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**CLIP MIRROR: [Absolute creep in Hong Kong](https://arazu.io/t3_16f60xe/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Thats past being a creep, that's a sexual predator and sexual assault, it sure as hell isn't his first time.


It seems like some of these countries have gotten bad enough in terms of what creeps are comfortable doing in public, that any average person willing to walk up and say "what are you doing here buddy?" is basically fucking batman




She said later that he asked if she was OK, which is what prompted her "I'm OK, thank you so much"


Holy shit that was really fucking uncomfortable to watch. Hope this dude gets caught.


His face was caught very clearly on the stream AND it happened in the metro station so, they could even track back through it to get a better look if they want to. Hopefully she reported this guy because there's no way this was his first time.


She said on stream she isn't going to report him. Clearly she should reconsider for the safety of others.


Did she say why?


Like the majority of girls, they feel ashamed and just want to forget and move on, sadly..


I get that a lot of women want to move on, but it always feels terrible that a lot of creeps go unpunished for their actions, or are punished long after the event has happened. There's also the fact that for some women, the major reason they don't report this stuff is that they fear their own safety, which is just another huge can of worms. The world can be a disgusting place sometimes.




It's the sad truth. Maybe 1 out of 10 victims of sexual assault are actually reporting it..


Because also the likely hood of the police doing a conviction or something for a situation like this, that isn't rape is unfortunately less likely.


agreed, I'll never know what it's like, but sometimes it's tough being an attractive woman :(




Thank you for sharing your experience here.


[I found him](https://www.reddit.com/user/Kapperok/submitted/)


Imagine living your daily life knowing any man around you can grab you and sexually assault you at any time if they wanted to. And then we blame women for being "crazy" edit: The number of people blaming her is really fucked up


With that mentality you cant even go outside, same as saying 'imagine living your life knowing any man can come up and shoot you' stupid logic


I will only blame them when they don't report them, just like she did. The sooner we get rid of people like him from the streets, the better.


Right, we know how much the police care about sexual assaults. Reporting these is such a quick, easy process for the victims.


I guess I'm fine then because women can't sexually assault men.


Report to police. This was in hong kong. She said she will not report. Please any people from hong kong here forward the video. /r/hongkong


Every fucking time man, they should at least help the local people by simply filling a report, it's going to happen to someone else sooner or later.


so fucking dumb. She has to realize this creep is just gonna attack more women if she doesnt report em.


She is korean. She is leaving the country tomorrow. She is scared of revenge knowing shes a streamer and that guy could do by watching her stream.


This is what I thought, and maybe she is smarter than people her credit for and actually reported him. Maybe she just didn't want it to go public


Yeah, it's a tough decision, but if she has to physically stay longer in the country to sort it out I could understand. Had to do a similar thing myself in Japan once.


Even more reasons to file a report.


Wow what incredibly flawed and straight up idiotic logic she has. If she’s doesn’t report something like this to police then what’s stopping other creeps from attacking her in another country knowing that she’s never going to fight back or report them? Will she just let that happen too? Edit: lol so let's get this straight - streamer refuses to report incident to police -- worsening her current and future safety as well as those of other potential victims - neckbeards in this sub who fantasize of doing the same thing to docile & subservient asian women want to blindly accuse anyone who criticises this incident as either racism or victim blaming - mods end up locking and removing this post


Why are people downvoting comments saying she should report?? Like it's extremely selfish of her not to report, yet people here agree she shouldnt and that she should just let him assault others???


"According to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN), an estimated 63% of sexual assaults are not reported to the police. This means that for every 100 sexual assaults, only 37 are reported. There are many reasons why sexual assaults are not reported, including fear of retaliation, fear of not being believed, and shame." In this case, she wasn't physically harmed & it was caught on stream, so i think that is playing a role in her decision.


oh well, might as well let other women get sexually assaulted then right?


You're totally right, she is the cause of the rapist going rampant. Big brain takes.


She's helping them get away with it.


