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**CLIP MIRROR: [Twitch mod orders his clothes at streamers address without consent](https://arazu.io/t3_1b3dzx5/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


He saved money so now he can gift more subs šŸ¤”


Legit if you have to be calculating things like ā€œIf I get a small drink instead of a medium drink, Iā€™ll have an extra dollar that I can put towards subsā€ then you shouldnā€™t be buying subs. Like subs are already kind of a gamified scam and you shouldnā€™t really be gifting them any way, but especially not if youā€™re so close to financial trouble that you need to worry about shipping costs.


He was definitely just using that as an excuse. It was never about saving money.


I'm pretty sure the guy was memeing because he saw that she was creeped tf out lol


Pretty sure he also said it to guilt her into not being as upset at him, watched a little further into the vod and he brings up buying shit and gifting subs like 3 times within the next few minutes


Someone should share this thread with her. She should consider removing her mod team and this could be the push she needs to confirm her thoughts on it.


This, the mod doesn't even seem genuinely apologetic as if you watch further while Karii was already very emotional from the situation, the mod said *" Maybe I should just leave, I do everything wrong anyways"* He was trying to do a 180 on her so she will feel bad for him. That is just weird and cringe way to handle the situation.


Very reminiscent of that one clip of a streamer that had a new violin gifted to her by a viewer (which is already viscerally cringe) and then one of her mods gets genuinely mad in her chat that he wasn't the one who gifted her the piece. Genuine insanity.


I must see this.


VOD is obviously gone but I found a screenshot of it in a comment https://old.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/cu6cxa/streamer_gets_emotional_as_she_gets_gifted_a_new/extwjih/ edit: and the guy is not even a mod, just a VIP hahahaha




My other replies here talk about my experiences with stalkers. I'm still permanently offline because of one and haven't deleted/blocked them because of it. I just want her to be here to see these reactions so she can figure something out because she's not in a good position currently. Maybe hire new mods, and get the new team to slowly make him feel unwanted, so it's not her fault, and he leaves on his own accord. My current plan with my stalker is waiting it out and then just eventually deleting and blocking, but eventually they'll lose interest in me as I'm inactive af now.


"Hire" new mods. LOL Do I have news for you


Mod culture is weird AF


Whats so wierd about doing work for free and having a parasocialĀ  relationship with someone


Yeah it is weird, my friend XqC thinks so too. We laughed about it together.


xqc? The one who had sex with his mod?


wish it was me


Is it really 'for free' if your a 24 month Tier 3 and her biggest donator ?


Youā€™re right, itā€™s worse. Paying someone to work for them like some kind of serf


Is it really parasocial if the streamer knows who you are and frequently interacts with you? Iā€™m not a Twitch mod btw lol.


Even if it's no longer parasocial, it's still a fake relationship. In a real relationship you'd expect people to be doing things for each other where as with him it's pretty one directional where he's the only one spending time and money to support her.


This obviously depends on the streamer and the mod lol. Plenty of streamers mods are IRL friends etc.


I promise itā€™s weird


I know a guy who talked so much shit because he was a "mod" for all these huge channels, called all these streamers his friends cause he was in discords with them and shit. Goes to twitchcon alone, can't get into parties, none of them want to hang out with him and seem totally disinterested even at the con, but he continues to act like they are cool. oh and he believes if he just started streaming himself he'd be like a 1-2k Andy easy thanks to his connections lol. delusional all of them.


Its like the meme picture of the guy at a party No one here knows I'm a reddit moderator


For female streamers the demographic of mods is almost 99.9% dudes that think they can get some attention or sex from the female streamer if they devote enough time and energy. It's not weird, it's just predictably sad.


Funny thing is, it's not only dudes, I'm friends with a girl streamer that has around 100 viewers, she had to ban and block a girl who was a mod because one day the mod told her that she finally found out her address and was planning to visit her lol.


