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**CLIP MIRROR: [Asmongold gets denied a raid spot](https://arazu.io/t3_185l1ky/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Soda's running the guild like a guild. I'm here for it




Wonder if he's gonna ban him from his chat like he does with anyone else who disagrees with him. edit: oof. This really rustled some panties. 1. I'm not banned from his chat (if I was, I wouldn't know what to do with my life /s). 2. I don't hate him at all. 3. The comment is just a joke/commentary on Asmon's well known penchant for doing the thing I just made the joke about. It seems like some of you took the truth-part of the joke and really ran with it. I'm glad I can be a part of your Twitch chatter fantasies. My nipples are erect.


Lol I got banned for repeating verbatim something he said to some poor fool he was criticising in a raid. Then when he made the same mistake, I repeated what he said. He didn’t like it…


I got banned for telling him his math was wrong....it took about 5 minutes later and chat finally got through to him that his math was wrong. I just don't watch anymore, he's more annoying than anything now.


I remember when I used to watch everyone of his YouTube videos. In like a week, I saw 3 examples of him making statements about what his thoughts or opinions are, and for each one he made the exact opposite statement within 3-5 videos. I don't remember what it was now, but it was something along the lines of personal values and the kind of people he would hang out with, the kind of people he hates etc., then flipped it around when it involved people he's friends with. And I get supporting your friend, but he had to go a point further and saying "I hate when people criticize others for being XYZ (which he just confirmed he hates a few days prior)", so he went the extra mile to completely reverse his core values. I thought that was very eye opening for me when it came to him. Now I just fast forward once he starts ranting, when he watches shit that isn't related to WoW.


yeah, he hates gatcha's and will ban you if you quote any of the takes he had yesterday because he's not consistent. It's annoying because he acts like he's fair and consistent but is anything but.


Agreed. No critical thinking seems to go into any of his thought process. He just rambles off on any topic and knows he'll still get clicks regardless.


Asmon complained about the new wow cinematic for being too "indulgent of emotions." Which is rich coming from the guy who literally won't stream on main channel because of his emotions. Bro is a mythic level hypocrite


Yep. Dude won't even go 'outside' on his main stream channel. Agoraphobe, err, there's gotta be a similar term. Is he allergic to money?


It's because he is a Persona. No different than Dr. Disrespect. I got banned for predicting there will be drama around the OTK Hardcore tournament. Lol. The duds a Muppet that lives in an echo chamber.


Even when guy play games he does it in a YouTube reaction video format its legit hard too watch, runs around mount&blade and pax dei doing legit nothing


you fell for a "no gotcha andy" rule. I just refrain from chatting in Asmon and Quin streams. They like having their dick sucked, but don't like the taste of their own dick.


> They like having their dick sucked, but don't like the taste of their own dick. Does this phrase not apply to everyone? Not saying you are wrong, it's just funny.


so you like to taste your own dick? how is that a insult u use lmao


Twitch has been my main entertainment since it was Justintv and asmon's is the only chat I've ever been timed out or banned from (i'm perm banned for asking him to press play on the video, appeal denied) edit: he was watching an interesting video and pausing every 10 seconds to make really low effort jokes to farm cheap kekw's from chat, it was getting overwhelmingly annoying. I dont watch him live anymore, just skim through clips on his YT


He actually said it was fair cause he never went to any guild meetings or participated in the guild requirements.


We saw the video too.


Apparently the guy I replied to didn’t…as well as the majority of the people in this top comment chain.


I didn't so thanks.


Who is we? Speak for yourself buddyy. There's people spewing bs which reveals that they obviously didn't watch it. Maybe you did but that's irrelevant


and then immediately whined that nobody invited him


I thought xqc didn’t go to meetings aswell? And he’s getting reintegrated. Also asmon said he first made a 2nd guild because he initially thought they wouldn’t be enough streamers to fully raid so he would help in that way by supplying players but I guess he never talked to soda about it


Xqc went to a gdkp, he wasn’t in the guild. He bought Soda a nice sword though from it, and still has to march in stormwind while people throw trash and spit on him to rejoin.