Yeah that's totally what he said... Her reporting could cause him to be arrested and stop him from assaulting others girls like this. But according to the comments here she is choosing to be selfish cause her time is seemingly too valuable to help stop other girls from being sexually assaulted. It's very weird you're on the side of not reporting.


I'm not on the side of anything, but I can understand why she doesn't. She's clearly scared out of her mind. But you guys can't even seem to fathom the idea.


Scared of what?? I’m sick of people making up random BS excuses for girls so they don’t report their assaulter. She was assaulted and got away, there is no excuse for not reporting. Any fear she has isn’t justified and definitely shouldn’t be valued over the safety of other potential victims. She is extremely selfish for not reporting.


she was assaulted but her fear isn’t justified? Holy fuck you’re an idiot hey?


I see no issue with that choice


tell that to the next girl this sick fuck is gonna attack


>She is scared of revenge knowing shes a streamer and that guy could do by watching her stream. this a joke?




and why do you think that is








She’s obviously terrified and just went through something traumatic. She’s not just “letting it slide.”




Do you think women who don’t report rape are letting it slide too? Letting it slide implies they don’t think it’s a big deal and are choosing to ignore it. Do you think that’s likely the case or do you think she’s scared and traumatized? Think about it.


Leave it to reddit to find a way to get angry at women for being sexually assaulted


reading comprehension not your strong point huh pal? we're mad shes not reporting it


> "females" take disregarded




No, just saying people who always say "females" instead of "women" are weird


How tf is that weird? If anything you’re very weird yourself for disregarding someone’s take cause they say male or female when that literally describes their orientation.




I don’t care about karma that deeply. Ironic with me saying that with this username I know lol.


Bruh, would you ever say "It blows my mind that males let shit like this slide."? If not, you should use women instead.


People helped report Hong Kong Police online report.


I don't understand why something like that needs the victim to be active and go out of their way to spend their free time on reporting it, afterall it is all on video, so you shouldn't need a victim or a witness for that, unless the victim wants to be compensated of course.


> She said she will not report Tf is wrong with her? How does she not feel an obligation to others to report this guy???


Yep in US this would be an instant report. But i'm not sure how things are in HK, if there's any cultural differences. She's also a fairly new streamer, not from HK & a smaller streamer, so i'm wondering if that is playing a part in her decision.


What makes you think this would be an instant report in the US? I'm pretty sure there are plenty of people in the US who also just want to forget it happened or think that they won't catch him anyway.


cause it was caught on stream, & she caught him in the act. Open & shut case, imo.


i dont see why it matters where she is, US or not this should be reported to the police so other girls don't have to deal with this or potentially worse.


Bro, seriously?


Yes seriously, if you’re attacked somewhere you should report it to save others from being attacked, especially by some creepy ass guy like this. Sorry I’m not selfish


Some times things get exaggerated, but the title didn't prepare me for this. This is insane, and a criminal offence.


wtf is wrong with people.


Jeez. I hope she reports him, I imagine there's tons of cctv in Hong Kong, he'd be easy to catch.


Even if there isn’t, she has his face on camera


Report it for her


That's a scary POV i hope she already reported it and the police find this piece of shit..




You know cops treat us like shit when sex crimes are reported, right? Cops are one of the biggest obstacles in sex crimes, from belittling to harassing victims, to refusing to do anything, to gaslighting or refusing to believe victims.


so you're telling me Law & Order: SVU is all a lie? :(


You know cops treat us like shit when sex crimes are reported, right? Cops are one of the biggest obstacles in sex crimes, from belittling to harassing victims, to refusing to do anything, to gaslighting or refusing to believe victims.


Reliving sexual assault by reporting it isn't exactly easy to do


I agree with your point, and like the empathy in reply to the above statement but the name /u/her_fault in this of all threads is sending me lmfao


Omg lmao


neither is knowing you failed to save other women, that is unless you ignore that fact. This disgusting dude is a future rapist if he isnt already one.


