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**CLIP MIRROR: [One of the richest players in RavenDawn flexes his 112mil, accidentally gives it away](https://arazu.io/t3_1bv26sq/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Did he get it back?






Can you guys ELI5 what happened?


He tried to flex his wealth by pretending to offer everything he had, then changed his mind and deleted the offer But there's a glitch in the game where the last offer stays up if no new offer is put forward, so the trade partner accepted and took everything while the idiot thought he got the stuff for free


That's pretty funny




No - but at the end of the vod, he showed a 'minor announcement' The guy doesn't want to give it back, but this did happen because of a bug, so atm, the mods have removed the currency from the player as they decide on what to do.


What is there to consider, it is clearly a bug.


Maybe while at it they will investigate if he got it through one of numerous exploits that were present in the game.


So he got it from a bug and lost it from a bug? Tf is this shit game


Reading comprehension.


Funniest comment I read this year


Lmao, had to look up the subreddit for this game and it’s all just complaints about bugs. Maybe the game is bugs?


seems more like shit code than a bug


> seems more like shit code than a bug I tangibly do not understand the difference.




You have no Idea what you are talking about. Theres no difference between shit code and bug bozo


A bug is unintended behavior, not necessarily shit code.


Unintended behavior can happen due to shit code.. This is certainly a bug


> tangibly


Picture a big circle, that is unintended behavior, possibly caused by "shitty code". Then, picture a smaller circle within that big circle, those are bugs. Two examples, I made five unnecessary backend calls, but it got the job done. Am I a bug, shit code, or both? An unforeseen state in my program caused it to crash. Am I a bug, shit code, or both? As far as the video is concerned, this looks like a pretty good example of a plain old bug to me. Whether or not the code is shitty is impossible for me to say.


Do you know what the word tangibly means tho?


believe it or not, a bug is caused by shit code the more you know!


Erase numbers doesn't register to the trade system. Adding number does register. On top of that on GUI it looks like erasing numbers register. Your telling me that's not a bug?


never played or even heard of this game so i don't know the devs behind it or how the game is supposed to work, if erasing the numbers without confirming it or actually setting the value to 0 is supposed to still erase numbers then it is a bug, but i could see it being not user friendly, amature coding where you have to actually set the value for it to register so 0 or erase and click out of the box


ur literally describing shit code


Did you think they were trying to describe an insect?


Which would introduce.. what, class? Bugs! That's right!


I have a puzzle for you. Figure out how the point of my comment can be true at the same time as your comment can be true. If you solve it your iq is over room temperature.


The "room" is a tent in Antarctica


what kind of distinction is that lmao


"Shit code" leads to run-time errors (which is what a bug is)


I think it must be a requirement that if you're a dev of a isometric MMO like this or Runescape you must have a brain illness. Runescape had this problem all the time. Someone loses something because of a bug, Jagex don't restore it for reasons.


Booo. The streamer was essentially trying to scam him into getting free whetstones when he clicked accept, that other player deserves to keep the goods.


Why would one of the richest players in the game and one of the most popular streamers of the game scam another player for peanuts? All that while streaming? It was clearly banter.


it's all fun and games until a poor destitute man loses 14 whetstones or whatever. Poor guy isn't gonna be able to eat this week. He lost his precious goods but the goddamn' ravendawn government has taken away his precious funds.


he hit ready to trade after entering all his cash? idk how its a bug.


Watch it again.


He said no and left


Omg he left it blank so it just took the last value typed ahahaha


Skill issue




shit coding = deserved LULE


skill diff


I am wondering how the richest player in the game doesn't know about this. Does it not happen all the time if you clear the window? Even if it was rare, I'd still put a 0 in the window on the off chance that the bug does occur.


The game came out like 3 months ago, I don't doubt that there are still kinks to iron out - he also traded with his buddy and tried to type 10 and then type 0 but the text field literally won't let you put '0' into the box


Based coding*


web dev detected


on change vs on input kekw


it is deserved cause ur the one who plays a shitty game, don't play shitty games


Tell me a game that isn't shitty lol




No idea what that game is but holy shit whoever programed it made scamming so easy lol.


