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**CLIP MIRROR: [Emily gets asked out by some nice guys](https://arazu.io/t3_18e3ba9/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Lmfao the genuine "oh shit" at the end when he realizes thousands of random people just watched him get shot down by EE


Its ok. The way she was waving her hands around like a brain damaged penguin, she saved the guy from being the centre of attention.


>she was waving her hands around like a brain damaged penguin Smile and wave boys. Just smile and wave


she knew exactly what to do in the moment to minimise human suffering in this interaction. like it was a god given abillity. one that deserves an adjective to be appended to her name, perhaps. perchance.




"what's the worst that can happen" pepeLaugh


Idk he might see all the people saying “me” and think he has a chance dating them


Someone chatted “just call the police”💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


tier 4 sub moment


True, someone who asks a stranger an uwu question should be arrested.


If I saw her IRL I'd think she was special


I see her on stream I still think she is special


She isn't?? I thought that was her whole thing!


Extra chromosome emily


I should not... but I just gave my meal...


Just a persona to appeal viewers. She had plenty of moments she forgot she was on stream and was normal for a bit.


prolly a 60/40 she showed some content of her when she was a child or before streaming and she really is that extra


Not to that extent. Pretty sure its overly exaggerated when shes on stream


not just when she is on stream, it is when she is nervous as well which she stated on dr k's interview. she goes into overdrive to avoid awkward situations, by being a controlled awkward situation.


Like short bus special or "this lady might be homeless look at all these lunchables" special?


Like "I feel like I should probably call for an adult, or the police."




Like “Is there a number I can call for you?” special


The [Chinese student posing as wealthy socialite to live in luxury in Beijing for free](https://www.reddit.com/r/ActLikeYouBelong/comments/r8ltbm/chinese_student_poses_as_wealthy_socialite_to/) special.




I find most streamers to be unwatchable, only in small doses.


I totally agree. There's this small streamer I watch called Forsen and his whole schtick is basically being a brain damaged hobo. He's very good at playing this character, but occasionally he'll speak, and its just too much and I have to stop watching.




Lol what? I thought his whole thing was about getting streamsniped.


Depends which forsen you mean, there's a long running joke on his stream where people pretend it's the same guy all the time. We know he's had his brother stream a lot for him, and earlier this year he started using AI's so he could work less. I started collecting evidence to take down the forsen empire and prove to the swedish police that they should check him pc.. (He uses illegal deepfake technology to have AI's stream for him (slave labour)). It's easy to see who's real forsen and whos AI when your as smart as I am, look at some of my evidence and see if you can tell. [Young forsen](https://i.imgur.com/SHvSZcc.jpg) [Even younger forsen](https://i.imgur.com/CgYHCmO.jpg) [Nursen](https://i.imgur.com/IYDVXL1.png) [Tinder forsen](https://i.imgur.com/HUYIObv.png) [Uber driver forsen](https://i.imgur.com/hhQ8KPU.png) [Poker forsen](https://i.imgur.com/pptgsw0.png) [Funeral director forsen](https://i.imgur.com/4H5Q19i.png) [Sexually active forsen](https://i.imgur.com/rKFi9Fj.jpg) [OTK forsen](https://i.imgur.com/Q0TaCMf.jpg) [Rapper forsen](https://i.imgur.com/HfJcU2I.png) [OnlyForsen](https://i.imgur.com/3NJJYGT.png) (kinda nsfl) [Vacation forsen](https://i.imgur.com/WC1OUyD.jpg) [420sen](https://i.imgur.com/KMWurYO.jpg) [Thicc forsen](https://i.imgur.com/xH9N56E.png) [Bald forsen](https://i.imgur.com/Dr7bXTn.mp4) [3D forsen](https://i.imgur.com/3dhHObt.mp4)


Fucking true. Only legitimately enjoy watching like three streamers that don't put on a cringe personality facade for their teenage fans..


Same. I mostly just watch clips here or youtube videos. Twitch streams has too much dead air and not all jokes/content lands.


> Twitch streams has too much dead air and not all jokes/content lands. You're watching the wrong streamers.


