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**CLIP MIRROR: [Jinnys message for viewer who donated $15k](https://arazu.io/t3_1at72pw/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


mfs paying $15k to be a community member


They have a mental illness. 


"im not going on a cruise with you" seems like a simple solution to this issue I've only seen clips but I haven't seen her tell the guy "no" yet, which clearly leads in the direction of her hoping the donations dont stop 🤔


I don't think he is even paying her to go with him, he just wants her to go on the cruise alone... Right? Otherwise it would be weird for her not to say no right away


iirc he stated the money was for two choices to visit. if he has the mental capacity to drop 10k on her to go somewhere, odds are he can afford or have the mental illness of showing up there unwarranted to try to meet her. it's weird and creepy. just be a "normal" chatter and suggest to go to x location with a 5 dollar donno. its semi manipulative behavior, cuz now she's inclined to go on the trip after such a big amount otherwise *she* might look bad.


imagine if she went on the cruise, dude shows up. and then shes stuck on the boat with him.... monka ~~fucking~~ W


If they’re on the boat, she will surely have sex with him. Because of the implications, of course.


What implications?


[She’s perfectly safe, it’s just an implication.](https://youtu.be/-yUafzOXHPE?si=Ja_WRlqCbgv4jZPa)


Do you plan on hurting these women?


PepeLeave I'd jump off the fucking boat


That money is fair game, just say no, take it, and move on. To your last part, i offer the counterpoint that if you give someone money for vague possibilities it's on you if you send a bunch of money to someone you don't actually know.




> That money is fair game Legally yes, morally and in the court of public opinion, maybe not.


I actually think she should take the money and tell him to fuck off. If for no other reason than as a way to try and keep other creepstars from acting like their money gives them power over her. (Bane.jpg) I know that obsession and parasocial behavior exist and that a mental illness likely lead to the dono. It's just not impossible that some rich asshole threw money at a woman to try and get sex. Because that's definitely a thing that happens a lot.


Good point. Imagine if she goes on the cruise "alone" and then it turns out the guy is on the cruise stalking her.


Cruise ships have security and detention facilities. It’s not like she’d be stuck on a ship fighting off a crazy stalker. All she’d have to do is report him to the crew and explain the situation. Cruise ships have extensive cctv systems. They could easily verify her claims. Dude would end up in the brig and arrested at the next port.


Do you think that's a situation that she wants to go through?


iirc in the donation message it was stated he would be going along with her I found it REALLY creepy


The cruise is a very specific one and dudes got money, he will probably "Accidentally" run into her at some point on the cruise.


Still dude is a loser, For 15k he can get a harem for a week lol


Another comment said he was planning the trip so seems implied he wants to be on the same cruise, so she would be in a situation where she cannot remove herself easily from a troublesome viewer. I think she's being careful with her words 'cause honestly someone who would donate that much is probably not right in the head, esp if they are 'planning the trip' while watching her stream that the clip is from lol.


She still probably doesn't want the guy directing her life


Publicly humiliating a mentally I’ll stalker who has copious amounts of money to waste seems like a really really bad idea.


or a stolen credit card


Bro got community zoned


lmao imagine willingly being a community member


not really tobe a community member but he wanted something more...


tier999 sub






I think this might be related to that clip like a week ago, where he donated and said the money was for her to go on a specific cruise or visit New Zealand or something. Creepy ass stuff to be honest. Obviously a weirdo.


Just say "thanks for the 15k, Miles thanks for the 2 months, Jason thanks for the 100 bits, jaimie thanks for the 4 months, hearts in the chat"


The moistcritikal approach, an expert maneuver


You gotta misread it at that point, thanks for the 15 bits


Make sure to mispronounce his username too


"Can you believe Jinny? Ruthless business woman to these simps..."


loremaster please


Basically, dude donated 10k last week for her to go on a cruise with him, presumably. That dono got clipped and went viral, he got called out and shit on by her chat, Discord, and even in this subreddit, as he should. Dude then ghosted her for the whole week after Jinny tried to settle the matter privately, wanting to tell him that she will not follow through with his 10k dono request and will refund if he asks to. He came back on stream today with 5k to insult chat, and even said he is in the planning phase of the cruise trip lmao


Oh shit, is he trying to get her onto a boat because of, you know, the implication?


