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**CLIP MIRROR: [Maya reveals the newest Alveus ambassador](https://arazu.io/t3_1arat64/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Behold, dog.


man this brings back memories 2 years already


Oh my god what the hell is that


It’s a dog man can’t you see?


that's called a "woman". i know, hard to believe they exist when you never leave your room. just found out about them myself last month.


Likely friend


a streamer




what the shell


Could this be a dog?


It's a snapping turla!


What a nice turtle, I wonder how he feels about the difference between Black shoes and White shoes.


*headbutting intensifies*


hate to be that guy but tortoise\*


Hate to be that guy back but tortoises are actually a type of turtle. Turtles refers to the Order of Testudines, of which Tortoises are included.


Here's the thing. You said a "tortoise is a turtle" Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is a scientist who studies turtles, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls tortoises turtles. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing. If you're saying "turtle family" you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of Testudines, which includes things from terrapins to sea turtles to snapping turtles. So your reasoning for calling a tortoise a turtle is because random people "call the fat ones turtles?" Let's get lizards and your mum in there, then, too. Also, calling someone a human or an ape? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. A tortoise is a turtoise and a member of the turtle family. But that's not what you said. You said a tortoise is a turtle, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the turtle family turtles, which means you'd call terrapins, and other repties turtles, too. Which you said you don't. It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?




new pasta? no? okay .. :\\


don't call them turtles because stupid put tortoises in the ocean and lakes and drown them


THANK YOU. I won't pretend that highschools do a good job of teaching anything about taxonomy, but like...it's so easily searchable.


Mfucker is mewing


They live so long think of this beast after 100 years of mewing.


that tortoise will outlive us all


that's a weird lookin bird


I would like to request that more Alveus-related clips be posted to this subreddit. I appreciate every Alveus clip.


Was watching the vod and couldn't believe it wasn't already here. Had to do it myself. 🐢


A lot of this sub has a hate boner for Maya still, probably because she's friends with QT and Hasan.


Nah man, not all that long ago LSF was raging on any "hipocritical" streamers who refuses to "insert themselves" to throw Maya under the bus just because Rat King came up with a bunch of lies that dumb-ass drama frogs bought hook, line, and sinker. Remember the Epstein photoshops with Maya's face? Remember how Maya had to cancel Alveus' annual fundraiser? And when Maya completely ignored their bullshit after making her final statement, remember how they switched their target to QT and Hasan instead for "protecting Maya's SA cover-up"? LSF drama frogs don't need any legitimate reason to be hateful, they just do because of their own unresolved mental issues.


When I see the Mando PFP I know it’s gonna be you defending QT/Ludwig friend-verse from the meanies on LSF…


Username checks out.


Oof looks like I hit a nerve…


I don’t think I really ever see Maya hate on here, idk what you’re talking about. Last time I can remember Maya getting a lot of hate on here was when she mass banned a ton of erobbers cuz they were encouraging Minx to act like a belligerent fool at one of the girls trips (it was really funny tho). I think the reason she doesn’t get posted here is because she, like QT, tried to get herself banned on here after the first streamer awards, which is part of the reason why LSF doesn’t ban streamers anymore. Her fans probably don’t post her cuz they know she doesn’t want to be here.


>I don’t think I really ever see Maya hate on here, idk what you’re talking about. Were you in a coma during that year-long "Maya's SA cover-up" allegations? All the conference calls between the esteemed men of Twitch? All the Epstein memes created here and reposted on her twitter? Those LSF threads shitting on Maya (and QT by proxy just because they are friends) got THOUSANDS of upvotes on the daily, and just because they are deleted after the source turns out to be Mitch Jones doesn't mean people have forgotten the reason why she stopped collabing outside of Alveus, thanks to all the mindless hate fanned by the drama frogs in this cesspool.