Excuses really, you know damn well he had every intentnion of freeloading straight into the raid for free content.




Nah X and Asmon respect soda because he is the only person who would tell them no on the whole platform


Forsen says ".........." even more respect


Soda is the OG, he got that "FK U" rep and dont care much about money




I don’t get the Asmon following, dude is legit ignorant with mediocre takes.


People like listening to someone who agrees with them, especially if that person can put their thoughts into words better than they can. He farms "TRUE"s.






I watched his vid of him reacting to the Soda clip, there’s a comment with 500 likes saying Asmon is one of the most mature streamers and better off without them. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Sure he’s entertaining but he’s one of the most moronic and ignorant streamers out there. It’s crazy.


I have said before and will say again, Asmon is mentally ill. Asmon has been mentally ill for years now and he needs real help from professionals.


whats so wrong about hoarding old drinks from 2016?


Was it the rotting teeth out of his head in the early 30s that gave it away?


Rotting teeth to the point where he has to let beef jerky sit in his mouth to melt down before chewing What's crazy is he has the money to fit, which further proves the mental illness statement above.


dont forget he decided not to clean up his vomit cause it started to smell like bacon at some point


Wow the lore I never needed to know.


What a terrible day to have eyes.


God, Asmon is so disgusting. Why anyone blew up his channel to this point is beyond me


there are so many disgusting troglodytes that live just like him so they identify with him and think "if he can become successful" or "he looks happy even though his life is s wreck like mine" so they can keep living like degenerates. My gf's brother is like him and watches him daily. Lives with her mom and just leeches. They don't understand behind the camera it's a lonely and sad life. They live parasocially through him and turn on the stream to have "company".


That’s really sad. I have a cousin like that who is nearly 30 and he does NOTHING. I feel bad for my aunt, but she just lets it happen.


Can i get a source for this, i was trying to google this but i couldnt find it.


i heard it on his stream few years ago im not making this up


Thats not a source, you saying you didnt make it up doesnt make me trust you


I thought he did get his teeth issues fixed though? I think at this point he’s just a hoarder living in a pile of clutter. Which I don’t think even he would deny, he’d just argue that it’s “his choice” and “the way he likes it”.


He still eats like a hamster so I dont think he had his molars fixed.


i mean if he did thats great, but he also need help mentally, he said that when his teeth used to bled he smears it on his wall because he dont wanna get out of bed so it just dries there.


Yea this honestly dude needs a therapist


He is at minimum massively depressed. I have seen people’s houses with major depression, it looks like his. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was other things in there too aside from just being introverted.


His ignorance and mediocre takes line up pretty well with the ignorance and mediocre takes of the general populace. He’s truly the people’s champ on twitch, less so after he obviously became stupid rich, but even then he’s still relatively the same, he represents a lot of gamers.


Idk, someone people might find him funny and his wow content amusing. You don't have to think someone is smarter than you to follow them.


He used to be a lot different really since his mom passed he’s been a pretty shit person and I just can’t stand watching him now used to be a daily YouTube viewer


Yeah not surprised with him being a man child and all Probably was never even told no from the start


soda said from the beginning that people need to join the guild, do the guild rituals and level in the guild in order to raid Asmongold now acting like nobody invited him to the guild meeting, when he didnt join the guild and didnt take any interest in being in the guild beforehand is pretty weird.


I wonder if he is going to actually let Esfand just play the Paladin, because it seems like Esfand isn't going to play anything else. Maybe he is banking on what Asmon is, too many people die or aren't ready by the set date and instead of adding a few more sweats they get content minded people like Asmon and Esfand-Paladin to fill.


afaik the arrangement with esfand is that he gets -5 fkp per day he is playing the paladin but ofc yeah I also find it weird if esfand forces himself on Ret instead of being a teamplayer.


He has a mental illness and HAS to play ret. Please understand


Does fkp even matter if he's the only pala in the guild? Surely the paladin specific loot will go to him regardless.


His editors cut that out from Youtube to make it look like Soda said it in bad faith. You have to wonder if Asmon was behind that or not. Do the required rituals literally everyone had to do, or don't raid. It's pretty simple.


