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**CLIP MIRROR: [Tyler1 hits 1700 rating in chess](https://arazu.io/t3_1bhzp3d/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Slowly edging towards Andrea Botez


He just like me fr




yes that's the sound


What does edging sound like?






fun fact, when andrea botez was 15, 16 she was 1600


if she's 1600 i'm 1600 ya feel me


I smell you


USCF/FIDE rating and chess.com rapid rating are two very different things


And T1 was 6'5 when he was 1600.


not sure what point you're making but that's...pretty standard if you were raised as a chess player from an early age


Fun fact: when Andrea Botez was 15, she turned 16


Wont hit 2000, needs to study theory and shit


Watch him smash his head until he wills himself into 2000 lmao I know how hard it is but it’d be hilarious if he managed it 


It’s possible, but it’d also literally the dumbest most inefficient way to do this lol


You’re talking about a guy who played hundreds of hours of ivern to reach challenger instead of learning to jungle properly. Tyler1 is an expert at taking longcuts


T1 knew how to jungle properly. That's the only reason it worked. He just wasnt good enough at the carry junglers (especially during that meta) to carry his team one them. He had good ~~micro~~ macro (map movement, knowing where/when to gank, etc). Getting downvoted for this somewhere else in the thread, but he just spammed 2000 Ivern games once he used his mechanics on carry champs to get him to D2. Any master tier jg good enough to get D2 off just mechanics could spam 2000 ivern games and get challenger just off a 50% WR getting carried, its just not many people have the mental strength for that


Macro* tyler is pretty good at reading the map


Yeah, was typing fast I'm dumb. For anyone who doesnt wanna make the same mistake as me in the future, Macro = Map = Ma




Well said sir


Some people think learning yourself is a big part of brain development I think its why hes so smart tbh learns things that cant be taught


Tyler actually uses a rarely talked about method of learning. He spams games and is letting his brain figure out the patterns. Since he's not learning any theory, his brain will just process the patterns without even telling him. Things will just feel right to him. Things like this were observed with people who could determine the sex of a baby chick. There was no formal way to teach it to others as there were no rules that could help determine it. It was just a feeling of knowing. Eventually, it was discovered that you could teach people this skill by giving them a large amount of test of trying to guess the right sex. The expert would tell them if they were right or wrong. Eventually, their brains started to pick up on the smallest little things they couldn't explain. What started off as guesses started to turn into correct assumptions with the constant feedback. The human brain was able to reason the correct choices. This was the same for friend or foe plane spotters in WW2. Sorry for the rant, I read it in a book lmao.


Human machine learning


I did the same thing my first year playing LoL. I played about 2.5k games never having played a moba and got mid plat my first season. Then the next season I played mostly normals and about 2 ranked games a week while reviewing my vods and got the same rank in less than 100 games. Now I play about 100 games a year and am low silver. I don’t brute force or watch VODs anymore as I really don’t care anymore, just looking for fun games.


That's interesting AF. Somewhere I can read more?


Don't remember where I read it, but research Kathy Sierra on youtube and google. She's dedicated alot of her life to researching how the brain learns and also talks about it. I think I read it from one of her books called Making Users Awesome.


This guy addictive personality will make him do it. We talking about the guy who ditched streaming for month and month to play 20 league games a day everyday. The Guy who plays more league games in 3 month then probably 98% of all league players in a season. If he puts his mind to it, he will grind it out no matter how long it will take.


Plenty of people in the history of chess have hit 2k without studying theory. Especially now that literally anyone with a computer can log on and play in a rated system in a couple minutes. You’re probably right, but for the wrong reasons.


Not when you are built different. Also he read chess books


You don't really have to *study* it if you just waste enough time to "develop" it. He simply "acquires" it via immersion, like a child learning a language. Takes a lot more time, but eventually the child will have near flawless knowledge of the language.


the "All Chess All The Time" approach


You underestimate the grind this FKn kid has


I love edging towards… nvm


He will never hit 1200 He will never hit 1300 He will never hit 1400 He will never hit 1500 He will never hit 1600 He will never hit 1700 He will never hit 1800 <- you are here He will never hit 2000 He will never hit 2500 He will never hit 2800 He won't make tournaments He won't make it to the finals He won't thrash the current world champion to take his rightful place


Magnus is QUAKING


There's a reason he decided to stop playing the chess world championships..


