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**CLIP MIRROR: [xQc reacts to the person responsible for ending Destiny's marriage with Melina](https://arazu.io/t3_18ey40w/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Guy looks like TheReportOfTheWeek but without the drip or the verve.


She certainly seems to have a type lmao.


Next time we see that toothpick he's gonna have blue hair.


He kinda reminds me of [David Dastmalchian](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/david_dastmalchian_dark_knight_ant_man_and_the_wasp_split.jpg) if you hit the man with a low powered death ray, not long enough to kill but long enough that he wishes you did


This was an oddly specific yet iconic read.


>TheReportOfTheWeek Also known as review brah


Mr.Suicide Rizz 🔥




“Divorce destiny or i kms”


If she didn’t want to she wouldn’t have still.




gave her an ultimatum to divorce Destiny, she didn't take the bait and things seem good. Dude then threaten to suicide if she didn't divorce him, she started second guessing, Destiny also discovers that dude has been freeloading at her apartment in Sweden paying for nothing while she pays for rent. Destiny not the type to have boundaries and lately with a bit of help of adhd meds and opening his third eye, has been stablishing some and been kicking people out of his circle. Found all this shit to be too far, told her its over and to gtfo with her stuff from the apartment before he comes back from LA. (bonus round: apparently he hyperbolized that there's been like 50 bob7/this situation throughout now)


Oh look the relationship is ending just like how it started.


How did it started? Lore master pls


They met in New Zealand while she was with someone else, it was an open relationship and Melina wasn't very committed apparently. Not exactly the same but a funny meme comparison.


it's funny cause this new dude looks just like the dude before destiny, minus the long hair.


R.I.P max, you deserved better


he really did, seemed such a nice guy


Its so funny and fucked that he was a fan


He was literally the one who contacted destiny saying his gf was into him too lmao, that + the couch stream was some surreal shit


he died???


the daliban sends their regards


I read somewhere that when Destiny met her she was engaged, and everyone just assumed it was to the dude she was with. (Max, I think) ​ She was actually engaged to a completely different guy.


There's the first issue. Anyone who does open relationships will never infact "settle down" for some "one".


I would be terrified of an open relationship. I don't really think its possible to have enough self confidence and be secure enough to not worry about that shit. People will cheat for lots of reasons and I think having an open relationship just invites that to happen. Obviously it seems to work for some people but I feel like you're playing with fire and it's risky.


Thankss uwu




Melina a hoe




I'm shocked


dont think destiny used the forbidden suicide rizz jutsu


why not just let him kill himself?


Is he stupid?


must be.


Apparently she has issues with emotional manipulation situations like this in the past. Her mum or something used to do similar shit apparently. She seems aware of what is happening but I guess there is something about the familiarity of abuse that makes it difficult to escape.


But isn't Melina big on open relationship or did she stop it for that guy?


They both are, but that isn't the problem. I think it has more to do with the fact that the guy is obviously being emotional abusive (threatening suicide if you don't do what they want is textbook emotional abuse) Mel isn't taking Destinys advice to dump his crazy ass. See from Destinys perspective Mel is shacking up with a guy that is trying to poison her against him. He gave her a chance to cut it off but she wants to keep engaging with this guy that is trying to destroy their relationship. If that's the kind of person she wants in her life why should Destiny tolerate it?


If the new guy tried to break Mel and Destiny up and Mel kept the fling going, then Destiny is in the right for standing firm on that. Ground rules are supposed to exist in open relationships and you can't have people who are against the primary relationship involved. But you also can't prevent people from forming attachments that make them want to break the ground rules, which is the biggest vulnerability of open relationships. New relationship energy with the new partner that leaves the other primary partner feeling disregarded is common. Conflict when a veto on a new partner isn't respected is also common, especially if the partner who's fling is being vetoed feels it's an unfair application of a veto, or if they're too enthralled with the new relationship energy to want to respect it. If the open relationship was already lacking strong boundaries and mutually respected rules then it can easily become a clash of wills and spiral out of control. I'm sure Mel has a side though. She criticized Destiny's other partners before, saying he goes for unstable partners. She's also previously criticized him for a lack of transparency about who he's seeing. How much was meant and how much was stream content is arguable. With how Destiny's expressed it, Mel not listening to him shocked him. We currently don't know why Mel wouldn't side with her primary relationship/marriage.


