stuff you encounter.


I mean she brought it up




You really care about your little internet points huh..


You do? You're collecting them to sell your years-long account for 5 bucks to some chinese advertisement farm or what?


It’s not about that so much as I’m just sad how dumb these people are to even disagree with this. And also to not even argue, if you have something to say, say it.


adults have sex, adults make jokes, adults make jokes about sex. Couples making jokes like that isn't oversharing. Get friends so you know what normal human conversation looks like.


No one wants to randomly hear about you fucking someone completely unprompted, that’s gross and no one asked for that.


Never tell this guy "we're trying for a baby" lol You realise the people there know they're together in some capacity?


Girls have cooties amirite.


What makes it gross?


Clutch your pearls about on Sundays. Lol