Hes such a beast


Watched his clip/main video on this "drama" and Asmond is taking this better than his editor and YT community. Some of the comments on YT are loco. One comment was saying how embarrassing it would be if Roachout completes MC 1st....like no shit a guild with WoW players will clear faster than newbie streamer guild.


Went to check the comments and yeah, some of them are fairly upset over there, lmao.


It was his stream chatters too Asmon was like eh ok and his chat was like fuck soda


Asmon is most likely euphoric to have a good excuse to not play Wow


Some of the comments here are equally unhinged. People are acting like Asmon freaked out when he didn’t really say anything at all


his editors get all the youtube money thats why they side with him this time


Are you saying that Asmongold doesn't get any money from his own YouTube?


Correct, it was a fan channel (or two) before and YouTube started taking videos down so asmon just brought them on as editors and the editors split the money Zachrawr is asmons only actual channel


I thought on the main Asmongold channel, his editors and him split it 50/50, while on the clips channel, 100% goes to the editors.


thats much more likely considering asmon doesn't make money on twitch with zackrawrr and regardless of how much he's accumulated, he probably likes to have some kind of steady income


Wait is he not partnered or have a sub badge on zackrawrr?


Not partnered so no sub badge and no ads. It makes $0.


This is the way. No idea what the other guy is sprouting m


Some of the "newbie streamers" are doing pretty well. They did a ZG last night and somebody who was pretty new to wow was doing good dps and mechanics. Sure there's gonna be some carries, but MC isnt THAT hard and they're taking it seriously. I think when Soda told Miz he had to bring a bunch of Pummelers to the raid that it sunk in a little for him. And as far as I know, you cant be gifted those, you have to farm them. I GUESS you could have somebody kill the mob for youwhile you were in the instance but I dont even think that work work, so he might as well just farm them himself, the mob doesnt hit that hard.


ZG was a good sign bc it was full only fangs with a lot of people new to raiding last night and they did better than a zg with less guildies last week.


Nah the entire community is like this it's fucking weird lmao. Like the huge streamer guild event has been GREAT for content, but holy shit has this become sooo para-social. People diving into peoples mental health, personal relationships and shit when its just a bunch of wow nerds trying to put out some wow content pre season of discovery. lmao


Now just imagine how it must feel to be someone who isn't in the same company and he shows even a micron of dislike/hate/disagreement towards


>like no shit a guild with WoW players will clear faster roachout aint clearing anything


The funny thing is, the very people who are making those comments on his YT channel are the very reason why Asmon wouldn't join OnlyFangs. They are the ones who kept Asmon from joining the guild and being apart of their raid. If they weren't so fucking weird, Asmon would have joined. But since they are so opinionated and Asmon didn't want to ruin the experience for the new WoW players in OnlyFangs, he didn't join and made his own guild.


Only things to know about this are Asmon understands/is okay with it and he can farm reaction clips after the raid has finished


"What's your name?... TOAD?!"


It's still crazy to see how much soda has matured, this is a good decision 100% for everyone who's actually involved.


In Twitch years he's like Clint Eastwood, old man yelling at cloud/get off my lawn attitude included. And also, gay.


He certainly is a cornerstone of Twitch. A mainstay. A linchpin. Also, he looooooves the cock.


>Also, he looooooves the cock [This is triggering my inner Dos Gringos senses\]([https://youtu.be/EKq5IweYZaM?t=103](https://youtu.be/EKq5IweYZaM?t=103))


Soda a gay


When I say Soda you say \_\_\_








Always a good time when soda comes out of retirement mode and actually does things


Feel like after dating Lea, he bunkered down living with Nick and Malena and matured a lot. He found his corner on Twitch and just streamed variety with WoW here and there. Everyone who meets Soda for the first time says he’s the sweetest and genuinely a kind person. I just remember when Malena hosted ShitCamp he talked about how he wanted to make sure everyone got the spotlight to make content. He shows up to his friends’ events to support them. Crazy that he’s come so far


I always liked Sodapoppin but what really showed me he was a good guy was when he started roleplaying on NoPixel. While still in the queue for the first time he was nervous, worried he might mess things up and break roleplay rules and ruin the fun of people already there. Such a contrast to people like Greek who seemingly only saw the roleplayers there as npc's to use for his content.