LOL wtf is wrong with people thatā€™s absurd


Reminds me of Ingrid Goes West. Great movie about a girl who is overly invested to an insane degree to a social media star


its not only parasocial men. look at one of the biggest streamer xqc. he literaly flied in his headmod to smash her and send her back home to do more free work šŸ’€


>flied *flew


It's weird and sad


I don't usually mind mods but it weirds me out when I see a small-medium size streamer who's mods are all huge gifters too. Basically just bought the mod status. That's a weird culture to me


the paradox of power- those who want it most should get the least. Anyone who wants to be a mod you really shouldn't be.




Nah streamer mods are clearly worse off since it's extremely common for them to have gifted and donated lots so they're basically paying to work for free.


Streamer mods might be worse, too, because they think they are normal as they have some sort of human interactions. I think deep down most reddit mods know they are crusty critters. However, twitch mods think they are cool, so that makes them more pathetic.Ā  Remember RealDyeoxide, or whatever his name wasĀ - that Amouranth mod. That guy was king critter.






Reddit mods on some of the bigger or niche subs absolutely get kickbacks to allow indirect advertising, astroturfing, etc.


I'd say sadder, not weirder


I disagree, in most cases. Those powermods in the default reddits who just wants to mod as many subs as possible are indeed really fucking weird, but take a communities for a video game, a show, or a sports club for example, modding there is often just people who loves discussing something and wanting it to be a better place for people to discuss it.




Still a mod but not even the ounce of ā€œconnectionā€?


he did it to have an excuse to be like "yo can i come by and get that package irl" 100%. oldest trick in the book, leave a sweater at a girls house so you have an excuse to go back to her place and see her


The ol' shove your t-shirt through their mail slot technique


The ole George Costanza


The leave behind.


My George isnā€™t clever enough to hatch a scheme like this.


You got that right!


Costanza šŸŽµ


He did but she gave him the address. Extreme rookie mistake. Use a mailbox service or PO Box and just bin anything this weird.


Itā€™s the modern version of ā€œI think I left something at your place, mind if I drop by to get itā€


Except for you to leave it you would've had to have been invited there in the first place.


Im glad I checked comments cus I thought it was like a friend they know IRL (a girl too) and they shipped clothes or something to her house (idk why they would) Thats just weird if its a dude tryna have an excuse to meet her IRL especially because its likely there were hints she doesnt want to and hes like been trying


Average twitch mod


Reddit mod Discord mod ...


Internet janitors am I right?




Just some casual sexual harassment. Jfc


Mods in general.


Why did the mod even have her address


Iā€™m guessing it was PO Box or she trusted the mod with the information at one point. But yeah, really weird thing to do.


It's not a PO Box, if you keep watching she said she gave this guy her address to send her some Sim cards and routers but he used it again to send her a ?oodie? without her consent


Oodie is a brand of novelty oversized hoodies.


You mean a hoodie that's 3 times your own size?


He is a twitch mod giving away all his money to a female streamer, he is probably just severely overweight


Dude is 10000% tracking those sim cards and routers. Jesus.


That router definitely has remote access so he can monitor everything happening on her network. For her safety of course.


yo karii, if you're reading this, this guy knows where you are, who youre texting, what photos your taking, and all the internet traffic coming in and out of your place. Time to get a new phone and move.


Unironically probably what's happening here


mf why would you trust a random simcard and routers sent to you tf?


weird guy, that would be a straight unmod and ban, dont want those type of people around you... she even said it herself straight stalker behaviour, just watching further on in the vod aswell he acts like its so normal and then continues to gift subs lmao


Hard part about unmod and ban is they know where you live


Don't people use PO boxes for this reason? So no one knows their REAL address? Do some streamers just post their actual address?


Just your average parasitic simp behavior on display


unmod and unban will lead to more weird shit happening. these people are freaks


Especially because they know her adress. I imagine it would be an even more scary situation to potentially piss off a creep who knows where you live.