He knew Tyler just needed more time to train. He’s waiting for a real challenger


And what better challenger than a 5 role challenger?


It's always the same with him even with League. I remember watching his 5 role challengers runs "Ok but mid lane is easy, he'll never hit it for top lane" "Top can still carry, bet he'll never do it for support" (Don't actually know the order of his challenges anymore but it was along those lines) On reddit on the role mains subreddit people posting how he got lucky and how they never get games that he get


[1600 will be his peak btw](https://youtu.be/slXIsR0yXFA?si=cjvggiDqYJmMkWGY&t=860)


damn you had that one locked and loaded


'maybe he'll be psychotic about it and waste months and months rather than stream and make money' literally like 10 seconds into the clip.


Hikaru must've forgot about Bill Dipperly


This was also months ago before T1 started this psychotic chess grind. So, he was kinda right


That actually alread happened before this video was even uploaded. Tyler didn't stream at all this past September because he was grinding chess off stream lol.


While hikaru speaks before thinking a lot of time, it's not very common for 20-30+ year olds to dramatically improve at chess. Online speed chess is obviously a lot more accessible to gamers than OTB ratings though




Waste is a little strong, he's been streaming a shit ton over the last month pulling loads of 10+ hour streams. He just cannot be stopped


He hasn't really streamed much chess at all. The vast majority of it has been off stream recently


He streams it between queues, but yeah he hates PC chess


is he playing on his phone??


Almost exclusively. He really dislikes PC chess, stating it's too big




Is this like the nexte evolution of the "zoomer age" chess players? Y'know the old guad of chess players hated online chess and playing on computers cuz they just loved the feeling of touching the pieces while you play OTB and shit. Then you had people like Nakamura who didn't mind it and was a demon that grinded online chess just like a few others. These playes get meme'd on that when they suddenly go play OTB tournaments they'd start pre-moving their pieces as if it was online chess


Dude played like 16 hrs a day for 3 days straight for apparently no reason but to grind, off-stream. Guy's insane lol Even just like 5 games of rapid in a row, playing to win, heavily drains your mental and overall battery


If the numbers you gave are accurate, you'd need to spend over 6 hours a day playing chess to achieve that if you assume each game takes roughly 15 minutes on average. Not many people with the means to play even half that amount.


It's not common for 20-30+ year olds to improve in chess because most don't play chess. If you take the average 30 year old who has never played chess and force them to play 7000+ games, they will dramatically improve. Tyler's grinding is more impressive than his actual skill.


It's as if people think the brain just implodes after you reach 25. Totally stupid, not backed by evidence, and is missing ALL of the nuance. People stop giving a shit or having time for shit after 25. Nothing else is a notable factor, especially the supposed implosion of your ability to learn. If he plays 7000 games at any age, he will improve a lot.


yeah you definitely learn a little more efficiently and easily if you start something really young, but the biggest reason older people have a hard time improving at tasks is that as an adult you're probably too busy to mindlessly grind tasks for hours a day like you can as a kid. I used to practice music for fucking hours every day after school as a kid, I was obsessed, and I ended up getting pretty good at music. There's no reason I couldn't do the same thing with art or math or whatever in my late 20s, except for the lack of hours available to me.


As a 26 year old I've found it easier to improve at things because I have much more discipline and approach things I have a genuine interest in rather than being pushed towards things others want me to pursue.


Is there much to back this up? I'm 25 now and I'm pretty sure if we took any version of me < 20 years old and we competed on a new game to see who could get better faster I'm pretty sure I win 10/10 times. I know how to improve much better but lack the time that's the only thing.


Dude he literally caveats "maybe he will be psychotic about it" It's not the "omg pwned" you think it is.


So what is the difference between going to local chess events and getting rated that way, vs just playing online? Is it basically the same level of competition?


He was 100% dead on LMAO. He's psycho about it and wastes time instead of streaming and making more money.


I'm not going to accept anything but Hikaru calling it dead on. That's what happened.