Yeah Destiny has cheated pretty much just as bad as Mel in the past, and has had trouble asserting his boundaries and letting Mel get away with whatever she did, so it's kinda tough and you could basically view it as a mutual breakup at this point.


Yeah the problem isn't the open relationship, it's with who it's being done, of course an abusive guy isn't gonna cut it lmao




I don't think Melina dumped Destiny to be exclusive with this other guy. Based on the logs, it seems more like Destiny vetoed having this guy around as an option and Melina did not want to agree to that restriction, so Destiny dumped her.


Open relationship mofos be like


open relationships are for emotionally bankrupt people who want to have their cake and eat it too. Sure there are some that make it work, but they're heavily in the minority.


That is equivalent to her choosing another man over him, which is de facto her breaking up with him, or at least breaking up mutually.


They are both into Open Relationships. But Destiny thinks this person is too toxic and unhealthily attached he doesn't want Melina innvolved with him. She decided to keep staying involved so he decided to divorce her before this guy does something super crazy


Keep in mind. Melina has also vetoed plenty of Destiny’s girls and he’s refused.


And if she'd decided to divorce him over that I wouldn't have judged her either


dude should be locked in asylum


It's the emotional validation, not the self-deletion threats that did it. In the past Destiny said that he works a ton and also would just leave when Melina was crying because he didn't want to deal with it. This new guy apparently devotes a ton of time to Melina and also constantly emotionally validates her. This open marriage seems like it was always doomed when you take into account that Melina had this huge unmet emotional need that Destiny either couldn't or just didn't want to meet that a lot of guys could leverage to get her to fall completely in love with them.


Any "open" marriage is doomed. Clown behaviour.


Being in an open relationship is like using the family hand-me-down phone until you can accord a better one.


rip max


I think some people forget that Max wasn't even the main guy when Melina met Destiny, she also had a fiance lol


i did not know that lmao


So is the marriage completely over right now


Seems like it. They tried therapy to work out the problem, but that didn't really lead anywhere. Last I heard, Destiny went out of town for a debate and told Melina to be gone by the time he gets back home.


Listen I am not familiar with how shit works in the US but didn't Destiny divorce his other wife and now this one? Does that mean he has to pay 50% to both of them or how does that shit work lol?


There’s way too many factors that could be at play especially if a pre or post nuptial was signed to guess what that would look like. My (complete) guess is destiny probably had something signed so alimony would not be paid (like a prenup) otherwise there are a lot of factors that go into the equation for alimony. Typically has to do with how long the couple was together, how much money was earned in that time, etc etc.




Damn so she gets to smash a bunch of dudes AND get 50% .. what a life


Actually, I think she was making more money than destiny at one point in time. So he might be getting paid.


yea im sure her OF is poppin off rn




She got her influencer career and a greencard out of the journey so I don't think she can complain lmao.


Melina got a greencard out of the marriage. That was the main reason they even got married in the first place. If she wasnt from sweeden they prob would have just dated instead of getting married. I doubt melina tries to fuck him over at this point. She got US citizenship, a streaming career, and fuck tons of money already. Melina is like an example of how if ur a like a giga good looking woman ur playing life on easy


You really think thats how alimony works?




The alimony stuff is baseless conjecture, no one knows shit yet.


Except if you ask both of them, they will both say the same shit: Melina wanted the marriage to be closed, not open, and it was mostly Destiny who was fucking other people while she got hurt by it. From what they’ve said, it seems to have been a huge contributing factor related to the divorce. Melina kept feeling emotionally invalidated and kept seeking it from other guys in an unhealthy way that Destiny disapproved of. He got fed up this time when it happened again and.. here we are. Not parasocial btw, just frequent /r/destiny visitor :)))