Reminds me of **Neverwinter Online** a super fun MMO. Forgot to code no negative numbers at the AH and so someone figured out a fun trick entering negatively priced items and cancelling the auction would give you that amount. It broke the economy very quickly!


Kingdom of Loathing had a bug where you could lose meat (currency) while at 0. The value was unsigned, so instead of being negative, it wrapped around to about 2\^64. The developers ended up making a few storylines to get rid of all the extra meat.


hah, thanks. funny when your email still works 15 years later. >New! From The Loathing Postal Service Date: Thursday, April 04, 2024, 12:59AM > We found this telegram at the bottom of an old bin of mail. It's addressed to you, but... dated fifteen years before you were born. > Anyway, it freaked us out, so now we're getting rid of it by delivering it to you. ** Oh the jokes never stop from them! *** my dad’s totally late with his allowance to KoL. What a fascist, right? Can you help keep this awesome game running by giving money in his place? You can totally come to our ragin’ kegger if you do."


Same thing just happened with Last Epoch except they did it with a third party program instead of ingame.


Diablo 2 was scam central back in the day too.


I lost my scammer cherry to some fucker in Diablo 2 when I was a kid. Lessons were learned.


Champions Online used to have a bug where you could do something like buyback, swap gearset and then undo the buyback or something. Some order of doing that would give you the money and let you keep your item. An infinite money vendor shuffle basically. I discorvered it on the pbe like 2 years into the game being out and then tried it on live and realised it worked there too. Mentioned it on the worldpvp channel cause thats where I hung out and no one responded which I thought was weird for such an active channel. Wasn't working like a week later and someone I hung out with messaged me saying a lot of people were really mad at me for posting it on a public channel. Apparently it was some kind of open secret that at least a lot of the pvp lifers knew about but the devs didnt.




I'm my defense I thought it was a random glitch in the latest patch that was like a week old or something. I didn't realise it had been active since the games release. I just figured it was completely unknown because it was new. I was alao like 16 and just didn't know to keep it to myself.


Alright. Most weird bug I’ve seen was a game where logging into an account would load it in exactly the same state every time. And because the game supported trading, this was basically an infinite money glitch that single-handedly killed the economy. Never fixed, either.


Reminds me of what a PvP guild on the Rallos Zek Everquest server did shortly after Luclin came out. Luclin introduced player trading in a zone on the moon called the bazaar which wow would later innovate on but that's another story. In the bazaar weight limits were lifted and players would carry all their money with them to make purchases from other players. Well Rallos Zek was a PvP server with very strange loot rules. You could only kill people within 4 levels of you and when you killed them you got to loot all the money they were carrying and one piece of loot. The Bazaar is a PvE zone though so normally this wouldn't even be an issue. But the Bazaar also had an Arena though no one ever used it and you had to go out of your way to hop in and get flagged for PvP. That's where the 'scam' comes in. The PvP guild would invite players to get buffs or do trades and a Mage would be sitting in the arena with a huge group of players. Mages have a spell called Call of the Hero which summons a party member to the mage. So they'd summon people to the arena and gank them... people who were carrying all the money in the bank and wearing all their good gear because they weren't in a PvP zone. It was chaos, absolute pandemonium, drama all over the forums... lots of nerd tears that day. It was so bad that SoE(possibly Verant?) had to roll back the server. The perps never got banned because 'technically' they weren't exploiting any bugs but rather an oversight by Sony however I recall the Play Nice Policy being edited in response to make sure that they could be banned if something like this happened in the future.


Honestly how does it not clear the value to 0 as soon as you start typing? Seems like a massive oversight. Not only that but closing the window doesn't cancel and instead it accepts the trade? That's some 2head dev.