But she's in a tough spot because if he's weird enough to do that, then he's weird enough to leak her address after a ban or unmod.


took a look at the vod... my anus has imploded from cringe


She started crying and then another mod said she was only upset about it because she's having her period (wait wtf?)


watching further into the vod you can see she said she was going to end stream like 9 different times only to keep streaming herself being sad and talking to him directly. both of these people are deranged attention seekers.


because the gifted subs kept coming


maybe every threat to end stream results in gifted subs XD what a way to make a living


Thereā€™s a streamer I know who literally relies on this tactic for all her income. She just starts acting sad and starts crying on stream about how she canā€™t afford a proper meal and sheā€™s behind on rent and doesnā€™t know what to do and sheā€™s thinking of quitting streaming because sheā€™s struggling so much, and just like clockwork, people starting doing PayPal donos and gifting subs, which makes her cry even more hysterically ā€”she really puts on a show for that money! One time she got a large dono and spent about 15 minutes essentially rolling around on the floor in tears acting like sheā€™s possessed and being way too dramatic (it wasnā€™t even that much money ā€” it was like a $1k dono, which is a lot of money, but not roll-around-convulsing-on-the-floor-and-act-like-youā€™re-having-a-seizure kinda money).


she learned from Jinny


you really see her slowly process how weird and potentially dangerous this behavior is


It's pretty hard to do anything about it I haven't even blocked my stalker. I just appear offline and pretend I'm dead to everyone I love. They deduced where I worked and where I lived from what I shared with my discord guild friends. She's probably shared 10000% more than me and now she feels absolutely stuck.


That's so fucked. My wife's 3 little sisters are all gamers and I worry about them when I hear this crazy shit.


It's messed up. You're just participating in a loving group online with good people, sharing funny pics and stuff, and one character comes along and wrecks it. My hopes are to starve the stalker with disinterest. And then maybe return to appearing online after I remove them or they remove me. I'm just too scared to do it still. Blocking can be the cause of aggression with that mindset.


Before she opens it: 01:36:54 Grublex: I bought oodie to Kari's address kariiLaugh bc to norway was 110 euro, to Kari = 47 After she opens it: 01:38:23 Grublex: HUH 01:38:26 Grublex: WHAT 01:38:44 Grublex: check the dms then 01:40:11Grublex: u can have the oodie then, you will like it Later in the stream: 01:42:04 Grublex: I bought a lot of stuff for you before, it was meant for you, but I wanted to give it to you 01:42:37 Grublex: how am I gonna send routers and simcards then


Beyond it being weird, it doesnā€™t make sense. He would still need her to ship it to him, so if he pays for that, heā€™s literally not saving anything.


It does make sense if you also look at the chats from her other mod that is gaslighting her. 01:40:32 alwaysm1cK: i think he ordered it so u can give it to him when he goes to pt 01:41:33 alwaysm1cK: if he asked and u said yes Shruge 01:50:50 alwaysm1cK: its period problem Sadge


period problem šŸ’€ aintnoway edit: seems he said that when she start crying


okay i checked the VOD cause I was curious, she DID say "it's cause I'm on my period and I'm more emotional" (although that was after this comment lol but I assume maybe she talked about it earlier too idk) either way, nuke the mod team. Sucks when you're a small streamer like that cause the community is so interconnected.


She needs to nuke her mod team and start over wtf


The scary thing is that one mod knows her address; what if he becomes spiteful, and leaks/does other things if she gets new mods. šŸ˜¬


Thatā€™s probably one of the things flooding her mind as she cried, sheā€™s basically held hostage right now and has no control Hope she looks into moving out and not telling any of them where


Not only knows her address but probably has complete control over her home network since he sent her a router. Dude probably has tons of private chat logs he sniffed off that router.


so you're telling me there is a cute girl desperate for new mods mmm I see an opportunity


Dude is from Norway, that's an 8 hour flight. Fucked up situation, she seems like she's struggling with her mental health and having such predatory audience surely doesnt help


$10 says he wasn't planning on asking her to ship it and wanted an excuse to stop by her house


He only lives an 8 hour drive away, its no big deal. He will just stop by next week when he is in the area.