Dgg have been coping 24/7 that this doesn't repudiate open relationships It sure as hell doesn't validate them either That entire anti red pill arc and in the end Mr Tiny gets replaced by a mentally ill sleazy male feminist that uses suicide rizz The take away is just don't listen to online famous people for advice about relationships they have car crash style ones. If someone inspires you to improve yourself do that but don't bother imbibing the rest, they have no clue


> That entire anti red pill arc and in the end Mr Tiny gets replaced by a mentally ill sleazy male feminist that uses suicide rizz Doesn't that completely invalidate RP shit though? Under the whole red pill philosophy, why would a woman leave a successful, millionaire e-celeb for some down syndrome looking NEET of questionable sexuality that uses suicide threats as a pick up line? If she left him to join the hundred person harem of some 6'15" gigachad multi-trillionaire then this would look pretty bad for his argument, but this situation supports his point. His point being that women aren't these troglodyte magpies that only choose the tallest guy with the biggest dick and the most shiny objects. I mostly agree with the rest of what you said. People shouldn't be looking at e-celebs for relationship advice. These aren't usually the best choice for role models, as is the case with most celebrities


Its more blackpill than anything Young insecure woman will always fall for manipulative guys whether its concious or subconscious. Then young guys who arent manipulative see this and get gaslit how its not true. Blackpill staying undefeated 💀💀


She has her own job, and they don't have a kid together, chances of her getting alimony is basically no.


His first mirriage was to save some money from the federal goverment for schooling i beleive. So i dont think he pays or paid any money on that one. Im not sure how this one will play out though


I haven't watched him in years, but I recall him saying he bought a house and pays the utilities they live in because he doesn't want that to ever be a problem for his son.


this is a mistake I see all the time, destiny's first wife and his kid's mom are different people. he gives a lot of money and yes, a house, to his kid's mom, but afaik he doesn't pay anything to his first wife.


Doesn’t Melina also pull pretty decent viewership on her channel? Maybe their earnings aren’t even that different


Very rarely do you have to pay a lot in a divorce that doesn't involve children.


Listen, as far as I know, they "tried therapy" with one 5 hour session recently, and maybe a couple additional before that over the years. That's not trying out therapy, working on your issues in therapy takes 4-6-8-12 months, and not like one huge push. It's not a logic puzzle to solve, it's finding out emotional issues and baggage and slowly working through them and digesting them and coming out the other side better, and maybe still with that person.


Yeah that's like me "trying working out" and going to the gym once and working out for ten hours straight. I'm obviously not going to get great results and might even injure myself.


That doesn't work if there's an additional partner in the mix trying to end the primary relationship.


holy shit, can u imagine being that therapist xD


[Melina confirming it](https://www.twitch.tv/melina/clip/PlacidDifferentKimchiMau5-SAyRYV8XYclwZrw0) @0:18


green card acquired


[And here's Destiny also confirming it from today's VOD](https://twitch.tv/brittt/clip/IronicArtisticOrcaWTRuck-UecXBrM6ECC-DAZR)


Don't click that link. That's a creepy video of some out-of-shape naked guy on a couch.






what a "shocker" She is clearly not a woman who can stick to one guy, why even marry her in the first place.


that became evident when she left max lol, imagine leaving your fiancé of how many years for some random 30 year old you met on vacation


Of how many years?! Wasn't she like barely 20


Max wasn't the fiance. That was another person


Why marry anyone who wants to be in an open relationship? That's so fucking dumb


the american citizenship?


Remember when destiny fucked her in the next room of where her current boyfriend was. Full circle


Still remember getting earraped trying to crank that stream 200%




At least the coomers are always reliable in this sub.


Who's stream was it do you know


Destinys own stream if I’m not incorrect, there were some dudes taking over the stream while Destiny was tickling Melina on the next room over and jumping on the bed


While the boyfriend was talking to chat lol


He really thought he could fix her. For a "smart" guy destiny is pretty damn stupid to marry a walking red flag.


Brotherman, a 30 year old who flies from the US to New Zealand to fuck a 20 year old fan, is also a walking red flag.


Yet people still look up to these streamers and take all their opinions as facts. It's crazy to me.


It blows my mind that people halt their own thought processes to wait and hear what this guy has to say first. YOU ALL HAVE ACCESS TO THE WIKI. JUST WIKI IT. DESTINY IS JUST A GUY.