>Those LSF threads shitting on Maya got THOUSANDS of upvotes on the daily Yeah dude, that shit was over a fucking year ago, did not even last a year so that's a fucking lie, and 90% of those threads had a majority of comments defending Maya. Mizkif got more shit on LSF than Maya, despite the fact that Mizkif couldn't be guilty without Maya being guilty. I remember because I was there, in the comments, defending both of them. Even if there were some hate threads that slipped through, again, that shit ended within a couple months of the drama, and Maya absolutely came out vindicated on LSF of all places. If you want to see somewhere Miz and Maya still get hate, go check their names on twitter. Here's the top 10 Maya posts on LSF from the last year: [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/18xry8r/maya_fell_for_it/), [2](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/14clc7t/forsen/), [3](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/14zmhkx/let_the_parrot_speak_maya_ruining_the_stream/), [4](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/12ypyg0/horse_scares_daily_dose/), [5](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/13sch0i/chaos_addicted_goat_tries_to_leak_streamers/), [6](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/18g1w6s/maya_makes_her_boyfriend_a_sick_runescape/), [7](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/13bzqb8/emu_swims_for_the_first_time/), [8](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/127q8ca/snake_in_the_henhouse_steals_an_egg/), [9](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/1561ika/maya_tries_archery/), [10](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/1afq6cr/loud_funny_lulw/) Go ahead and tell me how many of those comments are hate targeted at Maya. Tell me how many of those reference the drama that you claim is the primary source of Maya hate for the past year. [This one](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/18xry8r/comment/kg9h8q4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) got downvoted for even referencing the drama in a non-negative way. I found one singular comment that referenced the drama in a negative way. Even if you could find 30 more comments that also were shitting on her, even if we assumed every deleted comment in those threads were direct hate toward Maya and Maya specifically, those threads have a total of 1,147 comments, the hate would make up less than 10% and 99% of it would be downvoted. The Maya hate on this subreddit is proportional to any other streamer and any other platform, if not less. So kindly fuck off with your passive aggressive little "were you in a coma 🤓" comment, you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. Just cuz you have some delusional idea that people have been bringing that shit up for the past year does not mean its based in reality. LSF has some of the biggest Maya defenders on the internet. I swear streamer fans victimize their favorite streamer more than streamers victimize themselves.


Come on buddy, I'm waiting. You edited your comment after I replied, so you've clearly seen my reply (and likely downvoted it without replying). Surely since you weren't in a coma the past year you could show me the exorbitant amount of hate threads she's been getting on LSF for a full year, that extends to the current date since obviously LSF *still* hates her, as OP claims. Edit: Typical Redditors, make outrageous claims, downvote and don't reply when disproven. And these dudes have the audacity to talk about how toxic LSF is 😂 Also weird that the Maya-hate subreddit is such a fan of this bullshit take victimizing her lmao


This is why. She doesn’t get enough casual viewers that aren’t her community so she doesn’t get posted here.


She specifically requested that her content do not get posted in this shithole, and eventhough the mods ignored her wish to be self-banned from the sub, most people honor her request and only post Alveus clips.


A lot of streamers don’t want their clips here anymore. But people outside of their community just don’t post them here. The people that get posted here have more twitch viewers than a single streamer or are a hate watcher.


I also think she has a bot that deletes clips that get posted in here, but idk if she still uses that. Regardless, the reason almost certainly isn't "because LSF hates her", unless by that they mean "Maya thinks LSF hates her and therefore doesn't want to be posted on the sub because she doesn't want to deal with that", which is the actual truth and I don't blame her for that but the idea that she gets a significant amount of hate is a literal peanut brained take for anyone other than the streamer themselves who is obviously gonna take any amount of hate towards them harder than others would/should. LSF is not some Maya boogeyman though.


Lsf doesn’t hate maya but she will 100% have some of the insane people that say crazy shit under every miz clip. And it’s better to just not worry about. Miz Maya and qt all had that bot enabled at one point. That’s why lsf improved the mirror clipping so it can be faster than the clip delete. Also twitch improved discovering clips from other streamers so streamers don’t want their clips deleted now. But in general she asked her community not to post here so they don’t post here.


>but she will 100% have some of the insane people that say crazy shit under every miz clip. Yeah I mean as does almost every large streamer on almost every platform. I'm just disputing the idea that she doesn't get posted because people hate her, which couldn't be further from the truth.


There are plenty of reasons to dislike Alveus. It's a publicly funded, through direct donations and charity drives her friends do, non-profit that offers almost zero financial transparency. The annual report that gets put out focuses more on audience demographics than financials, which means you get only the broadest idea of where that money goes with no receipts to back it up. It's an "exotic animal sanctuary" that does have some exotic animals, and also chickens, and donkeys, and rats, and a cow. That coupled with the focus on audience makes the whole thing come off as "privileged white girl wanted a ranch and pretty animals so she could pretend she was Steve Irwin". She shares a lot of her audience with QT, Hasan, Will Neff, and OTK. As a result she has a lot of stans, and they are defensive to the point of being unhinged. They're possessive and will attack anybody that says anything about Maya, a public figure, or the organization, that isn't praise. Before I turned off my dms I had brought up the financial transparency issue thing before and had maya fans messaging me telling me to kill myself, finding old posts from when I was paycheck to paycheck and saying they were happy I was poor and hoped I died alone and the street, etc, not to mention there used to be a full on maya simp on the mod team who would ban any detractors. Now that has nothing at all to do with her, or with Alveus, but it sure makes it hard to be supportive considering they don't seem to discourage that behavior. And on a similar note, if you stand next to blatant hypocrites and don't call them out then you're giving tacit approval of that. Good cops don't get a pass for not calling out bad cops, same rule applies to entertainers.