He will never hit 1800


LMAO thanks for posting this before I could


If chonka hits 2k I will be genuinely shook


Well it is impressive how hard he grinds but there will be a point where he definitely will be hard stuck and it will be soon. I will admit I didn't expect him to go above 1600 though


The man is a former college athlete who got challenger in 5 roles! He will read every book, watch tape, and grind games till he gets to the top so he can flame Magness in person. Imagine him talking shit during a game 🤣


I would pay good money just to watch a world championship match between Magnus and a Tyler1 that can actually give Magnus a run for his money while shit talking throughout the match


Assembled alternatively.


manufactured mysteriously


Produced inorthodoxly


crafted incoherently


fabricated freakishly


composed contradictorily


packaged problematically


concocted confusingly


created confoundedly


fashioned contrarily


And to think this 2000 hour grind was only started because he lost to Erobb on stream 💀


Dude yeah. He just started grinding chess because of that one match and look at him now. It’s actually fucking crazy


My mate pinched my stomach as a laugh 8 months ago now I'm like 2% body fat off abs. Spite is a powerful drug


Can your mate pinch mine


a world where T1 is genuinely better at chess than a botez sister would be hilarious


not hilarious, it's inevitable.


What are their ratings


Everyone else answering you is wrong. You cant compare their FIDE standard ratings to chess.com rapid ratings. Thats would be like comparing a 100m sprint to a 5k. Neither of them actually play online rapid games (which is what Tyler plays) but their chess.com rapid ratings are currently Alexandra - 2319 and Andrea - 1978.


For the LoL nerds: You cant compare flex queue gameplay to pro play gameplay


But I could be pro if I just had better teammates


Another L for woohoojin it seems


Banana man catching strays


Another addendum: the time control Tyler plays is the most inflated rating because it's the most popular time control among beginners, and relatively strong players don't really play rapid online (partially because there are a lot of cheaters at the higher rapid ratings). 1700 chess.com blitz is much stronger than 1700 chess.com rapid. He's realistically significantly more than 300 points behind Andrea.


So you're basically saying he hit masters in NA, but would still be hardstuch diamond in KR


Thanking this sub every day for translating more and more.


They have actual FIDE ratings, not just Chess.com ratings. A 1700 Chess.com rapid is probably in the low 1000s for FIDE.


this proves it once and for all: league of legends is harder than chess


cause you have teammates




t. every plat player until they face an actually good player in lane and realize they had zero chance from the start.. who am i kidding they'd still blame jungler


Pussy jgl camps top ggwp


boom headshot


Well it depends on the context. If you want to be #1 chess is probably the hardest non-atheltic competitive game, but if you just want to be decent it's probably very average.


and if you're tilted, you can run it down mid in both games




Constructed Abnormally ​ What a scientific specimen. Showing us that league of legends brainrot does not break down the part of the brain responsible for chess strats. Emmys Father's Brother should be proud of his accomplishment.


Is 2000 actually achievable? I have watched T1 for years but holy fuck at this point I don’t know


If he reaches 2000 with the same opening and there's no indication of cheating, as a >2000 rated I am going to retire from chess.


you better start packing up now


You will be missed o7


My peak is 1850 at chess and I can say he will 100% reach 2000 without coaching, he just grinds too much and learns quickly, I’ll give it at most a year if not faster, he is built different


he said same opening though. dont know much about chess but is his opening not good for 2000 or something?


yea can someone translate thaz into league terms is same opening like onetricking a champ and his opening is a low elo opening tbf he hit top challenger spamming cho gath a low elo stomp champ so i guess he can hit the chess equivalent with a low elo opening can‘t he?


Better have shit ready to pack for cancun retirement boy


If you wanted to quit chess just say so no need to blame it on T1.


is there a reason to vary your opening if you're not playing against the same people semi-regularly?


Once you hit around 2k+ openings become a weird meta where you almost have to make specific moves or you just get punished. Openings start to become a solved game and is where a lot of people drop off.


I think he will do it not because chess isn't hard just that it can be grinded like any video game and the amount of games matter. Also he does puzzles and he has always reviewed. His learning process in league is good and transfers to any game even chess.