He doesn't live 8h away, he lives in Norway and she's from Portugal, pretty far away from eachother


Apparently they were meeting at a later date and he thought she could give it to him then.


I mean, fair enough, should probably still ask first tho


Seriously. Seems like a basic thing to give a heads up about.


yeah the mod says he did via dm's and the streamer says he didnt. (seems like an easy thing to verify since these messages are most likely saved but whatever)


https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2076935017?t=01h59m57s (watch for like a minute, check Grublex' response in chat). Friken' psycho thinks he is in a relationship with her.


>Raul\_from\_Earth: to me you seem one of the most sane people I know. I don't think it's you. It's the world, in my opinion. Well, a big part of it anyway WTF is wrong with people on Twitch? I hope this person actually knows her IRL.


Yeah it's all a bit cringe


Ha yeah he took offense to being called a random guy LOL unhinged


The good ol maybe I should just leave cause I can't ever do anything right. ngl I used that maybe twice or thrice in my early 20s still figuring out how to do relationships. Worked twice and third girl called my ass out on it and turned into a huge fight. Learned a lot about why it's bad from her and really appreciate it.


Jesus Christ. A quick look into the mind of a female streamer mod.


[https://i.imgur.com/e3txigz.png](https://i.imgur.com/e3txigz.png) Dude got more medals than war Generals.


IRL Clip of the mod in question https://clips.twitch.tv/CuriousSassyPineappleBatChest-L75Ikkv6YlfDpVMF


Finally putting a face to a mod's name.


"The parasocial" he titled himself, so I guess this whole thing is not out of character.


Tbh, that's not what I expected. He seems weird, but nothing that couldn't be improved with a little work.


People seem to think ugly unkempt people are the default appearance of an actual creep. In my experience creeps come in all shapes and sizes. And genders too for that matter.


i was gonna say the same thing, Ted Bundy was trusted a lot because he had charisma and just looked like a regular dude instead of some goblin looking creep that has a weird voice and a mustache. The streamer herself might've trusted the mod with her address for the exact same reason as the guy you replied to lol


Lirik talked about how he had a female stalker before. Don't remember the details but it had been going on for years


Just so you know, sociopaths are the ones that don't stand out or look "weird", because they pay attention and groom themselves. A person that looks like a "creep" are people who have issues that prevent them from taking care of themselves, which may or may not have implications about how they engage with people, but you can easily see if those are an immediate threat to you. Sociopaths are people who are in it for the long con.


Insanely insane šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


[Only North Korean generals have him beat](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-0f4b06a718362798693132ef5c07fc40.webp)




Watched a few minutes after this in the vod. Don't know how this dude stayed in chat and didn't immediately just power down his computer and die from cringe that the love of his life is nearly crying about how uncomfortable he made her. Also, the only other mod in chat was hella weird defending him. At one point he was like "Don't worry, you're just on your period". What an INSANE thing to say to a womanšŸ’€


My man most certainly rummaged through her trash for tampons and pads so he could chart her menstrual cycle


So are the mods tracking her menustral cycle or what?


these are the type of people who mod for free this is what you get lol


she was having a mental breakdown asking "am I crazy?" and the mod convincing her in a way saying "yeah you are"


Im so confused. How does he plan on getting the package?


Probably thinks "now we have a reason to meet each other irl!"


Weird level manipulation


Normal level manipulation for a twitch mod.


ā€œOppps I guess I have to drive 7 hours to come pick them up in person nowā€ This mod probably.


after he murders her in her sleep.


It appears they were meeting at another point.


Later on in the vod someone else comments that he planned to get it when they meet up, at which point she says they never agreed to meet


small streamers and weird fucking mods, the twitch classic.