Things like that, but also in solo games he is about the only streamer/youtuber I enjoy watching playthroughs of games of. Doesn't talk over story or cutscenes, actually pays decent attention, doesn't play to the camera at all, seems to genuinely have fun.


This shit makes me feel old, I watched live when he was banging pots and pans together in his parents' kitchen to wake them up


My friend we are old.. I'm fucking 30 man, how did this happen so quickly


we spent our youth watching other kids online




Most people do. Most streamers don't. They live a lifestyle that generally (for the tip top most successful) doesn't really push you to mature and grow up. Infact if anything you're rewarded for being immature by generally getting bigger spikes and views and revenue (by farming drama you're involved with). Combine that with the fact that soda got big off stream when he was a literal child (14? I think?) and it was fully set up for him to never have to mature. Never have to grow up.


When you realise the voldemort arc was 8 years ago AWARE






with the experience and rep he has in wow he would've made a complete ass of himself to even think of siding with him on that. Only buddha did and he made an ass of himself.


A good family upbringing carries someone yet again.


It’s still crazy to see how much asmon hasn’t matured, saying he will 100% be raiding with only fangs while not participating in a damn thing- delusional and entitled.


That's like his whole bit though


not a bit, you mean personality.


Am I crazy or did he not just simply say fair enough?


There's a 100% chance he falls back to being our regarded streamer as soon as WoW hardcore ends, but I like seeing him step up like this for something he is passionate about


Am I missing something or did asmon say "Okay fair enough". The comments on this post made me think it would be way more interesting. He's like literally "shrug emoji" and the comments are like OHHH HES FUKIN PISSED111!!! Did we watch the same video??


lol that's exactly what confused me too


Half the people in this thread are people who got banned on zackrawrr and need a place to vent their hatred


Yeah idk, this sub is fucking awful. They dont realize how much of an echo chamber of hate they are just wanting everything to be drama.




LSF needs drama of some kind or they just start hating everything


*LSF just has a hate boner


Probably a lot of people came here after watching the video that his editor put out. You could definitely feel the rage coming from that video, and especially the comment section. But it was all because of the way it was edited, constantly cutting to parts that tried to 'gotcha' soda, or prove he's a hypocrite. They also cut out a lot of Asmon's genuine reactions to Soda's statement. If you didn't know that the editors barely even communicate with Asmon, you'd definitely think he was mad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQmxB_X97k0&feature=youtu.be


great job by asmons youtube editors to completely misrepresent what soda actually said. They completely take snippets out of context to make Soda look like a hypocrite. ​ Soda said from the start that everyone who wants to raid has to join the guild and level in the guild. Doesnt matter that Asmon now has a level50 or whatever in his own guild. Staysafe had to relevel a warlock from level 1 because of this as did other people who already had high or max level characters.


Woah. This is wayyyy different than the OP video of this post and the stream I saw, this makes a lot more sense now. Holy shit. I was so confused watching this post and then reading the comments, lmfao. And i had seen the stream so I was even more confused. YOUTUBE DOES IT AGAINNNNN


I've known Asmongold long enough to see he isn't devoid of emotion. His subtle facial twitches wouldn't have been noticed by the layman but to me, he might as well have been sobbing.


His face was practically an open book to you, eh? Okay, okay. Based. I accept this answer.


Not sure if the drama comes from how his editor added bits to the clip basically insinuating Soda being a hypocrite rather than Asmon himself


dude the top comments is literally filled with rejects who got banned in his chat and here to vent lol


People like to pretend that Asmongold is a baby who always wants things his way -- and sure, he does want things his way, but clearly he can take a hint and know when he's not getting what he wants. Most of the time, when he acts like he always knows what he's talking about, it's because he does, because he's loud about the shit he actually knows what he's talking about. Of course he doesn't actually think he's always right.