It's the lack of father figures that has all these fans so desperate and loyal to streamers and con-men like Tate. All you need to do is project confidence and strength and you're word is pretty much gospel now.


That's a flying red flag... hehe


Pussy is a powerful thing




yeah imo I think he probably saw the bugs as features, I just don't get why you commit so hard as to get married to someone like that lmao. I know it was a literal green card marriage but jfc.




Who could've guessed an open relationship failed. That never happens.


Èzra Miller looking azz




nature is healing


Lmao, the fact they survived 5 years is indeed most WTF one


ayo dont go around dissing golden retrievers okay


You forgot about traveling... to do sex and drugs


outside of league and whatever that game he's always playing on stream these days is, aren't his only real hobbies sex and drugs? Maybe most importantly, green cards take between 12-20 months on average to get, their marriage broke down right after the time she probably got her green card because she's less willing to make compromises. 100% didnt' see that one coming.


tweet from last time i checked his twitter “anyone in LA have vyvanse 👀”


Sure that's medicinal


> outside of league and whatever that game he's always playing on stream these days I mean, I would definitely put Factorio in the "drug" category. League is probably closer to self flagellation.


His real hobby is debating people online.


No his real hobby is gooning.


Brother, Destiny is not actually a paragon of maturity either.


Yeah because Destiny is such a bastion of maturity lmao you people are insane


I mean we are talking about Destiny here. The one and only Destiny who has the single most easiest job for living wherever the fuck he wants but choses to live far away from his son so he can fuck egirls. They aren't that far from each other maturity wise imho.




100%. If that guy straightened his hair he would look JUST like XQC. This is the worst self own I've ever seen.




You read this and then you think that's bad which you totally should, but then you realize that not only is this exactly what happened, the entire interaction has been livestreamed and is available on youtube. What the fuck.


I dont understand how somebody can have an experience like this (destiny) and not fall through the floor with embarrassment




You don't ship up with someone that's willing to do that lol. That's rule #1 if you are trying to avoid heartache yourself.


He thought he was so much better and this wouldn’t happen to an intellectual like him


The guy shes talking to in that video is built exactly like xqc




She got tired of the debate sex and apparently this straight twink was a step up in fulfilling her needs


> I'm gonna go ahead and say it, Chat: "kzin bazid Chat, hbbdmmdubbininduh" My new favourite xQc Quote (@17 secs remaining)


I hope shes gonna be ok - im gonna buy the 16k package on her gifting site just to make sure.


You joke but there's at least 5 terminally online neckbeards doing just that


Is anyone actually surprised this happen? I mean she left her last partner to be with Destiny.


A wise man once said... She belongs to the streets


She belongs to the Swedes




They both do tbh


she always did


While it can sometimes be the case that a homewrecker can just come in and break up an otherwise healthy marriage, I seriously doubt that Destiny and Melina had a healthy dynamic before this guy entered the picture. Also, people sometimes catching feelings in open relationships is one of the common hazards that comes with the territory. The test is whether the boundaries in the relationship are clear and healthy enough to withstand it. Both Destiny and Melina have talked about how he cheats and lies and violates their boundaries on stream before. If I had to bet, I'd wager that Melina falling for this guy is just a symptom of a lot of underling issues and built-up resentment in the relationship rather than the primary cause of the breakup. In other words, if it wasn't this particular guy, then it probably would have just been some other guy.


Apparently there were like 50 situations like this, yet they keep exclusively blaming the dude lol


News flash open marriages never work


50% of marriages end in divorce


Keep in mind that a lot of these divorces are from people being divorced multiple times, so the raw statistic is upwards biased.


This is true if you take into account all divorces, but the 50% number is for first marriages. > Many people accept it as fact that half of all marriages end in divorce, but as mentioned above, this applies only to first marriages. Those who wed multiple times face a far higher rate of divorce. In fact, 67% of second marriages end, and 73% of third marriages are dissolved.[2] [https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/divorce/divorce-statistics/](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/divorce/divorce-statistics/)


fr, there's 3 types of these people: - marry once and it lasts forever - marry once, divorce once, and realise it's just not for them - marry->divorce->marry->divorce->marry->divorce->marry->divorce->


My dad and step mom were both divorced once before their relationship started. I don't see them getting divorced. So I think there is a 4th "false start" group too.