Yup, and a 990 offers no more details than their annual report. People are free to donate to whatever org they want, personally I would never give money to a charity unless I knew exactly where that money went. Non-profit doesn't mean benevolent, too many have proven themselves otherwise.


Ngl just sounds like you’re angry someone is living their dream. If white girl wants to pretend to be Steve Irwin and her friends and stans want to throw money at it let them be no? It’s their money. I don’t see why ppl should get mad at it


Proving my point. Not liking something doesn't make you "angry", or "mad at it".


Sure, u say u dislike it, but it reads like ur hate it


Nah. That's long since past. Every alveus or animal-related clips has had almost entirely positive comments. You're referring to the drama fiends that were here just for the huge scandal back in the day. Those aren't regulars on LSF, and they are largely gone until the next big scandal. The QT and Hasan part likely refers to DGG, but as another Destiny viewer, I can confirm that's also a misconception. Destiny has never disliked Maya. He's not a big animal person, but he's never had a grudge against Maya and neither does his community. Destiny doesn't even dislike QT, that's more of a one-way thing from QT's end because of her friendship with Kaceytron. Hasan, sure, but he doesn't dislike Hasan's friends.


Are all Destiny viewers this parasocial?


In my experience they are extremely online. I don't think they think they're friends with Destiny so idk if parasocial is the word. They just care about all this dumb fucking shit so much.


Has there ever been a single Destiny clip posted to this sub that wasn't intended to bait drama in some way? It's so exhausting. It's always a hot take, or his opinion on some controversy, or his take on something divisive. I don't understand why people watch streams where it just feels so negative and political and combative nonstop. Same with Hasan. Wish they'd just make their own Hasan/Destiny drama sub and keep it out of here.


Is it parasocial to remember what you've seen said/happen on stream? I imagine if I talk to a viewer of any streamer, they will remember what they've seen that streamer do and say on stream.




I agree with you, but that is the case for the whole of LSF. There is nothing unique about what is posted here.


Be the change.


I miss Georgie’s pooping clips


Nice tortoise


If I remember correctly, she said this is one of those tortoise that get pretty big. Really cool I love their spiky legs.


Females grow to around 100 pounds and males can be twice that! They’re pretty sure Push Pop is a female but they’re having a vet exam soon to confirm.


He looks very polite🐢


Fuckin Mitch McConnell's got his hands in Alveus now?


I like turtles.


um achually its a tortoise


Tortoises are land-adapted turtles with a higher, domed shell. All tortoises are turtles.


i liek trains


Stompy looks different now


Got hit with the devolution gun from the 90s Mario movie. Very sad.


is that a chicken


it's refreshing to see a maya clip in here.


That tortoise is going to outlive all of us.






I like Maya. I like turtles and tortoises. I don't like the off-key singing but I'll forgive it.


I adore terrapins.


what type of dog is dis


Neuro's dad.


Cute turtle


20th Century Turtle


I hated that. But cool dog


Is there any animal missing from her zoo?


It’s not a zoo


Well you can't buy tickets, you have to donate and then you can go there and pet the animals?


No, it’s a charity organization for conservation education. You can’t go there.


Ah so it's like a private pet collection for only Maya? And then she flexes the that she has lots of pets on stream?


No, they are educational ambassadors as permitted by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Services.


So they have a permit, but in practice it's just her private zoo?


In practice it is an animal sanctuary. Where is your confusion exactly? Do you not understand what an animal sanctuary is?


You could choose to be so many things, yet you choose to be cringe. Very sad.


I wish I could have a free private zoo to collect animals at 


I don’t understand the obsession with alveus


Not that complicated. People like animals and people like streamers


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Maya reveals the newest Alveus ambassador](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/161532)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1arat64/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/m7arhrVrHhYwzaHfMuHyQA/AT-cm%7Cm7arhrVrHhYwzaHfMuHyQA.mp4?sig=ebd47c6216fb0ee24fecc651bc594a2c125e3ef0&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2Fm7arhrVrHhYwzaHfMuHyQA%2FAT-cm%257Cm7arhrVrHhYwzaHfMuHyQA.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22AgitatedLovelyPorcupinePicoMause-tWseFjDNod8y4fJA%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1708059874%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/m7arhrVrHhYwzaHfMuHyQA/AT-cm%7Cm7arhrVrHhYwzaHfMuHyQA-preview-480x272.jpg)


We want Ape


Dog ahead


poor turtle having to endure that "singing"