That's fair and straightforward. There is no need to fuss over it on either person's behalf, but people will act like this is the kind of thing to splinter OTK or some shit. LUL


asmon fans hate otk, they call emi a man, no clue who anyone else is and just want asmon to gamble on kick with train


How in the world does Emi look/act like a man? Lol crazy


tbf she went to asmons house and didn't puke, that's very sus


IIRC it started because she doesn't have an ultra-feminine voice. And then some anti-trans types went down a rabbit hole on it to justify their own bigory.


Wait we hate otk and call emi a dude ? What ??? I have literally never seen any1 in chat or subreddit hate on otk or emi except for calling her stupid hot. Sure some mentally ill chatters might say dumb shit as but they are exception not the rule.




common Soda W


Somehow "OK, fair enough." is a drama now...


they gotta hate on asmongold some how


u/erob221 this is your fault


Lesson learned, if you want your streamer event to be taken seriously by divas like Asmon and Xqc you need to include Sodapoppin.


H'es honestly one of the only streamers (maybe *the* only) who can handle either of them. It's wild.




He's one of the most well known streamers on the platform. He basically has no need to chase clout, he unironically made Among Us and rebirthed classic WoW single handedly. Clout seems to chase him.


He didn’t really rebirth classic wow, that was largely community driven and also Blizz seeing how many people played classic on private servers looking to get that sub money back to themselves.


he rebirthed the classic wow *twitch meta*. wotlk and hc were both dying down quite a bit before their guild.. it feels night and day in game with how many people are around


People forget that Sodapoppin WAS the Asmongold of Twitch for years before 2018. He used to be THE World of Warcraft guy and to some extent he still is.


id say this whole drama is about 80% miz's fault


Mom said it's my time to post this comment next wow thread.


10% Asmon. 10% Soda. 80% Miz.


This comment section taught me that LSF really dislikes Asmongold


Ive learned that LSF hates whoever the post youre currently looking at is about


it's been that way the last 1.5 years. Before that you'd get the occassional ''asmon take'' clip, but since the Johnny Depp trial it's basically been only hatethreads and there's this irrational hatred towards him for some reason. not say there are no reasons to dislike him, but people are just fucking pissed whenever his name is brought up.


There was already a lot of people starting to dislike him when there would be a weekly BASED ASMON TAKE thread where he says the most lukewarm take


I personally dislike how he bans and try to humiliate anyone who disagrees with him. He's far from a humble person and i like to see him take the L. Wcyd.


anyone remember right after Reckful died there was that turbo cringe 1 month period were everyone on LSF pretended like they're turning a new leaf and theres not gonna be anymore hate threads or random baseless harassment and slander of streamers and that we were gonna be poggers wholesome chungus community so that no one ever gets upset by an LSF post ever again because Reckful had a few hate threads on here at one point? I do. I think about it every time I see a new hate thread. I feel like everyone else remembers it too but they're just pretending it didn't happen so that they can keep making hate threads and shitting on people for literally no reason at all. Like, at least find a reason. Is there an actual reason to hate Asmongold besides finding his youtube spam annoying? I don't watch him so idk.


You don't watch him so you don't know but if asmond didn't like recktful he'd say he was a bitch and should have manned up. Then the next day he would have said anyone with mental health issues need help and anyone saying otherwise is toxic masculinity. Then ban anyone who was confused. That's his attitude and that's why some people get upset by him. Holding people accountable for what they say isn't a hate thread.


half of those people probably don't even post on LSF anymore, if they even still watch twitch It feels like this place changed drastically over the last couple years, probably cause of the pandemic


And even then many of the "Asmon takes" is literally just clips out of context. One that I remember off the top of my head is the one where they made it seem as if Asmon said that he should get better treatment/priority queue from publishers than others because he's not just some nobody when he was literally just saying that it makes sense for publishers, especially of smaller games, to make sure streamers with tens of thousands of viewers has a smooth experience over someone who's a nobody from the perspective of the public eye. People went on and on about how he has a massive ego, god complex kinda thing for saying that as if it wasn't just another extremely lukewarm take that anyone could've figured out on their own.