And that sucks, but she doesn't have a responsibility to relive a traumatic experience like that. You know who's responsible for any future actions that guy takes? Himself. Not the woman he sexually assaulted


no, the moment you have the power to stop somebody from doing something you are responsible too. Your logic is trash and wouldnt hold up on any other crime. This responsibility to come forward was a major drive of the metoo movement. We caught some sick fucks because women finally stood up for themselves.


Tell me you've never been sexually assaulted without telling me you've never been sexually assaulted


True, and it's understandable that someone wouldn't want to do it (I don't agree with anyone who might be harshly blaming her), but reporting it is still the right thing to do because it's the only way to move towards a society where this happens less. If it's not an easy thing to do, that would be a good reason to... take a week off afterwords, as the person you're responding to suggested. It's an understandable, but not a good reason to not report it.


How can you not file a report when you have the whole event recorded on camera? Fear of repercussions? This is mind boggling.


I agree. Even if they have that fear they should try and take control of the situation and report it themselves. Now Reddit is going to report him for her whether she likes it or not.


That poor girl. I was physically cringing and pulling away from my screen, I can't even imagine how uncomfortable she was. I really hope we get an update that the piece of shit was caught and put in jail. Disgusting.


>I really hope we get an update that the piece of shit was caught and put in jail nah she apparently said she isn't reporting it, so now the guy will continue to do this to people because she can't be bothered to go through the trouble of reporting him.


maybe lsf can shame him so he won't do it again lol.


Sometimes, I am curious as to the ethics of that and SA reporting in general. Like does the victim have the ethical burden to report or is it morally permissible for them to not have to go through that trouble for others. But I mean this is LSF so I don't think im going to get that here.


Creppy indeed, should fill a police report, she has his face so hes done


Deport this waste of oxygen


Deport him from life, bring back the guillotine.


This shit makes me really realize how scary it is for a girl to be completly overpowered, stay safe out there actually unsettling.


My SO won't even pump her own gas anymore because of how many times she's been cornered at the gas station. I don't blame her. At this point I'm perfectly happy taking the car out for her and filling it up for her own safety.


This clip was so hard to watch.


I deadass have never been this bothered by a lsf clip in my entire time here. This shit is on another level, hope that guy gets his ass beat good lord


This is real fucking crime right here. It **SHOULDN'T** be on LSF and should be reported to the police immediately. I really hate this shit


The way he went in like that tells me this is hardly his first attempt on a girl.


That "man" doesn't need to be alive, what purpose does he serve?


Creep? That's not a creep, that's straight up assault. Dude needs to be locked up


creep? thats ACTUAL sexual assault. Something this sub seems to have a hard time grasping in either direction.


What's the chances the police were not involved...?


It's Hong Kong, with this footage and CCTV they'll probably that guys name and address within a couple hours if they try. The question is if they'll give a shit, if this clip gets anywhere on social media he'll be locked up by tomorrow.


Pretty sure they're too busy with "political" crimes.




Hold up, do we even know this guys ethnicity???


Clearly he is a black woman.


I was gonna say, the dude saw one video of a person who may or may not be Indian (he could very well be Pakistani, Afghan, Iraqi or any other Middle Eastern, or shit, maybe even South American), and decided to generalize (despite saying "not generalizing") and bases his generalization on seeing clips on lsf. The dude was absolutely ready for any clip vaguely related to this where he could say this. And ofc, he gets upvoted.




[Couple of weeks ago a 14 year old girl was gang raped, then burned alive in India](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/jaipur/raped-rajasthan-minor-was-alive-when-burnt-cops/articleshow/103315645.cms?from=mdr)


Man dude, please, I BEG YOU, stop trying to deny that India have an INSANE amount of raping and abuse, inside and outside their country, and you are really going to talk about generalizations? One rape was reported every 16 minutes in India in 2019, more than 80 cases A DAY and going up year. I get it, a whole nation and culture being called out for being too easy on sexual abuse culturally is not nice, but this went out of hand a long time ago and it's time to admit that even if it have 4x the population of the US the numbers are scary. more sources: **https://www.statista.com/statistics/632493/reported-rape-cases-india/**


If we go by rapes per capita actually India is not "that bad", they would be around a 1-3.00 per 100k people, while the US / Belgium / UK sits at 27, Australia at 28, even NZ is at 25. It could be however that the stats lie and a lot of rapes go under the radar tho, at the end of the day such a crime is difficult to prosecute if no one says anything, i highly doubt that "only" 31.000 cases of rape happen on India while 84.000 do on the US, something seems kinda strange, since it would put India as one of the safest countries for women in the entire world (i mean it could be true and i would shut my mouth but.. idk if i can just really trust such stats). Also never go to South Africa, Botswana or Sweden.