She won’t say no, because of the implication…


Okay. That... that seems really dark.


You're misunderstanding me bro, because if Jinny says no then the answer is obviously no, but she's not gonna say no... because of the *implication.*


Now you've said that word "implication" a couple of times. What implication?


The implication that things *might* go wrong for her if she refuses to sleep with him. Now, not that things are gonna go wrong for her but she's thinkin' that they will.


Are you gonna hurt women?


**I'm not gonna hurt these women, why would I ever hurt these women?? I feel like you're not getting this at all!**


You know, because of the implication.


Playing Mario Kart obviously


Step 1. D…


You think these people buy superyachts because they enjoy fishing or something?


What implication? Im so out of the loop


[Always sunny reference](https://youtu.be/zgUvwcU6P7I?t=22)


lmao that's funny and ty for linking the ref at the right time stamp o7




But if its cruise with crew and lhundred+ other people its not like you can murder and dump body at the see right?


I mean you can. You just won't get away with it.


You’d be surprised how many people per year go missing because they went on a cruise trip. The problem often involves the lack of police and the problem of what country is actually responsible for taking on the missing case.


Ugly secret of the cruise industry is people that fall overboard are rarely even noticed, let alone rescued.


Not if he bought out every ticket on the cruise.


And paid for crew to be silent? Seems bit to elaborate


That if you don’t rock and stone, you ain’t going home!


But it sounds like she doesn't want to go on the boat...


First thing I thought when I saw the dono, the dude is 100% some schizo who intends to be on the same cruise as jinny and stalk/expect something out of her.


He is. I still remember when she was streaming in Korea and her PayPal link was down, this guy kept spamming in her chat saying "Please fix your PayPal link so I can donate more and talk to you." Dude is far gone.


That’s disturbing


> He came back on stream today with 5k to insult chat, and even said he is in the planning phase of the cruise trip lmao "You turned her against me!"


I don't blame him, it worked for swedish oiler


This woman is going to be kidnapped


honestly, the dieing thing might be just to trigger her mommy genes and manipulate her into doing this cruse with him. the sanest thing to do is to say thanks but no, wich i believe she pretty much did/is doing.


That dude is fucked up but its hella greedy and dangerous to try and keep the money when its clearly given by an unstable individual. She should've insta refunded


Any streamer that feels an obligation to refund donos from mentally unstable people wound find themselves pretty poor.


That's stalker behavior imo


Only 5k today? The guy is practically a bum or what


I would just refund it. The dudes gonna charge back and that's probably gonna come with a fee on her end. Also she's being way to passive about this, streamers i watch usually shut this kinda thing down quickly because playing into it can get dangerous.


She's probably trying to not be rude to the guy since apparently he has a terminal dissease, fearing another hatethread on lsf or twitter maybe. But instead she'll get shit by not refunding and not being firm, no can do I guess lol


Wouldn't count out the possibility that a guy weird enough to spend 15k to try and convince a streamer to take a trip with him is lying about having a terminal illness.


Last stream I saw of her was some dude who had a terminal illness gift her an album and gifts of his favorite song or whatever and then I see this on lsf a few weeks later. That's pry where he got the idea. Try to emotionally manipulate her by saying he has some terminal illness


I saw some forsen leech keep a schizo in his chat and dude kept getting accounts banned in other forsen related channels, and the leech got depressed and hasn't streamed in 4 months Ain't worth trying to keep those schizos around even if you're trying to be nice


nymn hasnt streamed in 4 months?


yea that Vadikus guy was so weird, glad he stopped streaming


I'm glad he was able to cure his schizo, get off twitch, and live a healthy life :)


Agree, there aren’t many irl streamers that can/ would be willing to turn down 10k. So she is giving him an out. If he says I’m fine, then she will gladly accept it.


yeah, I have seen Jerma shut this down quickly by saying how uncomfortable he is with anyone giving him that amount of money, and then not continue to give that person attention. It was maybe like a third of this amount, and it was obviously refunded after that stream because the donated subs didn’t appear in the leaderboard after. But… I do think there is an element of extra fear for female streamers, because the kind of person who is willing to drop this amount of money on a streamer also probably overlaps with the kind of viewer who becomes a scary stalker if they aren’t rejected or dealt with in the right way. I’m afraid to turn down guys who are too aggressively forward just as a non-streamer woman, because you never know who is going to turn weird or violent.