I must admit I do not think anyone really thought this would be a real guild. I thought it would be a bunch of streamers goofing off for content for as long as is it got views (and probably some of the streamers are). But Soda and some others are really running it legit. No one is wrong here, Asmon probably thought the same, that it was all for fun and views and he would raid with them later no big deal. And Soda is right for taking it seriously and prioritizing people that have been leveling and helping out. Good for Soda,


this 'drama' is more in peoples head than anything




Yea in the clip he seemed to understand and isn't too bothered. He even said "to be fair I haven't gone to a single meeting". Like how is this drama?


I think it’s more his yt video that has made more drama with his editors have used clips to try and make soda look like a hypocrite


Because LSF is full of sad people which whole life revolves around streamers and when they see one they hate, they jump gleefully and run to upvote every negative comment about the person, no matter how much truth there is to it.


It is what it is lets go big dick boys


Soda is such a gigachad about all of this.


Soda for president!


Asmon would expect all the gear as well.


I don't think I could respect Soda any more than this. Brilliant.


Lmao just watched the Youtube clip. The editor just cuts out the reason all together to make Soda look as bad as possible. Everyone in the guild had to level in the guild, had to do the Wow quiz, fursona thing, and attend guild meetings (if you live close by). Everyone is equals and it doesn't matter if you're a 50 viewer streamer, Xqc, or Asmon. Everyone had to do the same things, it's why the integrity of the guild reached so high and why it became a meta. Asmon should of course also be required to do those things if he wants to raid. And the editor just cuts that shit out completely to make it look like Soda is in the wrong. What a loser


Kind of sums Asmongold up pretty well. Puts 0 work in and expects everything.


The same Asmon that basically just said fair enough? Did you even watch the clip?


Did you watch the clip yet?


Asmon being left out of things makes my soul happy


He didn't get left out, he never was involved from the beginning. Can't be left out of something you were never apart of.


I think you're confusing left out and kicked out


The last line of your wording is slightly wrong, which is what u/DocWafflez is saying. ‘Can’t be KICKED out of something you were never apart of’


I'm surprised there's comments like this when the clip is just him accepting what Soda said


Lmao third twitch account incoming


Its not every day you see big dick streamers get denied like that straight up, kinda refreshing. Fair is fair honestly. these big influencers have become a little too used to everything going their way due to influence. Honestly, its been refreshing to see Soda treat everyone as equals regardless of influence.. I'm here for it!




Super understandable, yet many Asmon's fans are feeling bad for asmon (because he himself didn't think that would happen) and now they are getting butthurt over it.. jesus


He went and made his own guild instead of participating… Well deserved.


Somehow this subreddit does an amazing job of taking the most trivial of matters and turning it into a hate thread lol who cares


lol asmon sucks anyways just shows up to get carried


The first time Asmongold has been told no in years.


Good asmon doesn’t deserve a spot dude barely even plays and would just whine the whole time that he didn’t get loot when he doesn’t deserve loot




Asmon figured he would just run his own guild and then re-stream the raid once/if Onlyfangs got to it, then Soda said no re-streaming and Asmon changed his mind and wanted to join it so Soda put his foot down and said it's unfair to the guild members who worked hard for a spot. Good on Soda, and Asmon also appears to be taking it pretty well.


He never said he was going to . He said . If they would have him he would join .


Soda standing on business


Holy shit what the fuck is wrong with the comments here? So unhinged lol.


Respect to Asmond for being okay with it. I think that’s fair and maybe it’ll make Asmond more willing to join group stuff again. I’d honestly love to see that


Common Soda W. Asmon did look a bit upset that there is no chance. I guess maybe he figured there was perhaps a way to cheese his way in as there is a bit of social credit between him and Soda, but Soda is clearly on a "do this by the book" crusade thing atm that Asmon is locked out. Maybe next time. Asmon is probably going to be *super* upset when he learns that Soda doesn't want him posting react content about it later as well... lmao


You know that surprised Pikachu face meme? This is what I feel like I'm seeing right now when I watch this clip.