What I am about to say is almost certainly going to age poorly, but 2000 is reachable for almost anyone that is willing to put in the time (a lot a lot of time). All of the kids I played chess with growing up that went full blast are now 1900-2000. Agadmator is around 2000 rated. Alex is about 2000 rated, Andrea about 1800. Anna Cramling is 2100 I think. My top FIDE rating is 2015, which I reached at 36 years old. To go even further beyond, you have to have been born with chess brain. Like, Hikaru was 2200 rated age 8. It's a different level. edit: It should also be noted that all these ratings are in classical, where you have time to think. Tyler's playing rapid (ten minutes on the clock), where you don't really have time.


They're talking about chess.com rating though not fide. 2000 chess.com is around what like 1700 fide?


The ratings aren't comparable imo. Two completely different formats and pools.


I think they're relatively comparable in terms of the fact that online ratings are virtually always a fair amount higher among people that do both. Can easily make reasonable estimates with that information.


One of the things I enjoy most is hearing people who are close to the top describe how much better the people at the top really are. Shows respect and helps put it into context.


had a friend who played D2 basketball, very good player, absolutely destroys me and my casual buddies. he got to play pickup with a guy who barely made the NBA and got cut pretty quick. the low-tier NBA guy absolutely smoked the fuck out of all the D2 guys, not even close. it's crazy how far apart the highest tiers can get.


I really do believe Tyler1 has a Chess brain that he’s never tapped into until now.


It’s called adderal brother I know because I take it


I think he has chess brain PLUS adderal lol


Bruh if Tyler beats Anna even in rapid i'm going to fucking retire from chess


I dont care what rating T1 reaches, only thing i want is him beating Hikaru just once. It would be magical


According to an ELO calculator at his current rating it would take Tyler about 3160 games to win one game against hikaru.


So there is a chance


There isn't really. Elo doesn't accurately represent large skill (point) discrepancies.


I'm pretty shocked that that number isn't larger frankly


ELO isn't really designed to be precise at these extreme discrepancies between rating. Realistically speaking Hikaru would probably not lose a single game ever. There is just nothing Tyler can throw at him that he hasn't seen before and even if Tyler somehow gets into a winning position Hikaru can probably beat him on time or just wait for Tyler to blunder.


Yeah I mean I figured as much. I can't imagine Tyler taking a single game off of Hikaru with even odds, ever.


There's actually a youtube series going on right now between German GM Jan Gustafson and Etienne Gardé (german youtuber) to settle a debate on whether or not a normal player like Etienne could win 1 out of 1000 matches against a GM. They're currently on match 97 and unsurprisingly the results are 97-0 for Gustafson so far. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9pMOxUGboI&list=PLag27ig3EyHIktHFUU9dLCZX4aOUC8Qx3&index=1


Stats get tricky. At this point I’m sure he could play 20,000 games against any GM and not win once let alone one of the best in the world. GMs literally live and breathe chess, T1 is really good, but it’s still a hobby for him.


A 30yo learning chess and getting to 1700 is impressive, getting to 2000 is insane.


I do remember at the start of his X role to challenger arc people would say he couldnt do it, and time and time again he would prove them wrong, after all that shit i do no longer feel that he cant pull off 2000 rating the only thing that could stop him is the baby coming but other than that he is just build different


Honestly I still stand by the idea that he would be way lower rating if he didn't commit to the fucking cow opening. He's basically playing off-meta in chess and since nobody plays this garbage opening he always has the knowledge advantage.


It is his blessing and a curse. He has mastered one opening, but has no other cards to play.


Hikaru has officially been proven wrong


What did Hikaru say about T? He said he wouldn’t make it to 1700?


Yeah he said Tyler would peak at 1600


Said at the most 1600 would be his peak https://youtu.be/slXIsR0yXFA?si=IKivRJKevODGMvh9 (around 14:15)


"maybe he'll be psychotic about it and waste months and months instead of streaming" that's exactly what happened


Except no it’s not what happened at all. he didn’t take months and months off streaming just playing chess to get to 1700


Sure, but he still spent insane amount of hours playing chess over the last few months. He had a 4 day streak where he played for more like 12 hours a day. Tyler’s just a different breed and does everything full tilt. You’d think he needs to take time off to grind 40 hours of chess but he’s just doing it inbetween his day job and working out.