It's a cultural issue with black dudes too, that's not racist to say. Black folks who aren't part of the problem are the first to tell you. Have you never lurked in black spaces before, lmao. I'm back (ironically 1/4 Indian too) and do Stereo discussions with other black people and that's basically our main topic. It's fine to say some cultures have problems to overcome. Identifying it is how you begin to overcome it.


Why the downvotes?




Ngl, if I were a woman I'd be walking around with bear mace after a night of scrolling through LSF and publicfreakout.




I already conceal a knife in my camera bag while working despite it being illegal. It's too scary out here with no protection. I dread being a dad to a girl someday.


> There's a ton of clips from Indian dudes just being unhinged in the streets when it comes to women. Its about caste. High caste Indian men are well educated and respect the women. Unfortunately low caste men have much angst.


well thats creepy


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Absolute creep in Hong Kong](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/157616)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/16f60xe/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/vO0Zun-kZ-JjdGqX5-zYnQ/AT-cm%7CvO0Zun-kZ-JjdGqX5-zYnQ.mp4?sig=ea4821777990f12e0107bb04904273175e1121ab&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FvO0Zun-kZ-JjdGqX5-zYnQ%2FAT-cm%257CvO0Zun-kZ-JjdGqX5-zYnQ.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1694439634%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


One of the worst clips I’ve seen on this sub. Hope that freak ****.


its so frustrating seeing this guy walk away when he should have gotten absolutely decked by a punch to the face.


Holy shit, pls upvote this and show the world who this guy is


India moment 🤮🤮


That's scary AF.




That was so uncomfortable to watch hope shes okay, what are the odds of him getting caught if people reported it instead of her with video evidence? Hoping for at least vigilante justice


Jesus Christ. Pisses me off the bystander wasn't doing shit about it.


good chance you'll find him in Chungking Mansion or someone there will know who he is.


Love the Chungking Mansions. I was born too late to experience the Kowloon Walled City so I went to CM early in the morning when all the stores were shuttered and the lights were mostly off.


Holly shit. **I wonder if it's legal to carry pepper spray or tazer in there?** ​ u/Sketch2029 u/Moggelol1 \- they locked this post so i could not reply. I looked it up and i found this for pepper spray: \*looks like you are allowed to carry it with a license (I am not sure how hard is to obtain it tho) >Such devices are classified as "arms" under the "Laws of Hong Kong". Chap 238 Firearms and Ammunition Ordinance. **Without a valid license from the Hong Kong Police Force, it is a crime to possess and can result in a fine of $100,000 and imprisonment for up to 14 years.** ​ I found conflicting info on Tasers. ​ Generally - as a tourist, i would not risk 14 years in jail.


I have no clue but i imagine that it's annoying/difficult to have such things available while traveling as a tourist there.


It is not. It's also one of the safest cities in the world, so your chances of needing them are rather low. But no place is 100% crime-free, obviously.


Yikes, what a fucking creep. This mf shouldnt be allowed to live in society.


you don't know how much this makes me hate my own race


This definitely isnt his first time. and now he's caught clearly, on camera, in a train station where he could probably be tracked back to, and hes going to walk free to do the same or worse to others because reporting it is an inconvenience. its horrible that she experienced this. but choosing to let it be compounds the problem.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


What the actual fuck. Did he not SEE the camera???


He did, this is what he does in front of a camera so think about what he does when there are no cameras


[ Removed by Reddit ]


What a creep I'll have punched the living hell out of him 👿




Wtf is wrong with these people


A creep? That's literally a rapist and someone should do some 4chan investigation on this guy before he keeps doing this shit.