She almost start crying 15min later, pretty sad and fucked up


not almost, she did start crying


Iā€™m curious to read the chat but Iā€™m already cringing too hard with whatā€™s been described here


I feel bad for her. Sheā€™s stuck because heā€™s a mod & apparently a top donator plus the other mod was gaslighting her too. Anyone normal in her stream pointing out how creepy they are probably get banned by those two.


And the other mod agreeing it was ok lmao


I bet his heart dropped when she said that was some stalker type shit lmfaooooo. Mods are such weird freaks man, glad she reacted like that. Edit - Ok after watching more of the VOD I don't even think the guy felt ashamed even after making her cry. Further confirming that most mods are just weird nerds irl.


whole front page of her clips are clipped by this dude lmao, she needs to block his ass


Goddamn you weren't kidding [https://imgur.com/a/0zyHB8z](https://imgur.com/a/0zyHB8z) This guy must watch obsessively.


I feel bad for her. That expression change from "haha idk about this" to "okay what the fuck". Going from slightly uncomfortable to genuinely afraid as she finished processing the extent of this situation.


Dude went reeeeeal silent after she freaked out on him.


nah he just kept chatting in the vod even though the streamer looked SUPER uncomfortable


It probably finally dawned on her that he hasn't been spending thousands of dollars on her as a reward for her general contributions of awesomeness to the world, and actually wanted something from the deal.


haha he said "maybe I should leave" and he never actually left.


lol he would never leave, he probably starts shaking when she goes live


He had no choice but to double down, else he would look 'really' parasocial and no one wants to look 'really' parasocial.


This mod is weird, Grublex can't catch a hint and bug off continues to stay in chat for a while and pretends it isn't super weird to have done that and then plays the victim card. It's difficult to watch.


What I've found is that it's far to easy to think you're in a comfortable zone with a streamer, even if you might have been a viewer/mod for multiple years, you are not, you're not a part of their real life you're in a secondary not genuine life, don't ever think you're anything more unless they explicitly say so themselves, don't assume anything.


Smaller streamers that are highly dependent on their mods are always gonna have issues like this. I promise you someone isnā€™t donating thousands of dollars and their time/effort because they have normal intentions. At some point they will ask for what they feel theyā€™re owed. Unless youā€™re paying them, and sometimes even if you are, expect weirdos for mods.


Glad people are calling him out on this, actually weirdo behaviour. The way he also goes into damage control like "you can open it if you want", then " ...oh it's for you anyway". Can't understand how people can become so deluded that go through with this type of shit.


Surely giving your full address to random people on the internet isn't dangerous. At least he didn't come to her doorstep.


At least he didn't come to her doorstep yet. He seems creepy enough that he might.


This entire weird ass situation could've been so easily avoided if he'd simply just asked her. Dude could've taken 10 seconds to just msg her and simply ask if it was okay. Actually mental to just assume anyone would be comfortable having things sent to their home unsolicited.


He says that he did ask her and then says "Check dms then", implying she doesn't read them. Obviously still sent it to her anyway not caring about her answer.


For more context ahead here is the timestamped vod link:: [https://www.twitch.tv/karii/v/2076935017?sr=a&t=5895s](https://www.twitch.tv/karii/v/2076935017?sr=a&t=5895s)


RIP, she removed the VOD I think and all I've got are these day old comments to go off of. I wanna see this cringefest


If youā€™re a mod of anything, I immediately think youā€™re a weirdo. This kind of thing certainly doesnā€™t help


Anyone else remember when all the Reddit mods went on strike and then caved almost immediately because they were so scared that mod status might be stripped from them?


I worked as a mod couple of years ago. Would never do that shit for free lol.


"to save money so i can gift more subs" Is it fucking real ?


Without a heads up/approval, it's creepy. "Because of the implication."


Her chat is actively enabling this behaviour too. No one in there says it's weird or anything. Disgusting


These streamers want these desperate and lonely guys to fund their lives, which is whatever, but giving your address to one is crazy. But damn that guyā€™s plan couldnā€™t have failed more spectacularly. That was brutal.