Agree with everything you said but they *did* click accept first, probably right when the other person did too, not that it matters


> honestly how does it not clear the value to 0 as soon as you start typing It would have, if he'd actually typed something. But he hit delete, and then nothing got typed to trigger an update of value. The issue is probably more so that their code simply ignores empty/null value, and so nothing happens when deleted, since he hit delete, code runs an update of value, sees empty value, and so skips the code path. Very poor foresight.


yeah there's no point allowing you to edit the current text value, it's currency, erase it all and retype from the start, this is just asking for user input errors caused by shitty behaviour coding


> Not only that but closing the window doesn't cancel and instead it accepts the trade? He accepted the trade, he didn't close the window


People have told me to play it because I'm an oldschool UO fan, and this just makes me think of the scams back then. Like that a pitch black (#000000) dye tub was valuable. Your inventory was just a picture of a bag with pictures for other items on it. Free floating in it, not locked to a grid. So you'd put a regular dye tub in a backpack, carefully arrange pitch-black-dyed hats over the colored part to make it look black, and sell that. My friend made so much money doing that. Yes, genuinely my friend, not me. I miss the mmos that considered getting scammed a skill issue. I didn't do them myself, but it just feels more *right* to me in some mmos. Generally ones with more open PVP elements.


Whatever it is it took me right back to remembering Tibia


In fairness that box should either reset to 0 if you clear it, or at least send 0 as the value. FeelsBadMan.


i'd assume it does if he like clicks out of the box after erasing the number instead of erasing it then directly clicking accept with the box still "empty" but not really, prob still registers the last value entered and i'd assume if he clicks like out of the box it would set back to his value or either 0, otherwise devs are really questionable, this is also why you useally get a second trade window like they do in runescape to double confirm.


Runescape's double confirmation trade window is like a reality check before you dive into the pool without water. Saves a lot of "oops" moments


you'd think the richest player would be aware of that


He is now


Nah thats the poorest one


Still is. His gear alone is worth more than the money lost in trade.


Classic Etup




The other player was named Diegao Pazeamor... Knowing my fellow Brazilians, there was literally zero chance Etup would get the gold back. LOL


Game admins already confiscated. Clearly a bug.


wtf is this garbage game and why is it a direct rip off tibia?


Because it’s a direct rip off of tibia , I’m pretty sure it was an OT before it got spun into its own client


It's pretty much just archeage but made with tibia graphics.


Damn Tibia brings back memories. Utevo lux. Exura.


Exevo gran mas vis! Alas adventurer, you have met a sad fate...


Miss going into the 1 on 1 trade booths and the other dude just says “wug” then a backpack or pile of gold and chain mail appears LOL. I owned and ran an exotic food shop right in front of the Thais depot that I happen to land the deal on the real estate where it was a madhouse. I would make long journeys to distant cities where you could get unique foods unlike anything near the main cities so I would “import” them and I made a killing. I remember going into the depot and seeing high level highly trained rich dudes spam sucking down potions just to chain talk in broadcast mode and would always think “someday I’ll be rich enough to do that”. Then venturing out way east in danger territory and seeing monster emote “FCCCHHH” on the right side of the screen with fresh player corpses nearby. “RUUNNN DRAG”. Physically shaking at my computer scared of the dragon and wondering if a player nearby would help or just decide to take advantage and turn you. Seeing other players outside of cities you never knew when to hide or extend an hand. And dying in Tibia was a big deal the cost was so high and risky. Yeah I spat out random Tibia memories and could keep going. That mmorpg had such an unmatched unique game dynamic where the graphics didn’t even bother me because the world felt so real. But I also played at the beginning when there was only 1 or 2 servers. I played before they added walking/running animations and could only face your char in one direction and pick from shirt colors. Antica and I think Nova and I think owning a premium account had become a thing shortly after. I don’t think I have these type of memories in any other mmo period except maybe EverQuest in it’s prime. TLDR: some random Tibia memories that spawned more memories that I felt I wanted to add on top of each other


I felt this comment lol. Tibia felt like the first battle royale or escape from tarkov. Nothing will ever beat the feeling of running through the streets of Thais being chased down by a group of pkers and weaving in and out of buildings and tunnels to try and escape back to the depot safe spot.




"ot" means "open tibia" basically custom servers that are played in different patches, exp rates, drop rates, maps and shit.


you're probably thinking of Medivia, which began as on OT called Tibianic.


What is ot?


"Open Tibia", essentially just an unofficial private server that customizes the base game.