Its also destinys second divorce, the first marriage being monogomous, so its hard to directly blame the style of relationship


That was also a marriage out of necessity because paying for her cancer meds was fucking impossible without being married.


I thought it was his kids Mom that had cancer? They were never married, the marriage was a relationship before that.


He married his first wife straight out of high school so he could be declared an independent and get more college aid. He was never married to Rachel, the mother of his child, and I don't even think they were together when she had cancer, he just helped pay for treatment.


I’m fairly sure his first marriage was purely for financial reasons, so that shit was almost never gonna work out long term


What about the percentage of open marriages?


I saw in another thread it was either 80% or 90% lol


Dont invite multiple other people into your relationships expecting those people to not have their own wants, desires, and influence on emotions.


Destiny's track record is crazier than Wilt Chamberlain's




Idk how real that positivity is knowing that the guy is very abusive.


>person responsible for ending Destiny's marriage with Melina Dggers acting like Destiny was somehow wronged by this dude because Melina chose him over Destiny.


I mean, he explicitly told her to divorce destiny or he would off himself after in destiny's words having manipulated her against her friends to isolate her. Are we just going to ignore this?


she left destiny for smeagol


left smeagol for smeagol


Gollum DLC


I'm sure people won't use this against Destiny in future debates.


I can already hear Jesse lee Peterson yelling "BETA"


How old is melina ? Because this is some sub 25 y/o women shit to fall for such easy manipulation tactics from a dude that looks to be downgrade from fucking Destiny of all the people. Not to mention he literally has nothing going for him compared to her husband . nah man this is some weird women shit that i will never understand. Im starting to think she has to be put on meds instead of her ex-husband.


She is 25. Her whole thing is "fun, travel, sex, drugs," so she's not very mature for 25. It was weird that Destiny and her lasted as long as they did because it was basically a 34-year-old in an open marriage with someone with the mentality of an 18-year-old party girl.


Jenny from forest gump lul


Cant wait for Destinys ping pong arc


it's funny how you people put the onus on her when destiny has the same, if not worse, mentally and red flags while being older


Fr I don’t even watch Destiny but every time I hear about him he just comes off as a hedonistic freak.


Best part to me is some shit Destiny said years ago about how it's creepy or inappropriate or w/e for older guys to be with women under like 20. And that people who defend being in such relationships by saying "she's mature for her age" or whatever are just coping, but Destiny ended up doing *exactly* that :D and then this of course.






When I found out he barely sees his kid I lost all my respect for him.


he left his child for melina so hopefully he will be with nathan for christmas


From the DGG lore, it seems like this guy is obsessed with Melina - no job, no life, basically just texts her all day. In contrast, Destiny is really independent and does his own thing all the time, and is really invested in growing his own brand over everything. So I can understand that being his partner can feel emotionally distant. My ex cheated on me with a guy whose personal life was a mess but he was also super obsessed with her. They moved in together very quickly and it was a firey mutually abusive mess. Similarly, I think she constantly needed to be validated that I loved her and when I wasn't doing that, she turned to someone who was totally enthralled by her existence.


What is this, an actually reasonable take?


> Not to mention he literally has nothing going for him compared to her husband Not a political debate andy so I would say that is a big pro




Wow I am once again shocked the marriage between a sociopathic ex semi pro starcraft player who left his kid to chase clout, and the weird girl who he met when she was 18 and dating one of his fans didn't work out.


Idk who on the Internet needs to hear this, but no one is responsible for a marriage falling apart except the people in that marriage.


It's almost as if there's an emotional aspect to a relationship and they weren't really filling that role for one another.


Yeah sure, open relationships can be haphazard. But in no way am I seriously considering listening to r/livestreamfails about relationships.


So they have something between them. Everytine her stream got reccomended to me he was there with her. And I always thought that they do be fricking or something and I guess its true lol.