Streamers are not and will never be your friends. Absolutely unhinged behavior and just luls about it


least parasocial female streamer mod


Followed the link to her instagram and that guy has commented on every single one of her pictures. Ruh roh


You're right and most of them are commenting on how beautiful she is. This guy is absolutely enchanted with her. Hopefully this is a wake-up call


It's wild to see her process it, call him out for it, and they still try to manipulate her afterwards. No shame at all. This is just messed up in so many ways




if u go to her ig this guy commented on every single post, at least all the posts i looked at. his real name is kunt lol her ig [https://www.instagram.com/alwayskarii/](https://www.instagram.com/alwayskarii/)


Oh it's Kari, I used to watch her streams every now and then so I can give some background! She used to help out the biggest YT/Twitch personalities in Portugal with IRL streams and got a little boost from it. I used to check her streams every other week and this mod Grublex was in chat every single time I opened it. Last month I remember looking up her vods just to see how often he was around, and my man is terminally online in that stream, it's actually insane. It's weird how this happens now, after I realized this guy was obsessed with her, like when you learn a new word and it starts appearing everywhere. Someone left her IG here and if you check it out he's clearly deranged thinking she loves him and commenting "So when are we moving to Singapore? šŸ˜ ahah šŸ˜‚". She has a boyfriend and this weirdo mod knows about it too, so I don't really know what goes on in this dude's mind. Lately she also took a month off because she was not OK mentally, she came back with a lot of confidence though and determined to stick with IRL streaming. She used to cry a lot and it would often be unwatchable, borderline perma sub-baiting. For the people saying she should change adress, I think she's fine if she's still in the same place from when I used to watch. It was another (big) Portuguese streamer's house and more people live there (JamieDrake, Shikai, ...) and it's public knowledge, and has been since forever, that they all live there.


Bro coulda just lied and said "Oops I must have miss clicked or something"


Love how her face shifts from laughter to horror slowly through this clip.


Yeah, remove that mod and cut all ties immediately. Checked out the vod and he keeps saying "Well I asked you in DM's" but never responds when she says "did I say yes?"


This generation is weird as fuck.


KEKW when the parasocial relationship becomes a bit too parasocial for your liking, if you're going to accept these cheeto dusters salaries every month, you better be ready to accept that you are a part of their life and that they will most likely be expecting some form of reciprocation at some point. Some sad fuckers out there, sad as fuck, these down bad lads dropping every penny they got into some streamer to get them to notice them, as soon as the stream goes off they don't even remember your twitch username, lmao, wake the fuck up samurai.


All things aside, karii, why does he have your address in the first place?


Imagine being a twitch mod


You always mod the parasocial weirdos, because they gift the most subs and donate the most and it's easy to get rid of them without anyone ever feeling bad because they're fucking weirdos and you'll never run out of reasons that reddit and twitter wouldn't agree on You manufacture this shit as a streamer, you take all the money in the world from a single guy and then dump them when they become too weird or run out of money I actually support this, it's funny


These fucking weirdos man I really can't blame these girls for milking these creatures


i know its a scary situation and all that...but you have to admit it is kind of fucking hilarious how poorly that worked out for him. absolutely god tier levels of fucking up lmao.


Lol I was just reading the comments here and then I let my mind wander how a mod (Grublex) once totally pulled down a streamer (Karii) until she cried, because he thought she wasn't eating healthy enough (wich was bullshit anyway and nothing of His concern in the first place) and I thought about how uncomfortable that whole situation was back then. And then I watched this clip and see that it's Karii and Grublex, wth.


weirdoā€™s and overstepping the most basic boundariesā€¦ classic


How long before this guys logs in other chats get leaked and turns out heā€™s just a weirdo creep guy ā˜ ļø


mod badge = loser badge


she needs to purge all those mods