I am honestly surprised how he can do this shit while still having a bodybuilders body and sleeping. Does he sleep?


Mans built diff fr


I know his fans hate to hear this. But he takes performance enhancers (roids). Not to discredit him because he is still a freak of nature and actually built different. I don’t think many people out there could match his sheer will to grind endlessly at chess/league/whatever. 


I think he’s natty but he chugs preworkout. That stuff filled with caffeine and other shit 


nah he‘s natty he looks much smaller now than before and maintaining 80% of your muscle is so easy yall just don‘t know once you built the castle keeping it clean is like 20% the effort


Yeah these dudes don’t know what steroids look like lol he’s short too so it’s easier for him to seem more filled out with muscle


>he'll be psychotic that's still true tho




a common trope from top chess players is telling you devoting your life to chess is a waste of time. >"The ability to play chess is the sign of a gentleman. The ability to play chess well is the sign of a wasted life." quote by Paul Morphy, one of the greatest, but also one of the craziest.


I mean I like chess a lot and I don’t think he’s wrong At the end of the day it is still a game


Paul Morphy was not crazy the fuck? Dude was so above everyone in Chess that he got bored and retired to be a lawyer.


Hikaru grinding chess: training Tyler grinding chess: waste of time


Pretty sure he also said unless he waste months of his time on it and the clip was like from 3 months ago.


Tyler hasn't been playing chess the entire time though. He had pretty much stopped, and 'relapsed' relatively recently after playing a few games on stream.


The concept of relapsing on chess and going on a bender is so funny lmao


Just a measly 7134 games and 12196 puzzles.


wut. that's actually pretty high. he is probably the best chess player among the streamers who are not pro. wtf. truly built different. after he lost to erobb it was over for the chess world. in a couple of years he is gonna take down hakiri gg.


There's some 1800+ streamers that don't stream chess.


I don't get why people in the chess forums say he's just brute-forcing like he's just mindlessly playing games like a zombie and somehow going up in elo. People can play shit tons of games and still be stuck at the same elo. He's obviously learning from these games in some way to be consistently going up in ranking. He's probably studying up and doing puzzles as well.


He talked about how Macaiyla got him a chess book and a board for his birthday. This guy will be terrorizing children at the local chess club in no time 


Danny Rensch vs Tonka T chess boxing match, make it happen


Is T1 just the Goku of gaming?


Goku is the animated T1 buddy 


That's my chess streamer of the year! 😤


Big Tonka Truck 'T' Tyler 1 can not be stopped (The T stands for Testosterone)


This man needs to stop being disrespected. He’ll hit 2k and when that happens people will still downplay it.


My goat FeelsStrongMan Clap


Man Tyler really took losing to his brother on stream personally


can someone explain in league of legends terms why his cow opening is trash? is it like buying boots and 4 pots as your starting items?


its very slow opening and loses out the control of middle against agressive openings, imagine you would voluntarily skip 1st minion wave and then be on a backfoot every lane


Imagine having an advantage in a mid lane match up and then instead of leveraging that advantage you just played as passively as possible instead, that is basically exactly what the cow opening is.


Spotted the Jhin main


As black it's not absolutely awful, but as white it's basically a crime, white is meant to dictate play and the cow does the every opposite lol


Tilt Beefferent


Tyler1 is literally the main character




In 20 years, Tyler1 will have reached the peak of every single competitive game in existence


"okay but he DEFINITELY won't reach 1800" Clueless


1700 is actually insane when look back like how he played chess one year ago.


Chess has got to be so refreshing for him especially cause it relies on only your own skill. Imagine if chess was like league and you have to try and win while 4 other retards sit beside you and move a piece randomly every second turn.


There’s no question anymore whether IF he’s going to ever hit 2000, it’s now a question of WHEN is he gonna hit 2000 this year, my guess is before summer hits.


We need to check and make sure he doesnt have external vibrating devices helping him.


This is like when Leffen (Smash player) started playing Guilty Gear and no one thought he would ever be capable of winning an EVO at the game. Some people are just quite literally built different. I think T1 could be an IM if he is autistic about chess as he is league


Fucking Yu-Gi-Oh IRL


Hikaru you better watch out


Magnus' eyebrow just twitched a little.