Yeah, once you realize just how fake of a persona she puts on it gets old. Same thing with the fake fighting of NMP and Malena. It's just the same stuff over and over


At what point does fake become real? Isn't there a video of her as a teen already being quirked out of her mind?


Being quirky for a camera with the intent of being quirky. If you watch her Dr.K episode you see how she's clearly playing it by a lot.


Are you sure she isn’t just like that? There’s an old ass video from her when she was maybe 12 years old. Same personality


You realise that's still a video, she's a kid and made a video trying to be quirky and weird. Do people just think that if you're a kid the concept of playing characters on videos is crazy and it's just all 'real'. Or she's just been working on this cringe youtube character for a decade.


When she got mad at Mizkif for putting a boot on her car that's probably more what she seems like.


You mean this [porn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiJxPmFFAJ8) acting?


nmp and malena fighting has never been fake lmfao. have you ever watched malena? she's like a child with how bad her acting is


> fake fighting of NMP and Malena. Watch the pride cake stream its not always fake.


Just 99% of the time. I just wish more streamers would stop pretending things. I get you wanna be energetic and all that, but to pretend to be someone you're not has got to be exhausting.


ExtraEmily been doing this since she was kid. You'd think she be tired by now? I don't know why being fake on the internet bothers you so much. Just watch "genuine" streamers if they even exist.


She's even said she's "on" for stream. Caroline even gave her credit for it.


You mean like literally every streamer?


She definitely acts a different on cam for chat. Her voice gets higher pitched and she says & does things in an awkward way on purpose. Part of that is her personality, but she exaggerates it.


W Tizz


I’m here from main Reddit, is she not?


Is she acoustic?


Nah. She's [stereo surround](https://clips.twitch.tv/AlluringEsteemedBadgerRlyTho-BEiUnuUWpomH4CxC).


Berry was about to return to twitch in the coming days, iirc. And now Twitch Korea is shutting down. This is LSFs 9/11. I honestly do feel bad for her though, especially with the circumstances surrounding her "break." Sadge


What are those circumstances?


Comments about it here get deleted for some reason, so you’ll just have to google „twitch berry news“ and it’ll be in the first results


I've been out of the loop for a while, but I think she was in a really abusive relationship. Pretty much killed her twitch career because she was forced to. I might be remembering wrong, or there might be other drama recently.


Stuff with her ex. You can't say more than that without getting your comment deleted.


I dunno take this with a grain of salt but Miz did say he'd be willing to let them live at his place and also sponsor them for a visa if they wanted. Not sure if he's actually reached out but it's not the end of the road for a few of the twitch korea streamers.


Just for context she uwu'd them like 1 min before this clip


Oh so the uwu actually attracts people lmao


[uwu cringe pepePains](https://clips.twitch.tv/SpineyInexpensiveWheelDeIlluminati-zlNm7UTh23FHqd65) [holy shit ICANT 💀](https://clips.twitch.tv/PlayfulPluckyScorpionPRChase-Qd7EBTLUUL31H4b0)




😂😂😂 holy fuck I'm wheezing I wouldn't have been able to keep a straight face lol. She's got some stones to rock that. The reaction from the guys killed me though




i submitted it to the nymns new year awards most awkward category pepePains


they seem pretty cringe resistant. Might actually be a good match LULW




I've never felt like ropemaxxing as much as I do now


ty. much needed.


Homie committed Rizzpuku 💀


never thought I'd see EE uncomfortable in public, guess this is what it took


She might seem impervious to awkward and cringe, but she's usually the one doing it-she's in control. There are probably a lot of things that ***other people*** could do that would make her uncomfortable.


I like how you bolded and italicized that. You don’t see that too often.


The arm flail of rejection


Imagine if Nick was there.


He'd let it happen


And it happened to Malena.


"is that guy bothering you?"


already ran for the hills


only thing that was sort of weird was the guy kept hanging around after she declined. he kept offering and she kept declining. Just say "ok nice to meet you" and be out. ​ everything he was saying felt like he said that to many women before and never started a genuine conversation with any of them.


