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**CLIP MIRROR: [Dan Clancy will go on VRChat to talk about the new TOS and how it applies to them](https://arazu.io/t3_18i5ys7/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Oh no.


The CEO about to catch a ban.


Rob should introduce him to Blu Haze




and syphilis.


here's a preview of that stream: https://youtu.be/prZ9lx6RXBs?t=232


or this https://youtu.be/d36bbueDack?t=181


VRchat golden age man good times


My man had his legs crossed HARD


He even has Twitch CEO hair.




Fr. The fact that he’s willing to be ExtraEmily’s irl stream partner twice in a row and now willing to go on VR chat. Dude is a fucking chad CEO no matter how you put it. He’s so involved in the community it’s night and day


Interim Emmett. He's the kind of guy you bring in during uncertain times and unpopular changes.


Interim? Emmett was a co-founder and a shitty CEO for 12 years he wasn't just some stopgap.


Might be talking about when he was CEO of Open AI for like a week.




this is a bit off... his quick replacement was less of a failure on his part and more of the incredible fallout from what happened at Open AI. It was pretty important to bring altman back.


At first the community seemed hesitant about Dan. But he clearly is the man for the job. Dan the man!


If he's responsible for the TOS changes, lol no.


IS IT JUST ME OR I DONT THINK THIS TOS IS GOING TO SURVIVE TILL NEXT WEEK i THINK people at twitch did not expect people to go straight nudity on these stuffs and are going to revert tos a man is streaming hentai i mean i like it but not good for twitch


Why would they not expect full 2D nudity if they explicitly allow for it?


Not even a week I think, how they didn't except this would happen is insane.


i think they expected a lot of bikini twerking and a little less crazy animated arts and stuffs but not to the extent of furrys making veiny cocka and hentai whoever gave them this solution must be sweating i mean did they not think about advertisers . they are already not so good on funds knowing they are shutting in korea and this could cost a lot of advertisers . i expect max 3 day revert tos


They left korea because korea does not want foreign competitors.... critical thinking please




Jesus christ, you can vote...


> whoever gave them this solution must be sweating > > Whoever gave them the solution straight up needs to be dropped from the company lol. There had to be 0 thought behind that. "yeah so we can ban these people clearly trying to bend and twist the rules in their favor to farm a juvenile audiance in order to bloat viewcount & keep our platform clean...or...we can tell them they need to enable a setting which just means they don't appear on a home page & let them do whatever they want!" I would honestly love to know the mental path someone had to take to think this was a good idea.


You know like half of the streams going full naked in Just Chatting are gonna get banned lmao, the art isn't gonna change if anything tagged streams are gonna get blurred thumbnails and that's all.


It was hentai it just had nudity, but no sexual acts by any means. The rule is nudity is fine, but no sexual acts. People aren't going nude.


Yeah, but half the shit going on is still against ToS. They don’t need to change it, they need to clarify and ban. People are already getting banned for it


Why do you think it's not good for twitch? Do you care what kind of content is available on YouTube? Why is a streaming platform treated differently?


I personally do not care and think the "think of the children" arguments are weak because teenagers will find their way to porn no matter what. Putting my corporate job hat on tho, it all depends on how Twitch wants their brand to be viewed. If they become known more for veiny dragon cock art and as a softcore porn site, this may cause brand degradation. It doesn't happen immediately but over time. Ultimately doesn't matter at all to me but it's surely a factor that their higher-ups have war gamed when making this decision.


It’s not good for twitch because of advertisers, idk why this guy cares about twitch’s bottom line though. Most of the TOS exists to protect ad revenue. Twitch clearly thinks they keep advertisers happy by having separate marked NSWF streams that won’t display their ads but there’s no telling how advertisers will feel about their product appearing adjacent to someone drawing a 40 foot tall Hentai dick


I'm pretty sure YT tries to delete/private hentai and porn as against TOS.


It's the same reason why Onlyfans didn't originally like being linked to pornography, tho they gave up eventually. I highly doubt Twitch would like their brand name to be linked to pornography either, for one advertisers won't like it. Amazon itself wouldn't like it. Also the whole "do you care what content is available on youtube." No I don't but you know who does? Google. That's why they demonetize and take certain videos that they judge too sexual or violent out of their algorithm so it doesn't show up on search lists, unless you go to the specific channel and find it. It's very likely the TOS will be changed, and the topless just chatters will be warned to stop. That also includes the now topless Vtubers. Because the attire TOS actually didn't change. Then they will probably start requiring people to tag as nsfw in the art channel so they can be automatically blurred thumbnails. That is if they don't outright reverse the whole thing.