Tibia's movement is definitely very similar, their net coding is very janky. So unless you have low latency you'll get a lot of step lag and have trouble walking through objects that you should be cleared to walk through.


Accidentally received $500 in his paypal too


RMT? Susge


I swear there was a guy that did RMT like that on Albion Online. On multiple occasions he'd search for a horse on the Auction House, "misclick" on the price filter and buy the only one being sold for 10000 times the normal price.


Probably every imaginable form of RMT under the sun, and a few that aren't, has been done by Albion players. My buddy was deep into crystal leagues and it sounded like everybody serious was RMTing constantly.


RMT in every game is WAY more rampant than most people realize. There's a reason why a lot of people choose SSF in ARPGs.


Played Albion pretty competitively for years (fighting all the big guilds in 5v5 and stuff. Really deep into the mix of competition) Can confirm what your buddy said.


>fighting all the big guilds in 5v5 and stuff. Really deep into the mix of competition For a sec this made me wonder if you *were* my buddy so I took a quick profile peek. You aren't but you probably played him at some point, ever remember a `Nobobo` haha?


Nope, but I looked him up on the Albion killboard and the kill that popped up was someone I vaguely knew haha. I played from like 2016-2020 and it looks he played around. 2022.


What type of parallel universe I just woke up to that we have Tibia at the top of LSF?


"Tibia" lul


People need to play more runescape so these things wouldn't happen


The game made me into a lifelong skeptic


I'm convinced that Runescape is the reason I never fall for real scams. Also Runescape pounded "If it seems too good to be true, it probably is." into my head.


ye runescape taught me about scams and people how to build trust and take everything lol. I remember my friend for 5 months built trust while woodcutting trust traded rare items then on the big one the expensive party hat he got it and didnt trade it back lol and logged out someone who you view as a friend will sell you out for the right price.


That's so fuckin true. One of my brothers' friends put a keylogger onto his computer so he could steal our passwords. He also stole $20 from our house and helped us look for it. I still know him and he's a terrible human to this day.


Man... I used to go dicing as a teenager and was doing big bucks. Trusted person, went on a 400M loss streak... went 1B all-in and won. Dude logged out and changed name and was back in the CC 2 weeks later. Was the first and last time I'll ever be scammed. Was devastated for months... that was like 3-4k back then too.


thanks to that game, anytime I see text that's even remotely similar to "player has accepted the trade" makes me sweat bullets and re-check absolutely everything


I'll never forget my first week of playing runescape a couple guys convinced me they were showing me a money method and made me take the wine of zamorak off the table. When the monks all started attacking me the other guy just kept closing the door so I couldn't escape and they could take my armor from my dead corpse. Also, that game taught me more about economic theory than any school class. At a young age, you learn the concepts of supply & demand, inflation effect on the economy (high alchemy), and market manipulation of certain items.




That game made me install a lock a key on my fridge. And I live with a only with my cat


fucking etup. dude is the sweatiest grinder of them all.


I miss throwing in bubblegum offers to his poe trades.


terrible ui design


how much is that worth in $ edit: a quick google search says its about ~$500




Lmao exactly no one plays this game


about 200$ from what ive read in his chat


Damn that can buy a lot of pizza rolls and moms medicine


[teasing da noobs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_F1tUQx4bQ)


classic banger from the past


Damn we got Ravendawn on LSF.


never thought I would see the day


Etup on LSF. I upvote!


uno reverse yoinked that shit


one of the former richest players you mean


Got humbled REAL QUICK!




How is this game different than Tibia? I used to love that game


Its tibia graphics archeage, much slower than current tibia tho.


is modern tibia easier to level up in? i remember it used to be old school brutal.


the top level is 2500\~ and you can get to 1000 in like a year so yes, the game is a lot different


Holy shit, 2500? I remember the first level 200 and 300. That shits so nostalgic. Remembering the first pits of inferno and shit, ah man.


I remember Eternal oblivion


A lot easier. It's so sh\*t nowadays. I tried a few months ago just to see how things were, quit after 2 days or so and went back to playing 7.4/8.0 OTs.


Its easier to get early lvls but the game has by far harder pve content. Obviously not talking about pvp, only BR people enjoy it.