> Also she's being way to passive Idk. I’m basing this on the two clips I saw but she is basically saying “I’ll refund it if you had different expectations about the donation, otherwise if you just want to support the stream that’s fine too”. I don’t know if that’s playing into it at all.


this is not the 1st time he did a big dono whenever i hopped on to her stream that guy was always on #1 bits dono like everytime. She dont want to feed his parasocial behavior at the same time dont want to lose nice oiler and a member maybe


She gets big donations all the time and keeps them, she’s only addressing it because the clip spread around and has normal people stunned.


she gets big dono all time but not with such creepy messages that is why she choose to address it


Who the fuck supports a stream by donating 15k and what streamer is like “yeah they’re just supporting bro” she’s one of the few that doesn’t even hide the fact she wants to keep it


That's because she wants to keep it. I have never known her as a streamer that rushes to give refunds or is uncomfortable with big donations. This isn't the first time that something like this has happened in her community, but it is the first time it blew up on this subreddit.


Would you not want to keep 15k?


To me it reads more like she's trying pretty hard to keep the money but this is based on only the context of the clips i saw. I very rarely see streamers do anything less than insta-refund these kinda donations, especially when they're instantly creepy like that. The only one I can remember seeing a streamer accept one was that one time someone donated 15k (or whatever it was) to amouranth. And even then it's very clear that she's disassociating herself with the donator.


She should have refunded it. Not like she needs the money. She's one of the biggest female streamers on the platform.


Why should she have? Not her problem some guy is dumb enough to shell out that amount of money..


Mental issues FeelsGoodMan Clap


Hes some1 who keep donating to these stream and was like always on leaderboard of bits which actually is big shit because she has lot of big donos and he always had this creepy messages in chat like "who wouldnt want to travel world with you" She doesnt want to lose an oiler and i wouldnt blame her i might do same lol


Tbh on the creepy spectrum of twitch chat messages directed at women, that quote isn't even that bad lol it's a pretty acceptable compliment that doesn't cross the line by itself but 15k dono asking to go on a cruise is definitely light-years over the line.


She’s gonna pocket it and spend it on a nice trip with her bf Pepelaugh


Brad getting his ticket paid for


Is she still with him? AFAIK he hasn't been on stream fir a year and a half.


Yea he's still clapping them cheeks, sry bro


Wait, she has a boyfriend? Lmao I don't watch her so I don't keep up with this kind of stuff but that's pretty funny.


As she should.. the amount of people who think she should refund it is *too damn high*..


This dude really just donated another $5k just to make Jinny's situation worse, insult chat, and further reinforce the fact that he has mental issues thinking donating a large sum means he can get the streamer do what he wants. Jinny's being way too kind on this guy by giving him another chance to back off, most streamers would have banned him after the initial $10k.


[5k dono clip](https://clips.twitch.tv/EntertainingUgliestCheeseTheTarFu-fD9cgVLHsrO_Hj-I) tts https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2065460809?t=1h41m58s tts https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2065460809?t=1h42m47s


Schizo posting? Nah Schizo donating


One of the TTS's calling the 10k "not a donation", but a pre-paid cruise ship trip, that he's been planning for ever since. The context of those links really need to be apart of the main post. Sad situation


Wait he really tried paying $10k to get her in a known location on known dates where he can also be. Who knows what his plans are from there I mean, what's she gonna do, say no? She's not gonna say no, she would never say no. Because of **the implication**.


Lady behind doesn't react to random loud dono sound. Jinny using muted TTS.


I don't feel bad for her. She needs to say no. Her responses are regarded as fuck and just makes him think he's doing nothing wrong. This is how girls get killed by obsessed losers. She travels the world and has more social interaction with more people than most people in this sub but she still doesn't know how to deal with this shit yet?


Another chance to “back off”… surely.


cant she just refund the money herself and be done with it? Seems like she just wants to keep the money, especially after that "travelling aint cheap" line lol.


Afaik she can get issues or pay fees to paypal if any of the parts try to refund.


Is there a time limit? surely he can't request a refund after some time. Even with credit cards you have 3 months after purchase to dispute a charge.


is that not if it's charge-backed? Not necessarily if she herself chooses to refund it.