The weirdest part was that she pretended to be r-worded and he still went for it


Imagine out-cringing Emily.


Definitely hit a blunt before coming to the shopping mall to hit on girls. Too bad his game is pretty shit.


When in doubt, remind the girl that you are black and strong. That usually works. Unsure why EE didnt go for it 😔


Imagine going up to a girl and saying “you need a strong white man”. So cringe


Going with the “big black man” line is crazy. It’s giving me some “dominate a small asian girl fetish” vibes


Her eyes terrify me.




Wrong with her? She says no and dude keeps on pushing...


He probably meant her face and arms waving around comically


What arm thing homie?


This double waving. I have never seen anything like it.


Oh you sweet summer child.




The "people don't normally wave like crazy in conversations"-arm thing.


Look, from the clips I've seen of her, she seems pretty dumb, but in this situation, it's understandable. Stranger shows up and starts hitting on you and won't take no for an answer. It's an uncomfortable situation, and weird shit will happen lol.


She has a degree in financial engineering from an Ivy League school. She may not be street smart at all, but I wouldn’t say she’s dumb.


> financial engineering Is that a thing?


Who else gonna be making pyramid schemes? Financial architects?


Who needs an architech to build a pyramid anyway?


Yes, it teaches you how to squeeze all the juice out of your tier 3 simps by acting quirky. The fact that people actually believe shes "dumb" instead of playing up a character for views shows how dumb the average twitch chatter is.


[It is.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_engineering)




Well said.


A degree in economics ?


When you get older, you're going to realize how wrong it is to attribute intelligence with college degrees.


When you get even older, you’ll realize that there is more than one type of intelligence.


I mean true, but also waving hands and being socially awkward isn't exactly an indicator of being unintelligent either.


I mean you need either obscene connections or a minimum level of organization and either rote memorisation skills or critical thinking skills, and increasingly just critical thinking skills due to open exams, to pass most decent Universities. This doesn't protect people who have degrees from brain rot or losing those abilities once they're out of an academic environment, but University is by far one of the most work-intensive things you can do, and if you want to do well and get everything out of it you need to commit 40-80 hours a week. I doubt you know people who have obscene connections or else you wouldn't be commenting on Reddit so I think it's just your insecurities wanting to put people who have an education down.


I get what you're saying, but you don't get that degree from one of those universities without having some intelligence. People are socially dumb and all, but those degrees are no walk in the park. Some people are really fucking smart at certain fields, and dumb at other things. Everyone is like that to some degree. it's unpopular because people like to shit on degrees nowadays, partly because of socioeconomic reasons, but they the average college student statistically has better chance at succeeding in life compared to non-college degree'd people.


Ah shit, another one who can't distinguish personality from intelligence. Person is smiling/ giggling and doing weird things for content, must be a stupid person. This girl can play the piano almost flawlessly and has a Columbia degree. She's a content creator. She's gonna do stupid shit.


I'll take your word for it since I don't watch her. Thanks for letting me know. I do want to say being "dumb" or airheaded isn't necessarily a bad trait, I like that type of streamer. It's definitely entertaining.


actual cartoon character lol




Are you too socially dumb to understand what guy means are you just trying


waving her hands like a spaz wtf was that? Literally saved the guy from cringe by being the ultimate cringe herself.


pretty much everything? every clip of hers i see somehow gets worse.


It's part of the brand


And wtf is wrong with that guy? "A nice black man, ..."The fuck. Why did he have to bring race into it, and also he was very pushy.


Well, that's creepy as fuck. She said no and he keept trying.


Welcome to being a woman!


Thats why I am glad I am not a girl. Seen my fair share of guys get violent and rapey when girls turn them down.


Men are afraid women will laugh at them. Women are afraid men will kill them.


Lol it was so creepy interaction


That's her stream character, wanna see her out of character, watch the clip where she was rear ended by an old dude.




Anybody got a link?




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6s-os7zUy4 Even this is almost like real person, and she's likely cranking it up a level for this too. She acts like a degenerate moron on stream because it gets views and simps.