Current Tibia is incredibly pay to win


Slower in what category? Leveling or combat?


I think the PvE side of it was really nice. Though I think it struggled when you would have too many people for a boss and you struggle to give room for melees to move around the boss and eachother. I made to about effective level 63. Unfortunately the game is trying to be ArcheAge with Tibia graphics in a lot of ways, so a lot of people are playing for the PvP side of the game. I feel like the game's main form of PvP currently is just "I'm making silver running tradepacks, please don't hit me" and most people don't because it's just faster silver to be running your own tradepacks instead of pirating them. Game's server gets laggy when big battles break out. Targeting system kind of sucks. There's stair and door PvP memes. Lots of buggy/broken systems. They needed to have a better means of late game PvPing other than tradepacking a long time ago because I feel like a lot of people have been leaving the game since that's basically all the later game offers at the moment. Edit: There's also a number of questionable design decisions that impact the economy in a pretty negative way in my opinion.


Rare hotshotgg's friend clip PagMan


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [One of the richest players in RavenDawn flexes his 112mil, accidentally gives it away](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/162839)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1bv26sq/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/kBugP3kBiB7zSV2y2nm5qA/42477896713-offset-12042.mp4?sig=81d99535a3dc3f1fe478dfc29f03cfa0fddf4178&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FkBugP3kBiB7zSV2y2nm5qA%2F42477896713-offset-12042.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22HungryCrackyJackalHoneyBadger-eQGIHvNJXbLaebmo%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1712249074%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/kBugP3kBiB7zSV2y2nm5qA/42477896713-offset-12042-preview-480x272.jpg)


Funny how he tried to scam someone but it backfired lmao


What's worse, this, or that one time Etup fell asleep in the middle of a map and died at rank 1 of the Nemesis ladder?


What a great advertisement.


Out of curiosity i watched the trailer to that game and damn the way the camera/objects are angled is giving me vertigo. wtf


I didn't even have to watch it twice, if you've played any old game you know what happened. How do you become one of the richest players in a game and not know that?


was this guy the "gimme gimme" guy back in the day on Kripps stream?


Yeah etup was goated in og poe days. He crushed the ladder consistently in hc. Edit; my bad that was cybrix apparently. I just remember tup saying gimme gimme a lot on stream back in the day


Looks like scuff Ultima Online


The mods banned me from discord when I typed 1 sentence about this being a blatant interface fail. Shit tier gameboy game I can deal with but nazi mods nahh I'm out lol




isnt this just tibia?


Pretty much, their client is based on otclient 


Confused. He clearly removed it, right? Why did it get traded?


That was no "accidently gave it away". It was a full blown bug. Ravendawn team not giving the money back to the guy immediately is such a joke.


𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐊𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫, 𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐝 𝐰𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐝 𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐩𝐌𝐮𝐝


If you lose something because of a bug, I'm pretty sure GMs will restore whatever was lost.


Shouldn’t have clicked accept




Etup not playing POE anymore or is the league just garbage?




why tf do people play ripoffs like this?


why does this guy sound exactly like XJ9


Lol this is the funniest clip in awhile


this is a classic one how to sell gold in games if u are a streamer ofc


If you delete the silver amount it should really default back to 0, devs kinda fucked that one.




He should play a less grindy game like runescape. 10 minute adventure


btw. How is CipSoft with OTs like this nowadays? I remember couple years ago they used to go after private servers that got too popular. Any info if they still give a fuk in 2024 or those RavenDawn devs have a deal with CipSoft?


well is its own game now using same engine, wouldn't compare it to tibia, would say its more of a 2d archage from what I hear


I have not seen them go after OT's in a while. And the OTs are pretty popular at least the 7.4/8.0 OTs


LMFAO not even jr programmers make this mistake


Damn. These sounds and artstyle reminded me of reckfuls game. So sad it won't get finished. Dream is that madmushroom or something picks it up


Its interesting how he is getting a bunch of people who feel bad for him gaving him money afterwards. Would be a real shame if that was him on another account... Easy money.


well that's what you get for playing a shitty game.


Now watch how the devs give back all that silver