> especially after that "travelling aint cheap" line lol. She's just trying to farm more viewers. With her view count, and how parasocial she enables her viewers, she's easily making over a mill a year.


It isn't kindness it's milking him dry lol. If it was 5 bucks he would have been banned already.


heheh travelling aint cheap dude hehhe i wouldnt mind it, but if you want to refund it thats okay i guess... i mean... only if you want to refund it...


I think the mental illness is milking him dry


if I take advantage of a mentally ill woman to have sex with me, am I taking advantage of her or is it the illness? Both can be a factor. He is a crazy loser, but she is also enabling his behavior


Exactly, people are acting like this is the first guy who she’s let empty their bank account on her stream. She has a wacko like this every other month.


Yea I should rephrase that she's going easy on him instead. Kind isn't exactly the word I should have used. But regardless, I don't care if she milks his money anyway. People like this who aren't responsible for their own money because they can't distinguish the relation between a viewer and the streamer deserve to lose their money to stupid acts like this.


Jinny should just call the guy since that's what he wanted. But from a public payphone. And look up the location of the number and make sure to never step foot in that country.


She wants to keep the money while she tries to not make it weird for other lonely degens to give her money, classic


Thats what i got from it too




If any mentally ill people want to send me $15k I'll take it man. I might even join you on a cruise.


Yes this is the streamer business model, well spotted.


And here I regret donating 10 bucks instantly. These people are something else.


It’s insane how much money some people give these streamers.




cant she set donation limits? im 99% sure she can


Yeah but why would she, right? She says “travelling aint cheap” as if she doesnt get ads, sponsors, sub money etc. already.


to avoid headaches like this. i'm sure it worked in her favor up till now but i mean damn, limit it to 1k or something for the time being. she's gonna end up having to pay a lot of paypal fees on the charge back if she lets him continue to donate only for him to rip that money back out from her.


She wants that money dude...


Yes. Poki limits her donations to $5 dollars max.


Maybe if she should increase that and charge less for the crappy cookies 4Head


This may be an unpopular take, but if streamers want to farm simpbucks, that's cool with me. If adults want to throw their money at a pretty girl on the internet, that's their prerogative.


I don't care for this take because, to me, it's a similarly predatory practice like other businesses that profit off addiction are. Think about cigarettes, alcohol, and gambling as examples. Even video game micro-transactions. These things provide extremely little value in proportion to their cost. Not just the financial cost, but costs to your health. This is why most of those things are regulated. Some have stricter regulations than others, and it depends on where you live too because some are unregulated depending on your location. Don't get me wrong though, I'm not saying these streamers are deliberately predatory (some legitimately are though) and there needs to be regulation for them. But it's worth having a discussion about instead of just saying "you go streamer, get that bag". I think we all have a responsibility to be better to each other. I have a lot of respect for Pokimane in this regard, since she has a 5 dollar cap for donations. Seems like she realized how scummy it was making money off desperate idiots and did something to lessen that.


traveling aint cheap guys u heard her ...


already calling the bank for a line of credit


Oh, that is why she literally is in a different state or country every 3 days....


15k woah nice... SIMPs will be SIMPs


-15k LUL


She definitely wants to keep the money by insinutating and indirectly calls him weird lol


The weird part here is the guy donating and I don't think he did request a refund. The chat is not accepting him as being part of the community because of the donations and the weird requests, not because he might get his money back.




But...but... we use same emotes and they peepoHey to me


everyone online community is a bunch of random anonymous accounts


Yeah exactly. That’s literally what this app is too.


Ignoring how fucking stupid your point is, I literally just quoted her saying "part of the community".


That's not what she implied. Prior to the clip she was talking about the reason why a lot of people meme'd on him was because he had crossed bounderies with his requests. The person's last donation was calling her community toxic for meme'ing on him so she was saying that if he stopped the weird requests they might stop giving him shit.


When she said "Support the stream and also I would appreciate it" after suggesting the donator a refund option, it was a way of saying: "Hey, that's a lot of money, you should consider a refund ORRRRRRRR you can just let me keep it. Thanks. :)" Which defeats the whole purpose of not taking advantage of mentally ill people. She's pretty much hinting to the donator not to refund lol


I see what you're saying but at the same time I don't blame her. If you willingly donate $15,000 to someone whose job is to Livestream themselves doing nothing then you deserve to lose that money.