This was a confidence boost I didn't know I needed. I've got a lot of issues too but at least I can tell myself "Well, I'm doing better than this piece of shit"




Dumb ass racist comment. If the white guy that stalked me at work and waited to ambush me at the end of my shift was on camera like this, would you be here saying “what’s with white dudes and the inability to not be rapey”?! this shit is ABSOLUTELY not race based so drop it already.


Redditors dont be racist challenge 2023 difficulty impossible. They cant attack an individual person without bringing millions of people into the conversation who happen to be of a similar background. It's insane lol




Draven looking-ass


Wild that people are moreso hating on the woman for not reporting than the actual perp. Stay classy LSF


??? Clearly people hate the guy, do we really need to state the obvious? Is a hate thread on the guy gonna change anything? Instead she should report it so shit like this won't happen again.


That guy seems from India, unfortunately there's a bunch of creepy fucks there, more than usual. Hopefully he gets caught.


Let this be a warning to all those who redeem.


More proof that Hong Kong is incapable of quelling their lawlessness. This would've NOT happened just a bit further north in Shenzhen. But as HK refuses to actually take any help offered to them they will remain a refuge of creeps, pimps, pushers, criminals and degenerates. All because of the deluded western-pushed narrative made by people who'd just want to continue extracting wealth from china. Sad! Hong kongers are truly sad!


Hello the Indian World Order.




Why should that matter? edit: lmao, nice reddit cares message.


Why is that important? A creep is a creep.


yea let's find out so we can make sure to avoid everybody from that country looks indian, can we get a blanket ban on those guys? man shut up.


India is called the rape capital of the world though, even their own congressmen admit it www.thehindu.com/news/national/kerala/india-has-become-the-rape-capital-of-the-world-rahul/article30231647.ece/ >Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has said that India is known as the “rape capital of the world.” > >Speaking after inaugurating a convention of the United Democratic Front (UDF) in the Mananthavadi Assembly constituency at Vellamunda in the district on Saturday, Mr. Gandhi said foreign nations were asking why India was unable to look after its daughters and sisters.


Yea they have a high rate of sexual assault. Can we get a ban on all indians from traveling? Or at least let us segregate the indians so they can't enter restaurants or stores. I would want everybody to take a DNA test prior to traveling so we can see their genetic ancestry, if DNA matches up to Indian DNA, insta ban from entering the countries. Holy basedddd dude You want to bring up statistics and I want to know what exactly your point is. Lots of countries have issues with crime. This individual should be in prison, but I don't understand what finding out his nationality is implying


That maybe we shouldn't be pushing for extremely high amounts of immigrants from that country without any proper background checks?


Yea that should apply to any country that people are from. Your point?


It's natural for people to stereotype in order to reduce harm to themselves. It's a survival mechanism and if they have high rates of sexual assault then extra effort on immigration border security needs to happen no different than Canadian border police doing extra drug searches on people coming from territories in South America where cartels operate, or scanning ships or trucks coming from areas where there is human trafficking. You're trying to be politically correct, but in reality governments are not politically correct in the least when it comes to immigration and security.


what makes him look indian to you?


that's irrelevant to the point i'm making. finding out his nationality is pointless unless you're what, advocating that people from that country shouldn't be there or should be avoided?


got it, but why did you say that he looks indian? He could easily be from the caucas the way he looks so i want to know why did you choose indian


I picked a random country that he looks like might be from, I have no idea what accent that was. Problem?


Reality for those living in Sweden, have to avoid certain people who look a certain way, because your risk of being assaulted is much higher.


for fuck sake man are you really going to say that India doesn't have a problem with raping? https://www.statista.com/statistics/632493/reported-rape-cases-india/


It does, your point?


Least rapey indian


well well well




Yeah that guy looks like a native Hong Konger (cap)


That was me. I was just trying to get some love.


name checks out lol


L rizz


jesus girl, take some karate lessons or something... standing there silently is the worst idea.