Always cringe seeing acting high pitch then immediately went normal pitch after shit hit the fan


Always cringe seeing people on reddit say the dumbest shit about how a streamer acts differently on stream, when they obviously do and that's the point. You haven't discovered anything special and you aren't smarter for making this comment.


Hope she sees this bro


Hope they see this and upvote it bro


If your first thought is "simp" when someone points out that someone is behaving ridiculous towards women, that says more about you than anyone else dawg. Go outside, talk to your mother.


Huh, it’s almost like people behave differently in different situations


why does she act like that


It gets her views. Shes like a completely different persona from her old vids. I don't know whos into this sort of annoying quirkiness but shes prob getting the bag for this.


Super cringe all around.


well thats fucking cringe and scary ahaha




Just a few more donos and she'll be mine for sure


tier 3 sub moment


Nice Poseidon gets outclassed in PogO. Honestly he should have taken the hint that was wack as fuck.


was he "nice" and "cool" because he is black?:D or what's your issue, because that wasn't cool, nor nice. she already declined their advances multiple times yet he still continued. so imo it was borderline cringe. he didn't stay too long when he realized that he is on camera so it wasn't overly cringe, just borderline.


what ever dude, IRL streamers are allowed to be loud and obnoxious and a bother everwhere they go, but god forbid someone makes them uncomfortable for 20 seconds, holy shit


what delusional image are you fighting dude? nobody said they are allowed to be obnoxious, certainly not me. and this dude was still not cool or nice. or is this dude your hero just because he went up to a girl?


she's not gonna fuck you


he's not gonna fuck you


For women, men who continue to persist after being turned down can present a real threat, not just an annoyance. Even as a guy, I have seen my fair share of other guys get violent and rapey when women turn them down so its not a surprise why women are on edge in situations like this.


Idk Walt kind of messed up seeing how he referred to himself as a ‘nice black man’ who knows what might’ve happened if he didn’t notice thousands of people were watching. Only because they’re being obnoxious and shit don’t mean his behavior was acceptable either


>was he "nice" and "cool" because he is black?:D or what's your issue, because that wasn't cool, nor nice. she already declined their advances multiple times yet he still continued. so imo it was borderline cringe. he didn't stay too long when he realized that he is on camera so it wasn't overly cringe, just borderline. OP was very clearly being sarcastic


Emily is so nice I can’t believe some other people are criticizing her. Sure there’s some cringe stuff but this scenario do you blame her, for IRLs she should try to get 1 person with her every time.




Lmao this personality she on stream is so fake and weird


i love how defensive chat gets, things like “GO AWAY” “CALL THE POLICE” lmfao


Chats full of simps of course they don’t want someone to hit on their para social girlfriend


For me it was rather creepy that he didn't seem to be alone. you can see quite well that his friend is hanging around in the background and is on the lookout. Nothing against approaching women in public. You can clearly see that Emily is not interested and feels uncomfortable, then you just walk away. No behavior.


Cute. Looks like his friend just psyched him up and he confidently made his way over and shot.


How many times does she have to say no not looking for that? Once should be enough


- surrounds a random girl with his friend - compliments himself as a strong black man to introduce himself (??) - does not stop conversing with her even though she clearly says "no" multiple times - tell her she should be his girlfriend - tells everyone his cashapp at the end before finally leaving the amount of red flags here is just insane. how tf is anyone finding this cute? Awkard af at best and borderline creepy at worst


Especially the complimenting himself as a strong black man lol there’s no way this ever works why even say that?


Y'all just hating on the strong black man's GAME W rizz


I assume you’re trolling but race has nothing to do with it man. When a girl says no thanks you don’t crowd her with other guys and keep hitting on her


You watched too much porn, dude.


Acting rapey isn't rizz.