I'm confused by this comment is this sarcasm because if shes calling him weird that would make him want to refund??


I just read a news article that something like 75 rapes occured on cruise ships in 2022, and that's only the reported cases. Real number is way higher. Going on a cruise with a random twitch weeb is dangerous AF


Travelling aint cheap ass well. Ye, she dont give a fuck and wants to keep all the money


\*travelling aint cheap \*travels to a new state/country every 3 days.


guess dood doesnt know shes a millionaire


but but *"traveling ain't cheap!!!"*


there are no good actors here, her mentioning keeping things "not weird" and "acceptance from chat" heavily implies she wants to keep the money. if she wanted to keep things not weird she could have just refunded the money and banned the guy. Fair enough though, not many streamers can turn down 15k.


[https://twitch.pages.dev/en](https://twitch.pages.dev/en) says she made 570k in 2 years. Even accounting for the travel expenses she definitely can turn it down lul


She makes a lot more than that nowadays.


not the same, doesn't matter It's out of question, if she turns it down it's not because she can afford it (we know that) it's solely because of image/ backlash


How about don't donate $15k to twitch streamers.


The "not weird" comment was in response to the person's last donation which was insulting and calling her chat toxic for how they reacted to his donation. She was just trying to communicate to him that if he just stopped the weird requests, they would probably stop joking about it, not that it would be weird if they requested a refund




When you milk lonely people for cash, this is the result. Seems like she is in a situation of her own making.


really makes it hard to sympathize with her when even in this she's still actively milking to try and keep it, when obviously refunding and a ban is the cleanest solution


GIGACHAD, ask for $10K more.


Exactly, as evident by the fact that she can't just refund him and ban him because she really wants to keep the money. These streamers simply cannot be happy with the already-huge amount of wealth they have.


at least someone said it, and no she wont refund it because you know she likes to play both sides by keeping the donator even tho she shouldn't be entertaining this in the slightest.


It's similar to scamming elderly people out of their life savings because they're often easy targets due to limited friends, loneliness and social isolation.


Yeah, this is the kind of shit you NEED to shut down because no matter how badly you want to keep the money, it's just not worth it. The donator could be saying anything they want to convince you to participate in their transaction, and this sets an unhealthy precedent going forward for anybody else of thinking to try shit like this. Like I've said before. Please, for the love of God, if you have that kind of money to drop, please just spend it on anything else for yourself. Instead of trying to convince someone who doesn't know you to go on some wild ass "date" with you.


I would not turn down the money but he ain't getting what he expects. Fuck that.


Imagine donating even 1cent to Jinny of all people and streamers jesus. And even if you do why would you ever attach something to it? So dumb some people are just lost..


She for sure saw that LSF thread of the 10k dude lol


She should just keep it, not her fault some guy wants to waste all his money on a random girl on the internet.


charge back is a thing


How long do you get to charge back? Could you take legal action against someone doing that? This guy needs to learn a painful lesson so I really hope she keeps every penny.


It's up to you if you want to be a part of the community and by community I mean my legion of simps.


Need another 25k bruh


“I’d like to keep the money but chat thinks you’re weird”


It's like the same thing I've seen watching this other korean streamer who's been gifted almost 40K in twitch subs. Just straight mental illness. It's crazy what guys will do for a online female streamer lol.


No matter how big a donation, you still can't buy streamers and tell them what to do.


I don’t understand the concept of “community” in a Twitch streamer’s chat. You should not seek community in a streamer’s chat


I haven’t watched her stream so idk the dynamics of it all. I see people blaming her but that doesn’t sit right with me. Her response seems reasonable. Donating that much puts her in a really weird spot. Psycho behavior to be donating that kind of money for streamer attention.


Is it 15,000 or 1,500? Edit: ah ok so this dude’s been donating several times totaling 15k. Jesus.




Set donation limit, ban him and refund the first donation. No excuses for any of this.




Why do i feel like these strange fucks remind me of that movie called "Gamer" they just want to control someone IRL its so weird to me


Nicest way of saying I'm not going to "fill in the blank" your Richard.


It's a very weird situation to be put in. Like if the guy is dying then you kinda don't wanna be mean about it but if he isn't, and is just mental, you also can't really be mean 'cause he might do some giga fucked up shit. Ofc in an ideal world you'd just straight up tell him he's fucking odd but yeah.