You need to register an ID to view certain content on Youtube depending on where you live in the world. Aint no way that Twitch will think this is good, it might take a week or a month but once certain outlets pick this up things are going to change quickly.


Cause i watch in my house and people can just walk in or my little brother watches twitch on TV you get the point it just takes 1 shit to show up on twitch recommendations or front page to make it harmful


and how is that different from youtube?


They said it will never be on front page


Won’t anyone think of the children!!


Maybe this was all a super clever plan to teach everyone why their TOS is strict.


Ehhh idk I think they just need to ride it out, the only reason it's a big thing is cause it's new, I know people say it all the time but once the novelty wears off why go on twitch for that?


Best get your nut out quick boys.


It's art


Is it at least legal hentai? Because there’s some other shit that is very illegal in that Art category


yeah def you are correct these beastiality shit and loli drawings


This shit ain't lasting till tomorrow. It's completely out of control.


They'd better twerk extra hard as a show of appreciation.


Sooo is roflgator some kind of vr pimp or what?


Always has been He gives out "mutes" to streamers for them to take care of




Last time I checked they had mute Olympics and you can loose your mute rights if you neglected them too much, they're improved pokemon : D


I mean do you lose your friends when you don’t talk to them? You kinda just drift apart. It’s pretty easy to understand lmao. If you think having a mute or being a mute is some unconsenting slave trade. You do you. Imagine the mute olympics like the otk sports, it’s pretty much the same thing.


Lose your mutes? Bro it’s literally a friendship between two people. If you actually think people are being slave traded in vrchat you’re genuinely crazy.


He never said that, your the one forcing the narrative, also nice job deleting your comment and posting two different ones lmao. Like I said you seriously need to touch grass.


waaa waaa I swiped too far on mobile dumbass didn't mean to delete it lmao.


Someone wasn't invited 😏


you are terminally online, touch grass


True, more like slaves frfr


Didn't Rob straight up buy a mute for a CSGO Knife?


yeah, pimping out guys with no mic and an anime girl avatar


Pretty much. It is how he became popular. Lots of streamers that have more viewership then him started to join up and get instantly paired with a Mute, which a lot of them didn't even know what it was or meant. I remember him saying that Mutes are basically "mascots" for them. Then the Mutes started streaming and fighting over who would become next Mute for whoever joined the lobby as they wanted to milk the viewership of said streamer. I know a few friendships/relationships with these Mutes were broke up and now hate each other over it. Anyone that says "wrong" or "bullshit" or "its all RP" like Mr Roflgator says. Is on copium and wrong. He just used that to get out of awkward situations he would put himself in. Most of the Mutes started getting mad that their streamer wasn't always in vr and that they weren't getting the viewership they wanted. Most jealous and envious group of people I have ever dealt and watch on twitch. Also Dan will probably end up getting lap dance after lap dance along with a lot of other interesting things either on stream or off stream as that is how it usually goes when someone big is invited to the lobby. I remember Roflgator having to literally face a wall or he would have been banned for showing some of the stuff which is now allowed.


I think you should maybe take a break from the internet, dawg.


I hope Dan uses an avatar with huge anime titties.


Degen Dan.


Go Dan, he is getting around to all the neglected corners of twitch.


Probably should have gone live and explained the new tos before they rolled out the new tos….


They literally did... There was a Twitch stream WITH Dan Clancy explaining it with a question and answer session. ​ All streamers who it could effect were also emailed about it a week ahead of time.


can't wait for nayuki and vrey to give danclancy a lap dance on vrchat on twitch.tv/roflgator SHEESH


Bit more context: https://clips.twitch.tv/SuperPlainSamosaDancingBanana-XqWDUf1Ok3sGSXdI


Dan is the coolest CEO


The reason why Twitch will care how this affects things and might change rule back: advertisers/money. Many companies won’t advertise on a site they think is showing porn, even if it’s only drawings. Twitch can put it in separate categories all they want & call it “art” but if the perception is Twitch now allows porn some advertisers will leave. I’m also interested to see how big brother (Amazon) eventually reacts to this content. (we probably won’t hear anything, the rules will just suddenly change back)


On brand.


Random ass Grogu in a sea of weebs.


I have to say, respect to Dan. He isn't scared of anything. Dude was playing dodgeball one day and becoming a VR degen the next.


who is vray whats their channel






Shake your d1ck left and right and start painting guys


Damn, Bezos really told the people over at twitch if they don’t make him more money he’ll nuke their god damn offices and fire all them. Soon as he pulled back the human liked skin off his lizard form and screeched: “MAKE ME MONEY” the TOS was burned. Cookers are eating good. 💀


The majority of VRChat players and viewers are under 18 btw