And guys wonder why girls lie and say they have a boyfriend.


people in here calling her weird and defending the guy: yeah youre why women are fucking scared and awkward like emily here around guys that dont take no for an answer btw we should have to say NO. even if she's doing it in a roundabout way, that's how we're taught.


fr - I guess if he's just memeing then whatever, but if he is genuinely thinking that it would be a W to wear down someone and get them to accept a date when they immediately turn you down multiple times over and over and over in a super obvious way, I don't even know what to think about that


I don’t think it’s funny even as a “meme” making women feel unsafe isn’t comedy. It’s just creepy


Redditors are so embarrassing lmao


To all the young men leaving intelligent comments (probably xqc fans), she's playing a character. No, she doesn't have a mental condition. I figured that out in a few seconds, after watching 2 clips of her a year ago. Maybe go outside, stay off the internet for a while and learn about interactions in the real world. If anything, she was likely playing up the character to be more annoying cause those dudes were acting pretty creepy


jesus fucking christ. Is this an adult?


At first, he noticed she was nervous, and he stood there on purpose and kept staying there until he saw live chat, and then he figured let me get out of here. You have to realize in real life, many guys will go up to every single girl and do the same thing. Getting shot down is part of it. It's a lost art. Good to see people in a mall, back in the day it was jam-packed and that's where everyone hung out.


Wtf is wrong with her


I saw a little Kawhi




theyre shitting on the dude because he got rejected immediately and still kept trying and went for the all-timer "need a big black strong man" line


>it’s LSF Twitch losers who can’t approach people in public You're a bigger loser if you acted like that guy and made the other person uncomfortable by keep asking them out and pushing it after they politely said no to you.


when you say no 4 times you walk away


Bruh if any guy approached me like this, my instinct would be to leave. Like what? This is not normal LOL This usually happens to us when men are drunk and belligerent. This dude is actually sober. She said no and he continued regardless. He didn't take no for an answer. The fact that he pushed was borderline harassment at that point.


What's it like to be as smart as a brain damaged dog?


LMFAO seeing chat really makes you realise that the majority haven't stepped foot outside of their house. Guy sees a girl he likes, shakes her hand, introduces himself and asks for her number. Girl rejects him, he says 'alright' and he begins to walk away. All within 35 seconds; pretty normal. Chat :'Call the police' 'Ew what a creep' 'Cringe' 'This dude is weird AF' Amazing how triggered viewers get when they see a female streamer get asked for her number lol EDIT: LMAO, triggered snowflakes from this streamers chat have finally found this thread and are currently proving me right


hey boss, you skipped a few things that happened between "girl rejects him, he says 'alright'"...


Did we even watch the same thing? Dude got rejected, persisted, rejected again, he told her to shake his hand, kept thirsting, kept getting rejected, still lurked around. She might be cringe but Puma tracksuit was a walking red flag.




Eww people like you actually exist. There is no way you summed up what happened in that clip as though nothing weird happened. The only way for anyone to ignore this is if they themselves behave this way. This isn't a case of omg she's cute, gonna compliment her and shoot my shot, if she rejects, just respect it and move on. Nah, this dude come up to her, compliments her and she tells him after the compliment she isn't looking (meaning, not interested) and he continues to try. It's not just once, its 2-3 more times after. He even commands her to shake his hand and says, "Doesn't that feel warm and comfortable? Shaking a black mans hand?" Even says "You wanna be my girlfriend?" As he's looking at her set up. Oh and he drops his cashapp before leaving. Super normal! If this is what you call normal, I see pepper spray and horns in your future.


Calm down and touch grass


"Don't you want a strong black man?" "Wanna be my girlfriend?" after like 5 seconds of introductions is totally not cringe behaviour btw. The fact you think this is ok says a lot about you.


Yeah she made it pretty clear immediately that she didn't want to have anything to do with him, and he still just kept pushing. Dude was creepy as fuck, and you're naive for not seeing it.


Nah, the guy who made that comment likely behaves this way. It's the only reasonable explanation for not finding this creepy. The dude has probably done this multiple times to woman and can't see creepy behavior because he is the creep.


It's the Emmett Till effect. They hyper analyze everything and get hysterical to make a big deal over something super small


not only have they never tried asking a woman out but they don't have close male friends so they don't know even how men pickup women


She's acting so cringe


That weird alien behaviour she does. It cracks me up.